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July 26th, 2006, 08:50
Aunty, it's just me and the odd workman, no camera's. I think I put up a personal gallery somewhere. I suffered a devastating systems collapse on my computer and lost all my images. As hard as I tried there was no data recovery possible. Now I am
waiting for the final crunch with my new operating system.

I am a fool, I let my pride win me over. The techie down village, convinced me that using his original disk would be so much better than a redundant brand-new OS lying on my shelf, and would only cost me a quarter of the price, plus he threw in a burnt hard copy should I need to re-boot.
As not to appear financially improvident (the very worst sino-sin) I enthusiastically agreed, knowing full well that his mark up on a burnt CD was going to be exactly 600% compared to the regulated price of the original, which leaves him a measly +-10 %. He had me cornered however.
Shopping can be such a nightmare of face saving shenanigans. And I so want to appear like I was born with a calculator in my skull instead of a brain, like everyone else here.

Any-one know of a reason why using someone else's original (it looked original, even in the dim polluted Hong Kong light) hard disk operating system, can be bad for ones health???

I lost my own original, during a lengthy move from London.

July 26th, 2006, 15:49
Aunty, it's just me and the odd workman, no camera's. I think I put up a personal gallery somewhere. I suffered a devastating systems collapse on my computer and lost all my images.


July 29th, 2006, 04:01
Any-one know of a reason why using someone else's original (it looked original, even in the dim polluted Hong Kong light) hard disk operating system, can be bad for ones health???

The main problem, assuming you are using one of the Windows O/S is that when you try to update your system the Genuine Advantage Authetification tool of the Microsoft web site will find that you are using a pirated copy.

At the best it will refuse to update your securty settings and may instead ask you to buy licence to authenticate your copy, at the worst assuming you decline their 'generous' offer it will disable part of your OS rendering your OS useless.

It is also worth remembering that the security update known as the Authentification Tool is a 'phone home' bit of software that regularly scans your computer for information as to what is on your hard drive and send it back to Microsoft.

Just what they do with the data is at the moment unclear as they refuse to comment on the fact that this is a very sophisticated bit of Data Miner software. On all our computers (office and home) we have removed that particular security update and now obtain our updates via a diifferent method.

July 29th, 2006, 10:45
Thanks naughtybnice, I don't think I have a problem with windows applications, I use "word" but not much else. So far and touch wood upgrading on MacOS applications seems to go smoothly, but I have paid for everything so far that I have used...besides the original of course.

July 29th, 2006, 18:25
Bugger!Isn't that what you were planning?