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September 28th, 2018, 17:41
I arrived in Sunee at 8:30 and entered the Goodboys soi. I had a quick look at the guys but couldn't see anyone I recognised, so continued on. I was definitely planning to go there but thought I'd wait until a few more guys had arrived.

As I approached the Sky bar I heard my name being called. Who should walk out of the bar but my old ladyboy friend Ton -ex-Eros, ex-All of Me 1, ex-All of Me 2 and ex-God knows how many other establishments in Sunee. He's been selling his arse there for years.

He rushed out and hugged me. We started talking about the guys who have since disappeared from the bars. I was stunned to hear that one guy -a good friend of his -I had spent a lot of time with was gay. All these years I had no idea.

I asked him what he knew about the guys at Goodboys. As expected, he knew everything! I asked him which guy had a big cock and he immediately pointed to a slim, handsome guy.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I know. Sure! He big cock!"

Ton has never been wrong in the past, so I took his suggestion and approached the guy. Wow! Very attractive indeed!

We went inside and sat behind the screen. I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out as he seemed a little shy; so much so that I hesitated asking him of I could chuck-wow him.

But it was no good just sitting there, as conversation was difficult due to the language barrier. So I popped the question. He went and got his phone, sat down again and pulled down his pants, revealing a very impressive appendage. An Issan boy, for sure!

I had a bit of trouble chuck-wowing him at first, as he had a very tight foreskin and it was a little painful. So he took matters into his own hands and showed me how to do it.

I kept going, waiting for the grand finale.

"I cum already."

"Really? You cum? Where?"

I never saw a cumshot. But he did actually finish, but he could only produce one of two drops.

The young guys these days have porn at their fingertips so God only knows how many times a day some of them cum. This guy must have been at it all day.

He's a really lovely guy and I would certainly like to see him again. But the best time to catch him would probably be just after he has woken up in the morning! By the time I get to him, he is well and truly spent.

I then went to Niceboys.

I immediately looked for number 5, supposedly the biggest cock in the bar. It didn't take long to spot him, as he was flopping it out and waving it around. My God, it's huge!

He smiled and signalled that he wanted to come over. I was just planning on a quick feel but he immediately asked for a chuck-wow. He grabbed his phone and if we went.

It took ages for him to get hard but with the help of porn he managed to get reasonably hard.

His cumshot was magnificent! It's been a while since I saw such power. So the big cummers are still out there; you just have to find them.

After we had finished he went to clean up then came back. I bought him a drink and we sat for a while. He is also a really nice, friendly guy. He was watching Japanese porn and told me he wanted to fuck a pretty Japanese girl like the one in the video. I had to break the bad news to him - if they saw his cock they'd run a mile. They will not hesitate to refuse a guy they think is too big.

I don't think he's the biggest in the bar. Number 30 pips him at the post, at least in length. He came over and shoved it in my face, asking for a chuck-wow, but my arm was not up to it.

I got back to the hotel to meet my friend. Sporting a new short hair style and dressed in black, he looked stunning.

As usual, his performance was outstanding and he produced the second huge cumshot of the night.

It had me wondering. Why on earth did I go to Chiang Mai??

September 29th, 2018, 11:02
Are we seeing another convert to the Pattaya Sex Express? It seems that your trips to Pattaya are reaping the sort of fun and good times that many of us here have been writing about for years. Keep it quiet though, we don't want the self proclaimed intelligentsia and grammar obergruppenfuhrer turning up and spoiling it for everyone.

September 29th, 2018, 13:25
and grammar obergruppenfuhrer turning up and spoiling it for everyone.

AKA the Spelling Nazis

September 29th, 2018, 14:24
More like dyslexic Neo Nazis...

September 29th, 2018, 17:20
Yet again Arsenal seems to have dragged the topic wildly off course with the very first response to a447's very informative topic about Sunee Plaza, cock size and volume of ejaculate.

Where's Francois when you need him?

September 29th, 2018, 17:37
It's about Pattaya so it's relevance to you is zero. Do I really need to quote MFAS again?

September 29th, 2018, 17:39
Anyway, having dealt with Scottish Guy I have a question a447. Has 360 Degree Bar re-opened yet?

September 29th, 2018, 18:59
Cannot speak for a447, but new 360 Bar now called Big Boys is not yet opened.

September 29th, 2018, 19:20
Thanks Francis.

Nirish guy
September 29th, 2018, 19:59
I don't think he's the biggest in the bar. Number 30 pips him at the post, at least in length.

Maybe I\m mistaken but was it not a "thing" in the bars ( or at least go go bars anyway) that the guy/s with the biggest cocks had the lowest numbers i.e number 1 was huge and the rest of the numbers and cock sizes followed thereafter ??

I know Neal used to run Happy Place using a similar system, however I could never work out what happened when boys left / went home as I'm sure the boys all wanted to keep their own long term numbers I'm sure so that their own customers could find them again on return visits ?

I know Neal used to love boasting about how when a new guy started he had to see his cock first off in order to appoint a suitable number ( or at least that was the excuse) - what he didn't tell us all of course was when he decide to get one of his troupe back for an afternoon session when they were dropping off takings etc he had to pay them their fee just like everyone else - and usually MORE than us as one of the reasons he might have picked them in the first place was if they'd had no customers in a while so he was helping them out.

Meanwhile as they were also robbing him blind behind his back in the bar of course too that I'm sure made it one very expensive fisting session ! So yeah, I guess that definitely backs up the whole "farang obviously run go go bars for the boys charity needs and for their own fun" but certainly not as sound business idea perhaps !

September 29th, 2018, 20:39
Ak47 said #30 @ Nice Boys is the most endowed but after close inspection you are wrong it is #5 as I was there last night, while I there I saw that hideous old fat bald falang that after witnessing his privates being played with by 2 equally hideous boys at I've not returned to Eros since that horriffic specticle however, while he was sitting with another falang he refrained from exposing his genitals again.....thanks to his friend, I guess there is a God!

September 29th, 2018, 20:52
MFAS wrote.
"I saw that hideous old fat bald falang"

I didn't know ..................... was in Pattaya. Insert name of member you dislike.

September 29th, 2018, 21:21
I believe he lives in Pattaya and will always be known to me as "old bald fat hideous falang" not to be mistaken for Davy Crockett.

September 29th, 2018, 23:57
The other thing that's not a sound business idea is being outside the bar while you're being robbed blind inside - and that applies to any country, but I'd guess more so when you staff are all basically hustlers.

Hard to believe the brazen scams some bar staff run - from petty fiddling to actually bringing in their own booze and selling it instead of yours. In one case I know of (a very large and busy Glasgow gay bar) they took the scam even further - they brought in their own *cash register*, for appearances sake - and ran almost all the bottled beer sales (their own stock, of course) through it!

September 30th, 2018, 02:58
I love seeing hideous fat old farangs being serviced by fit cute hunky mbs...especially in public...like good boys or on the beach..

September 30th, 2018, 05:23
I love seeing hideous fat old farangs being serviced by fit cute hunky mbs...especially in public...like good boys or on the beach..

I suggest when in a gogo try to sit somewhere where you can see your reflection.

September 30th, 2018, 05:28
I suggest when in a gogo try to sit somewhere where you can see your reflection.Much more fun sitting somewhere you can see some else’s reflection when they think they are unobserved

September 30th, 2018, 10:57
i like u frequent...

October 1st, 2018, 14:10
Last holiday I offered to buy my friend some new shoes to go with the outfit I had bought for him. He declined, telling me I had already spent too much money on him. I promised I would buy them for him on my next visit.

Two days ago we went looking in Central Festival after dinner. Like me, he's very fussy - he knows exactly what he wants - and we spent a lot of time going from shop to shop.

At the end of it all, he found three pairs he liked but none was exactly what he wanted. I told him to keep them in mind and that the next day we could go to Royal Garden, as there is one very nice shoe store there.

So yesterday afternoon after coffee, off we went. Unfortunately, that store has now closed, but he saw one pair in another shop which he liked. It was a Thai brand I'd never heard of.

"Ok. Now we have 4 pairs you can choose from. But there's no need to rush; we can look a bit more."

The only place we hadn't visited was the shoe section in the department store. He soon found a pair which I knew he really wanted. His eyes lit up. They were perfect.

"Ok. Let's buy these," I said.

He looked at the price and hesitated.

"Mmm...I think shoes in Royal Garden ok."

"Which ones do you really want?"

After some hesitation he said "I like these ones."

So I bought them.

Some Thai guys have a reputation for being money-grabbing, greedy buggers whose main aim is to extract as much as possible from the "rich" farang. This guy is living proof that such a reputation is definitely not always true. What makes his attitude more remarkable is the fact that he was brought up in abject poverty in a dysfunctional family. You'd think that could be a recipe for greed later in life.

His parents eked out a living growing rice. They lived in a hut with a thatched roof that leaked when it rained. His father was a soldier and was severely injured in a bomb blast. He spent months in hospital and unfortunately, became addicted to the medicine he was being prescribed.

After recovering, he no longer had access to the medicine so turned to methamphetamines. The result was catastrophic for the family as he became very violent and was unable to work. So the mother became the only breadwinner for her family of four children. The father died when my friend was nine years old.

He did not have a childhood; while his friends were out enjoying themselves he had to stay home and look after his siblings. There was no money for school - he only completed the first 3 years before having to go out an earn some money.

He was only nine when his father passed away. He found a job collecting tree bark up in the mountains. They worked him hard and paid him a pittance. So when he turned fifteen he left that job and started work at a cement factory. He had to carry 50 kg bags on his back. He's only a small guy and so found the work very demanding.

His next job was washing cars for 11 hours a day, again for very little money. He was exhausted.

His friend introduced him to a restaurant owner, who offered him a job washing dishes. He had to work thirteen hour shifts, often getting home in the early hours of the morning. He would then have to take care of his siblings.

When a friend told him about the money he was making in a gay gogo bar in Pattaya he decided he would give it a try.

He started at Happy Boys but was horrified when he saw the little "skirt" he was required to wear. And when a customer grabbed his cock he quickly knew this was not the job for him and decided to go back home. But his friend persuaded him to persevere - if you want to make really good money you have to try. So he stayed and eventually got used to it.

Now he works in a resort hotel and only comes to Pattaya when I'm in town. He'll go back after I leave.

When we got back to the hotel he looked up the Thai word for "generous." I explained to him that I didn't think I was being generous at all. If he weren't here I'd spend more than the cost of the shoes every single night in Pattaya, visiting bar after bar, tipping boy after boy, drinking Coke after Coke. Spending my holiday with him actually saves me money. Lots of money. All I am doing is spending some of that money on him instead.

I think he understood where I was coming from. But I'll happily accept the brownie points!

He has learnt well from the nightmare that he experienced growing up. He has become strong, independent and determined. He knows that there are no free meals in life - you have to work to get ahead. You cant just sit back and expect hand-outs.

Apart from a short period when he was swimming in the money he earned working at Kaos and blew it all partying with his friends and picking up the tab every night, he now saves every baht, much of which he sends home to mama each month. He hasn't gone out partying in all the years I've known him. Not being a drinker no doubt helps. He's been able to build mama a small house and buy himself a car.

I once joked that I thought I was in love with him. But it's not love I feel - it's total admiration and respect.

To my mind he's one in a million.

October 1st, 2018, 14:35
Great story a447 and such guys are a rare find. Their way of thinking is quite different to ours. I've been asked quite a few times for money (rent is always due on the first of the month) and occasionally I've said " I can give you money now but I'm too busy for sex (that's a lie but never mind); you can have sex with me another time and I won't pay you". I've never had a problem with a western guy grasping that concept but in my experience it's totally beyond Thai guys. Both sides of the transaction need to be contemporaneous otherwise ...

October 1st, 2018, 14:49

Thanks for your wonderful story in #19 above.

Some of your stories seem to be pornographic fantasies! Please write more entries like #19 above.

October 1st, 2018, 16:20
" ... some of your stories seem to be pornographic fantasies! ... "
Hmmmm ... not quite sure whether our beloved Board sex maniac (and Moderator) would appreciate that. He has been known to relegate such outrageous insinuations to the Board back burner, ... AKA The Holding Room. Yes the same rat-filled place as in '1984'.

Try and be a little less impeachment-minded OK.

October 1st, 2018, 17:20
He has been known to relegate such outrageous insinuations to the Board back burner, ... AKA The Holding Room.

Really? That's news to me.

I hope you do my the courtesy of naming the threads involved. If not, i think you owe me an apology.

October 1st, 2018, 17:36
Really? That's news to me.

I hope you do my the courtesy of naming the threads involved. If not, i think you owe me an apology.

Now now Smiles, I think you may be Basil https://youtu.be/0TO5vbXVtDU

October 2nd, 2018, 08:11
I think you owe me an apology.

I'm sorry.

October 2nd, 2018, 08:16
I'm sorry.


October 2nd, 2018, 09:31
Don't we have any smaller font?

October 2nd, 2018, 09:38
Don't we have any smaller font?Just FYI: No. size 1 is the smallest. This intrigued me, so I tried with .50 but no cigar.

im sorry

October 2nd, 2018, 09:55
Don't we have any smaller font?Size queen?

October 2nd, 2018, 14:30
Yesterday afternoon we were laying in bed and the conversation turned to dinner, as it always did after we've had our fun. We both like prawns so he A I'll call him Nom - suggested we go to a seafood barbecue buffet restaurant called "Ninja."

It was sensational. I ended up having one of the best meals ever in Thailand.

The selection of seafood is huge - meat, vegetables, salad, fruit are also included in the 400 baht price.

But we went straight for the prawns.

Whenever I take a guy out for dinner I am always surprised by the amount they can eat. We loaded up our plates just with prawns - all a very decent size - and cooked them ourselves on the barbeque. I took about 10, he took around twice as many. We shared them.

After we'd finished those, it was back for more. Again, I took 10 but he took 24! OMG! When we had eaten our fill there were still 4 of his left on the plate but we somehow get through them.

So all in all I'm guessing we ate close to 60 prawns between us. I've never eaten so many in one sitting and by the time I'd finished I knew prawns will now be off the menu for quite a while. And I'll have to get my cholesterol down.

At 400 baht, it was the bargain of the century. And Nom was in heaven, as prawns are a bit too expensive for him.

We'll be going back again before I leave, but this time we'll mix it up a bit. They had whole fish on offer but we were too full to try them.

Forget the rip-off seafood places on Walking Street. There's no comparison.

Over dinner we were talking about his brother, Beer. If two people were ever cut from a different cloth it is these guys.

Beer is his younger brother. He couldn't find work back home so Nom suggested he try his luck with him in Pattaya. He joined him in Eros.

When I first met Beer he reminded me so much of Nom, who had raised him single-handedly when he himself was still only a child; he was quiet, reserved, very polite and a little shy. He didn't speak a single word of English.

One night the three of us were sitting in Eros when Beer asked me to chuck-wow him. What? Here, in front of your brother? I was a bit hesitant, as I felt it may be disrespecting Nom.

"Can do. No problem. He want chuck-wow from you. Sure!"

So Nom sat and watched as I chuck-wowed his own younger brother. It was all a bit surreal and I felt quite uncomfortable, so I left him do it himself and lent him a helping hand every now and then.

But I needn't have worried. After Beer came, both brothers sat there joking about the amount of cum he'd produced and his unusual chuck-wow style.

When I was growing up in Japan it was common amongst my friends to jack-off in front of they brothers, as they shared a room. It was more convenient to sacrifice privacy for the sake of convenience - no need to get up and go to the toilet to do it.

I don't have a brother but one thing is for certain - if I shared a room I'd be doing it in the toilet, not in his presence.

In a traditional Japanese house you can hear absolutely everything that goes on. If your friend is having a wank, you know. And he knows you know. If any fucking takes place the whole house shakes. Couples have to wait until their children to go sleep and then do it was quietly as they can.

This explains the huge number of love hotels in Japan. They are mostly used by couples who want privacy and can let their hair down. Fucking in Japan is a very noisy activity!

I knew they once shared a room near when they started working together at Eros and later when they moved to a bar in Jomtien Complex, so I was interested in how they got on.

"What did you do? Did you chuck-wow in front of each other?

"No, never! He my brother. Can not!"

But....but...what about that time in the bar?"

"Not same. Bar is work."

The line had been drawn.

It also explains an incident that happened in a restaurant a couple of years ago. I went over to pay the bill and he walked outside. When I came out I could see he was visibly upset and very angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked, thinking maybe I was at fault.

He was unable to hide his feelings behind his smile. Something had happened, but he didn't want to tell me.

Finally he explained that as he was leaving, a farang who had been sitting next to us had rushed up and grabbed his butt.

"He touch me here! I not baby! Here not bar!"

In Australia the guy would have been charged with sexual assault. To make matters worse, it happened in public, front of other customers. He felt humiliated.

Sorry, I digress. Back to Beer.

At first everything was going well between the brothers but then Beer suddenly started making money and soon discovered alcohol, girls and nightclubs. They, not work, became his sole focus.

Him spoke to him about the importance of a sound work ethic and the necessity to distaste work from play. He knew, as he was speaking from experience. But Be refused to listen.

Nom said he skips work whenever he's got a bit of money from the customers and sirens the whole night partying, often arriving home at noon. He also sometimes starts drinking in the early afternoon and turns up for work drunk.

Non had also told him time and time again that when a customer calls you over to sit with him, you can't pull out your phone and play games. Sitting with a customer is work. To his credit, Beer took one piece of advice from Nom - start learning English. He exclaimed to him that customers are paying money and don't want to sit in silence with their chosen companion.

When I last saw Beer I was amazed at his progress - we could actually carry on a simple conversation.

An American customer was smitten by Beer - he's really very cute - and offed him every night. He asked Beer if he had a motorbike and when he said no, he took him out the next day and bought him a brand new 80,000 baht Honda.

But when the farang came back a few months later, Beer decided he'd rather party with his friends and refused to meet him!

Nom was appalled and that incident has affected their relationship. Although he still soaks fondly of him, he tells me he is ashamed of his brother.

When Beer runs out of money he knows better than to ask Nom for a hand -out.

"I give him nothing. He cannot pay room? Ok, he sleep with his friend. His problem, not mine."

But I know that when Beer is down to his last satang, Nom buys him food. But that's all.

"I tell him, you want money, you come to bar and work. But he don't listen. He crazy!"

Nom told me that Beer rides his motorbike when he's so drunk he can hardly stand up. He tries to avoid the police by going down the back streets, but last year he was caught and spent some time in prison. He was on the phone every day begging his brother to bail him out.

"So, what did you do? I asked, fearing I already knew the answer.

A long silence ensured.

"I pay. Now I feel shame."

Tears welled up in his eyes. He obviously loves his brother deeply but now he is sick with worry. He goes to bed every night wondering if Beer managed to get home safely.

"I very sad for him. Why he don't listen? Why he do this to me?"

Why, indeed.

We can never know what's going on behind that beautiful Thai smile.

October 2nd, 2018, 14:39
I'm sorry.

Unfortunately, that says more about you as a person than it can ever say about me.


October 2nd, 2018, 14:45
Unfortunately, that says more about you as a person than it can ever say about me.I think we all know quite enough about you :D

October 2nd, 2018, 14:52
If only he had used a bigger font...

October 2nd, 2018, 15:05
Why, indeed.

We can never know what's going on behind that beautiful Thai smile.

What is he thinking, that is easy he can't believe that he has an old falang dumber than a water buffalo!

October 2nd, 2018, 16:18
stop being so mean...even a447 has feelings...those MBs really truly love him...they really truly want to spend time naked with him...

October 2nd, 2018, 18:01
What is he thinking, that is easy he can't believe that he has an old falang dumber than a water buffalo!

I've been to Thailand many times over the years and have dealt with hundreds of guys.

I go into a long-term "relationship" with my eyes wide open. And I've only had three over all these years.

How do you explain the fact that he so often refuses an offer to buy him things - good things, not cheap crap?

There are so many things he could have had, but he doesn't. He's more than happy with the tip he gets from me. He even turned down the offer of a new phone last holiday! How many guys do you know who would refuse such an offer? And he still has his old iPhone 6.

"This one works ok. Don't need new one."

In all these years I have only met three long-term guys who have never asked for something. Never.

This guy is one of them.

He knows I'll buy him just about anything he asks for, but he doesn't ask. He is also aware that I could stop coming to Thailand at any time or I could even find a new guy. So why doesn't he take the open opportunity to grab everything while he can?

Maybe he's the water buffalo!

It's very sad that some put all Thai guys into the same basket and believe every single guy they meet in a bar is out to fleece them. With an attitude like that, no wonder some are so bitter and cynical. Perhaps you need to get out more and look for guys who are not like that.

A touch of envy from some here, perhaps?

October 2nd, 2018, 18:27
stop being so mean...even a447 has feelings...those MBs really truly love him...they really truly want to spend time naked with him...


October 2nd, 2018, 19:30
? And he still has his old iPhone 6.

"This one works ok. Don't need new one."

I love this guy. I have an IPhone 6 works perfectly well - don't lose him!

October 2nd, 2018, 23:23
Yep, he's unbelievable.

When I offer to buy him something he chooses by price, not what he really wants. He has always been like that.

I had lots of problems when we started going out to dinner. When I got the bill at the end of our first night out I was surprised at how cheap it was. That's when I realised he'd ordered the cheapest meal on the menu! It took quite a few visits to restaurants until he felt comfortable ordering what he really wants.

He eats like a horse, so in those early days he must have left the restaurant starving!

A few years ago I offered to buy him an ipad. I was speechless when he said he wanted to pay half! What the fuck is going on here? He must be joking.

But he wasn't. Of course, I didn't take half but I did take a small amount, as I think he wanted to take ownership of the purchase.

As for the phone, at first I was puzzled as to why he would refuse. The most common request from the guys is a new iPhone. Then I realised it probably has something to do with his childhood when he had to just do with whatever he had. There was no money to buy a new model; he was lucky to have anything at all.

October 3rd, 2018, 02:04
is he good where it counts...in bed??

October 3rd, 2018, 02:25
Yes, he's awesome, although it has taken time to get where we are now.

He's straight. For a long time he found it difficult to show any affection - only the odd peck on the cheek and an occasional hug. I now get a lot more hugs and he'll often put his arm around me. No kisses on the lips, but I'm not really after that.

He has also become more adventurous in bed, although unlike my guy in Bangkok he does not expect me to be a contortionist. But he is willing to try new things.

Last holiday his "samoking" technique improved out of sight after I gave him some lessons and he decided to overcome his reticence and just go for it. Now he's perfectly ok with it, although he told me not to mention it to his friends.

Being straight he was not a particularly accomplished "samoker" -I've had better, that's for sure - but I always gave him credit for doing something which, in my experience, many straight guys refuse outright to do.

Although he's rather shy, once we are in bed he's a real goer. He's a great top and can last a long time. That part hasn't changed. He seems even more enthusiastic than before.

He certainly enjoys the sex, but not because it happens to be with me - he could be having sex with anyone yet still love getting a blow job, love the fucking part and love the explosive orgasm.

"Sabai, sabai," as he says.

If only he'd bottom!

Although the sex is still very important, I've kind of moved on and it is no longer the main focus. I just love spending my holiday with him, chatting, always joking and fooling around, going out to dinner, chatting over coffee at Starbucks and going shopping.

I'm a bit of a shopaholic and can't think of anything worse than having a guy in tow. But as he never asks for anything we have a great time wandering around Central Festival after dinner.

October 3rd, 2018, 03:50
I go into a long-term "relationship" with my eyes wide open. These "relationships". Aren't they just regular fuck buddies whenever you happen to be in their part of Thailand? It's not as if you correspond with them while you're elsewhere, as far as I can infer from your posts

October 3rd, 2018, 08:29
a447 u must be mellowing out...u hire a MB and instead of pounding him u go shopping...what is this?? the Thai version of the birdcage?!

October 3rd, 2018, 10:37
a447 u must be mellowing out...u hire a MB and instead of pounding him u go shopping

A slight correction, after reading a miriad of Ak47's posts over the years he is the poundee not the pounder.

October 3rd, 2018, 12:35
a447 u must be mellowing out...u hire a MB and instead of pounding him u go shopping...what is this?? the Thai version of the birdcage?!


Isn't it Latin?

October 3rd, 2018, 13:53
No Latin, I haven't "mellowed" at all.

As I said, the sex is very important. We still have sex twice a day but it's now just a part of what we do.

Isn't that the same with you and your long-term partner? I'm sure you don't spend the whole time together just having sex.

My reputation precedes me, but if you read any of my trip reports over all these years, you'll notice that I only ever have sex twice a day, no more. For me, that's enough. So I have to find other things to do. And more importantly, I need a guy with whom I want to do these things. It's easy to find guys for sex but very difficult to find someone you want to spend the whole day with during a holiday.

I've been lucky enough to find someone, that's all.

In the early days of visiting Thailand I was top only. But I am only interested in masculine guys in their mid -twenties or older and finding a straight guy willing to bottom was difficult. The guys I topped back then were not really my type - they were often a little too "gay" for my tastes. Every now and then I'd meet a bit masculine guy who was willing to bottom but they weren't the type I wanted to spend my holiday with and so never became regulars.

Becoming a bottom was not an easy decision but I eventually took the plunge so that others could. And sex-wise it's been the best decision I think I've ever made.

I'm certainly not suggesting that everyone goes out and learns how to put their ankles behind their ears; all I know it's that it has worked for me. To be honest, at first there was a certain stigma attached to bottoming, but that has now completely disappeared.

Last holiday Nom was still working in a bar in Jomtien Complex with his brother, but he told me he was trying out a job at a resort hotel. If things worked out, he would leave the scene in Pattaya and take the job on full-time. And that's what he has done.

When I'm back home we still communicate using Line. When he was still working here he'd tell me about the farang he'd met and how many offs he'd managed to score during the week. But customers were few and far between and he was struggling. My suggestion that he go back to Eros or Nice Boys was rejected outright.

He is obviously still a money boy, albeit now part-time - the fact that he comes to Pattaya to meet me proves that. But when he's with me he is not being paid his hotel wage. If you subtract that from the tips he gets from me each day, he is still ahead but not by as much as you'd think. That's one of the reasons I offer to buy him things.

Nirish guy
October 3rd, 2018, 17:09
My reputation precedes me

it SO does !! :-)

October 4th, 2018, 23:11
Last night I had to drop into Family Mart, next to Toyboys and opposite a massage place to get condoms.

Nom hesitated and then said it would be better if he waited outside.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"If you buy condom everyone know we fucking ."

Oh,....I'd never thought of that.

And given the size of the condom they'd no doubt assume I was the fucker, not the fuckee!

On a previous holiday with Nom the young guy at Family Mart checked the size of the condoms.

"Oh, you so big!"

"Not really, only medium."

He made my night!

As I came out I saw not only my old friend ex-Happy Place, Yut, but also a regular who I used to have massages with at the old Narcissus.

Yut approached me with a big smile. He knew I was with Nom and there was no chance of a massage.

"Oh, today I no have customer. Tomorrow must pay rent."

Silence from me.

"I hungry now. Can buy food for me?"

That I can do, so I have him 100 baht.

The other guy saw me give Yut the money so I went over and asked if he was hungry. You'd expect him to say yes and collect 100 baht, but instead, he told me he had just eaten.

What a sweetie!

So I have him the money anyway.

"Maybe you get hungry later."

I told him about the rumour going around that the Chinese had bought the Ambiance Hotel, Boyzboyzboyz and, possibly Copa. He already knew and was far from happy.

"They don't like small boy like me with dark skin. Only farang like me."

Copa's refurbishment is coming along nicely. The last two days they have been testing out a huge screen inside, showing YouTube videos. It looks fantastic. Just like you see in the clubs in China.

During my last holiday a few months ago the Ambiance was renovating all the penthouses on the fifth floor. They are still at it. They are also renovating the third floor and, unfortunately, the room right next door to mine.

At first everything was ok, with just a little bit of noise - just some drilling, starting at noon. But today it started at 11:30 and the vibration from the drill next door almost had me falling out of bed.

I went downstairs and sat on the verandah and got talking to Swiss guy. He was sitting there with his suitcases. I thought he was leaving but no, he was checking out of the Ambiance and moving across to Copa.

I'm always aware that you only get what you pay for, so when I saw that Agoda was offering a 5O% discount, it should have rang alarm bells. But being the last available room I quickly booked it without thinking.

The Swiss guy was sitting with his Thai boyfriend - they've been together 13 years. He travels the world with his job and takes the guy everywhere. They stay in 5-star accommodation, all paid for by his company. Next week they are off to Malaysia and then Japan. After that he is taking his guy on a holiday to Vietnam - Halong Bay. He has also built mama and papa the obligatory Western-style house in the village.

You'd think the guy would be somewhat grateful. But instead, he sits there every day, totally ignoring his partner and just looking miserable.

As we went back to the room 2 farang were asking the receptionist to check the ID photo of a girl they had brought back to the room last night. Apparently, the girl stole around 30,000 baht from the room. I was shocked at the complete disinterest shown by the receptionist. He told the guys the hotel didn't have any information on the girl, despite the fact the night receptionist had taken a copy of her ID card. He couldn't be bothered looking for it.

Tonight I asked Nom where he wanted to go for dinner.

Please God! It's our last night together. Don't let him say Sizzler!

"Sizzler ok?"

There is no God.

Really?? Out of all the restaurants we could choose from? Sizzler? Fucking Sizzler??

Now, I'm no gourmet, that's for sure, but I hate Sizzler with a passion! The food is plastic and the salads are full of sugar. Even the jacket potatoes are sweet. There is nothing I can eat there and enjoy. But he likes their steak.

"I know you want to eat steak. Let's go to Benihana. It's a Japanese steak restaurant. I think there's one in Royal Garden."

"Oh, I think expensive."

Well, maybe it is if you compare it to Sizzler. But as a special treat, why not?

"Mmmm..I think Sizzler ok. Not so expensive."

"Ok," I said with a smile. "We can go to Sizzler."


So, that was Pattaya. Not only was it one of the best holidays I've ever had here, I can't believe how much money I have left over. I only went to the bars on my first night and after that just hung around with Nom.

Compared to what I regularly spend in Bangkok, Pattaya can be a bargain if you find the right guy.

October 5th, 2018, 01:42
Compared to what I regularly spend in Bangkok, Pattaya can be a bargain if you find the right guy.

I would prefer to say "Compared to what I regularly spend in Bangkok, Pattaya can be EXPENSIVE if you find the right guy"!

October 5th, 2018, 01:52
Nom and I would get along great. I love Sizzlers! Go there every other day

Love the buttered bread.

October 5th, 2018, 01:56
gerefan...u really shouldnt skip the meds...need to be taken every day at the same time...

October 5th, 2018, 04:34
Last night I had to drop into Family Mart, next to Toyboys and opposite a massage place to get condoms. Nom hesitated and then said it would be better if he waited outside. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"If you buy condom everyone know we fucking ." Oh,....I'd never thought of that.Surely you still don’t believe Thailand is a “gay paradise” where nobody cares and everyone approves?

October 5th, 2018, 07:50
frequent...we really dont need to do it in the streets and scare the horses...as the saying goes...or would u rather have a Jamaica scenario where pillow biting shirt lifting queer poofters queers are hunted down and murdered in the streets in public...and the populance approves and applauds..???
The magic of Thailand is that everyone...especially the wizzened old grandma sitting in the corner ...knows what u r doing with her great grand son...but face isn important and as long as u r only good friends then all is fine....she knows that his arse hole has been so well used that its needs emergency rebore and relining ....after all thats how her husband made his " fortune" as a " waiter"....but we dont talk about it...pretense is what counts....get with the program...

October 5th, 2018, 11:02
Surely you still don’t believe Thailand is a “gay paradise” where nobody cares and everyone approves?

I never believed that.

October 5th, 2018, 11:28
Thailand is most definitely a gay paradise in any realistic meaning of the word.

October 5th, 2018, 13:24
This morning I had a quick chat to the guy who had 30,000 band stolen. Of course, he hasn't got it back.

He went to the police but says "it's a fucking mess." The money has probably gone forever.

He is still devastated.

A minor correction to my report : the big screen they have been testing out is in Le Cafe Royal, not Copa.

October 5th, 2018, 13:43
This morning I had a quick chat to the guy who had 30,000 band stolen. Of course, he hasn't got it back. He went to the police but says "it's a fucking mess." The money has probably gone forever. He is still devastated.One of my favourite episodes happened many years ago when I accompanied a friend to the Tourist Police HQ in Bangkok to report a stolen phone. He didn't expect any action; he just wanted an official report to claim on his travel insurance

While we were there a Belgian turned up to report that he had taken two girls back to his hotel the previous night; one had stayed the night but in the morning he discovered USD 3,000 missing which he assumed the girl who had left early had taken. The police made great sport of this. When we left he was repeating his story to the fourth set of police; the three earlier sets had each said "I'll get you to tell your story to our colleagues" or words to that effect. They were especially interested that there were two girls

October 5th, 2018, 14:09
How do they lose these large amounts of money?

Don't they have a safe ?
Are they just careless?

October 5th, 2018, 15:16
How do they lose these large amounts of money?

Don't they have a safe ?
Are they just careless?

"It won't happen to me"

October 5th, 2018, 16:10
Last night I had to drop into Family Mart, next to Toyboys and opposite a massage place to get condoms.

Nom hesitated and then said it would be better if he waited outside.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"If you buy condom everyone know we fucking ."

And given the size of the condom they'd no doubt assume I was the fucker, not the fuckee!

Thank you for your trip reports, very detailed!

Just to make it clear, you are a bottom, and like MFAS pointed out earlier, after reading a miriad of posts over the years you are the poundee not the pounder.

Obviously your date, the guy doing the pounding wears a condom, but you, the poundee, wear a condom at the same time, too?
Do you put a condom on for some kind of extra protection? Double protection, maybe, even tho you are not penetrating anything, other than matrass, or maybe a pillow, you have a condom on. Interesting!

I think what you are doing is very smart, better having extra protection, rather than regret later.
Looking forward to more trip reports!

October 5th, 2018, 16:30
I think you have misunderstood my post.

The point I was making about the condoms is, that the cashier probably presumed I was the top, as they were large ones. Many Asians associate farang with overly large cocks.

So no, I don't wear a condom as a bottom.

In Thailand I am usually a bottom as it's far easier to find a masculine top than a bottom.

At home I tend to be more top.

I may post a trip report from Japan - I'm spending Christmas and New Year in Tokyo. If I go alone I can have a good time but if my friend decides to come with me I won't be getting any action, as he's straight.

October 5th, 2018, 17:28

But if you think about it, it may be a good practice to wear condom, even while being bottom. Extra protection doesn't hurt, and as they say, you can never be too safe!
So, something to consider.

Looking forward to Japan reports, from online porn I gather Japanese are kinky as hell, and that's a wonderful thing.

Also, apparently Bukkake originates from Japan, I have see videos where group of 30 or more men are patiently waiting line, in order to deposit their loads into just one hungry mouth, the guy even even has a special bucket for occasional over flow mishaps. Certainly something to try, while visiting Japan!

October 5th, 2018, 17:40
People always say that Japanese are "kinky" but I disagree.

As for bukkake you have to know where the parties are held; difficult if you don't speak Japanese. It's been a while since I've been to one and don't have any up-to-date information.

You might be able to join one if you go to a sauna.

Given the diseases that are around today I tend to treat cum as toxic waste. I would be very careful.

October 5th, 2018, 18:19
... I tend to treat cum as toxic waste.Sounds like Brad’s characterisation of a previous Moderator’s actions as “carcinogenic”

October 5th, 2018, 18:56
If anyone is interested they should read the piece about Tokyo by Fountainhall over on Gaybutton. Fountainhall left this board because of frequent. Take a look at what we lost and what we got to keep. Lucky us.

October 5th, 2018, 20:07
If anyone is interested they should read the piece about Tokyo by Fountainhall over on Gaybutton. Fountainhall left this board because of frequent. Take a look at what we lost and what we got to keep. Lucky us.

Fountainhall certainly is a fountain of knowledge, but if he left SGT, that's his loss.

SGT is the best adult board, other Thailand gay boards are like newbie boards, "how can find a bus to Pattaya", and "what is the best gogo bar in Bangkok', noob questions, and people pretending to be polite, in a word - boring as fuck. SGT is adult board, where people talk like actual adults, not pretending to be kindergardeners, not trying be what they're not. Nothig worse than fake politeness.

As for Frequent vs Fountaihall, my vote goes to Frequent, any time! This man is well mannered, respectful towards others, cordial, intelligent, erudite with great insight. Posters like Frequent are a gift to any boatd, and we are lucky to have him!

October 5th, 2018, 20:15
I like Fountainhall but he can be a bit of a prissy queen and that just doesn't fit in with SGT.

If I want to read a we-written travelogue whilst enjoying a pot of second-flush Darjeeling and a sponge finger, I'll head to GT.

If I want to crack a smile, I'll come here.

October 5th, 2018, 20:18
As for bukkake you have to know where the parties are held; difficult if you don't speak Japanese. It's been a while since I've been to one and don't have any up-to-date information.

You might be able to join one if you go to saunas

It may be possible to enjoy lovely bukkake experience even in Pattaya.
Wasn't it about a year ago, when one of the posters here announced dates, when he invited people to come and watch a bukkake at Good Boys. Obviously he was in the starring role, and judging by reports posted after the event, it was everything he expected. I may be wrong, but didn't ChristianPFC mention that he was an audience member?

a447, would you consider doing something similar, perhaps in Good Boys as well? If you do, please announce the date maybe 1 week in advance, so people who are interested have time to adjust travel dates.
I would star in the Good Boys bukkake in a heartbeat, unfortunately I am too shy.

October 5th, 2018, 20:31
It would doubtless be interesting to see (say) 20 young lads ejaculating but how could one sit in the audience and effectively watch them doing so, yet at the same time avert one's eyes from the farang "recipient" ?

I'm thinking Opera glasses?

October 5th, 2018, 20:37
I think Blinkers...and they would suit some of the old horses I see trotting around Sunee.

Old git
October 5th, 2018, 20:50
Some all too recurrent themes here..

'Took ages to get hard'

'Could only produce one or two drops of cum'

and then: "I tend to treat cum as toxic waste"

If a guy is very busy as a bottom, then I'd forgive the first two issues and agree in general on the third.

If a guy is straight or a straight top, and looks pretty fit, then I'll usually take a chance on his cum - not least because I do get a buzz out of sucking a guy to completion, and hate having a condom in my mouth. I've never scored any 'issues' as a result.

I don't actively seek out the largest cocks around - I set a lot more store by a really good hard-on than by a large dick - it's quite nice to be able to suck a guy balls deep without gagging. I also like foreskins that fully retract without being helped, and a well defined rock hard knob to play with.

And if guy is going to cum in my mouth, a series of powerful hot spurts is so much nicer than a small dribble..

The guys who work the bars age in their faces much faster than in the rest of their bodies, and whilst those who look cute get loads of attention, it also means they are more likely to be physically spent. Another reason to come back to my favourite idea of glorified glory holes - where a customer can enjoy a slim fit guy's lunchbox and content of his well loaded balls, without being reminded that he is over 30 years old..

October 5th, 2018, 21:47
It would doubtless be interesting to see (say) 20 young lads ejaculating but how could one sit in the audience and effectively watch them doing so, yet at the same time avert one's eyes from the farang "recipient" ?

I'm thinking Opera glasses?

It would probably be helpful to have safety goggles, the type that welders use, those cover not just the eyes, they cover sides, too. You know how those younger guys can shoot very far, last thing you need is an unexpected stream attack from left flank, this could ruin otherwise wonderful evening, so why take a chance.
To be absolutely safe, my choice would be diver's goggles, those are water proof, although doubtful that they have been sperm tested.

October 5th, 2018, 21:55
Or alternatively, a full face snorkeling mask...

Old git
October 5th, 2018, 22:25
"20 young lads ejaculating"

I suppose you could arrange a contest - with them standing at the end of a table jerking off in turn, while customers sat on either side of the table watching.

- The winner who shoots the furthest down the table could get a prize..

October 5th, 2018, 22:27
I've had a few mishaps over the years with an ill-directed cock which ended up squirting on my face.

Some guys are sprayers and no matter which way you point the cock you are liable to get hit. As long as it doesn't get in my eye I'm not too worried but I don't want it anywhere near my mouth.

I try to hold his cock and aim it towards his shoulder but in the heat of the moment things can go horribly wrong.

It's all part of the fun.

And no, I wouldn't join in a bukkake party at Goodboys, but would definitely like to watch.

I'd even be willing to offer a helping hand!

Before the advent of AIDS bukkake parties were very common, although I didn't attend on a regular basis. They were advertised in the gay magazines; these days, of course, it would all be on social media.

Because it's Japan there is a ritual you have to follow, managed by a guy who stands by the bukkakk-ee and chooses the guys to step out of the group and cum on the guy's face. There are rules and etiquette you have to follow and you also need to be able to control exactly when you cum. It's highly organised.

It's not as easy as it seems.

Old git
October 5th, 2018, 22:29
'but I don't want it anywhere near my mouth'

I worried a bit the first time I ate a working boy's load - but nothing bad has ever happened...

October 5th, 2018, 22:38
"...I suppose you could arrange a contest - with them standing at the end of a table jerking off in turn, while customers sat on either side of the table watching - The winner who shoots the furthest down the table could get a prize..

Basically, with a few tweaks here and there in terms of the actual contest, that sort of stuffs being going on for decades

Old git
October 5th, 2018, 23:02
'that sort of stuffs being going on for decades'

Don't think I've ever seen a 'how far can you shoot' contest before, but yes, some silly stuff happens..

October 5th, 2018, 23:07
Well I did say "with a few tweaks ....." usually it's the boy who ejaculates first who gets the prize or depending on the size of the jackpot, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

October 5th, 2018, 23:29
"20 young lads ejaculating"

I suppose you could arrange a contest - with them standing at the end of a table jerking off in turn, while customers sat on either side of the table watching.

- The winner who shoots the furthest down the table could get a prize..

Contests are fun.
How about this, say, 5 or more lads standing at one end of the table, and a customer, a paying foreigner (not saying it has to be a447, just throwing some ideas) is sitting at other end of that table. The contest rules are simple, lads are masturbating, while the foreigner must sit with his mouth wide open. The lad with the most accurate aim, and who shoots right in the mouth of foreigner wins the prize. If no contestant is able to shoot in the mouth, the one who's shot landed closest is declared a winner.

October 5th, 2018, 23:33
Or alternatively, a full face snorkeling mask...

So true! Should we have members who apprichiate pleasures of watersports, full snorkel mask is a must.

October 6th, 2018, 04:41
If anyone is interested they should read the piece about Tokyo by Fountainhall over on Gaybutton. Fountainhall left this board because of frequent. Take a look at what we lost and what we got to keep. Lucky us.My recollection is that fountainhall left SGT because he demanded I be permanently banned, and no-one would oblige. "It's frequent or me" he cried as he flounced off into the sunset. Perhaps arsenal could join him? Besides, as arsenal has recently demonstrated, it's easy enough to create a second posting ID that will survive for a week or two before the Board software finds it out. I'm surprised arsenal hasn't made another attempt just for the hell of it

October 6th, 2018, 05:00
....some of the old horses I see trotting around Sunee.

Think you'll find they're actually old cows!


October 6th, 2018, 05:01
Tell me Freak, how many times have you been banned?

Not a wonderful example are you?

October 6th, 2018, 05:13
Tell me Freak, how many times have you been banned? Not a wonderful example are you?Since you ask gerefan2 it's three times. The last time your buddy arsenal and I were banned at the same time and for the same reason. Does that count? The first time I was banned because a447 and arsenal demonstrated their complete ignorance of all things Thai and leapt upon a comment I made about Queen Elizabeth sending Prince Andrew to Thailand. It's the origin of my catch cry "apposite". The second time Moses banned me for making a comment about arsenal. Are you seeing a pattern here?

By the way how's the planning going for the bequest you'll be leaving via your Will? My assessment of the posts in that thread you started is that mine were the only posts of any value to you. Such a pity if I had been banned at the time, don't you think?

October 6th, 2018, 05:23
And I hope you don’t mind us calling you “The Freak”. It seems so err, what’s the word...err ah yes, Apposite!

October 6th, 2018, 05:37
And I hope you don’t mind us calling you “The Freak”. It seems so err, what’s the word...err ah yes, Apposite!I think if you look closely at the list of posters I respect that I wrote recently you won’t find your name mentioned, so the obvious inference is that you are merely one of the hoi polloi about whom I care little. Knock your socks off

No response to my question about your Will I see - answer a bit awkward for you?

Brad the Impala
October 6th, 2018, 05:39

October 6th, 2018, 07:52
Definitely Brad the Impaler's best ever post. More of that please.

October 6th, 2018, 08:25
Definitely Brad the Impaler's best ever post. More of that please.Far and away Brad's most recent best post is the one where he describes your misrule as a Moderator "carcinogenic"

October 6th, 2018, 08:32
That was a great post for sure but I think the one where he posted nothing but a blank space is even better. You should try it.

October 9th, 2018, 13:31
It may be possible to enjoy lovely bukkake experience even in Pattaya.
Wasn't it about a year ago, when one of the posters here announced dates, when he invited people to come and watch a bukkake at Good Boys. Obviously he was in the starring role, and judging by reports posted after the event, it was everything he expected. I may be wrong, but didn't ChristianPFC mention that he was an audience member?
That event took place as you described, and I was a spectator. But it wasn't bukkake, rather a suck-a-thon (or whatever you would call it when one person sucks several dicks, one after the other).

October 9th, 2018, 13:59
That event took place as you described, and I was a spectator. But it wasn't bukkake, rather a suck-a-thon (or whatever you would call it when one person sucks several dicks, one after the other).Not sure what the correct word for that is, but I discovered the real meaning of the word "vegan" the other day. As every Dr Who fan knows, the enemy is called the Daleks. "Vegan" is the word given to the vagina of the female of the species

October 17th, 2018, 02:04
Last holiday Nom was still working in a bar in Jomtien Complex with his brother, but he told me he was trying out a job at a resort hotel. If things worked out, he would leave the scene in Pattaya and take the job on full-time. And that's what he has done...

He is obviously still a money boy, albeit now part-time - the fact that he comes to Pattaya to meet me proves that. But when he's with me he is not being paid his hotel wage.

Out of curiosity, how does Num get time off to spend days at a time with you? Thai bosses are not very generous in granting leave and hotels in particular invest a lot in staff training - even low-level staff - to want to let their staff come and go as they please. And they don't hire off-the-truck daily-rated workers because of their lack of training and also for security reasons.

I've met farangs with their supposedly employed significant others or special 'friends' who seem to be able to take off work for days and weeks at a time whenever the farang is in town. I'm curious as I have Thai friends who work in schools, banks and private firms who find it tough to get a day off to attend the funeral of a loved one and maybe get a week of vacation time per year (most of them have been at their jobs for less than five years).

October 17th, 2018, 04:57
...As every Dr Who fan knows, the enemy is called the Daleks. "Vegan" is the word given to the vagina of the female of the species

Well I didn't know that, but it does explain why Vegan food often smells offensive

October 17th, 2018, 07:01
Out of curiosity, how does Num get time off to spend days at a time with you?

The resort hotel is owned by a family member.

Also, they need him more than he needs them as he is the only English speaker on the staff.

October 20th, 2018, 02:04
Also, they need him more than he needs them as he is the only English speaker on the staff.

This makes perfect sense. It's near impossible to find a Thai person who speaks English and willing to work in a hotel. I've rarely encountered a Thai person who could speak English at any of the hotels I've stayed at - that's why I had to learn Thai. No doubt the resort has to shut down every time Num goes away to entertain a customer because he is indispensable as "the only English speaker on the staff." Thanks for the brilliant explanation, a447. No wonder you're a moderator!

October 20th, 2018, 02:36
where do you travel to?? Every hotel I have been to in BKK, Phuket, Bali and Pattaya have had passable english speaking reception staff, and I dont only stay in the Hiltons of this world.

October 20th, 2018, 02:47
Clearly LatintopXXX can't spot sarcasm even when it's slapped on with a whitewash brush.

I suspect Double Dutch will quickly tire of him as a sex partner and will have kicked him to the curb by next Tuesday

October 20th, 2018, 03:13
take that long?! he must be good.

October 20th, 2018, 04:12
Clearly LatintopXXX can't spot sarcasm even when it's slapped on with a whitewash brush.

And weak at geography too, if he thinks Bali is in Thailand.

October 20th, 2018, 07:44
silly old timer...Ive been more times to bali then u have had sex....

October 20th, 2018, 08:43
Thanks for the brilliant explanation, a447.

Actually, my explanation is more "brilliant" than your reply.

You need to get out more. You seem unaware that not all hotels cater to foreign tourists and hence, such hotels have no on-going need for English-speaking staff. The resort is in the middle of nowhere and caters mainly to local Thais.

On occasion a farang will stumble across it, or turn up with his Thai girlfriend. That's when his services come in handy.

He's there because he's a close relative of the owner. If you know anything about Asia, that in itself should tell you something.

Keep knocking yourself out, sglad!

October 20th, 2018, 10:51
good comeback a447...plausible...just!!

October 20th, 2018, 17:12
...The resort is in the middle of nowhere and caters mainly to local Thais...On occasion a farang will stumble across it, or turn up with his Thai girlfriend. That's when his services come in handy.

He's there because he's a close relative of the owner. If you know anything about Asia, that in itself should tell you something.

The plot thickens. "His services come in handy" (what services I wonder - is this one of those 'full-service' resorts?) only when a farang stumbles in - he knows for a fact that no farang would "stumble in" when he's away shacking up with an old customer??...imagine that. What does he do? Announce on the hotel's FB page (in Thai & English) that he'll be away on such & such a date fucking this old farang so please don't come if you speak English? And how would "his services come in handy" if the farang stumbles in with his Thai girlfriend when there's no longer a language barrier as the gf can do all the talking? Threesome?

As a matter of fact I do know a thing or two about Asia and working in a family business. I worked in my grandparents noodle shop when I was in my teens and we (my siblings and I) were expected to work much harder than the regular staff so as to create a good example and not create resentment. No nepotism and no taking off for days on end to co-star in some geronto-porn flick, no matter how lucrative it could be.

You forgot to mention that he's also a co-owner of the resort and when he doesn't feel like getting up for work, he can just phone it in.:rolleyes:

October 20th, 2018, 20:56
is this one of those 'full-service' resorts?

I've no idea. I've never been there. But it wouldn't surprise me.

he knows for a fact that no farang would "stumble in" when he's away shacking up with an old customer??

Yep. I think he usually does. Apparently, most farang phone ahead to see if he's there, and if he's not going to be there to welcome them when they arrive, he suggests they go and stumble in somewhere else.

What does he do? Announce on the hotel's FB page (in Thai & English) that he'll be away on such & such a date fucking this old farang so please don't come if you speak English

Not that I know of. But I'll check with him.

And how would "his services come in handy" if the farang stumbles in with his Thai girlfriend when there's no longer a language barrier as the gf can do all the talking?

Apparently, not all Thai girls can speak English. Strange, but true. But I hear they are doing night courses.

As a matter of fact I do know a thing or two about Asia

Only two? That seems about right.

worked in my grandparents noodle shop when I was in my teens...

You must have a very long memory! I believe the area where the noodle shop was underwent redevelopment and they built the Old Parliament House where the shop once stood.

You forgot to mention that he's also a co-owner of the resort and when he doesn't feel like getting up for work, he can just phone it in.

Sorry. He's also a co-owner of the resort and when he doesn't feel like getting up for work, he can just phone it in.

Keep knocking yourself out, sglad!

October 20th, 2018, 22:11
As a matter of fact I do know a thing or two about Asia and working in a family business. I worked in my grandparents noodle shop when I was in my teens and we (my siblings and I) were expected to work much harder than the regular staff so as to create a good example and not create resentment. No nepotism and no taking off for days on end to co-star in some geronto-porn flick, no matter how lucrative it could be.

Are you still practicing the "I'm a 25 year old Singaporean, a student in University in Chiang Mai?

In another post you reminded us that you have lots of knowledge about Thailand, and there's no doubt that you do, indeed. But why this 25 yr old guy Singapore schtick? Seriously, what's the point? What's wrong with being older white Westerner?

I never understood Beachlover's need to be dashing young hot guy on anonimous web board, same with you, what's the point, who do think is impressed by this bizarre role play?
You'll never be able show your photos, never truly show this board your young self, so why do it? Where is the satisfaction in this, how do you get off on this, I'm genuinely curious.
Everybody but you knows you are closer to 75, than 25. But keep going, if it fulfills some part of you, I just like to understand the pathology of it.

October 20th, 2018, 22:22
QUOTE=DoubleDutch;251721] Everybody but you knows you are closer to 75, than 25. But keep going, if it fulfills some part of you, I just like to understand the pathology of it.[/QUOTE]

To understand it you must realize he is a very troubled individual as was Beachlover (who I doubt ever really left) their nature is that they laothe who they really are so assume the personna of someone they wish they were.

October 20th, 2018, 22:27
Apparently, most farang phone ahead to see if he's there, and if he's not going to be there to welcome them when they arrive, he suggests they go and stumble in somewhere else.

Apparently, not all Thai girls can speak English. Strange, but true. But I hear they are doing night courses.

I believe the area where the noodle shop was underwent redevelopment and they built the Old Parliament House where the shop once stood.

Farang guests "stumble upon" the resort and yet phone ahead to see if a sometime worker whom they somehow already know as the only one who speaks English is there? This doesn't make sense as one stumbles upon something by accident. And what kind of resort can afford to reject guests based on the language abilities of ONE member of staff and his whoring schedule?

If a farang shows up with his Thai girlfriend, presumably they are already able to communicate with one another in whatever language and the Thai girlfriend, surprise, surprise, should be able to speak to the resort staff in Thai.

The noodle and food shop is still in the same location at the bottom of a block of flats in Toa Payoh. My uncle has taken over the business.

October 20th, 2018, 23:00
Farang guests "stumble upon" the resort and yet phone ahead to see if a sometime worker whom they somehow already know as the only one who speaks English is there? This doesn't make sense

It wasn't meant to.

For someone who purports to have worked in a noodle shop 50 or so years ago, you seem to have forgotten the golden rule about noodles.

Make sure they are well cooked before serving them.

October 20th, 2018, 23:19
...you seem to have forgotten the golden rule about noodles.

Make sure they are well cooked before serving them.

Exactly. So the next time you want to brag about your holiday hoe as having a regular job, make sure you get your background story right.

October 20th, 2018, 23:29
To understand it you must realize he is a very troubled individual as was Beachlover (who I doubt ever really left) their nature is that they laothe who they really are so assume the personna of someone they wish they were.

You may be on to something. Creating an online persona would bring escape from every day mundane life, and a radical change to how a person really feels about themselves. If a person is not happy with who he is, he can go and create an online personality, he can pick the age, nationality, everything, since it's a creation, an avatar that has nothing common with the real person, in fact it is likely in many ways opposite of who they really are - old become young, a typical retiree with mundane life, someone who hardly goes outside his flat will become exciting youngster, a world traveller, young yet wise beyond his years, of course, all due to his extraordinary intelligence. I can see how this may fulfill a sad life.

There is a game, Sims, it peaked in popularity in mid 2000s, it gave player opportunity to create an online personality, chose sex, appearance, age, anything.
People who really got into Sims spent more time online, in what for them was "real world", rather than dealing with who they really were, often social rejects, people who had trouble dealing with reality.

Here is outtake from good description what Sims is all about:

"wouldnt it be easier if we all lived in The Sims 3? Since the first game launched in 2000, the human simulation series has been giving gamers the opportunity to indulge their whims, no matter how unrealistic, mundane, or even sadistic they may be (dont pretend youve never stuck a Sim in the pool and took away the ladder). Its that freedom that turns everyday tasks like going to the bathroom and making dinner into fascinating gameplay elements. Of course, The Sims isnt at all like real life - its better.
In The Sims, If you want a career, simply pick up a newspaper or log onto your computer and chose the job of your liking. Professional athlete? Astronaut? Ghost hunter? No problem. Even self-employment is as simple as registering for your preferred trade and collecting a weekly stipend.
Changing your look isnt always easy. Growing out hair for a new style can take months, maybe even years. Dying hair can be tedious and even painful. And then, of course, theres always a chance that you wont like your new style, but thats too bad youre stuck with it. In The Sims, you can change your hair just by looking in a mirror. Make it longer, shorter, non-existent. Dye it bright pink, add green highlights, bleach the tips. Guys, you can even change up your facial hair in a second."

And the main thing - age, and ageing. Online you can substract 50 years, and become 25. Yet keep the wisdom and life experience of a 75 year old.

This is what gives these shapeshifters away at online boards, these attractive youngsters speak like older men. They take on a role of being 25, but they couldn't live with themselves, if they had to play a role of a typical, inexperienced, often dumb 25 year old, they are much too vein to be able pull that off. So they fail every time, everybody who bothers to look can see what these "youngsters" really are.

Sglad made his burden unnecessarily heavy, he made himself decades younger, and he became Singaporean, it would be easier to just pick one, can't fool a board full of English speakers to be Singapourean. At least, refrain from throwing phrases like "friends of Dorothy", obscure expression that 25 yr old North American gay guy wouldn't have a clue about, and something a 25 yr old Asian Sglad would know as much as I would recognise and pick up on very specific inside joke from some Thai TV soap, every Thai would know it, Dutch person would not, ever!

October 20th, 2018, 23:34
....and only seeing you on occasion (because you're you're so special), make sure you get your background story right.

It is right. I posted this on the thread(post #46):

He is obviously still a money boy, albeit now part-time - the fact that he comes to Pattaya to meet me proves that.

I never said he didn't come to Pattaya to meet other guys. You said that.