View Full Version : Number of Cambodian boys at Home and Sun bars

September 22nd, 2018, 12:10
Each time I visit Jomtien over the last 12 months, I notice the number of Cambodian boys greeting passersby, out the front of these two bars. Numbers of boys are down in front of almost all bars, but not here.
I mentioned to my dinner companions ,and it was wiped away as
"they all come from Siem Reap, and want to gossip in their own language"
I did not mention this was not what I had seen.
My friend who is using a stick to assist his slow walking was staying at Poseiden. Next night we walked to Dolce Vita for a few drinks and noticed the Home and Sun boys did chat but in the main stood in the path or sat on plastic stools. From where we sat there seemed to be 20 boys between the two bars plus boys upstairs we could not see.
At dinner several nights later at Poseiden we met as a group again and I raised the subject . Same guy dismissed the story and said the owners pay all the boys every night.
Doing the sums that did not make sense.
We figured about 4 boys a night being offed. Maybe after 11 when we left, there may be a few more.

So we went to Home next night for a few drinks. The boy that looked after us was pleasant, not restuarant standard but good service. Later we later asked how he got paid.
He does not get paid but there are boys who do and they share the tip money left in folder paying the bill. We found out he gets the tip if left on top of the folder.
He also qualifies for an off fee upstairs or leaving for outside. All boys must charge 300 baht for off.

It started to rain and we missed a few nights but went back again to find out more. There are two rates 100 baht a night if arrive at 4pm or nothing if come later. Rates vary but could not get more info,but some boys go off almost every night.

Between just these two bars we counted at 10pm 32 boys. As we walked back to Poseiden the number of boys available was less than over a dozen bars.

This was coming into monsoon season. We noticed when it started to rain all the boys shifted the tables chairs or cushions, inside without being directed. After the rain pased away out they came and reset.
It will be interesting to see if the numbers grow much more in high season

September 22nd, 2018, 12:42
All boys must charge 300 baht for off.

It started to rain and we missed a few nights but went back again to find out more. There are two rates 100 baht a night if arrive at 4pm or nothing if come later.

Lonely, Is it 300 Baht per off or 100 Baht or nothing if come later.?

September 22nd, 2018, 12:58
Francois. It's 300 baht off fee at anytime. The boys get 100 baht salary if they get to work at 4.00pm but nothing if they choose to arrive later.

September 22nd, 2018, 14:37
Ok, I did not fully understand Wombat's post. Thanks arsenal.:heart:

September 22nd, 2018, 15:41
how can one tell they are cambodian...all look the same..bit like trying to distinguish between germans and dutch...same...same...

September 22nd, 2018, 16:14
We discussed that with the boys we were talking to.
The owner is quite interested in Cambodia. He did have a hotel in Siem Reap that did not take off.
There is perhaps another possibility in Phnom Penh.

September 22nd, 2018, 18:38
I find nothing surprising in the first post.

If a bar was going to pay the minimum wage (330 baht or whatever it is now), purely for acting as waiters serving customers, then most of these bars would have to cut the headcount down to 2~3 people.

However, the bars are stuffed full of cute young lads who are supposed to make their money by getting tips for sitting with customers 100 baht at a time, or by renting their ass out for 1000+ per time.

Of course, this may have some seasonality to it, so if they cannot make enough over the calender year, then it's time to find a new career.
Those who are doing it need to be fortunate enough to look cute & after that, they need to work at it by being friendly with customers and if they do get an off, deliver sufficient service to ensure they stand a good chance of a repeat off with the same client.

This is how capitalism works. The system offers them way better opportunities than some communist regimes have offered. For example the Khmer Rouge, or the Vietnamese government in the 19980s before they introduced some market reforms (remember all the Vietnamese boat people).

September 22nd, 2018, 19:25
This system is common in about all Thai bars-the boys have to earn their ''salary'' at least by the nr. of offs they can produce-during the month. Same for most m2m massageshops. or in an adapted form in about all THai shops as such, whatever they sell (on commission). How/what they do among themselves is of course up to them. In the past most bars would simply dismiss a boy who was (repeatedly) not able to earn his keep. There were/are also penalties to be paid (or rather withdrawn form salary) for not turning up, being late or whatever.
Its with a little experience (and nice to see you keep going on here, dear latin) quite easy to see and even more to hear the difference between real Thai and Khmer-much easier as between Thai/Isany and Lao or even between most Thai and normal Bahma-Burmese.

September 22nd, 2018, 19:49
Its with a little experience (and nice to see you keep going on here, dear latin) quite easy to see and even more to hear the difference between real Thai and Khmer-much easier as between Thai/Isany and Lao or even between most Thai and normal Bahma-Burmese.

Read this four times and again
What the hell are you talking about. Even if I guess, such a long way off topic.

September 22nd, 2018, 20:28
I dislike the complex because it is full of fem twinks shreiking and grabing your arm as you walk by thankfully the two bars mentioned here have mostly Cambodian manly boys......

September 22nd, 2018, 21:58
So, I gather that these two bars open at 4PM. Is this correct?

September 22nd, 2018, 22:08
Sun bar has 30 boys on the roster
Some come every day, some come when they need to replenish their bank accounts
The boss there is Laos, so they also have quite a few Laos boys available

September 23rd, 2018, 00:46
Ok, I did not fully understand Wombat's post. Thanks arsenal.:heart:Francois, nobody on this board has ever been able to decipher Wombat's written words since -- let's say -- 2004.
You are defintely NOT alone.

September 23rd, 2018, 07:20
Well Smiles with unkind comments like that it's not surprising old Wombles has cut you out of his will. Haha.

September 23rd, 2018, 08:07
So, I gather that these two bars open at 4PM. Is this correct?

Yes action begins after 4 in Jomtien. Not much trade, not every place but bars start to open. Not sure but I think Venue also has happy hour starting at 4.
But Venue I believe may be a happy hour for drinks with no boys.
Several of the group I occasionally meet with will drop in late afternoon window shopping,as they find the boys at work then, are eager for offs

September 23rd, 2018, 08:13
Sun bar has 30 boys on the roster
Some come every day, some come when they need to replenish their bank accounts
The boss there is Laos, so they also have quite a few Laos boys available

I must admit I was confused who was running Sun bar. Owner must look like one of the boys and does not stand out.
But this is the first time I have heard of Laos boy there. We had noticed Sun boys were shorter than Home boys but that we thought was a co-incidence

September 23rd, 2018, 08:47
Yes action begins after 4 in Jomtien. Not much trade, not every place but bars start to open. Not sure but I think Venue also has happy hour starting at 4.
But Venue I believe may be a happy hour for drinks with no boys.
Several of the group I occasionally meet with will drop in late afternoon window shopping,as they find the boys at work then, are eager for offs

Just had email from one of that group.
They tend not to approach boys from Sun or Home bars .They look to those who are in Jomtien early,need the money and get ignored later at night.

September 23rd, 2018, 09:36
Just had email from one of that group.
They tend not to approach boys from Sun or Home bars .They look to those who are in Jomtien early,need the money and get ignored later at night.I've always assumed the term "window shopping" means you're not actually shopping, but what you're saying here is that they are shopping if they can find something sufficiently attractive (and desperate)

September 23rd, 2018, 10:03
I've always assumed the term "window shopping" means you're not actually shopping, but what you're saying here is that they are shopping if they can find something sufficiently attractive (and desperate)

Window shopping to me is to see what is around and available. Maybe it involves drinks to find out if there is interest on his side. Then if things go well an offer.They have a reputation to be always looking, but not going off with a boy just because he is there.

In the meantime they do get a lot of pool and tip well if not offing. They stress this is important as your standing improves with the boys as a whole.

September 23rd, 2018, 10:06
Window shopping to me is to see what is around and available. Maybe it involves drinks to find out if there is interest on his side. Then if things go well an offer.They have a reputation to be always looking, but not going off with a boy just because he is there.

In the meantime they do get a lot of pool and tip well if not offing. They stress this is important as your standing improves with the boys as a whole.The dictionary definition states that window shopping means "the activity of looking at goods displayed in shop windows, especially without intending to buy anything". Note especially. I think in your defence there's a Helix porn clip called Window Shopping where two guys take home the window dresser and they have a threesome. I don't recall any actual purchase however

September 23rd, 2018, 10:21
Frequent is becoming pedantic in the previous post. When, how does window shopping transfer to an interest in a purchase? An off?
Do you have to go back home because " I told frequent I was going window shopping, but now I have seen something I like"

Fuck me!!!!!

September 23rd, 2018, 10:26
Frequent is becoming pedantic in the previous post. When, how does window shopping transfer to an interest in a purchase? An off? Do you have to go back home because " I told frequent I was going window shopping, but now I have seen something I like"Your careless use of the English language has been noted. You'll remember it was Humpty Dumpty who said (in a rather scornful tone) "When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less"

September 23rd, 2018, 10:27
" ... I must admit I was confused ... "Finally, an admission. That takes balls Lonely, I'm impressed.

September 23rd, 2018, 10:48
But I was not drugged up!

September 23rd, 2018, 11:09
Your careless use of the English language has been noted. You'll remember it was Humpty Dumpty who said (in a rather scornful tone) "When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less"

Really who cares about the English Language. Only you when you try and be so perfect. Actually Humpty Dumpy is so apt a name for you. I might start using that as an alternative.

September 23rd, 2018, 11:51
Its with a little experience (and nice to see you keep going on here, dear latin) quite easy to see and even more to hear the difference between real Thai and Khmer-much easier as between Thai/Isany and Lao or even between most Thai and normal Bahma-Burmese.
Read this four times and again. What the hell are you talking about. Even if I guess, such a long way off topic.
Really who cares about the English Language.As you are an Australian I guess that's apposite

September 23rd, 2018, 12:25
As you are an Australian I guess that's apposite
Humpty Dumpty aka as frequent This thread is Sawatdee Gay Thailand not an excuse to impose your high brow atitudes to peoples comments.
Who cares about your thoughts. You are adding nothing to the subject. Apposite or opposite in your mind! but totally irrelevant.
LIke you Humpty Dumpty.

September 23rd, 2018, 15:38
We had noticed Sun boys were shorter than Home boys but that we thought was a co-incidence

Lonely - I hope you are referring to height rather than the length of their manhood? I like bars with well hung guys.

September 23rd, 2018, 16:24
Andaman we had no complaints about the Cambodian boys Even the slim boys were rock hard and that surprised us. Maybe length for those looking for size may be a disppointment.
Later we tried the rooms upstairs but will not do that again.The stairs were a problem.
We were both fortunate for the first few weeks ,we both stayed in condos with lifts.
Later we both shifted to condos away from Jomtien.

First we doubled on bikes but we went through the police checkpoint, and were lucky not to get stopped.
We found a taxi that took the driver and two of us home at a time for little more than taxis and safer. Will use in future.
Polite,respectful and courteous. What more can you ask for except for size.

September 23rd, 2018, 18:10
First we doubled on bikes but we went through the police checkpoint, and were lucky not to get stopped.

Two passengers on one bike? It is dangerous enough with one passenger, much less two. The taxi is a much better idea and much safer.

September 23rd, 2018, 18:56
Humpty Dumpty aka as frequent This thread is Sawatdee Gay Thailand not an excuse to impose your high brow atitudes to peoples comments.
Who cares about your thoughts. You are adding nothing to the subject. Apposite or opposite in your mind! but totally irrelevant.
LIke you Humpty Dumpty.
Lonely, it is not "high brow" when the poor soul suffers from delusions of grandeur. Actually, it's a medical condition that properly treated, would require his absence from this board to spend all his hours with a good therapist.

September 24th, 2018, 05:30
Humpty Dumpty aka as frequent This thread is Sawatdee Gay Thailand not an excuse to impose your high brow atitudes to peoples comments.
Who cares about your thoughts. You are adding nothing to the subject. Apposite or opposite in your mind! but totally irrelevant.
LIke you Humpty Dumpty.You should have realized by now LW that I have an addiction to needing to provoke and enrage. Like all addictive behaviour any cure will require extensive and expensive therapy. To that end I’m setting up a crowdfunding site and I’ll be looking for a generous contribution from your good self. In the meantime I expect you to respect that I am an addict and therefore entitled to your respect rather than condemnation

September 24th, 2018, 07:19
By all means set up your own site. Undoubtedly you and Smiles can have a wonderful time together.
Others have done it take the plunge and accept your followers to your site.

September 24th, 2018, 08:20
You should have realized by now LW that I have an addiction to needing to provoke and enrage. Like all addictive behaviour any cure will require extensive and expensive therapy

Addictive behaviours are a mental illness, the amoumt of time and importance that you associate with this board are signals you have real mental issues and show that you have very little of any kind of life however, you can take solice knowing you are not alone scottish and arsenal have similar issues unfoutunately not only are you toxic to yourselve but to this board as well.

September 24th, 2018, 09:04
Addictive behaviours are a mental illness, the amoumt of time and importance that you associate with this board are signals you have real mental issues and show that you have very little of any kind of life however, you can take solice knowing you are not alone scottish and arsenal have similar issues unfoutunately not only are you toxic to yourselve but to this board as well.So I can look forward to a financial contribution from you as well as Lonely Wombat?

September 24th, 2018, 10:14
No way Jose!

September 25th, 2018, 10:48
Francois mentioned about taxis and the even worse that we double dinked to avoid the rain. Will not ever do that again.Your warning is accepted.

Several messages about the stairs behind Home bar. First I was going backwards in my rehab due to the cold winter we had here at home.
The staircase seemed to get steeper and was glad to eventually get to the top.

But after excercise in particular walking downstairs at the condo, it probably would not now be a problem. That was weeks two and I had a bit more than six more weeks to go before returning home.

Friend that we shared beers with arrived back to Pattaya friday. He said a lot of the boys have been replaced by new faces, just as handsome and eager to learn. He is doing his best to make them feel welcome.

September 27th, 2018, 13:49
how can one tell they are cambodian...all look the same..bit like trying to distinguish between germans and dutch...same...same...

After studying South-East Asian males extensively for some years, I often can correctly guess their nationality. The problem is to confirm my guess. Sometimes they wear shirts in their country's language, or have Thanaka in their face (Myanmar), or you can glimpse on their mobile phone (in Taipei I was standing on the train and a group of cute boys who looked Vietnamese to me came in, and I got a glimpse on their mobile phone, and there was Vietnamese text).


from: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1360524

September 27th, 2018, 17:59
...and here I thought she looked German

September 27th, 2018, 19:02
...and here I thought she looked German

And probably is. But how about your ancestry
Tell us about your parents and grandparents. What nationality are they?

September 27th, 2018, 19:39
We are all connected somehow , we're all Africans if you go back 100000 years.

September 27th, 2018, 19:52
Au contraire. I'm a direct descendant of Adam and Eve, in spirit and flesh ...
Lucy is simply the imagination of some disoriented paleontologist, after having had a drink too many...

Brad the Impala
September 27th, 2018, 20:54
And in a flash we move from the number of Cambodians in Jomtien gay bars to the origins of our species. Ole SGT!

September 28th, 2018, 17:22
And in a flash we move from the number of Cambodians in Jomtien gay bars to the origins of our species. Ole SGT!

Thats whats killing this site, on many items , which guys want to read they go off at a tangent > i wish the MOD would step in , but it seems as if hes not bothered

September 28th, 2018, 17:40
i wish the MOD would step in , but it seems as if hes not bothered

1. Moderators do not moderate the forum 24/7. This is a free volunteer work, and the moderators each have their own lives.

2. My goal is to create on the forum such conditions in which the violation of the rules will inevitably be punished. But "inevitably" does not mean "immediately" (see paragraph 1).

3. The order has a price. The price of the order is the restriction of freedom. At the forum, we are trying to find a balance between maintaining order and preserving freedom of speech. I see that innocent fluctuations of the topic are permissible, if the withdrawal of the topic aside is not carried out consciously and for the sake of torpedoing the topic itself.

translated by Google translator

September 28th, 2018, 19:28
Vive Moses !