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August 10th, 2018, 12:37
... wait I'll answer that. Yep ... he is. Questionable? Nope, he isn't.
TravelerJim, where are you now?
And Trump ... 'Brexit' yep, he's all over that one.


(P.S. ... I may be number 2, because I can never get the video up properly. Moses? Yes? No?
Oh well, the above link works, and it's iconic. And Trump is still out there, dumb as a bag of hammers)

To save the world let's just hope that there's enough of the soft 'Deplorables' who might somehow morph into the 'What-Have-I-Dones??' and vote to give The Imbecile a minority in November.

August 10th, 2018, 13:07
... wait I'll answer that. Yep ... he is. Questionable? Nope, he isn't.
TravelerJim, where are you now?
And Trump ... 'Brexit' yep, he's all over that one.


(P.S. ... I may be number 2, because I can never get the video up properly. Moses? Yes? No?
Oh well, the above link works, and it's iconic. And Trump is still out there, dumb as a bag of hammers)

To save the world let's just hope that there's enough of the soft 'Deplorables' who might somehow morph into the 'What-Have-I-Dones??' and vote to give The Imbecile a minority in November.All you need do, Smiles, is wait until the mid-terms and then vote in your congressional district and state (if the senators are up for re-election) whoever is anti-Trump. Oh wait, you're not an American, there's not a single solitary thing you can do. I'd be learning some Stoical philosophy if I were you - https://aeon.co/ideas/to-be-happier-focus-on-whats-within-your-control

It's like those people who are wringing their hands over Boris' latest defense of the right of people to dress how they like while looking completely stupid (and has been defended by a senior Muslim cleric (https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1001103/boris-johnson-burka-news-article-telegraph-burqa-imam)). I'm with Boris by the way; I think the world would be a much better place if the burqa was mandatory for all women (that's not what he's saying just in case you're in any doubt). But there's absolutely nothing I can do about, so I'll get back to that other form of fantasy that at least does give temporary satisfaction - porn

August 26th, 2018, 07:37
Some words of discomfort for Smiles - it's all written in the stars:


August 26th, 2018, 22:40
Answer: No. Jeremy Corbyn is even more dumb.

August 27th, 2018, 11:53
He ain't no Chauncey Gardiner that's for sure...

August 27th, 2018, 12:03
I don't know, but I'm waiting for tomorrow (Monday), as court houses are open again.

Seems to be moving along very quickly now, and the house of cards is falling quickly.

Will be awesome when Mueller finally releases that report. Then the whole world can relax again.

August 27th, 2018, 13:08
I don't know, but I'm waiting for tomorrow (Monday), as court houses are open again. Seems to be moving along very quickly now, and the house of cards is falling quickly.Will be awesome when Mueller finally releases that report. Then the whole world can relax again.Dream on

August 27th, 2018, 13:55
He's racist, extremely right wing, misogynistic, posts unpleasant things about third world nations, denies everything, tries to bully anyone who disagrees with him, sexually questionable, blunders into subjects only to display his ignorance and is generally unpleasant. However I fear that if they were going to get rid of him they would have done so by now. So unfortunately we're stuck with both Trump in the White House and Scottish Guy here.

August 27th, 2018, 14:07

Mueller has already conceded that he will abide by the Justice Department convention that sitting presidents cannot be indicted (https://www.justsecurity.org/59158/mueller-lacks-authority-indict-trump/). Therefore the only route to Trump's removal is impeachment. There is right now no road to impeachment based on the numbers, and little likelihood of one after the mid-terms

August 27th, 2018, 20:59
"However I fear that if they were going to get rid of him they would have done so by now. So, unfortunately, we're stuck with both Trump in the White House and Scottish Guy here."

Arsenal, while I loathe Trump with every fiber of my being ( I lived in New Jersey where his Casinos went bust and worked in NYC where he has zero support ) I must say it is not this simple. We don't have a parliamentary system. With Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, there is no ability to vote a charge of impeachment. Even if the house changes in the mid-term elections there is a question of whether the Senate will flip ( house brings charge but Senate is the court ) it's very unlikely that the new majority will be strong enough to have the 67 ( out of 100 ) votes necessary to convict.

Nixon was driven from office when his own party told him to resign. The Republican party of today demonstrates the utter polarization of modern American society. We are in the throes of the last stages of the culture wars. Trump was put in office by people of the "flyover states" the ones we fly over because there is little reason to land. A cultural "joke" that is, sadly, often accurate.

If it were a matter of simple majorities he would never have been in office. I hope, each and every day, that the Muller report will have such devastating proof that the Republicans come to fear the majority of the electorate rather than the narrow base they cater to. Remember, he was put in office by 78,000 votes ina few counties across three states. The Republicans ,during their time in power , were able to draw insanely distorated consituency distrticts that they are now trapped in. You reap what you sow.

Probably, our biggest hope is that if Democrats capture the House of Representatives their new control of the house committees, armed with the power of subpoena, will rip apart the veil of secrecy and support the Muller findings. The flood of scandal and corruption might be overwhelming.

August 27th, 2018, 21:29
I fear you're crediting Trump supporters with too much intelligence in thinking that the penny will eventually drop - this is the sort of thing some of them genuinely believe:


August 27th, 2018, 21:57
You may be right. I was outlining the process and giving as much hope as possible. The video you posted is not an outlier by any means. This is the grist of the mill that is our culture war.
These people are, however, a minority. Part of my hope for the next elections is that Democrats capture enough state houses to be in a position to control the new electoral maps mandated by the ten-year census.

I know our system seems strange to others, well it's strange to me. A quick note: our US system is, in fact, a legacy of our colonial past. The British Crown did not export a shire system with central power to the American Colonies. No, they set up 13 separate Crown Charters that are the legal genesis of our States Rights issue. All our seemingly crazy systems are a result of the need in 1789 to form a union of 13 independent sovereign entitiess. Think EU and arguments about what a sausage is - it's frustrating to me.

August 27th, 2018, 22:06
Paborn. Trump is so far away from most people's sphere of experience in terms of a western democratically elected leader. My advice, as a political student is simply to 'get the beers in, kick your shoes off, park your arse on the sofa and enjoy the show'. Hand wringing won't change anything. This is a man drowning in.his own inabilities.

August 27th, 2018, 22:13
Your totally right. I watch absolutely none of his speeches. I'm merely anxious to point out that his support is a declining minority. Our system allowed this minority to impose their will - it's hell for the rest of us. I wanted, out of embarrasment, to point this out. it's theh most commen remark most Americans make among ourselves - shame.

August 28th, 2018, 00:41
You can't watch any of his speeches. I just tried again this morning, when he was announcing the new US-Mexico trade deal.

You simply can't comprehend what the fuck he's on about. It's almost as if he's talking some language other than English.

Not to mention, it's quite obvious now he's just a Russian agent trying to destroy Western democracy, so that can't be good.

August 28th, 2018, 00:52
Thanks, I seldom get to agree with you. At least Trump brings some people together. I turned off the same announcement. It was like listening to an untutored child.

August 28th, 2018, 05:06
I don't know, but I'm waiting for tomorrow (Monday), as court houses are open again. Seems to be moving along very quickly now, and the house of cards is falling quickly.

You can't watch any of his speeches. I just tried again this morning, when he was announcing the new US-Mexico trade deal.Oh, you mean the court houses opened and nothing happened? How disappointing for you

August 28th, 2018, 05:13
Ah! once again the simple joys of the ignore list.

August 28th, 2018, 06:00
You can't watch any of his speeches. I just tried again this morning, when he was announcing the new US-Mexico trade deal.Trump aside, the deal appears worthy in achieving two objectives
(1) Mandating higher minimum wages - more auto content must be made by workers earning a minimum of $16/hour
(2) Applying more pressure to China’s economy by moving some manufacturing from China to Mexico

August 28th, 2018, 10:02
China is so worried about the ageing population they're considering removing any limits on how many children a couple can have..

August 28th, 2018, 10:34
Ah! once again the simple joys of the ignore list.I guess seeing that frequent has posted is like ripping a plaster off an open wound you just cant help commenting?

August 28th, 2018, 18:40
Perhaps. But, more likey it's simple mystification. I have no idea what he's ranting about. But, he can't help trolling me - it's a mental disorder I think.

August 29th, 2018, 05:08
I see The Donald now wants to regulate Google searches as he didn’t like what he saw when he googled himself. I was interested to read in another thread of the admiration one of our American posters has for Trump’s authoritarian practices, hoping that I might be referred to a “state actor”. It’s a funny old word

August 29th, 2018, 05:54
Yeah, I got a chuckle out of that too. Apparently, even Google is now fake news too.

Complaining that every time he Googles himself only negative stories comme up. Well, then quit doing negative shit all the time! It's not that harrd.

August 29th, 2018, 07:13
Perhaps. But, more likey it's simple mystification. I have no idea what he's ranting about. But, he can't help trolling me - it's a mental disorder I think.If you Ignore him how can he be trolling you? If you keep saying that you are Ignoring him every time he posts arent you trolling him? Just saying.

August 29th, 2018, 20:40
"If you Ignore him how can he be trolling you? If you keep saying that you are Ignoring him every time he posts arent you trolling him? Just saying."

I have never responded to any post of his posts since I ignored him. It is rather interesting, at least to me, that he responds to everything I write. I'm sorry this bothers you but you consistant harping on the point begins to look a bit like trolling - just saying.

August 30th, 2018, 05:31
I just love political paybacks, especially when they continue in death. This morning's news in particularly apposite to paybacks - reports that Sarah Palin wasn't invited to John McCain's funeral. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/08/report-sarah-palin-wasnt-invited-to-john-mccains-funeral.html

August 30th, 2018, 19:55
Dear Stevie - see what I mean?

August 31st, 2018, 04:29
Trump obviously hated McCain - the flag not flying at half-mast at the White House is just one symptom of his paranoid personality. Everything has to be about Trump (as this week's Google stories show). McCain was clearly a good hater too, as the comments about his funeral orators keep coming out. Bi-partisan, yes - but anti-Trump definitely


September 1st, 2018, 06:02
For the overly excitable here’s an assessment of whether the Democrats will set about impeaching Trump. Spoiler alert - possibly not


September 1st, 2018, 07:35
I bet they do impeach. And I bet there's even a chance it comes out that Trump is actually broke, and can only continue his businesses due to a revolving line of credit from Russian oligarchs.

September 1st, 2018, 07:56
I bet they do impeach. And I bet there's even a chance it comes out that Trump is actually broke, and can only continue his businesses due to a revolving line of credit from Russian oligarchs.Ah yes, another of Matt's famous "I bet" statements. As I recall a previous "I bet" from Matt was for $5,000 or some trifling amount; I took him up on it and I won (sceptics often do). I'm still waiting for my money. Happy to accept Bitcoin, Matt

September 1st, 2018, 10:34
Dear Stevie - see what I mean?No. Please explain.

September 1st, 2018, 21:55
I find your constant defense of the Freak quite touching. I'm sure he appreciates it.

The Freak posts immediately after me, therefore he is:
1. Actually attacking anything I say or,
2. More "freaky" he is taking care to say nothing directly about me. Just making sure he posts right after me. He does this to draw me into, what would appear, to be an unreasonable attack on him.
I suspect he is doing number 2 because that is the ultimate example of trolling.
In American classrooms of the 50's we would signal a teacher that we had to do number 1 ( take a piss) or number 2 ( take a shit ) - it is highly symbolical that all the Freak ever does is shit on everything and everyone.
That's your explanation. Don't expect me to respond to your defense of the indefensible.

September 3rd, 2018, 01:43
Jesus christ is Trump ever a petty, demented old man...

First he can't even manage to say a good word about McCain. Now he's actively trying to fuck over Canada in trade, because back just after the G7 summit was ending, Trudeau said to the news he'd stand firm and defend Canadaian interests. Considering he's the Prime Minister, you'd kind of hope he'd say now.

Pissed Trump off though, so that's it, going to try and fuck Canada as much as he can now. And if Congress gets in the way, he's throwing a tantrum he promises.

What a cunt this guy is... I bet he'd love to annex Canada if he thought he could get away with it.

September 3rd, 2018, 01:51
....In American classrooms of the 50's we would signal a teacher that we had to do number 1 ( take a piss) or number 2 ( take a shit )....

Whilst it is perfectly usual that school kids have to ask permission to go to the toilet, am I the only one that finds it bizarre and not a little concerning that your teacher wanted to know what variety of voiding you intended to do when you got there? Or have I misunderstood?

Oh and what if you had wanted a number 3 :D Did you just lie about that?

September 3rd, 2018, 03:29
It was a universal practice. I believe that number 1 meant you would be quickly back, number 2 took longer. I know, I know......... but, it was the fifties

September 5th, 2018, 04:47
I'm guessing Matt and Smiles will be wetting themselves in anticipation of the new Woodward book on Trump. Teaser leaks are starting to appear

September 5th, 2018, 05:00
No, I don't really care. Yes, we all already know, Trump is a fucken lunatic, and most McDonalds are run better than this Whitehouse. It's nothing new.

What I'm really looking forward to is the release of MUeller's report. That should make for a good read. :)

September 5th, 2018, 05:18
What I'm really looking forward to is the release of MUeller's report. That should make for a good read. :)What do you expect its immediate impact will be? Me, I think it's like posters who continually moan about SGT (on other Boards so I'm told - I only read SGT and only ever have) and have delusions that somehow the purity of their hopes will make SGT a better place. We had another one of those last night in the "weather" thread. The Mueller report will have no impact without the political will to impeach Trump, unless you think it will maybe influence some of his rusted-on supporters to vote for someone else in 2020. Otherwise it just feeds the confirmation bias (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) of the chattering classes

Here's a link to a discussion about the book - http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/09/woodward-book-fear-trump-staff-idiot-moron-liar.html

September 5th, 2018, 05:56
Well, what I'm hoping for is that it shows Trump is nothing more than a Russian agent completely beholden to Putin, mainly due to financial reasons. Considering everything, that seems to be a very high probability, and pretty much all doubt was removed from my mind when he gave that shitshow of a press conference in Helsinki.

Considering the previous indictments, Mueller is well known for being detailed. Hell, the last report included even specific unit numbers of the computers that Russian military officers used. I would imagine his final report will be just as detailed, and it will be irrefutable by even the most staunch of Republicans.

Another thing I'd love to see if Trump holds on until 2020 for some reason, is that Betoo Rouoke (sp) guy take the Texas Senate seat from Cruz, then go ahead and throw his hat in the ring for the 2020 run. Just because I'd absolutely love to see Trump lose the Presidency in 2020 to a Mexican. :)

September 5th, 2018, 06:42
Well, what I'm hoping for is that it shows Trump is nothing more than a Russian agent completely beholden to Putin, mainly due to financial reasons. Considering everything, that seems to be a very high probability, and pretty much all doubt was removed from my mind when he gave that shitshow of a press conference in Helsinki.

Considering the previous indictments, Mueller is well known for being detailed. Hell, the last report included even specific unit numbers of the computers that Russian military officers used. I would imagine his final report will be just as detailed, and it will be irrefutable by even the most staunch of Republicans.However detailed and irrefutable his report it is not an indictment, it will mean nothing, absolutely nothing, unless the Senate is prepared to impeach Trump. Even then, impeachment requires a two-thirds majority, as you know. It may trigger his resignation, as with Nixon. I'm not holding my breath. I'd have thought your best bet is a Trump health issue - all that fast food, for example. Even then, the result will be a Pence presidency, not really something to hope for
...is that Betoo Rouoke (sp) guy take the Texas Senate seat from Cruz, then go ahead and throw his hat in the ring for the 2020 run. Just because I'd absolutely love to see Trump lose the Presidency in 2020 to a Mexican.There are multiple things wrong with that hope - assuming you're talking about the Democrat Beto O'Rourke
(1) He's a 4th-generation American, not a Mexican. If he were a Mexican ie. born in Mexico, he wouldn't be eligible to be president
(2) He's running in Texas, where even CNN states that him winning is an uphill task
(3) Having won a Senate seat he would immediately have to start his presidential campaign, given the long lead time before the primaries while the various candidates posture and preen

Trump may or may not be the dumbest person ever to be President but it's evident you are the dumbest poster on SGT on this particular topic

September 5th, 2018, 07:27
Impeachment only takes a simple majority in Congress. Removal takes 2/3 vote in Senate.

Get your facts straight.

September 5th, 2018, 07:30
Impeachment only takes a simple majority in Congress. Removal takes 2/3 vote in Senate. Get your facts straight.Most people see the distinction as a technical one. There is no point in impeaching if you can't/won't remove. Besides you have once again failed to quote accurately. The House of Representatives votes to impeach; the Senate votes to remove. Congress is the US legislature. It consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Senate. Your statement that "impeachment only takes a simple majority in Congress" is incorrect, since the Senate is not involved in impeachment. My favourite impeachment/failure to remove dichotomy is of course Bill ("I did not have sex with that woman") Clitoris

Being the generous soul that I am I'll put that down to your blindness. I see paborn is liking some of your posts on this topic. That's the same paborn who is on record as describing your claims to blindness as bare-faced lies and those who believe you as naive. It's a funny old world

September 5th, 2018, 07:43
Well, tell that to every major news anchor out there, because when they say "congress" they generally always mean the house.

And yes, just impeachment would hinder him a fair amount.

NOw whether or not he can be impeached while President is still up for debate. That's why this current supreme court confirmation is such bullshit. Christ, the guy just went and openly and publicly commited obstruction of justice again yesterday for probably the 20th time, and nobody gives a shit.

September 5th, 2018, 07:50
NOw whther or not he can be impeached while President is still up for debate.Once again, an inaccuracy. The question is not whether he can be impeached as President (for "high crimes and misdemeanours") but whether a sitting President can be indicted for a crime in court. As I said several posts ago, there is a convention that sitting presidents can not, and apparently Mueller has said he will abide by that convention

September 5th, 2018, 08:08
Sorry, yes, I meant indicted obviously. Just busy working.

Who the hell knows what Mueller is going to do. He's not exactly known to publicly flaunt shit, now is he?

September 9th, 2018, 00:36
And finally, Obama's back, baby!

Gave that awesome speech yesterday, and apparently he's holding a rally in California today. haha, this is really going to piss Trump off.

Finally, some common sense being injected back into things. The part I love the most is this is basically Obama unhinged, right? Quite the contrast compared to Trump unhinged. That fucken lunatic might get us into global thermo nuclear war.

September 9th, 2018, 02:21
Matt..aint you Canadian? Why are you so obsessed with the man? Just curious.

September 9th, 2018, 02:30
Because I'm a human being with a heart, and would prefer to see us living in a safe, peaceful, just world versus the batshit insane one that Trump is putting the world through at the moment.

Not to mention, there's a good chance this retard soon is going to tank the Canadian economy by tearing up NAFTA, just because he's a petty, spiteful, hate filled man.

September 9th, 2018, 03:27
Fair enough...but unfortunately you can’t do anything about him, being Canadian. Please don’t have a coronary trying!

September 9th, 2018, 04:07
Well, tell that to every major news anchor out there, because when they say "congress" they generally always mean the house.

And yes, just impeachment would hinder him a fair amount.

NOw whether or not he can be impeached while President is still up for debate. That's why this current supreme court confirmation is such bullshit. Christ, the guy just went and openly and publicly commited obstruction of justice again yesterday for probably the 20th time, and nobody gives a shit.
att, I've liked your posts that call out his stupidity. But, please try to get some facts correct. NOONE, means the house when they say "congress" Congress is both houses.

September 9th, 2018, 04:09
Because I'm a human being with a heart, and would prefer to see us living in a safe, peaceful, just world versus the batshit insane one that Trump is putting the world through at the moment.

Not to mention, there's a good chance this retard soon is going to tank the Canadian economy by tearing up NAFTA, just because he's a petty, spiteful, hate filled man.

Actually, this may be the fairest, most well balanced thing you've written.

September 9th, 2018, 05:03
Because I'm a human being with a heart, and would prefer to see us living in a safe, peaceful, just world versus the batshit insane one that Trump is putting the world through at the moment.No Matt you are merely someone with no knowledge or understanding of history. As for your heart you’re a living example of Walpole’s observation “To those who feel, life is a tragedy; to those who think it is a comedy”. If there was ever any doubt it’s clear you are a feeler

September 9th, 2018, 12:50
Trump is the least presidential President of anywhere, ever. However, the suggestion he hasn't got any money and can't do numbers is fanciful. It's the numbers on trade, tariff's, NATO spending from its members as a percentage of GDP and his belief that America has been ripped off for many years that makes him so furious.

September 11th, 2018, 06:06
An alternative candidate for dumbest human being on this planet (and we're talking America here so we've got 300 million to choose from) is Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a Latino (so one of Matt's favourite types of candidates (even when they're Republican?)) who says she was abducted by aliens as a child. “I saw three creatures when I was 7 and I’ve seen them like five or six more times when they came back,” Aguilera said in a 2009 interview, which was posted on YouTube. “Telepathically they told me to come out. I went out and saw a round spaceship. I entered and there were some round seats and quartz pieces that they used to steer the ship.”

Aguilera describes the beings—two women and a man, she says—as tall, human-like, blond and buxom. In another interview, also posted on YouTube, Aguilera went into further details about her experiences with alien beings, who she said reminded her of Jesus Christ.

It sounds like an American version of the Our Lady of Fatima (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_F%C3%A1tima) experience. When can we expect an "Aguilera for President" campaign?


September 13th, 2018, 06:58
We may soon find out whether Trump's small hands mean anything. "Stormy" Daniels (no relation of "Stormin' Norman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Schwarzkopf_Jr.)" I'm guessing - he had prostate cancer *) is about to publish a tell-all tale just before the November elections - http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/09/stormy-daniels-is-publishing-a-tell-all-book-about-trump.html

* having more sex is one big thing you can do to lessen your chance of prostate cancer, medical research shows

September 15th, 2018, 17:49
... having more sex is one big thing you can do to lessen your chance of prostate cancer, medical research shows

I guess we'll have to wait till Frequent's ban is lifted to find out if wanking counts?

If so, we should all have no fears about prostate cancer at least

September 15th, 2018, 20:33
Well, it looks like Trump has been working hard to fulfill his campaign promise of "drain the swamp".

He went and hired all the crooks and criminals he could, and brought them all into the Whitehouse, so Mueller could pick them off one by one.

heh, Trump was strangely silent yesterday after Paull Manniford (sp) plead guilty and it was confirmed he's cooperating. Wonder why that would be. Think Trump knows a tweet isn't going to save him this time.

September 15th, 2018, 22:01
"heh, Trump was strangely silent yesterday after Paull Manniford (sp) plead guilty and it was confirmed he's cooperating. Wonder why that would be. Think Trump knows a tweet isn't going to save him this time."

Matt, I could not agree more. He was absolutely silent at the news. No tweets at all. But, let's see how long he can contai n himself

September 29th, 2018, 12:36
Another thing I'd love to see if Trump holds on until 2020 for some reason, is that Betoo Rouoke (sp) guy take the Texas Senate seat from Cruz, then go ahead and throw his hat in the ring for the 2020 run.I see the only polling site worth reading now thinks Beto O'Rourke really does have a chance in Texas - https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-why-our-model-thinks-beto-orourke-really-has-a-chance-in-texas/

September 30th, 2018, 05:00
funny...all the Trump haters...sure he's a buffoon but he does spout some truths...the ones that drives the tree hugging lefties nuts...

September 30th, 2018, 06:16
funny...all the Trump haters...sure he's a buffoon but he does spout some truths...the ones that drives the tree hugging lefties nuts...

Yes, in the manner of the broken clock I have in the guest room.

September 30th, 2018, 06:34
funny...all the Trump haters...sure he's a buffoon but he does spout some truths...the ones that drives the tree hugging lefties nuts...

Can you remember another time in history when every world leader at the UN general assembly openly and publicly laughed at the US President while he was giving a speech?

September 30th, 2018, 07:44
Now Matt, we don't know it was every leader. Surely there were a few just ignoring him.

September 30th, 2018, 09:17
Can you remember another time in history when every world leader at the UN general assembly openly and publicly laughed at the US President while he was giving a speech?As the UN is barely 70 years old, and world leaders rarely attended before the age of accessible jet travel ...

Besides, it's rather vulgar to take any notice of what people think of you. Many people on SGT regard you as a fantasist or/and bare-faced liar, Matt, yet you soldier on

September 30th, 2018, 18:40
I really dont care what the UN or EU talking fest shops think...bunch of useless parasites...if I spent my life worrying about what people thought of me Id have to hide under a rock....and as I said...he is a buffoon but somehow has a way of expressing what middle america really thinks...kinda scary....

September 30th, 2018, 18:59
I really dont care what the UN or EU talking fest shops think...bunch of useless parasites...if I spent my life worrying about what people thought of me Id have to hide under a rock....and as I said...he is a buffoon but somehow has a way of expressing what middle america really thinks...kinda scary....Yet oddly enough you've confessed to poetic licence after many posters expressed scepticism. You're still claiming not to care what people think of you?

October 1st, 2018, 01:48
I have the occasional moral panic attack ...so sue me....I blame my parents...afterall cant be my fault....anyway it took a good friend not "people" to curb my enthusiasm ....so relax ...dont get all female hysterical on me