View Full Version : A Short Story: Sundown in Sunee - Part 1 & 2

July 27th, 2006, 12:46
Sundown in Sunee - Part 1

The other evening, after my usual 1 or three Margueritas at the Panorama Bar,
I thought - what the hell, why not go slumming in Sunee? I hadn't been there in ages, and rumour had it that there had been quite a few changes to the area.
Being disinclined to walk, I ambled down the soi and cast my eyes over the motor bike boys on the corner, who were watching football on tv. Being the off season, business was quiet, so there were several to chose from.Always on the lookout for the rare and unusual, I saw Dik. He was watching the tv intently- it was obviously a crucial moment in the game, so I was able to quietly look at him. The long hair and wrap-around sunnies gave him an almost rasta look. I must have been staring, as suddenly he turned to me with a broad smile, and said "you want taxi?" he said, removing his shades and eyeballing me, his smile and gaze unwaivering. I felt blinded like a kangaroo caught in car spotlights, dazed and frozen to the spot.I managed to splutter out "Sunee Plaza", surreptitiously wiping away the saliva which had mysteriously appeared on my chin. Dik handed me a helmet, kicked down the bikestand, and I slid in behind him, my hands resting on his hips,my body spooning into the contours of his slender frame.
We merged into the helter-skelter of the night traffic, a kaledeiscope of petrol fumes, neon and night music, heat and sweat and bodies blurring with the adrenalin terror and exhiliration of the ride.
The kemagra which I had indulged in as an accompaniment to my last marguerita was less than subtley refusing to be ignored, and I released my hold on his hip and slid my hand downwards to his thigh. As I nuzzled into the hair on his neck, his rough hand covered mine and gently squeezed.
"You want go hotel? I not speak English good. My name Dik and I am gay"

to be continued..........

Dik kissed me gently on the lips, stroking my chest, his worker's hands contrasting with the silky velvet feel of his brown skin, his even and soft breathing murmuring in my ear. "Must go work now, ask boss stay tomorrow ok?"

Dik drove off down the soi, the promise of tomorrow tantalising me as I sat in the hotel bar, pondering my next move over a Heineken and watching the antics of the boys outside the massage parlour across the way.

I walked into the night, passing familiar places, sidestepping a gaping pothole in the pavement where a tugboat captain had disappeared without trace the night before, stopping briefly at Giddys to fondly say hello, but unable to rouse the barman. A sign on the deserted bar informed me that if I wanted a real cheeseburger I should go to Ronnies. I was heading in that direction, deeper into the bowels of Sunee.
Ronnies bar & guesthouse was just as I remembered it, although Ronny was away in the antipodes at the time. A sign on the bar said that if I wanted a cheeseburger I should go to Giddy's. Apparently they take turns with the burgers, but this night there appeared to be some sort of communication problem.
Ronnies is a bit like a time warp - complete with a framed photo of Queen Elizabeth and a faded newspaper cutting on the dunny wall of some obscure football team circa 1956 which were runners-up in the AFL premiership. I wondered how it had endured so long as there was unsurprisingly, no toilet paper in sight. And of course, there were the regulars. Muttly, (now there's one big son of a bitch)was eating a Big Mac under protest because there were no cheeseburgers available.Moving a half dozen empty VB cans aside, I cleared a space on the table and sat down.
"Call this a fucking cheeseburger" Muttly wailed. "Wheres the egg and the fucking beetroot? Place is going to rack and ruin mate. I tell ya, it's just like Georgey says - all those woolly moofs fucking the place up, not to mention the russians and thousands of bloody chinese taking over, that's what it is - too bloody right! Speaking of fucked up - take a look at Heddley over there, really gone and lost the plot. Sailed off into la-la land somewhere after having a falling out with all and general. Rumour is, and I'm not one for gossip y'know, strictly the unembellished facts, that's me, well apparently she mixed up her medications after a bottle or so of Gordon's and really fried her brain. Totally lost the plot - take a look at her will ya?"
It was not a pretty sight.Underneath a wilting aspidistra in the corner was Heddley, a diminishing shadow of her former self, her silence punctuated only by the hiss and snap of oxygen on demand from the cylinder attached to her wheelchair. She was wearing what appeared to be a much worn facsimile of a long out of fashion wedding frock, and the Target beads and smeared lipstick only added to the gloom.
"Does she talk?"

"Rarely" replied Muttly. "At one stage, she wanted to end it all and asked Georgy to throw her off the 15th floor balcony of View Talay, and y'know Georgy, he doesn't mind a bit of the rough stuff, but fair shit himself when Heddley put it to him. Fuck that, he said, what if the boys in brown find out it was me - I'd be done for murder! I said, don't you ever read the fucking newspapers dillbrain.
You could have thrown her off the balcony tied to her wheelchair with her catheter wrapped around her bloody neck, and the cops would still have called it suicide. Get real!"

to be continued.......

July 27th, 2006, 16:12
the title of this riting is not good. u never even made it to suny plaza.


July 27th, 2006, 17:14
to be continued..........

Please dont bother!!

:pukeright: :pukeright: :pukeright:

July 27th, 2006, 18:29
to be continued..........

Please dont bother!!

:pukeright: :pukeright: :pukeright:

I concur.

Have some people such sad lives that they have to invent such incredulously bad stories or is life in Pattaya so boring that nothing of interest ever happens to these people?

Hopefully the posting was meant to be a joke, for that is what it is.

July 27th, 2006, 19:21
To you naysayers who had a go at Me4Thai. It is an interesting distraction that also shows what can happen in Thailand, or at least in Pattaya, Bangkok or Phuket. A similar thing happened to me, on the way to the forum, so to speak. A little baht ride to Boyztown, handed my 10 baht over to the driver and felt him grip my hand. I immediately thought he's going to have a go at me for not paying more but when I looked back in the cab he asked 'where you go, where you from, what your name' etc. I thought 'here is an old barboy if ever I met one'. Nothing happened of course, but the opportunities often arise and I think this is Me4Thai's point. You guys should lay off and as BoyGeorge might say, pull out your talleywhacker and give yourself and uppper cut to the jaw.

July 27th, 2006, 19:51
So to cut a short story evern shorter:

You got too drunk to walk, decided to take a Motor Cycle Taxi to a place where you would probably have made an even bigger fool of yourself, molested a stranger on the way and then decided to brag about it

Now if that had happened in your own country one of two things would have happened

You would have had the living shit beaten out of you by a group of Bikies OR you would have been charged with sexual assault resulting in a criminal record and having your name recorded on the Sexual Offenders Register.

Another case of inferior Western morals let loose in an Eastern Country

July 28th, 2006, 00:27
Why do you find this post incredulous, Naughty but Nice? I assume that you have a reasonable knowledge of Pattaya and Thailand, how things work and suchlike, so what's with this credibility crap? Do you lead such an insulated existence when in Pattaya or elsewhere or Thailand that you are unware of the realities of street life, gay cruising or hooking up with a good sort. Take a wander, ditch those rose-coloured glasses and open yourself up to the possibility of new and exciting experiences. Don't let your age or maturity stop you, just get out there. and enjoy Pattaya for what it is. Opportunties present themselves in the most unexpected places. Ask my Thai optician on Walking Street, he'll tell you.
The story is true. The events occurred were real, they happened. If you would like to meet me in Pattaya when I visit in November, I will happily introduce you to Dik (not his real name) a charming and affectionate 32 year old gay thai man, who just happens to be a motor-bike taxi boy. I was going to create a sanitised character along the likes of an off-duty policeman with perfectly manicured hands whom I met in a 7-Eleven store, but then who would believe that?
Jo-Jo (just can't get over that saccharin label - don't you cringe when someone calls you that?) your hypothetical transposition of events to another country while taking the moral high ground says it all. Wht don't you loosen up, spend a few bucks on a bit of self-indulgence, like getting "arsehole" tattooed on your forhead. I'm sure the Thais will get a big laugh.

Thanks for your comments, Fatman. A true fellow traveller. Be sure to read the continuing episodes, but be warned, there may be some literary licence and embellishments coming up. Gotta keep the trolls happy.

July 28th, 2006, 00:56
Why do you find this post incredulous, Naughty but Nice? .

Maybe because it is very pathetic in both its content and its style of writing.

< If you would like to meet me in Pattaya when I visit in November,>

I am hard pushed to think of anything less appealing :cheers: [/b]

July 28th, 2006, 02:28
Perhaps the title of this piece of literary garbage should be titled:

"Wot I Did Last Summer" - by me4thai aged 11

(can't get over that pidgeon-english name - I bet he speaks like that in real life cause he certainly writes like that)

He could then take it to school for Show and Tell where he would be awarded a BIG F by teacher

July 28th, 2006, 02:51
Wow, you guys are filled with so much love towards your fellow man that I can't even stand it.

Keep writing dude. Judging by the spelling I've seen in this thread, none of the comments here came from literary scholars.
