View Full Version : Why do some gays hate so much?

September 23rd, 2018, 06:24
Casual anti-semitism always appalls me.
I dislike the complex because it is full of fem twinks shreiking and grabing your arm as you walk by thankfully the two bars mentioned here have mostly Cambodian manly boys......Prejudice expressed by members of one minority against another has always interested me. Perhaps MFAS does not know, or maybe he does not care, that the Stonewall Riots (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots) which many believe mark the beginning of the modern gay power movement in America occurred when police raided the Stonewall Inn where a large number of drag queens had gathered to mourn the death of Judy Garland. Perhaps it’s the “twinks” he disapproves, rather than the “fem”, and he’s a closet transvestite himself?

One of the pop psychology theories proposes that the louder you scream, the more you have to hide; as Shakespeare puts in in Hamlet “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”, a principle I apply as much to anti-paedophile statements as to anti-gay or anti-“fem twinks” ones. Not that I’m appalled by it; for me it’s part of life’s rich tapestry, or, as Terence wrote in Heauton Timorumenos: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me". Perhaps the concept of Original Sin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_sin appeals to me?

But there’s a general question of why some members of a minority dislike members of a different minority so much. One theory is the “crowding out” one – society in general has a fixed quota of sympathy for members of minorities, and if one minority is being considered sympathetically, there’s less room for another minority to get an equal share

Some of this thinking was triggered by a book review (https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/09/two-legal-big-hitters-consider-the-appropriate-distribution-of-governmental-power-in-britain/) I was reading recently. It ends “At a time when concerns about the judiciary focus on diversity as well as merit, the two judges’ ancestry was as unusual as their education was typical. Lord Dyson is the son of a Lithuanian father and a Bulgarian mother; all four of Sir Stephen Sedley’s grandparents were immigrants from Poland. There is a book waiting to be written on the contribution that the offspring of Jewish refugees have made to English law.”

September 23rd, 2018, 13:12
just because Im gay doesnt make me an all accepting liberal tree hugging greenie good guy...I hate being lumped together with trans and cross dressers...Im a man..I fuck men..I like my penis..I dont want to mince or wear womans clothes...or grow tits...gays can also be biased..opinionated and racist and right wing

September 23rd, 2018, 18:53
That's fine Latin - you can be as discriminatory as you like - as long as you don't then mind other people's discrimination - say to deny you employment or accommodation, or maybe even kick the shit out you of on the street for liking to "fuck men"

However, if you expect others to be tolerant of your chosen lifestyle (and you're entitled to that expectation) then some attempt to be equally or (preferably) more tolerant of others might be in order.

Can't see it working in your case though because every post you have ever written is all about you and what you expect and demand.

I think I'd be right in saying that you have never expressed even a scintilla of empathy with (or sympathy for) any other human being in almost 11 years on the board (apart from Zionists of course - and only in the context of despising Palestinians)

September 24th, 2018, 03:48
Scotty..Im extremely tolerant and accepting as long as whatever the other crowd is into doesnt adversely affect me or my lifestyle. Im also so over the whole victimhood industry that seems to have sprung up...where its always some elses fault that u r a loser...blame society or your parents or religion...anything but u

September 24th, 2018, 08:09
Or the English.

September 25th, 2018, 20:48
We can't all be English teachers graduated from Oxford.

September 25th, 2018, 21:17
I graduated from Eton and went straight to Drinkin'