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July 18th, 2018, 14:20
Those of us in Bangkok (or prepared to travel there) can attend an exhibition on gay Muslims from Thailand's south. Details are in this story on Khaosod (http://www.khaosodenglish.com/featured/2018/07/17/lives-in-conflict-being-queer-and-muslims-in-thailands-deep-south/). I remember taking off a Muslim guy from a bar once, and he made the comment about circumcision as he reached the bed "My cock is Muslim"

July 18th, 2018, 16:26
A halal or kosher cock will solve once and for all the issues related to tight foreskins.

July 18th, 2018, 16:34
If it's halal do you have to slice the head off it?


July 18th, 2018, 16:58
Definitely not!
Unless of course if the belligerent glans keep on peeking below the hem of the kilt.

July 18th, 2018, 17:03
Definitely not!
Unless of course if the belligerent glans keep on peeking below the hem of the kilt.Can it be halal? To cannibals human flesh is known as "long pig" and pig is definitely not halal

July 20th, 2018, 04:28
Definitely not!
Unless of course if the belligerent glans keep on peeking below the hem of the kilt.

Glans or clans?

July 24th, 2018, 10:46
what a silly post, one cannot be muslim and gay. its totally prohibited...

Old git
July 24th, 2018, 15:18
'one cannot be muslim and gay. its totally prohibited'

Little snippets one notices over the years that don't get much of an airing..

One straight (I think..) Saudi man once told me that sex before marriage was strictly forbidden - but that young unmarried men in Saudi often slept together, and that was seen as perfectly normal..

Another detail I've picked up on a few times is that some black African tribesmen, after a scurmish with another tribe, would humiliate the losers by buggering them. A practice I've also heard of in a more modern context as a punishment meted out by soldiers against those they wish to subdue..

July 24th, 2018, 15:26
And a young Pakistani Muslim I was chatting to at the airport told me that they all enjoy sex and alcohol just like us.

The only difference is that they have their fun in private. Alcohol is made and consumed at home and parties are held in people's homes.

He told me he was getting plenty of sex with the girls he met at this parties.

I imagine gays would also be indulging in a similar fashion.

You can be whatever you want, as long as you are discreet.

July 24th, 2018, 15:40
what a silly post, one cannot be muslim and gay. its totally prohibited...

What a naive post

July 24th, 2018, 16:33
" ... Another detail I've picked up on a few times is that some black African tribesmen, after a scurmish with another tribe, would humiliate the losers by buggering them ... "Just another good reason to lose a battle.
I've heard that the Battle of the Somme was particularly lucrative buggering-wise ... but then that battle lasted six months, and the French, naturally, were mostly bottoms.

July 24th, 2018, 16:57
What a curious post.

Where do you come up with this nonsense?

July 24th, 2018, 19:52
Another detail I've picked up on a few times is that some black African tribesmen, after a scurmish with another tribe, would humiliate the losers by buggering them. A practice I've also heard of in a more modern context as a punishment meted out by soldiers against those they wish to subdue..

Humiliation? To a447 being buggered like that would be the equivalent of receiving The Purple Heart.

July 24th, 2018, 20:27
And a young Pakistani Muslim I was chatting to at the airport told me that they all enjoy sex and alcohol just like us.

The only difference is that they have their fun in private. Alcohol is made and consumed at home and parties are held in people's homes.

He told me he was getting plenty of sex with the girls he met at this parties.

I imagine gays would also be indulging in a similar fashion.

You can be whatever you want, as long as you are discreet.

I once sat at the little bar at the BBB Inn and chatted with a man who was one of the medical needs coordinators with the Saudi Royal Family - thousands of princes it's a big business. He told me the same thing - many, many younbg men get their sex from each other prior to marraige. Don't think of the scene as gay - think of a prison where sex occurs no matter what they will do when out - youth in a Muslim world is much like that - deep under the proverbial covers.

July 24th, 2018, 20:39
I once sat at the little bar at the BBB Inn and chatted with a man who was one of the medical needs coordinators with the Saudi Royal Family...

He worked for the Saudi royal family and he stayed at the BBB inn?

July 24th, 2018, 21:07
The cheap bastards!

July 24th, 2018, 22:11
Those of us in Bangkok (or prepared to travel there) can attend an exhibition on gay Muslims from Thailand's south. Details are in this story on Khaosod (http://www.khaosodenglish.com/featured/2018/07/17/lives-in-conflict-being-queer-and-muslims-in-thailands-deep-south/). I remember taking off a Muslim guy from a bar once, and he made the comment about circumcision as he reached the bed "My cock is Muslim"

It looks like an interesting exhibition.
On some of my first trips to Thailand I traveled outside of the Bangkok - Pattaya loop. On a couple of occasions I went with guys I met back to their home villages. For the old Thailand hands it is no major revelation.but my experience was village life was very different and the boys were not exactly closeted but were not open about being gay.
I suspect being gay in the south of Thailand is an emotional struggle as the message would be that who and what they are as a human being is wrong.
Not unlike the experiences of most gay men of a certain age.

July 24th, 2018, 22:27
He worked for the Saudi royal family and he stayed at the BBB inn?

We were there for the massage. By the way, in my life I have met three very well known and wealthy people who rent a place like the BBB Inn and make no effort to take guests past security at the luxury digs. Just a rich man's way of being sure of his "short term" space.

July 25th, 2018, 12:15
You were born one and you'll die one.

July 28th, 2018, 04:07
More than my fair share of Thai friends were muslims.

July 28th, 2018, 06:31
You were born one and you'll die one.

In all fairness, being executed for apostasy might have something to do with the fidelity you cite.

July 28th, 2018, 06:33
More than my fair share of Thai friends were muslims.

You intrigue me. Only 4.9 percent of Thai are Muslim and are heavily concentrated in the South. If, "more then" you "fair share" of Thai friends have been Muslim you are unique indeed. Actually what is the fair share?

July 29th, 2018, 10:12
You intrigue me. Only 4.9 percent of Thai are Muslim and are heavily concentrated in the South. If, "more then" you "fair share" of Thai friends have been Muslim you are unique indeed. Actually what is the fair share?

All else being equal, I would have expected about 5% of my acquaintances to be Muslim; for me, it was closer to 20%. I have no explanation---I did not seek them out. This was when I taught English over 25 years ago. Since I have started coming back in the last four years, I am not sure that I have met any.

July 29th, 2018, 10:41
Well, what intrigues me is Paborn's avatar.
On first look (but not too long, and I know Paborn is rather dainty) I thought it was a Thai guy getting ready to be rimmed from behind.
I know I know, a Dirty Mind you say ... but one can't deny, or undo, first discoveries of any kind.
Take a quick look, and I cannot believe that ~ knowing this group ~ I'm the only who has not taken a second look "to be sure".

Perhaps that bird is nothing more than 'animalia dominus anallingus'?


July 29th, 2018, 10:48
Take a quick look, and I cannot believe that ~ knowing this group ~ I'm the only who has not taken a second look "to be sure".Probably time for that cataract operation Smiles

July 29th, 2018, 20:54
Poor Smiles, there was a time when classical learning was a fundamental discipline; I'm sorry that time is over. To connect this avatar tih anything other than Ganymede and Zeus personified as an Eagle is - well, just sad.

July 29th, 2018, 23:17
Poor Smiles, there was a time when classical learning was a fundamental discipline; I'm sorry that time is over. To connect this avatar tih anything other than Ganymede and Zeus personified as an Eagle is - well, just sad.

And it was just a short time ago, on June 20th, 2018, that you informed us at post #58 on the Thai Buddhism today topic:

. . . My avatar of Ganymede with Zeus displays my willingness to accept pleasant myths. Perhaps, I just can't affirm the horrendous, hateful God of the Judeo-Christian world.

July 30th, 2018, 02:06
Yes, Ganymede, the boy lover of Zeus and cupbearer to the gods. One can google Ganymede and Zeus for some more revealing images. :devilsh:

July 30th, 2018, 05:02
A straight Thai boy playing Ganymede to my Zeus. That could be a fantastic role play off. Oh hang on....most of my offs are like that.

July 30th, 2018, 06:55
exactly, why else do I travel?

July 30th, 2018, 07:58
I assume it’s the same reason as most members - as a citizen of the First World you believe it your right to travel to Third World countries thousands of kilometres away to pay for sex with people at least young enough to be your son if not grandson. No?

July 30th, 2018, 08:02
Yes, though not a right. A privilege.

July 30th, 2018, 17:09
I am a sensitive soul, taking offence at cheap and vulgar attacks on me personally and on my chosen life-style. The truth about my "privilege" as Arsenal eloquently and succinctly describes it, is that it has been used to support (in more ways than I'm prepared to divulge) a very decent human being who otherwise would not be with us today. Of course, there are many who prefer to keep clear of LTRs- indeed I did until I met P- but who nevertheless treat their friends with kindness and respect and help them survive. And that frequently this support continues long after the sexual aspect has ended.

July 30th, 2018, 18:22
I assume it’s the same reason as most members - as a citizen of the First World you believe it your right to travel to Third World countries thousands of kilometres away to pay for sex with people at least young enough to be your son if not grandson. No?

No. Aresenal has it righ,t it is a priviledge. Also, a product of circumstances, in the days when there were hustler bars in NYC I traveled less. During my work years there was a very active "stroll" of hustlers in Toronto - a great joy and, odd thing Frequent, they were as white and first world as I am. I , also, fondly remember two English brothers who I first met in Amsterdam and then they, to my great joy, turned up in Earl's when I was working a project in London. You did notice that they are English? Right?

July 30th, 2018, 19:39
I am a sensitive soul, taking offence at cheap and vulgar attacks on me personally and on my chosen life-style. The truth about my "privilege" as Arsenal eloquently and succinctly describes it, is that it has been used to support (in more ways than I'm prepared to divulge) a very decent human being who otherwise would not be with us today. Of course, there are many who prefer to keep clear of LTRs- indeed I did until I met P- but who nevertheless treat their friends with kindness and respect and help them survive. And that frequently this support continues long after the sexual aspect has ended.

So right. But, let us not forget that many of the working guys have a choice as well. People turn to sex work for many reasons. I recall a discussion with a wonderful young man from Toy Boys in Pattaya who was thinking of going back to Chiang Rai and work, again, in a 7 Eleven. I asked if he could live on that salary and he said "yes" but the hours would be much longer and he would earn far less than he was making with his "customers" in Pattaya.

In our "first" world it is sad that many turn to sex work because they have come out as gay and are thrown out of their homes. That is slowly changing but the relationships forged between an older man and a younger man in need is not, necessarily, as one sided as Frequent supposes.

Now, Frequent, I hasten to add that you often display a fine education, you appear well read and well traveled but your moralizations on this topic can be quite tiresome. Travel, enjoy what you deserve based on earnings worked for and stop wrenching your own soul over this.

July 30th, 2018, 20:08
The truth about my "privilege" ...is that it has been used to support (in more ways than I'm prepared to divulge) a very decent human being who otherwise would not be with us today. Of course, there are many who prefer to keep clear of LTRs- indeed I did until I met P- but who nevertheless treat their friends with kindness and respect and help them survive. And that frequently this support continues long after the sexual aspect has ended.

I had to check the calendar after reading the above post to make sure it was 2018 and not 1878. It sounded like a speech by the local Resident extolling the virtues of noblesse oblige on behalf of the Empress. A Mother Teresa complex with a naughty twist: "We feed and fuck the natives - they who wouldn't have been able to fend for themselves without our kindness, generosity and semen. [One wonders how these heathens managed to survive for hundreds of years before we arrived.]

And if the helpless, little brown natives continue to serve us and do as their told (while we rob, rape and plunder their land), the generosity and semen will continue to flow."

It's amazing how the search for god, gold and glory hole continues to live on in 2018 Pattaya. God save the Queens!

July 30th, 2018, 20:23
And if the helpless, little brown natives continue to behave and do as their told (while we rob, rape and plunder their land), the generosity and semen will continue to flow.


WE, we, the people from Singapore?

July 30th, 2018, 21:04
Sglad wrote.
"I had to check the calendar after reading the above post to make sure it was 2018 and not 1878. It sounded like a speech by the local Resident extolling the virtues of noblesse oblige on behalf of the Empress. A Mother Teresa complex with a naughty twist: "We feed and fuck the natives - they who wouldn't have been able to fend for themselves without our kindness, generosity and semen. [One wonders how these heathens managed to survive for hundreds of years before we arrived.]
And if the helpless, little brown natives continue to serve us and do as their told (while we rob, rape and plunder their land), the generosity and semen will continue to flow."

Exactly. Now that we're no longer bound by the namby pamby nanny fanny dogood shmoogood liberal loony lefties of the European Court we can get our act together and rebuild the empire. See you all in Bombay for tiffin and a gin and tonic.

July 31st, 2018, 05:07
Now, Frequent, I hasten to add that you often display a fine education, you appear well read and well traveled but your moralizations on this topic can be quite tiresome. Travel, enjoy what you deserve based on earnings worked for and stop wrenching your own soul over this.My soul? Heavens, I admit to having no such thing. However it's not moralisations, I'm merely discussing the White Man's Burden, noblesse oblige, our traditional values

July 31st, 2018, 05:56
If you quote the "white man's burden" you are agruing the mirror image of your usual moral stance. Are you, perhaps, being ironic?

July 31st, 2018, 06:11
If you quote the "white man's burden" you are agruing the mirror image of your usual moral stance. Are you, perhaps, being ironic?I think the Francis Urquart/Frank Underwood riposte the most apposite, and I’ll leave it to you to decide whether it applies to my “usual moral stance” or this latest reply - or both

July 31st, 2018, 07:03
In other word even you no longer understand what the hell your rambling on about. Nice to have my suspicions confirmed.

mr giggles
August 7th, 2018, 14:37
Definitely not!
Unless of course if the belligerent glans keep on peeking below the hem of the kilt.

IS there a less sexy word than glans?

It should never used by anyone (with half a brain) born after 1950

August 7th, 2018, 14:38
IS there a less sexy word than glans?Cunt

August 7th, 2018, 16:07

August 7th, 2018, 16:30
Knob.And who can forget that wonderful American term, cornholing (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cornholing)