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View Full Version : policed for staying on topic

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2018, 02:09
Following receipt of a report from a member via the red triangle alert system about some posts in this topic, they have been moved to the Everything Else forum under the title, Theft of goods from rooms when in Thailand....

A quick link is below:

he he sorry Jellybean / A447 I couldn't resist - still, just as well that this isn't a board where every wee side ways wander away from the main thread title isn't allowed eh or my what a very boring board it would become very fast EH !? :))))

he he

And before anyone wonders what's going on that was ME just editing for fun and no one hit any red triangle - just having a gentle poke at how some threads are rigidly policed for staying on topic whereas others perhaps ( cough cough ) ...... dumty dum....ok, I'll just go on about my business now, nothing to see here :-) lol

July 6th, 2018, 02:23
The post is on-topic as it was about boys in bars. It wasn't specifically about Vietnamese boys - I didn't want to say that I didn't trust them as someone would quickly accuse me of being racist. But I thought that was clear in my last sentence. I chose my words carefully.

The mention of my watch was used as an example. Despite that incident, I trust the Thais without question.

Members are free to lodge a complaint via the red triangle.

And Nirish, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that writing in red! Don't do that to me!

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2018, 02:27
"It wasn't strictly about Vietnamese boys"

Oh REALLLYYYYY :-) I've a good mind to call a Mod in to rule on that one.....oh no, wait......BUGGER !! lol

Anyway, just kidding, it's a good example of how a little relaxed mod'ing does no one any harm ( and that's not pointed at any Mod in particular) - as you said in another thread "life really is too short" to bother about such things for sure.

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2018, 02:46
I think there should be a rule that if you use the red triangle more than 3 times in a year one of it's pointy ends is used to beat you to death with, that should limit it's use somewhat - or at least reduce the number of times any one individual can keep pressing it ! :)

It strikes me as a button pressed by people who used to write into TV station "points of view" type programmes, who obviously had nothing better to do with their day.

I always assumed that button was there to genuinely warn Mod's about such things as Sneaky LM type posts etc and not just to "give off" about something regarding a post, perhaps there should be a lesser coloured triangle for lesser crimes than LM - and being this board perhaps maybe a pink triangle.........oh shit, no, hang on, someone tried that before and it didn't end so well for a lot of gay people ( take note a certain other Mod perhaps ! cough cough ! )

Shit - now I"VE gone off topic !!

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2018, 03:49
ohhhh what a bitch !!! :)

July 6th, 2018, 06:28
Too many Hot Weather refreshments Ng?!

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2018, 06:31
Maybe not ENOUGH !

July 6th, 2018, 06:52
It strikes me as a button pressed by people who used to write into TV station "points of view" type programmes, who obviously had nothing better to do with their day.Never underestimate the "maiden aunt" element among our posters, always eager to purse their lips in disapproval

July 6th, 2018, 14:09
Never underestimate the "maiden aunt" element among our posters, always eager to purse their lips in disapproval

I believe the correct term is labia - but I congratulate them on having such good muscle control anyway