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View Full Version : How is the weather just now

September 4th, 2018, 15:20
He guys.
I am considering a small trip to Thailand in a few days.
Staying in Pattaya/jomtien area. Maybe with a visit on Samet.
So my question: how is the weather this days?

September 4th, 2018, 15:27
It was/will be absolutely bucketing down in Bangkok and a quick Google search forecasts rain every day in Pattaya for the next week

Nirish guy
September 4th, 2018, 15:29
And you can see that rain all the way from "Swansea" !! wow ! :)

September 4th, 2018, 15:47
Google may well forecast rain for the next week in Pattaya but the daily percentage chance varies from 20 to 90. Yesterday was fine daytime and then we had heavy rain from about 9.30 pm. Today (now 15.44) has been fine so far.

September 4th, 2018, 15:53
Thank you pennyboy, that is what I wanted to know.
Sure I can look at the forecasts, but you can in fact not always count on them.

September 4th, 2018, 16:03
And you can see that rain all the way from "Swansea" !! wow ! :)Locationwise I am as Schrodinger’s cat

September 4th, 2018, 16:35
Dead or Alive ?

September 4th, 2018, 16:43
There's been some rain but I see it as a welcome respite.

September 4th, 2018, 16:51
There's been some rain but I see it as a welcome respite.

...and it hasn't hindered me from doing anything I wanted to do, if you catch my drift.

September 4th, 2018, 17:22
In September the chances are that you will get pissed on 5 days out of 7 is quite high. Doesn't mean that the deluge will stay all day, and it's good chances that it will only last one or two hours.

Pattaya has total crap for proper drainage which, every so often, you might drown (worst scenario), or -- better -- get floating feces to watch out for.

Hey ... "Amazing Thailand"

September 4th, 2018, 17:27
In September the chances are that you will get pissed on 5 days out of 7 is quite high. Doesn't mean that the deluge will stay all day, and it's good chances that it will only last one or two hours.

Pattaya has total crap for proper drainage which, every so often, and you might drown (worst scenario), or -- better -- get floating feces to watch out for.

Hey ... "Amazing Thailand"

Most of the responses have been as useful as JP Morgan’s answer to a question about the future of the sharemarket - “It will fluctuate”. Apart from the bleeding obvious - this is the rainy season - what else can be said about specifics

September 4th, 2018, 18:19
If Schrodinger's cat had been reading this thread I fear it might well have grabbed the hammer and released the cyanide

September 4th, 2018, 18:42
If Schrodinger's cat had been reading this thread I fear it might well have grabbed the hammer and released the cyanideCertainly on reading Francois’ post. I had to restrain myself from slashing my wrists

September 4th, 2018, 19:16
If Schrodinger's cat had been reading this thread I fear it might well have grabbed the hammer and released the cyanide

Considering that this thread is, essentially, about whether it will rain in the rainy season; I must tell you I yearn for an update on the hotel and restaurant situation. Googling the weather can even be done from one's fourth floor, cold water, walk up nostalgically located behind's one's former workplace at the vehicle licensing bureau in Swansea.

Elsewhere, I've read about a new wine shop and a fine new bakery either side of Dick's Jomtien. Also, there is - as I've read, a large new Chinese restaurant. But, I suppose we will get to that after we settle Scottish sex scandals and the burning issue of the political integrity of the UK.

I agree these are important world issue but please note that among the posters who argue about this are the ones who inerringly whine about a question about where to stay.

Nirish guy
September 4th, 2018, 19:34
a question about where to stay.

If talking about Bangkok then surely that's a no brainer as the OBVIOUS answer re where to stay is of course to stay at the Tarntawan as I hear it gets very resonable reviews !

September 4th, 2018, 19:35
September weather in one picture:


Nirish guy
September 4th, 2018, 19:37
Thats not so much weather perhaps as maybe more just a walk in shower ! :-(

September 4th, 2018, 19:45
By all accounts last night's rain was so heavy that the 'river' was a foot deep outside Nice Boys and it was impossible to get to Boyztown.

September 4th, 2018, 20:01
Considering that this thread is, essentially, about whether it will rain in the rainy season; I must tell you I yearn for an update on the hotel and restaurant situation. Googling the weather can even be done from one's fourth floor, cold water, walk up nostalgically located behind's one's former workplace at the vehicle licensing bureau in Swansea.

Elsewhere, I've read about a new wine shop and a fine new bakery either side of Dick's Jomtien

Then why are you here, paborn?

You have shared your thoughts about Sawadtee on another board, the same board where you learned about fine new bakery at Jomtien, so what is keeping you here?

Your words about Sawadtee:


September 4th, 2018, 20:25
It's simple. I like some of the people here and have high hopes for improvement. I think I said that in the second paragraph. Was I unclear? You've made 11 posts. Apparently, you have little to add, it's a shame really. So, why is it you lurk? You seem to only emerge to defend the indefensible.
By the way, goodbye.

September 4th, 2018, 20:41
It's simple. I like some of the people here and have high hopes for improvement.

High hopes for improvement, huh?

I am sorry to have let you down, paborn! I hope members of Sawadtee will do their best in order to meet your expectations lol

September 4th, 2018, 21:25
Wow! Your posting.... good for you. Of course, you're now on my ignore list and this is the last comment i give you; of course, I've not read your post and I'm serenely happy about that. You see it's not the board I have issues with it's a few sad people who have nothing better to do than cause fights. It's really all rather sad. Now, my final goobye so you can run off in the corner and play with yourself.

September 4th, 2018, 21:38
Thank you for all the informative answers.
Well at least, now I know why the direct flight was so dirt sheap and why I can not find my regular fucktoys on the apps. ;-)

September 5th, 2018, 01:43
..., I suppose we will get to that after we settle Scottish sex scandals and the burning issue of the political integrity of the UK. I agree these are important world issue but please note that among the posters who argue about this are the ones who inerringly whine about a question about where to stay.

Incorrect - the "whining" is over people repeatedly asking completely banal questions about a single place to stay as if it were the only hotel in BKK.

Nirish guy
September 5th, 2018, 01:49
....... as if it were the only hotel in BKK.

!?? You mean it's NOT !!!??? But surely not of the same high quality and complete with all the added value that makes the tarntawan so special to so many of us ?! Tell me it's not so ! ? :)

September 5th, 2018, 01:55
... surely not of the same high quality and complete with all the added value...

Well if the bed bugs mentioned on Trip Advisor is part of the "added value" and "high quality" then maybe not.

Francois will be along shortly to chastise Paborn for going off topic, so best leave it at that


Nirish guy
September 5th, 2018, 01:58
But.....they have chocolate in the fridge ! And floor to ceiling windows.....meaning you can look out and easily see if its raining or not so whats not to love !! There, right back on topic ! :)

September 5th, 2018, 03:18
Yes please, where are the boys when it is raining and thunderstorms? Under the fridge or the bed, please tell me, I am new to this. Do they feel like seeing any ghosts in the jungle?
Dont laugh at me, because I have been reading a lot about how thais make offers to the small buddhas everywhere, like whiskey, rice and so on. Whiskey is well turned on the street in hookerbars, men or Lady.
I would like to do that to my boybuddha... Give him gifts like that.
Have a nice sleep

Captain Swing
September 5th, 2018, 03:50
My favorite thing about the Tartawan was that they used to send me a Christmas card (actually "Holiday" card) every year to my home in the US, rather puzzlingly postmarked in Brunei. I thought that was a very nice touch. But they stopped, so fuck'em.

September 5th, 2018, 03:57
To answer the OP:
It rained yesterday (Monday) from 20.00 to 10.00 the next day. huge wash out and most bars closed before midnight.

It's the first time in 18 years of coming here that I spent my night at home and not in a pub or the hospital!

It's now 3am (wed morning) and raining again.

Worst September that I ever remember being here!

September 5th, 2018, 04:08
Incorrect - the "whining" is over people repeatedly asking completely banal questions about a single place to stay as if it were the only hotel in BKK.

Regarless of whether or not a post is banal or not, regardless of how often the question has been asked it is not your job to annoy the poster. You and Frequent almost drove me away. Is that the only joy you have it life?

Nirish guy
September 5th, 2018, 04:12
s. Do they feel like seeing any ghosts in the jungle?

Actually you'd be surprised just how many boys told me that there were "ghosts" in my bathroom in the Tarntawan ! I asked several why they thought this and got answers ranging from "I just know" to " I can feel them" to strangely " because it's colder in there and the ghosts prefer the cold" - who knew eh !

September 5th, 2018, 06:40
Regarless of whether or not a post is banal or not, regardless of how often the question has been asked it is not your job to annoy the poster. You and Frequent almost drove me away. Is that the only joy you have it life?

Yes, but I can’t speak for Frequent

September 5th, 2018, 06:44
Actually you'd be surprised just how many boys told me that there were "ghosts" in my bathroom in the Tarntawan ! I asked several why they thought this and got answers ranging from "I just know" to " I can feel them" to strangely " because it's colder in there and the ghosts prefer the cold" - who knew eh !

My guess is that with all the experience these boys have of “getting ready” in Farang’s hotel bathrooms they’re just preparing themselves for someone or something putting the willies up them

September 5th, 2018, 06:50
My guess is that with all the experience these boys have of “getting ready” in Farang’s hotel bathrooms they’re just preparing themselves for someone or something putting the willies up themFriends foolish enough to buy condos in Thailand who attempt to sell them report not only a general reluctance to buy something that isn't completely new but sometimes a specific reluctance to buy where a farang has lived

September 5th, 2018, 07:00
Maybe due to, as William Burroughs put it “...the sharp, musty smell of penetrated rectum” possibly lingering after the Farang has departed?

September 5th, 2018, 07:05
My favorite thing about the Tartawan was that they used to send me a Christmas card (actually "Holiday" card) every year to my home in the US, rather puzzlingly postmarked in Brunei. I thought that was a very nice touch. But they stopped, so fuck'em.

Awwww LCR used to send those too.
Thanks for the memory!

September 5th, 2018, 07:10
Maybe due to, as William Burroughs put it “...the sharp, musty smell of penetrated rectum” possibly lingering after the Farang has departed?The novelist Patrick White used to attribute a sore throat to "too much swallowing of the pork sword"

September 5th, 2018, 10:09
Paborn wrote about Scottish and Frequent.
"You and Frequent almost drove me away."

They'll probably leave you alone if you stop giving me 'likes'. Bullies often attack those they see as friendly towards someone they don't like and Scottish Guy in particular is always looking for a partner to join him.
Mods. Feel free to move or even delete this post. I've made my point.

September 5th, 2018, 10:15
Mods. Feel free to move or even delete this post. I've made my point.As a Moderator In Pectore surely you can do that yourself?

September 5th, 2018, 10:29
My moderating days were a glorious era for SGT reaching a zenith when you 'left us' for three months (for exactly the same behaviour you are guilty of now) but have now passed into history.

September 5th, 2018, 10:48
My moderating days were a glorious era for SGT reaching a zenith when you 'left us' for three months (for exactly the same behaviour you are guilty of now) but have now passed into history.The most apposite response to that is Mandy Rice-Davies' answer to what Lord Astor had alleged. We all know you're still in cahoots with the "official" Mods although doubtless that's an invitation to Lord Jellybaby to issue one of his fabulous Scarlet Letters - hence the phrase "Moderator In Pectore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_pectore)"

September 5th, 2018, 10:57
"In cahoots." One of my favourite expressions. Have a like.

September 5th, 2018, 16:13
To answer the OP:

Worst September that I ever remember being here!

You wrote that on 4 September. Don't you think it's a bit early to write off the whole month?

September 5th, 2018, 18:30
Paborn wrote about Scottish and Frequent.
"You and Frequent almost drove me away."

They'll probably leave you alone if you stop giving me 'likes'. Bullies often attack those they see as friendly towards someone they don't like and Scottish Guy in particular is always looking for a partner to join him.
Mods. Feel free to move or even delete this post. I've made my point.

They'll also leave me alone with both on my ignore list. I wish Moses would realize that if they were gone the number of posters vs viewers would, likely, go up.
My first few weeks here were hell. I was attacked for asking questions on an information forum.

September 5th, 2018, 18:33
It's what they do. Currently attacking as a pair which strikes me as especially cowardly.

Mods, Feel free to edit or remove this. Ive made my point.

September 5th, 2018, 19:38
They'll also leave me alone with both on my ignore list. I wish Moses would realize that if they were gone the number of posters vs viewers would, likely, go up.
My first few weeks here were hell. I was attacked for asking questions on an information forum.

Kindly post links to these numerous times I have allegedly “attacked” you. To my recollection I have done nothing of the sort.

Given that you have awarded in excess of 20 “likes” to my posts, I find your accusations bizarre to say the least.

Is my questioning of your claim also an “attack”? I’d like to know your criteria

September 5th, 2018, 19:50
No rain today I believe.

September 6th, 2018, 00:19
It rained a bit in Florida. But, it's the rainy season here as well. But, with my ignore list filling up I see nothing but bright skies ahead.

September 6th, 2018, 01:01
But, with my ignore list filling up I see nothing but bright skies ahead.

The freak has taught you well, but with only about 10 regular posters here who will you have left to read?

September 6th, 2018, 02:16
Well, as I said earlier if a few were gone many more who lurk might start posting. I can't prove it, of course, but I'm convinced people get scared off.

Nirish guy
September 6th, 2018, 04:16
Well, as I said earlier if a few were gone many more who lurk might start posting. I can't prove it, of course, but I'm convinced people get scared off.

Perhaps also thought if some other member didn't poke and poke and troll said members to specifically try to draw out the very reaction he then gets sometimes then they ALL could just put each other on ignore and simply stop - but that wouldn't suit HIS own fun and games either of course - but we can but live in hope I guess.

September 6th, 2018, 04:20
They'll also leave me alone with both on my ignore list. My first few weeks here were hell. I was attacked for asking questions on an information forum.

..You and Frequent almost drove me away...

You'll see that Paborn hasn't substantiated his accusations that I "attacked" him or "almost drove him away".

The reason is: It simply did not happen in any accepted sense of those words.

I'm aware that he and Frequent have been playing ping-pong with insults - but as to why I've been dragged into it is beyond my ken. Unless.....

September 6th, 2018, 04:33
It's what they do. Currently attacking as a pair which strikes me as especially cowardly. Mods, Feel free to edit or remove this. Ive made my point.As a Moderator In Pectore you could do this yourself

September 6th, 2018, 04:34
Kindly post links to these numerous times I have allegedly “attacked” you. To my recollection I have done nothing of the sort. Given that you have awarded in excess of 20 “likes” to my posts, I find your accusations bizarre to say the least. Is my questioning of your claim also an “attack”? I’d like to know your criteriaI think you might be getting a bit paranoid scotty

September 6th, 2018, 05:50
Perhaps also thought if some other member didn't poke and poke and troll said members to specifically try to draw out the very reaction he then gets sometimes then they ALL could just put each other on ignore and simply stop - but that wouldn't suit HIS own fun and games either of course - but we can but live in hope I guess.

At the moment there are 89 members and 1911 guests - I leave it to you to ponder about these numbers and about 6 actually posting. You can guess who half of those are.

Nirish guy
September 6th, 2018, 06:07
Firstly as it's been discussed many times on the board dont be thinking that that 1911 "guests" are people sitting reading the board and wondering "hmm I wonder should I post there' - ( perhaps some granted) - but as has been discussed here before ( and I dont pretend to know much about it) but we're told by those who know about these things that the vast majority of that number are in fact "Bots' scouring the board for their own automated reasons.

But hey I'm with you on the "could do better thing" hence why I suggested above that those members who feel they simply can't deal with each other simply put each other on ignore - it really is that simple - I see Moses has actually requested same from the THREE members he believes it applies too, so I guess that would be a start - but I'm guessing dont hold your breath on that actually happening perhaps, but we'll see.

For the record though I very much doubt that you'll be seeing 1911 new posters signing up to post .......or even 191 ( or 19 !) but hey it can do no harm to try right.

September 6th, 2018, 06:27
Firstly as it's been discussed many times on the board dont be thinking that that 1911 "guests" are people sitting reading the board and wondering "hmm I wonder should I post there' - ( perhaps some granted) - but as has been discussed here before ( and I dont pretend to know much about it) but we're told by those who know about these things that the vast majority of that number are in fact "Bots' scouring the board for their own automated reasons.

But hey I'm with you on the "could do better thing" hence why I suggested above that those members who feel they simply can't deal with each other simply put each other on ignore - it really is that simple - I see Moses has actually requested same from the THREE members he believes it applies too, so I guess that would be a start - but I'm guessing dont hold your breath on that actually happening perhaps, but we'll see.

For the record though I very much doubt that you'll be seeing 1911 new posters signing up to post .......or even 191 ( or 19 !) but hey it can do no harm to try right.paborn’s point is that he should not have to put anyone on Ignore and the Board would be a better place thereby

September 6th, 2018, 06:28
I think you might be getting a bit paranoid scotty

Thank your Dr Frequent!

Correct diagnosis, wrong patient!


September 6th, 2018, 06:39
Thank your Dr Frequent! Correct diagnosis, wrong patient! Oh dear, I'll have to stick to digital examinations of your rectum I suppose

September 6th, 2018, 07:06
I understand and agree. But, I use my own debut on the board as my exemplar. It was rough. I'm not going to go through all my posts to find examples and prove my opinion. It is my opinion - it's as simple as that. I think we could do better. There are two posters who jumped on everything I said. One far worse than the other, but both not worth my time. The ones I feel are at fault - totally my own- opinion are now on ignore.

September 6th, 2018, 07:34
High hopes for improvement, huh? I am sorry to have let you down, paborn! I hope members of Sawadtee will do their best in order to meet your expectations lolIf not they can expect one of paborn's routine ad hominem attacks. He's made several in just this one thread

Captain Swing
September 6th, 2018, 07:48
Remember Hominem? God, his posts were insufferable. I'm glad he died. (Or did he????)

September 6th, 2018, 08:31
Could we please stick to the weather. 3 drizzly wet fronts in Scotland, N Ireland and Bangkok will come together and form what meteorologist's are calling a super whinge involving lots of hot air. It is expected to move across to the holding room later today whereupon only the two northern European self inflated showers will remain for a short while.

September 6th, 2018, 08:39
Could we please stick to the weather.I ate yesterday evening at G's restaurant in Silom Soi 4 (that's in Bangkok) - fairly busy. Connections also seemed to be well patronised. A heavy downpour started around 5:30pm and was still going strong while I was eating (8pm). Other than what I could see at Connections and G's the soi seemed mostly deserted

September 6th, 2018, 14:47
Wow more than 60 replies on my simple question. Thank you so much gentlemen.
By the way, on accuweater the next couple of days should be okay.

September 6th, 2018, 15:09
...There are two posters who jumped on everything I said....

Yet you'd have us believe that in 3 short months you've have gone from being a tiny frightened rabbit caught in the car headlights, to a 6 foot rabbit who not only stops the car, forces the driver out and shoots him at point blank range - but for shits and giggles pops off a passer-by too (me).

Then when challenged "Mr Harvey - why did you shoot the passer-by?" you say you can't produce any reason because "it's not worth my time"

Clearly you can ignore and disparage whomsoever you like - and since you spend half your time on another board anyway I guess you're keeping your options open - but you don't get a free pass to accuse me of "attacking" you "on numerous occasions" when no such thing ever happened.

Is it raining yet?

September 6th, 2018, 16:40
It's still gloriously sunny.

September 6th, 2018, 20:30
It’s overcast here. Around 19 degrees.

September 6th, 2018, 22:16
Absolutely puading down now. I predict floods.

September 6th, 2018, 22:21
Absolutely puading down now. I predict floods.

Surely you meant to say "fwoods". And did you just see a "putthy tat" running to seek shelter?:D

September 6th, 2018, 22:25
Haha. I could change it but it's done now. Actually I meant pissing down.

September 7th, 2018, 16:00
Bangkok, yesterday ---- blue skies and VERY hot in morning and afternoon ---- about six o/clock evening monsoon followed by an evening of soft rain.
Today sunny again but taking umbrella tonight just in case.

September 13th, 2018, 14:22
Hot off the press - the weather in Pattaya is ... wet - http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/calamity/2018/09/13/storm-floods-pattaya-as-typhoon-bears-down-photos/

September 17th, 2018, 10:11
I arrived in Pattaya yesterday afternoon, balmy weather without a drop of rain.
This morning out in the open is blazing hot, but the strong breeze coming from the sea is so heavenly, for the moment, and hopefully the rain doesn't fall this evening for some bar hopping.