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September 23rd, 2018, 15:37
I arrived in Chiang Mai around 11 am and was anxious to get to my hotel quickly and take a quick nap. But as I feared, my airport pick-up from the hotel wasn't there. I waited around 30 minutes and then decided to just take a taxi. This is the second time the hotel has forgotten, even though I emailed them the day before to remind them.

I didn't have time to sleep as I needed to head over to the Downunder bar near the river to watch the Australian football preliminary final, which featured my home team. As usual I couldn't find a tuk-tuk so returned to the hotel to see if they could arrange transport.

"No problem. I call Uber."

And 15 minutes and 93 baht later I was sitting in the bar.

My team absolutely smashed the opposition - a fitting birthday gift!

Then back to the hotel to sleep.

When I finally woke up it was time for dinner, but the problem with being out on the edge of town is the lack of restaurants, so I ended up having to go to 7/11 to find something to eat.

It was now 9 pm. Time for a quick shower and then to walk across the street to Adams Apple.

There were already a few customers sitting on the sofas, drinking. Most of the boys were still dressed and hanging around the bar eating and chatting. I had a quick look to see if I could find a familiar face but to no avail - they were all new.

Then I spotted him! It was my old mate Korn! He was sitting at one of the tables slurping noodles.

I finally caught his eye, but he looked straight through me and went back to his dinner. But suddenly he looked up again and after a few seconds racking his brain he flashed me a huge smile. He remembered me!

So over he came and we started chatting. He then went off to get changed into his "working" clothes so I could admire his beautiful body. He still works out every day and has his six-pack. I put my arm around him and we had a bit of a cuddle. But as far as affection goes, that's basically it - just a cuddle. He's 100% straight.

He went off to join the others on stage, which gave me a chance to take a good look at the guys. As expected, they are all manly types, although a couple appeared a little gay in the way they walked around. Who knows? They certainly wouldn't be telling anybody in a bar like Adams Apple.

There were about 20 boys in the rotation, most of them very attractive. The bar star is undoubtedly a guy called Mix. He has a gorgeous face, swimmer's body and a huge package. The perfect mix!

Unfortunately, he seems to know it and came across as a little arrogant. He tended to ignore the customers and spent a lot of time looking in the mirror. Hopefully, I have misjudged him.

I took a seat at the bar, which allowed me to get up up close and personal with the boys who squeezed past me, between the bar and one of the sofas. As they did, they'd stop and say hello and put their hand on my knee. It's the best way to meet the guys. Some sat beside me for a quick chat.

The show began at 10:30. The tigerman show, the batman show, the spiderman show, the policeman show, etc, etc. Basically, it was just a thinly disguised big cock show.

Korn came out as the policeman. Oh, that cock! It's magnificent!

He then stepped down from the stage and walked among the crowd, soliciting tips. He made an absolute fortune, as by now the bar was packed with customers - half Asian and half farang. He came up to me and stuck his cock up my shorts.

"You come with me tonight?"


A cute guy from Myanmar then came and sat with me. He was all smiles and very touchy-feely. I was in heaven as I put my arm around him and felt his soft, smooth skin. It was like satin. So I pencilled him in.

At that moment Spiderman was on stage displaying his substantial assets. The boy turned to me and asked :" You like big cock?"

"Umm...yes. "

"I not big. I small."

Oh..... And with that I immediately pencilled him out.

Never mind. As Korn and I left, I gave him a big tip and thanked him.

Korn is a "you cum, I go" type of guy but that's ok, as I knew that already. As soon as we got into the room he stripped off and stood in front of me so I could admire him as I sat on the end of the bed. Yep, this is the cock I remember so well!

We showered separately - although we could have showered together - and when I came out he was on the bed with his appendage pointing towards the ceiling. I spent some time working on it as he lay there with his eyes closed and then we got down to business.

I asked him to go slowly, as even now a big cock is still a little intimidating. So he took his time, asking me if I was ok.

He pounded away for a while and then changed positions where we were both lying on our side. He was banging away with his eyes closed, no doubt imagining he was screwing his wife. Lol

Back to the missionary position for the finale. He asked if he could cum on my stomach but I told him I wanted my usual finish - a chuck-wow.

I recalled some of his rather spectacular cumshots in the past but that was not to be. Never mind.

After he finished me off, he cleaned up, got changed and was gone.

We promised a repeat performance tonight.

Soft drinks 200 baht, beer 280.

Brad the Impala
September 24th, 2018, 01:24
"No problem. I call Uber."

And 15 minutes and 93 baht later I was sitting in the bar.

I think it's unlikely that it was Uber, as they were banned in Thailand earlier this year, although that might have changed.

Grab is the best option, with an efficient app and reliable payments from your credit card, so no cash needs to be exchanged.

I can also recommend Washdrop Laundry, if not wanting to use hotel laundry or if staying in an apartment. Book online and they give you a one hour slot for collection and a one hour slot for return, both as you request. Reliable and the laundry is well done and reasonably priced.

September 24th, 2018, 01:49
The guy in the hotel called it "Uber" but it could well have been "Grab."

Whatever the name, the service was great. The cars arrived quickly and were shiny and new. The inside was also very clean. And the drivers were very friendly. You actually pay the driver in the car, so the 93 baht is just rounded up. Today I tipped the driver and he was very surprised.

It makes me wonder why the tuk-tuk drivers still ask for 150~200 baht for a trip that only costs me 93 baht. The cheapest tuk-tuk trip from downtown has cost me 100, and for the same price I could travel in air-conditioned comfort. I don't have my phone with me when I go out so have to rely on tuk-tuks to get back to the hotel.

At the end of the day, the market will decide. Tuk-tuks could be on their way out.

I'll keep Washdrop in mind, as it may come in handy depending on how long I stay in Chiang Mai.

September 24th, 2018, 02:09
"He was banging away with his eyes closed, no doubt imagining he was screwing his wife."

Korn doesn't have a wife but he does have a baby and a baby-mama. And he definitely doesn't have a six pack. Hi literally jokes about his belly and calls himself "pum pui." He's sexy as hell but no 6 pack. I should know, I've been with him at least 25 times including a few days ago. So unless he's grown abs in the last 48 hours I think you're taking a little artistic license.

Some of your favorite boys are now either in Bangkok or at other bars in town btw.

September 24th, 2018, 03:31
oh heavens forbid...a447 using artistic licence and not knowing an uber from a grab....what next?!
Great report BTW...

September 24th, 2018, 05:59
oh heavens forbid...a447 using artistic licence and not knowing an uber from a grab....what next?!
Great report BTW...The niceties of Uber vs. Grab are probably the domain of a tiny coterie of travelers so I wouldn't expect a447's hotel staff to know that Uber has been replaced by Grab throughout SE Asia. "Uber" is almost the ride-sharing equivalent of "google" these days. People sometimes talk about "googling" when they're actually using Bing or some other search engine

I too thought it was a great report but ... if I was spending money for so small an amount of sexual pleasure for me, I'd be reconsidering my activities

September 24th, 2018, 10:50
And he definitely doesn't have a six pack

Korn doesn't have a swimmer's body but the six-pack is there. You just have to press hard. Lol

Yesterday I decided to try Classic House massage again.

On previous occasions I've been disappointed with the number of boys with silicone and mooks, so I lingered outside in the soi wondering whether or not I should take the plunge and enter.

As usual my cock made the decision for me.

As I sat down to remove my shoes a very handsome hunk of a guy came and sat next to me. He flashed me that smile and I was smitten. He's mine!

But before choosing him I made my requirements known to the manager who suddenly appeared holding the menu.

I told him I was looking for a guy who could top of bottom - these days it doesn't matter - big cock, no silicone and no mooks. I learnt over and quietly and him if the guy next to me fitted the bill.

"Sure. No probrem. He good for you."

The room upstairs is very basic - just a mattress on the floor. But that's ok, as I'm not there for the decor. The room was nice and bright, which suits me as there is nothing worse than a massage in the dark, although I can understand why the boys might prefer it that way!

He removed his briefs and off we went. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to Lol at the goods as I was face-down on my stomach. I just hope the manager was truthful.

Most of the time was spend on, and between, my buttcheeks. At one stage I thought he was going to insert a finger. But he didn't.

Half an hour had passed and I was getting a bit anxious. Usually by that time the masseur has rubbed his hard-on on my butt. Am I only going to get a hand job??

Suddenly I felt it against my back as he sat on me to massage my shoulders. He then quickly put it between my legs and started thrusting. Hallelujah!

When I turned over his cock was just inches from my face. It wasn't huge, but more than adequate for the task. He obviously wanted me to samoke him and I happily obliged. It was like an iron bar.

I never cease to be amazed at how the guys are able to get so hard when faced with someone for whom they have no physical attraction at all. Incredible.

Time for the main event. And he was wonderful! After banging away relentlessly he collapsed on top of me with exhaustion. I thought that was it but he then asked me if I wanted more.

Is the Pope a catholic?

So he turned me over and off he went again, doggy style.

Chuck-wow time. There was no spectacular cumshot, but he produced a veritable tsunami of cum.

"I not cum for three days."

"Three days or three months?"


I'll be seeing him today.

I arrived at Adams Apple just as the guys were appearing on stage. There were a couple of guys I hadn't seen before, including a rather young -looking Mr M. He was obviously new to the game as he looked very self-conscious and a little awkward, not really knowing exactly what to do. The manager told me it was his first night, so he was understandably nervous.

Mr Cutie from Myanmar came over immediately and gave me a hug and some of the other guys who ignored me the previous night also came over to say hello. Having offed Korn I guess they knew I was not just there to look.

Towards the end of the night Mr Cutie came over and got up close and personal. He was drunk so now was my time to grope down below to get some idea of his assets. But that didn't seem to be the right thing to do. And besides, it's not that kind of bar.

One guy, Ball, who I had admired in the big cock show came and sat with me. What a lovely guy! I think I might off him tonight.

Everything was going well up until the manager appeared with a huge bottle of whisky. I wondered why all the boys had suddenly broken out into applause - it was for them.

Oh, dear. This is probably not going to end well. By the end of the evening none of the boys will be able to perform. I had visions of Eros when the boys get drunk after a customer has opened a bottle and they all end up sound asleep on the sofa.

But to their credit, most of the guys drank responsibly and only two ended up on the sofa. Mr Cutie overdid it a bit, as he was playing drinking games with a couple of the boys of the sofa in front of me. He would have definitely been out of action.

But at the end of the day, these are all young guys who love to party - didn't we all at that age? So I don't blame them. And Korn was only mildly affected and was still able to perform.

So it looks like I've been able to establish my routine in just 2 days - a massage at Classic and later, Adams Apple.

September 24th, 2018, 12:44
Korn doesn't have a swimmer's body but the six-pack is there. You just have to press hard.

September 24th, 2018, 18:08
Mr Cutie from Myanmar came over

FYI, every single boy in that bar is from Myanmar. They are all Shan. I asked one of the boys once. He said, "yes every one. Why? you not like Tai Yai?" I said I LOVE Tai Yai! Not a single Thai boy works there. But who's complaining, they're hot as hell.

That's "six pack Korn" on the left.

September 24th, 2018, 19:30
I think we are referring to two different things here.

The six pack is there - you can feel those specific muscles under that layer of fat, which he is working hard to get rid of. Some guys are just all fat and virtually no muscle.

He told he goes to the gym a couple of times a week and he is always working out in the bar, doing chin-ups and using that wheel contraption they have on stage.

If he keeps it up they will be visible and he will have a swimmer's body.

My guy in Pattaya started to look like Korn at one stage but again, those muscles were still well-developed. He went on a strict diet and joined a gym and now possesses the quintessential swimmer's body.

And yes, they certainly are hot. Not a single fem boy in sight!

September 25th, 2018, 02:48
a447...by your definition EVERYONE has a six pack...now swallow your silly pride and admit you dont know that a six pack is only a six pack if its visible...besides that excellent trip report, very well written, makes one feels like one is here with u.

September 25th, 2018, 06:22
That's "six pack Korn" on the left.

Korn is indeed a most impressive looking gentleman. Just perfect and all the more attractive for keeping his six pack discreetly hidden beneath the perfect skim of fat.

September 25th, 2018, 14:44
Yes, hidden but still there. That's exactly my point.

Latin, I've been pushing and prodding my stomach all morning but still haven't found a single defined ab! When I was younger I definitely had 6. Now, nothing.

The ride-sharing company is indeed Grab not Uber. I asked the girl at reception and she showed me the app on her phone. So sorry for that. The guy who told me it was Uber shall be hearing from me soon and will be severely chastised!

Yesterday was one of those days best forgotten - everything that could go wrong did.

I arrived at Classic House massage at the appointed time for another round with the gorgeous masseur from the previous day. I expected him to be waiting - silly old me - but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He upstairs with customer. Can you wait? Only 30 minutes."

Thirty minutes?? That means he's just starting the fun part of the massage. He'd be useless. So I took the manager's suggestion and decided to choose someone else.

I sat down inside and was presented with the line-up of around 10 guys. I hate this. It's so embarrassing for me and the guys must find it a bit humiliating. So I had a quick look and chose the one and only handsome guy with the beautiful smile.

With everyone standing around I couldn't bring myself to ask what the guy would do in the room. I went to the reception counter and quietly asked if his cock was "original." I was assured it was. In an even lower voice I asked if the guy could fuck me. So he called out to the guy in a loud voice, in front of everyone, asking him in Thai is he would fuck me!

How embarrassing!

The massage was basically the same as the previous day - they must have a set routine. It started off with him going straight to the buttcrack. I didn't know if he'd removed his shorts but soon find out when he placed his balls on my foot. Yep, he was definitely naked!

When he got to the shoulder massage he sat beside me and I got my first look at his equipment. Although it was quite dark I could see that it wasn't huge, but more than adequate. I took it as an invitation to go for the grope so I cupped his balls in my hand. With that he immediately gave up on my shoulder, removed my hand and started massaging it.

So, groping is out. Keep your hand off it. That was the clear message. Oh, dear! This is not looking good.

In my experience at massage places, the guy is usually hard when he asks you to turn over on your back, but not this guy. There it was, dangling in the dark.

I was also unhappy that it was too dark to see his handsome face. Also, the massage took place in absolute silence. I tried to engage him in conversation but only got cursory replies. I wondered if I should just call and end to it all and chalk it up to experience.

Suddenly, he started playing with himself, got hard and put on a condom. At last! All was not lost. Without a word he slipped it in and off he went.

The whole affair was very mechanical and emotionless. He banged away for quite a while until I decided to end it and start the chuck-wow.

He lay beside me and for the first time I actually got to see his cock close up. Mmmm...not bad. Shame I had to wait 50 minutes.

He came quicky, finished me off and that was it. And barely a word had been spoken the entire time. It was an eerie experience.

Was this the same guy I'd found so attractive an hour earlier? The one who had looked so eager? And does he have a personality?

As I was putting my shoes on, my guy from the other day came and sat with me. He apologised for taking another customer instead of waiting for me. I assured him it was all good. Business is business and I wouldn't be the first farang to promise to come back tomorrow but not show up. So I would have done the same. A bird in the hand, so to speak.

If I tell someone I'm going to do something, I do it. No ifs or buts. I'll be there at the appointed time come hell or high water. (On one occasion in Pattaya I'd broken my foot but still managed to hobble over to Sunee from Boyztown, as I'd promised to meet up with Tom from All of Me.) But, of course, he wasn't to know that. No harm done. I told him I'd be back at 5pm today.

I decided to head off to Adams Apple after 9:30, as I didn't want to be the only customer in the bar.

But I was. When I walked in three guys were lying on the sofas playing with their phones and a couple were standing around. Where's Korn?? Are these the only guys who have turned up for work? Things were supposed to start at 9:30 but the place was dead. Then one other customer walked in and sat in front of me. Thank God!

I ordered a drink and sat on the sofa waiting for things to happen. I then went downstairs to the smoking room and saw three guys, including the very attractive Mr T, sitting there chatting. He is absolutely covered in tattoos which he proudly showed off to me. The other two guys ignored me, engrossed in their phones.

I went back to my seat, only to find the other customer sitting with his arm around a guy. OMG! He was sitting with Korn! Well, that's the end of that.

And it was. They sat together the entire time I was there and the customer was obviously a regular in the bar. Korn came over for a quick chat and told me the guy was his friend and that he'd be sitting with him tonight. I assured him it wasn't a problem. As I said, business is business. Grab it while you can.

I had my eye on Ball. We'd gotten up close and personal at the bar the previous night but tonight, apart from acknowledging my presence with a smile he didn't come near me. Maybe he was miffed that I'd offed Korn instead of him. Who knows?

Adams Apple reminds me a lot of Golden Cock, where the boys prefer to socialise with each other rather than actively engage with the customers. It's a kind of boys club. You have to turn up regularly over a period of time before you actually get to know the guys and they feel comfortable with you. The three other customers were also left sitting alone.

Enough! This is ridiculous! So instead of waiting for the show to end I decided to wander over the Circle Pub. I have only been there once and was the only customer so I didn't have high hopes, especially as it was Monday night.

I brushed past a group of guys gathered at the entrance and went inside, only to find they actually had customers! Lots of them!

I was seated right at the front, next to a large group of young, hot Chinese guys. The guy sitting just a chair away from me was absolutely gorgeous! He'd been drinking and was fooling around, at one stage kneeling on the chair pretending to invitie his friends to fuck him doggy style. And they're was one other stunner who I managed to get glimpses of every now and then. Finally, I'm getting some joy. I felt a stirring down below.

The show began at 11:30 - enough time for a cigarette, so I went outside and stood near the group of guys. I. had a quick look at the talent and managed to spot one very, very cute guy so went and stood a metre or so away from him. Within seconds he came over and started talking. I didn't know if he was a customer of a waiter - it turns out he was the latter, as were all the other guys. How come they're not inside working?

At first I actually thought he was a schoolboy, dressed as he was in black trousers, white shirt and tie. He told me they were all drinking and showed me a the little cup he was holding and pointing to a bottle of cheap Thai whisky. He offered me a drink and insisted when I politely refused. I took one sniff and almost passed out from the fumes! He said I had to down it in one go so I held my nose and swallowed it. OMG! This is what you get from a 100 baht bottle of cheap grog. A got a round of applause and, more importantly, a little cuddle and a huge smile from the cutie. Heaven! It was worth it afterall. And I think I've found my off for the night!

Inside for the show. It soon became apparent that I should have stayed outside. Apart from one disastrous show at Eros, where even the boys were laughing with embarrassment, this had to be the worst show I've ever seen. Truly appalling.

I'd heard that their show featured a bit of cock but I barely saw any skin, let alone cock.

The first act was three guys dancing fully clothed. Then the 7 gogo boys walked onto the stage, then quickly off into the darkness. This was followed by a hot stripper, dancing around to raunchy music. Now you're talking! But it's the first strip show I've ever seen where the stripper didn't remove his clothes, unless you call unzipping your jeans to show a wisp of pubic hair "stripping."

A ladyboy then appeared singing in Chinese - appropriate, given the make up of the audience. But horror of horrors, she had her tits out!

What on earth is the management thinking? Do they really believe that gays want to see tits? Do they have a big cock show in lesbian bars?? Sheer madness.

So I turned my attention to the hot Chinese guy and suddenly realised I'd see more skin with him than in the entire show -he was wearing a singlet and a pair of shorts.

Another "stripper" came out, sat on a chair and rubbed his chest with a towel. He didn't even bother to unzip his jeans. What a fucking joke!

I hung in until the end of the show - you live in hope - and then went outside. The guys were still there but by now the cutie was quite drunk. He insisted that he'd only had 5 drinks, but that is what he'd told me at the beginning. To my utter delight he was now very touchy-feely, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. I happily reciprocated.

By now the bottle was empty and he asked me if I could buy another bottle.

Sure. No probrem.

So I handed him 100 baht and was rewarded with even more affection. I felt another stirring down below.

He was after an off. He grabbed his crotch and told me that he only gets hard when he's drunk; he can't get it up when he's sober. Yeah, right!

Suddenly, I had a bit of a panic attack. How was this guy getting home? Not on a motorcycle, surely. I was horrified when he told me he was.

What have I done? I'd just given him money to buy another bottle. Why hadn't I thought about that beforehand? I felt terrible. What do I do? I can hardly ask for the money back, so I offered him 200 baht for a tuk-tuk but he refused to take it, insisting he was fine. I hope his friends had the sense not to let him ride home.

If last night was any indication, I think I might give Adams Apple a miss tonight and see if I can catch the cutie before he starts drinking. If not, then I'll be happy to leave Chiang Mai.

I have my friend waiting for me in Pattaya on Thursday.

September 25th, 2018, 15:00
Very nice report,a447, except for the mention of the cigarette. :devilsh:

September 25th, 2018, 15:41
a447...u really are a scream..I think i may just like u...not sure...so dont get all excited and start whirring around in a tizzy...but i may just like u

September 25th, 2018, 16:45
Why don't you go to Orion Bar tonight? It's a beer bar with plenty of hot freelancers, some of them used to work at Adam.

September 25th, 2018, 16:50
FYI, every single boy in that bar is from Myanmar. They are all Shan. I asked one of the boys once. He said, "yes every one. Why? you not like Tai Yai?" I said I LOVE Tai Yai! Not a single Thai boy works there. But who's complaining, they're hot as hell.

That's "six pack Korn" on the left.Where is that beach? Sure doesn't look like anywhere near Chiang Mai. In fact it looks very like Hua Hin!
And the two dudes look more like upper crust Bangkok Boys on a weekend holiday. Hi so Boys from the Big Mango come here in droves on weekends.

September 25th, 2018, 17:16
Where is that beach?

It's Phuket. I took those 2 boys to Phuket for a week. They're Tai Yai.

September 25th, 2018, 19:23
Why don't you go to Orion Bar tonight? It's a beer bar with plenty of hot freelancers, some of them used to work at Adam.

Thanks for the suggestion. I know Mai, one of my regular offs from Adams a number of years ago is part- owner of Orion (I think that's right) and I'd love to catch up with him again if he's still there. Such a lovely guy!

The last time I was there I only saw one freelancer - a gorgeous guy from Lao if I recall. But I'd just finished a massage and wasn't interested in sex.

The problem was getting back to the hotel - for the life of me I couldn't find a tuk-tuk anywhere at that laste hour. The freelancer kindly offered to take me on his motorcycle but I declined. He wasn't drunk but had been drinking a little over the evening.

Mai eventually found one but he wanted some ridiculous price. I had no choice but to pay up. But I was very angry. I'm willing to pay a premium due to the fact that it's very late, but I hate being taken for a ride!

As I'm so close to Adams I think I'll give it another go. If things don't happen quickly I'll go back to Circle Pub and look for last night's, hopefully very sober, cutie.

If nothing pans out I'll certainly give it some thought.

September 25th, 2018, 20:10
If last night was any indication, I think I might give Adams Apple a miss tonight and see if I can catch the cutie before he starts drinking. If not, then I'll be happy to leave Chiang Mai.

I have my friend waiting for me in Pattaya on Thursday.

Glad to see I'm not missing anything! I went to Chang Mai about 10 years ago...Pattaya it aint!

September 26th, 2018, 05:23
I think it's unlikely that it was Uber, as they were banned in Thailand earlier this year, although that might have changed.
They were never legal in Thailand but operated anyway. Grab were more legal (only in Thailand would a concept of "more legal" exist of course) and had some deal with the songthews to keep them happy, though I think that's now fallen apart. Grab bought out Uber in Thailand (and I think all SE asia) earlier this year.

I can also recommend Washdrop Laundry, In CM there is a laundry on almost every street corner. Been using the same one near Adams since 2005

September 26th, 2018, 05:29
FYI, every single boy in that bar is from Myanmar. They are all Shan.
Tae Ghaa?

September 26th, 2018, 15:54
I put the previous day's bad experience behind me - it was a new day and things had to get better.

I got to Classic House just before 5, going that my masseur, Cha, would be waiting for me, although I expected the worse. The power was out in some parts of the building and the reception area was in darkness. I saw a guy lurking near me.

"Sorry. Not today. I'm looking for Cha. Maybe tomorrow.."

"I'm Cha."


The light and, more importantly, the fan, was not working. He solved the problem of the light by opening the curtains but the room was stifling. Just as I was about to suggest we wait, the power came back on again and we got down to business.

What I particulate like about this guy is that he doesn't rush things. After we've finished he starts the massage again - we go well over the hour. And he places himself strategically so I can play with his cock some more. I love the feel of a flaccid cock!

As I made my way to Thapae Gate I noticed there was some Buddhist ceremony about to start. I hadn't eaten all day and was starving. But I decided I'd enjoy a feast for the eyes instead. Food could wait.

The drummer boys and marchers were wearing what appeared to be very short, tight shorts, exposing a lot of flesh. Were they really shorts? I needed to get up very close, as you do.

They turned out to be some kind of loincloth, stretched tight across the arse. One boys caught me ogling a guy's butt and gave me a huge smile and then turned around so I could admire his. Lol

Don't you just love Thailand? In any other country you'd probably get your head kicked in.

At the suggestion of a forum member I went to Orion bar. He promised he'd call in some guys for a game of pool and that he'd introduce them to me, which he did. Every guy was attractive and, being freelancers, we're offable. Two guys were stunning and I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

I sat with a staff member who I'd sat with briefly on my last visit a few years ago. He was delighted that I had remembered his name and that he was from Laos. We sat and chatted at the bar and I bought him a few drinks. He's a really lovely guy.

But I had to go back to the hotel to get some more money and was then planning to go to Circle Pub to look for the cutie from the previous night. But I first decided to do into Adams and take a quick look.

What a difference a night makes! The place was jumping and they had a lot of customers. As opposed to the other night, some of the boys were actually sitting with them.

Mr Cutie spotted me, came rushing over and put his arms around me. OMG, he's just adorable! Always happy, always smiling and always very affectionate. And like all the other guys I've met there he never asks for a drink or an off.

So, what will I do? Had over to Circle Pub, or take Win? Decisions, decisions.

What if I took him and discovered he had a4 inch cock? He'd be a bit useless. Then again, who knows? Maybe the guy at Circle Pub is also less endowered. Either way, I'm taking a chance.

So I offed him.

At the end of the day, it's be quite happy just lying together naked in bed enjoying his affection.

On the way to the hotel we dropped into the grubby little shop next to the hotel and got some beer and some snacks. We sat on the bed drinking and chatting for quite some time and then went out onto the balcony, where he saw the pool below. He suggested we go for a swim - a skinny dip, as there was noone around at that time - but unfortunately, a staff member re-arranging the sunbeds told us the pool was closed and promptly turned off the lights.

So we went back inside and he suggested we shower - together!

Sure. No probrem.

He went in and I followed a minute later. The moment of truth had arrived.

I opened the shower door and there he was, cock pointing towards the ceiling. And I need not have worried - he wasn't particularly small at all! A perfectly respectable size.

He got very affectionate in the shower, rubbing our cocks together while kissing and hugging me.

I didn't see him take any condoms from the bar so I figured we would just chuck-wow, but he opened his little bag and out came two condoms and some KY.

After a lot of foreplay he put on a condom and the main event began. OMG! What a performer! He is a real tiger in bed! First this way, now sideways, then doggy, back to missionary. And he was showering me with kisses on the lips. His finish was quite spectacular.

After we'd finished he didn't rush off -we lay in bed chatting again.

I had the best time!

I'll be offing him again tonight.

September 26th, 2018, 20:31
I put the previous day's bad experience behind me - it was a new day and things had to get better.

I got to Classic House just before 5, going that my masseur, Cha, would be waiting for me, although I expected the worse. The power was out in some parts of the building and the reception area was in darkness. I saw a guy lurking near me.

"Sorry. Not today. I'm looking for Cha. Maybe tomorrow.."

"I'm Cha."


The light and, more importantly, the fan, was not working. He solved the problem of the light by opening the curtains but the room was stifling. Just as I was about to suggest we wait, the power came back on again and we got down to business.

What I particulate like about this guy is that he doesn't rush things. After we've finished he starts the massage again - we go well over the hour. And he places himself strategically so I can play with his cock some more. I love the feel of a flaccid cock!

As I made my way to Thapae Gate I noticed there was some Buddhist ceremony about to start. I hadn't eaten all day and was starving. But I decided I'd enjoy a feast for the eyes instead. Food could wait.

The drummer boys and marchers were wearing what appeared to be very short, tight shorts, exposing a lot of flesh. Were they really shorts? I needed to get up very close, as you do.

They turned out to be some kind of loincloth, stretched tight across the arse. One boys caught me ogling a guy's butt and gave me a huge smile and then turned around so I could admire his. Lol

Don't you just love Thailand? In any other country you'd probably get your head kicked in.

At the suggestion of a forum member I went to Orion bar. He promised he'd call in some guys for a game of pool and that he'd introduce them to me, which he did. Every guy was attractive and, being freelancers, we're offable. Two guys were stunning and I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

I sat with a staff member who I'd sat with briefly on my last visit a few years ago. He was delighted that I had remembered his name and that he was from Laos. We sat and chatted at the bar and I bought him a few drinks. He's a really lovely guy.

But I had to go back to the hotel to get some more money and was then planning to go to Circle Pub to look for the cutie from the previous night. But I first decided to do into Adams and take a quick look.

What a difference a night makes! The place was jumping and they had a lot of customers. As opposed to the other night, some of the boys were actually sitting with them.

Mr Cutie spotted me, came rushing over and put his arms around me. OMG, he's just adorable! Always happy, always smiling and always very affectionate. And like all the other guys I've met there he never asks for a drink or an off.

So, what will I do? Had over to Circle Pub, or take Win? Decisions, decisions.

What if I took him and discovered he had a4 inch cock? He'd be a bit useless. Then again, who knows? Maybe the guy at Circle Pub is also less endowered. Either way, I'm taking a chance.

So I offed him.

At the end of the day, it's be quite happy just lying together naked in bed enjoying his affection.

On the way to the hotel we dropped into the grubby little shop next to the hotel and got some beer and some snacks. We sat on the bed drinking and chatting for quite some time and then went out onto the balcony, where he saw the pool below. He suggested we go for a swim - a skinny dip, as there was noone around at that time - but unfortunately, a staff member re-arranging the sunbeds told us the pool was closed and promptly turned off the lights.

So we went back inside and he suggested we shower - together!

Sure. No probrem.

He went in and I followed a minute later. The moment of truth had arrived.

I opened the shower door and there he was, cock pointing towards the ceiling. And I need not have worried - he wasn't particularly small at all! A perfectly respectable size.

He got very affectionate in the shower, rubbing our cocks together while kissing and hugging me.

I didn't see him take any condoms from the bar so I figured we would just chuck-wow, but he opened his little bag and out came two condoms and some KY.

After a lot of foreplay he put on a condom and the main event began. OMG! What a performer! He is a real tiger in bed! First this way, now sideways, then doggy, back to missionary. And he was showering me with kisses on the lips. His finish was quite spectacular.

After we'd finished he didn't rush off -we lay in bed chatting again.

I had the best time!

I'll be offing him again tonight.

Dammit man!! Pictures!!
Glad you are having fun in CM.
I am wading into the six pack imbroglio - Facts should never stand in the way of a good story. If a guy has close to a six pack and you want a six pack as part of your story then shade in a set of six packs into the narrative as a bit of artistic license.
No need to defend yourself - tell the just the facts crowd to go post their own travel posts and piss off if they don't like your descriptions.

Shirtless pictures - We are living in the Hyper digital age - If you do not have pictures it did not happen.

September 26th, 2018, 21:25
I never take photos of the guys and do not let them take any of me, so sorry, I don't have any to post.

And I'm not sure if they'd agree to have their photo posted on the net. Maybe some would, others maybe not.

"The six pack imbroglio" - we are just referring to different things here. Feeling for ab muscles, whether or not they are visible, is simply a way of indicating to me that the guy takes a bit of care with his body. He may have slackened off a little bit and put on some weight, but at least I know he tried. I also know that with a little effort they'll quickly reappear.

If you check my trip reports over the years, you'll see I've always described guys with the six pack referred to here by other posters as having "a washboard stomach" or a "swimmer's body." That's when the abs are definitely visible. My guy in Pattaya at first had a visible six pack, then it disappeared for a while under a layer of fat when he started drinking too many sweet drinks. He goes to the gym a few days a week and now he has a washboard stomach.

But I fully understand where they are coming from with their posts. We just see it a bit differently. But I take their point and from now on will just use "washboard stomach." Then we'll all be on the same page.

Many of the guys I write about are well-known to members of the various boards, (also I've introduced my "friends" to many members (!) over the years) so it's not a case of taking 'artistic license' - I have to be as accurate as possible.

Some things that appear to be factual in my reports are actually just observations, from which I reach certain conclusions. For example, when I say the guy had a great time with me in bed, I cannot possibly know if that is true. But I make my judgements based on what I see.

And I certainly hope he did enjoy the sex!

September 26th, 2018, 23:01
a447 wrote.
"I never take photos of the guys and do not let them take any of me, so sorry, I don't have any to post."

I'm curious. Do they actually ask to take pictures of you? hence your refusal. And if so what for unless they keep a 'satisfied customer photos' book like a crusty old manor hotel has pictures of weddings going back forever. Anyway, Pattaya awaits you and it's likely you'll have the pick of the available talent so keep a little in reserve. And please, an update on the internationally famous full English breakfast at Deli Diner would be most welcome.

September 27th, 2018, 00:24
Some guys want to take my photo. I think it's just so they can remember me if I suddenly contact them on Line or message them.

I'd like to think it was to jerk-off to. Am I being a tad delusional? lol

Others take photos in restaurants and if I'm included, I ask them to immediately delete them. Photos of food only!

September 27th, 2018, 00:26
a447 wrote.
"I never take photos of the guys and do not let them take any of me, so sorry, I don't have any to post."

I'm curious. Do they actually ask to take pictures of you? hence your refusal. And if so what for unless they keep a 'satisfied customer photos' book like a crusty old manor hotel has pictures of weddings going back forever. Anyway, Pattaya awaits you and it's likely you'll have the pick of the available talent so keep a little in reserve. And please, an update on the internationally famous full English breakfast at Deli Diner would be most welcome.

I like your idea. The boys should keep a folder on their phones with satisfied customers. Happy faces post happy ending.
The customers (Me and others) could then write comments about our experiences. A bar boy advertising and marketing tool.
Customers could give them stars on their various attributes. Size of penis, kissing,mutual showering skills, blow job skills, top or bottom ratings etc.

September 27th, 2018, 00:43
. A bar boy advertising and marketing tool.
Customers could give them stars on their various attributes. Size of penis, kissing,mutual showering skills, blow job skills, top or bottom ratings etc.

Thats exactly what the "Gay Romeo, Hornet Room" here is for....

September 27th, 2018, 03:36
I often take pics...just pick up the phone and shoot away...often whilst still in mid stroke...some of the MB object...but most dont...I have quite a collection...I like to swipe back a few days/weeks/months later and relive the experience...its also a way of asserting my ownership of his body..the one I paid for and am enjoying.

September 27th, 2018, 04:41
Some guys want to take my photo. I think it's just so they can remember me if I suddenly contact them on Line or message them.Have you considered their friends might be totally incredulous about the sort of things the guys tell their friends you do together and demand proof of your existence?

September 27th, 2018, 06:03
I often take pics...just pick up the phone and shoot away...often whilst still in mid stroke...some of the MB object...but most dont...I have quite a collection...I like to swipe back a few days/weeks/months later and relive the experience...its also a way of asserting my ownership of his body..the one I paid for and am enjoying.

Is that before, or after, you admitted your posts were all a fairy tale?

September 27th, 2018, 06:09
none were fairy tales, I kindly request you to reread it, what I pointed out and owned up to is the fact that I to use a447's phrase...use artistic licence....1 hour fuck dates turned into 3 hours...that sort of thing...so relax ...stop panicking

September 27th, 2018, 07:11
In a future, Latin designed world all money boys will have a barcode tattooed on their arm and the John will simply scan them and up will come all the relevant information. Until then we'll just have to get by with antique notions like conversation.

September 27th, 2018, 09:30
what I pointed out and owned up to is the fact that I to use a447's phrase...use artistic licence....1 hour fuck dates turned into 3 hours...that sort of thing

I rest my case.

September 27th, 2018, 10:30
He is a real tiger in bed!

I recently went with a boy who claimed to be an animal in bed, but it turned out he meant a sloth.

September 27th, 2018, 10:51
That's because he likes to take things slow and easy...

September 27th, 2018, 15:15
I got to Classic House right on time and there was Cha, dutifully waiting for me. I cut the massage short as I was anxious for the fun to begin. Mind you, he gives an excellent massage.

We were in the final stage -the chuck-wow. Suddenly, he asked if he could fuck me again! What??

I declined the invitation, one that I'd normally take up. But I was a bit sore after the pounding he gave me ; he has one of those Issan cocks, (although he probably has never been anywhere near Issan. Maybe it's a north Thailand thing.) Besides, I was really enjoying working on him, even though my arm was about to fall off.

I can thoroughly recommend him if you want a handsome, manly guy with a big, hard, fat cock who is very enthusiastic, especially when you get to the sex part..

There are two Cha's you can cha-cha with - I've never seen the other one but my guy is on the short side and I don't recall seeing any tattoos. Then again, I didn't really look. He refers to himself as "tea." so if you say "I want Mr Cha. Mr tea," you'll get the right one. He's a winner.

I offed Win again last night and had a repeat of the sterling performance from the previous night. What a find!

So, that was Chiang Mai. I think it was worth the visit. There's plenty is sex available but unlike Pattaya, it takes a bit of effort. You have to actively look for it if you decide to go somewhere else other than Adams Apple. The Orion bar had some very attractive freelancers, so you could always drop in there to see who is available.

Often it's all about luck. I knew Korn would be there but it was only by chance that I chose Cha on that first visit. For all I knew he could have been a dud. And of course, finding Win was the other stroke of luck.

I only had one disappointing encounter and that was with another guy at Classic when Cha wasn't available. I still have a bit of a laugh when I think that I spent an hour in a small room with a naked guy but barely caught a glimpse of his body, let alone his equipment, for the first 50 minutes! It takes a rare talent to be able to keep well away from somebody in such a confined space!

The Lotus Hotel was fine, apart from the very poor WiFi. Last night I struggled to get a connection and in the end, just gave up. In order to book my ticket I had to go to a restaurant and use their WiFi.

My intention was to email my e-ticket to reception and get them to print it off. But they don't have a printer!

The receptionist went next door to the owner to use his printer but there was a problem and it couldn't be done. I had to go to 3 internet cafes before I found one with a working printer.

My room was very spacious and had a balcony. It appears to have been recently renovated, wih a "wooden" floor and fresh paint on the walls. Great air-conditioning, too.

There is no guarantee that any of those the guys will be working, should I decide to come back again. And I hate relying on luck. So I'll probably not be back.

I've just arrived in Pattaya.


A warning about booking flights, etc if you have a phone with a small screen.

I got to the airport check-in and handed over my e-ticket. I stood at the counter, waiting for her to check me in. It was taking a long time - there seemed to be a problem. There was - she couldn't find my booking.

She looked at the ticket again.

"Sorry sir, but this ticket for 27 December. Now only September."

So I had to go to the counter to change my flight. It cost 500 baht.

This is the second time I've clicked on the wrong date. Last time it cost me a lot more than 500 baht! So I'll stick to the ipad from now on.

September 27th, 2018, 17:18
Have you any knowledge of other massage places? I'm thinking of visiting Common Massage next week; its website suggests that it may have masseurs more to my taste than Classic.

Were you travelling by Air Asia? We always do and find its prices and punctuality more than acceptable. But I too have a warning. On one occasion, we were told that our booking didn't exist and we had to buy new tickets there and then. The problem was that our outward flight (BKK-CNX) had been cancelled a couple of months previously, necessitating an new booking which was accomplished easily. However, we were told that the change invalidated the return (CNX-BKK) flight as well. We were lucky; there were seats available, despite it being High Season.
We got our money back but I never discovered whether it was procedural or just a cock-up. So, travellers beware; double check return flights after a cancellation. .

September 27th, 2018, 19:35
I drove past Common the other night, so it's still there. But no, I didn't go there. Had I not found Cha I would have given it a go.

And no, I never travel Air Asia.

September 28th, 2018, 04:27
And no, I never travel Air Asia.That would be after these trips then?


September 28th, 2018, 07:58
Now that is SAD with a Capital S.
Take a bow Freak.

September 28th, 2018, 10:42

September 28th, 2018, 12:43
Desperation stakes!

I steer clear of low cost airlines, especially Air asia; it has a poor safety record.

That's why I flew directly to Chiang Mai, and took a Thai Airlines flight to Bangkok.

There are two problems I see with budget airlines. First, in an effort to save money they seem only to do the bare minimum when it comes to maintenance.

Secondly, I worry about pilot training. Just because you have a pilot's license doesn't mean you are qualified to fly anywhere. Flying over mountainous terrain requires extra training and certification, as winds can be tricky and the weather can turn nasty very quickly.

Pilots flying in and out of the old Hong Kong airport had to go through rigorous training.

I'm not sure low cost carrier pilots receive that training.

I don't want anything to get between me and boys, especially a plane crash!

September 28th, 2018, 13:15
I steer clear of low cost airlines, especially Air asia; it has a poor safety recordIts safety record, as I recall, is no worse than Singapore Airlines or Qantas, both of who have had crash landings or/and fatalities in the not so distant past. Silk Air which is a Singapore Airlines subsidiary has had at least one crash-by-pilot-suicide. My recollection is that the only notable accidents involving Air Asia were both in relation to flights to some part of Indonesia and both related to their Indonesian subsidiary. Needless to say I use them a lot. At one stage Thai Airways was having so many crashes there were rumours that Star Alliance would throw them out if they had any more, and all the Thailand based airlines have had international sanctions over their safety record, only recently lifted

September 28th, 2018, 13:18
I'm sure I read about two Air Asia flights which had problems flying out of Australia and had to turn back. Both incidents were within a month or so of each other.

Hardy reassuring.

September 28th, 2018, 13:22
I'm sure I read about two Air Asia flights which had problems flying out of Australia and had to turn back. Both incidents were within a month or so of each other. Hardy reassuring.It would be less reassuring if they had failed to realise there was a problem. Perhaps you are referring to this article from 2017 https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/airasia-group-has-a-long-history-of-safety-failures-ng-eecfe308739a4e45d8807d3044bbe536

Fewer people have died in Air Asia accidents in total than die in Thailand on the roads each and every Songkran holiday

September 28th, 2018, 14:26
Perhaps that's true but the Songkran deaths run into thousands (about 52 per day) and Air Asia haven't been going that long.

September 28th, 2018, 16:04
Perhaps that's true but the Songkran deaths run into thousands (about 52 per day) and Air Asia haven't been going that long. I'm glad you concede I'm right - Air Asia deaths IN TOTAL vs. Songkran deaths in ANY SINGLE YEAR

September 28th, 2018, 16:20
Well I was actually questioning your choice of comparisons but if your happy with it then so am I.

September 28th, 2018, 16:56
I'm sure I read about two Air Asia flights which had problems flying out of Australia and had to turn back. Both incidents were within a month or so of each other.

Hardy reassuring.

Local press seem to have an anti complex about Qantas. If a Qantas flight is late, has a problem on board,delays at reception or booking , FF bookings, always headlines. But no deaths on Qantas flights. Your comments about Air Asia flights is ridiculous.

Quality re meals, grog, flight allowance and waiting time are same for all airlines.
You get what you pay for.

September 28th, 2018, 17:09
When I first flew Air Asia, the fleet was visibly old. However, for the past few years, I've had as much confidence in them as in any other. We have to accept that short-haul flights are intrinsically less safe than long haul ones because of the number of take-offs and landings, so how do they compare with other budget airlines? My guess is the record is pretty good. Certainly in Thailand where the number of daily flights is huge.
My only irritation has been on the Bali flights where the seating arrangement is inappropriate for a four hour plus journey.
Of course, if I could afford scheduled flights ( I take six internal ones in Thailand every year, accompanied by my boyfriend), I wouldn't use a budget airline. But the reason would be comfort, not safety. And no more Dom Muang..

September 28th, 2018, 19:54
Fewer people have died in Air Asia accidents in total than die in Thailand on the roads each and every Songkran holiday

Ah the usual ignorance of the fact surrounding Songkran road deaths. Songkran is the SAFEST time of year to travel on Thailands roads. Fact.

Annual road deaths...24000 divided by 365 days = 65.7 per day
Songkran.....................389 divided by 7 days = 55 per day.

And did you know (excluding motorcycles) road deaths in cars are about the same as the UK?

Thailand road deaths...by cars 6% of 24000 per year = 3.94 per day
UK road deaths ...........by cars 1400 per year = 3.83 per day


September 28th, 2018, 22:07
Ah the usual ignorance of the fact surrounding Songkran road deaths. Songkran is the SAFEST time of year to travel on Thailands roads. Fact.

Annual road deaths...24000 divided by 365 days = 65.7 per day
Songkran.....................389 divided by 7 days = 55 per day.

And did you know (excluding motorcycles) road deaths in cars are about the same as the UK?

Thailand road deaths...by cars 6% of 24000 per year = 3.94 per day
UK road deaths ...........by cars 1400 per year = 3.83 per day


What you have shown is that you can manipulate statistics but you have NOT demonstrated that Thailand's road are safer than the UK.
You need to calculate the deaths per kilometer or mile driven. If people in the UK have many more cars and drive much more than people in Thailand then of course the TOTAL number of deaths in the UK will be higher. But the AVERAGE number of deaths per distance driven will be LOWER than Thailand.
Sorry you do not know shit about how to interpret statistics. And why exclude motor cycle deaths? I assume because it makes your numbers work. Sorry you are being dishonest with your analysis.

September 28th, 2018, 22:46
What you have shown is that you can manipulate statistics but you have NOT demonstrated that Thailand's road are safer than the UK.
You need to calculate the deaths per kilometer or mile driven. If people in the UK have many more cars and drive much more than people in Thailand then of course the TOTAL number of deaths in the UK will be higher. But the AVERAGE number of deaths per distance driven will be LOWER than Thailand.
Sorry you do not know shit about how to interpret statistics. And why exclude motor cycle deaths? I assume because it makes your numbers work. Sorry you are being dishonest with your analysis.

As a follow up. You are also defining safest as the number of deaths - I do not have access to the road accident statistics in Thailand - the safest should include the number of accidents per kilometer driven. It might be that the total number of Kilometers driven during the festival time is lower and the average speed is lower - the relevant comparison then is the number of accident and the number of deaths per KILOMETER driven. I am guessing but I suspect the number of non-fatal accident is higher during that time as people are driving slower but may get into more fender bender - resulting in more INJURIES to both drivers and passengers (including those on the back of trucks).

Making a statement "Ah the usual ignorance of the fact surrounding Songkran road deaths. Songkran is the SAFEST time of year to travel on Thailands roads. Fact." and then showing you do not know anything about making inferences using statistics shows the usual ignorance.

September 28th, 2018, 23:29
Fuck me soemone has rattled your cage.
I’m merely using the same statements as the Thai authorities after every Somgkran. They only ever talk about the number of deaths (never km driven).
Why have I left out motor bikes? Simply because they account for 94% of deaths in Thailand and there are hardly any in the UK, compared with Asia.
Have a nice day.

Nirish guy
October 2nd, 2018, 04:36
Plus everyone knows that 74.3% of statistics are all made up on the spot anyway so numbers are only useful half i.e 42% of the time anyway.!

October 2nd, 2018, 05:12
Plus everyone knows that 74.3% of statistics are all made up on the spot anyway so numbers are only useful half i.e 42% of the time anyway.!More precisely "Plus 74.3% of the population knows" etc. etc.

October 2nd, 2018, 06:04
Plus everyone knows that 74.3% of statistics are all made up on the spot anyway so numbers are only useful half i.e 42% of the time anyway.!

You what?? Another Guinness?

October 2nd, 2018, 07:19
You what?? Another Guinness?Make mine a treble

Nirish guy
October 2nd, 2018, 08:11
Well thank you, I don't mind if I do.....

Nirish guy
October 2nd, 2018, 08:14
More precisely "Plus 74.3% of the population knows" etc. etc.

Nope, sorry, I meant exactly what I said, you seem to have missed the entire point there somewhat I'm afraid.

October 2nd, 2018, 09:57
Nope, sorry, I meant exactly what I said, you seem to have missed the entire point there somewhat I'm afraid.Snap

October 2nd, 2018, 13:54
Snap Snap

October 8th, 2018, 15:56
FYI, every single boy in that bar is from Myanmar. They are all Shan. I asked one of the boys once. He said, "yes every one. Why? you not like Tai Yai?" I said I LOVE Tai Yai! Not a single Thai boy works there. But who's complaining, they're hot as hell.

That's "six pack Korn" on the left.
The boy on the left is not my type, the boy on the right I would take for free in a horny moment.

None of them has a six-pack by my standards.

Here are some examples (pictures from the internet) what I call a six-pack. Let's call it un-tensed visible six-pack, i.e. you can the six muscles without the boy tensing them. With some boys, the muscles are only visible when the boy tenses them. A447a's report could be called tensed palpable six-pack, i.e. he can feel the six muscles when the boy tenses them.






October 8th, 2018, 17:07
Personally, I prefer a glass of wine to a six pack.

October 8th, 2018, 22:28
I’m merely using the same statements as the Thai authorities after every Somgkran. They only ever talk about the number of deaths (never km driven).

So when Thai authorities spin the death toll in Thailand you feel obligated to do the same? Try critical thinking instead of parroting what you have heard.

October 21st, 2020, 00:07
I got to Classic House right on time and there was Cha, dutifully waiting for me. I cut the massage short as I was anxious for the fun to begin. Mind you, he gives an excellent massage.

We were in the final stage -the chuck-wow. Suddenly, he asked if he could fuck me again! What??

I declined the invitation, one that I'd normally take up. But I was a bit sore after the pounding he gave me ; he has one of those Issan cocks, (although he probably has never been anywhere near Issan. Maybe it's a north Thailand thing.) Besides, I was really enjoying working on him, even though my arm was about to fall off.

I can thoroughly recommend him if you want a handsome, manly guy with a big, hard, fat cock who is very enthusiastic, especially when you get to the sex part..

There are two Cha's you can cha-cha with - I've never seen the other one but my guy is on the short side and I don't recall seeing any tattoos. Then again, I didn't really look. He refers to himself as "tea." so if you say "I want Mr Cha. Mr tea," you'll get the right one. He's a winner.

I offed Win again last night and had a repeat of the sterling performance from the previous night. What a find!

After referring to your older post about CM I couldn’t help but think you have to give these young bucks straight or otherwise a great deal of credit to preform as you state with these old tossers.

October 21st, 2020, 06:55
After referring to your older post about CM I couldn’t help but think you have to give these young bucks straight or otherwise a great deal of credit to preform as you state with these old tossers.

I always have.