View Full Version : Spending spree - BKK

June 20th, 2018, 22:34
Dear Forum,

I have been an avid reader of this forum, and would first like to thank you all for the impressive knowledge base you have developed - for me and many others an enormous help to get some understanding of the unique bar scene in Thailand.

I would like to share my operating mode in this bar scene and hear your thoughts and considerations.

About once per month, I love throwing myself in the nightlife of BKK, with main focus on the boysbars. I go all in on these night and easily end up spending 30 - 40,000 baht or more, with no regret. To add some color, short summary of my last spree:

- Started at Screw Boys. Had a beer and called one of the boys from the stage. Hot muscled early 20s. The boy was from Vietnam, not very interesting - didnt get any further then the 'name, where from' and creepy smile. With the bad reviews of Vietnam boys at Screw Boys in mind on this forum, I left after paying my beer and the guys classic 300baht fanta.
- Moved over to the new bar, right above Screw Boys. I was the only customers, with 20 boys on stage. To reduce the akwardness of being eyeballed by all boys, I asked the waitor to have a beer with me. Turned out to be a nice guy from Laos with strong English skills. I asked a hot boy with a perfect sixpack to join and the three of us had a couple of beers. they turned out to be quite funny and engaging, so I off-ed both. Bill somewhere near the end of 2000 baht, payed 3000 baht and left with the boys.
- I asked them where they wanted to go. They never went to dream boy, so I took them there, stayed there somewhat more then an hour. I called two boys I offed on previous visits to join and have some beers. I left with a bill close to 5000, rounded it to 5, and gave 1000 baht to the two dreamboys guys before leaving with the two boys I arrived with.
- Quick stop at the beer bar accross dream boys. There is hardly ever a single customer in that bar, but the owner is actually a friendly Thai guy. So I typically have a stop there so he makes some business. Bill of 900, rounded to 1000.
- Moved to Golden Cock with the same two guys. We had two bottles of Whiskey there and some beers, which got all dicks out of the boys in the bar. Bill and tips was close to 10000 baht. I left with the sixpack guy and gave the waitor boy I offed 3000 baht before sending him home.
- Took sixpack guy home, had a good fuck, me as top. The morning after he fucked me. Quite a passionate guy. I gave him 8000 baht before he left, almost started to cry of hapiness.

Some closing facts and thoughts:

- I am a hard working expat, end 30s. I earn an indecent salary of close to 1mn baht after tax - i realize this is a bit awkward to mention, but just want to illustrate that i can afford these frenzies without hurting myself financially.
- I do realize I am ripped off from all sides on those nights, but dont care so much about that. I just enjoy the moment a lot, i believe i treat everybody i interact with in a decent matter.
- i am not looking for anything sustainable in any way. During one of my first sprees about a year ago, I once made the mistake to add a boy on my Line account, which proved to be a terrible move, getting a 'I miss you' at least every single day. As of then I never made that same mistake, so I dont interact with those guys except when we meet again in a bar - of course they are 'happy' to see me again then.

The only negative effect I can think of, is that I am ruining the market...But then again, having a few stupid farangs like me overspending occasionally could not really move the market of 100s of boys upside down I guess. The consideration of my mini market distortion is for me not strong enough to halt my monthly spree.

I would love to hear your input and/or hear from other forum members that might have developed the same bad habbits like me over time.

Many thanks

June 20th, 2018, 23:17
Wow, you spend 40,000X12 = 480,000 Baht per year (out of 1,000,000) on boys.
Doesn't leave you much to live on...about 1424 per day...including rent.
Welcome to Sawatdee...

June 20th, 2018, 23:19
The old man and I went to Bangkok once ~ just an off-the-cuff moment ~ and spent 2500 baht boozing it up at Tawan Deang. The next morning, with a headache, we bought a Toyota Champ pickup truck.
Now that's a spree!

June 20th, 2018, 23:23
i quoted my monthly salary. Agreed it would be quite imbalanced on an annual base ;-)

Brad the Impala
June 21st, 2018, 00:27
Hi Freez,

I've met a few people in your situation over the years, often working in oil or construction in some inhospitable place, who like to splash out as you described when they hit town. Why not, that 's how you enjoy yourself, and you may have no one else to spend it on, and you certainly deserve a treat after a month in Fuckallistan. Spreading the cash in this way is usually much appreciated!

June 21st, 2018, 00:47
I think the biggest risk is getting used to extravagance when you can afford it, then struggling to adapt if your income changes. But that's your business.

As for adding boys on Line, one of the joys of that system is you can easily block them. That's why I prefer to use Line instead of giving them my phone number.

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2018, 04:09
i quoted my monthly salary. Agreed it would be quite imbalanced on an annual base ;-)

Good for you and you managed to say that without even blushing ! :-) And as for your spending, fuck it, why not, you're a long time dead and you cant take it with you and spending like that is all relative and is the same as someone earning a lot less spending 4000 on a night out, which of course they wouldn't think twice about, so my view, fuck it, spend it and enjoy while you can ( without leaving yourself broke at the end of it of course but at 1000000 a month salary I'm guessing you should be ok for a while yet :-)

PS if you ever need an ageing irish money boy ( who goes for free :-) you know where to call .......but just know I dont kiss, fuck, suck, or cum and dont do over nights .......ah hell, who am I kidding I do ALL of those things and hell for a lot less that 40,000 ( or even 4000) baht for that matter - usually more like two vodka and cokes and a kebab on the way home together ! lol

June 21st, 2018, 04:56
The OP is actually a bit of a cheap Charlie but I'm not surprised at only £25K a month salary - I couldn't live on that.

I've no idea what he does but I'm a Premier League footballer and I earn ten times that per match - but I don't like to boast and hence I've never mentioned it.

The fact is I've been lying about everything for years - I'm actually 21, str8, fucking gorgeous and I've never been to Thailand (but Mini Mee rumbled me on that one)

Well if you believe him, why don't you believe me - my story is about as plausible


June 21st, 2018, 05:03
The fact is I've been lying about everything for years and I've never been to Thailand

No surprise here!

June 21st, 2018, 05:36
...why is his story implausible??? Im not even slightly blond but Im confused.

June 21st, 2018, 05:44
Hi Freez,

I've met a few people in your situation over the years, often working in oil or construction in some inhospitable place, who like to splash out as you described when they hit town. Why not, that 's how you enjoy yourself, and you may have no one else to spend it on, and you certainly deserve a treat after a month in Fuckallistan. Spreading the cash in this way is usually much appreciated!

Yeah, but then there's this shitty thing called hindight, which tends to make us quite regretfyl. I remember when I was young, I'd have no problem dropping $6000 on the casino in one night, knowing I'd make it back within a week, so no worries. Now I find myself 36 years old, alone, blind, broke, and sitting on the floor in my parent's spare bedroom. Dogs are dead, and my husband is somewhere is Bangkok working 12 hour days cooking chicken for 320 baht/day. Gotta admit, not exactly what I envisioned for my future.

Another example, when I first moved into my last house in Khon Kaen, across the street was a guy from Scotland with his Thai wife, daughter, and two pups. They were renting that place while their new home was being built just outside of town. They decided to move out before the house was 100% finished, and settled in. He was about as good at managing money as me, which means absolutely horrible, plus liked his drink quite a bit, and had no problem pissing money down the drain to enjoy his days. Unfortunately for him, oil dropped to $30/barrel, and since he was just a contractor for Shell, he was one of the first gone. This left him with an unfinished house, and a very unhappy wife, because they didn't know how they were going to buy things like food anymore. Then he got himself into a legal and immigration troubles after that, and shit really hit the fan I guess.

That, and especially right now at this point in history, I would urge caution. This next decide is going to see a MASSIVE change which is going to disrupt virtually every industry on the planet, and by 2030 we will be living in a totally different worl than we are now. Even without AI this is still going to happen, but add into the equation that we're on the precipice of opening the flood gates of AI, the amount of change this world is going to experience over the next decade is almost unfathomable. Everything in society is going to change, so keep your eyes open and ears pricked.

June 21st, 2018, 05:55
...matty stop drinking and typing...NOT a good combination

June 21st, 2018, 06:35
The OP is actually a bit of a cheap Charlie but I'm not surprised at only £25K a month salary - I couldn't live on that.Hardly worth getting out of bed for

June 21st, 2018, 06:46
And as for your spending, fuck it, why not, you're a long time deadBeing totally pedantic, once you're dead you cease to exist and therefore time has no meaning at all (this is a statement of belief, not fact, just to be clear. Many people believe in life after death; I think it improbable)

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2018, 07:12
Being totally pedantic, )

Glad you clarified that part at least

June 21st, 2018, 07:16
Glad you clarified that part at leastToo many people state their beliefs (which can't be proven) as incontrovertible fact and rely on cliches such as the several you use in the one post to express themselves

June 21st, 2018, 07:18
Yeah, but then there's this shitty thing called hindight, which tends to make us quite regretfyl. I remember when I was young, I'd have no problem dropping $6000 on the casino in one night, knowing I'd make it back within a week, so no worries. Now I find myself 36 years old, alone, blind, broke, and sitting on the floor in my parent's spare bedroom. Dogs are dead, and my husband is somewhere is Bangkok working 12 hour days cooking chicken for 320 baht/day. Gotta admit, not exactly what I envisioned for my future.And the Bitcoin fortune you boasted of so often? Remember when you were telling us how Bitcoin had totally disrupted the financial system. Ah, those were the days

June 21st, 2018, 15:15
Matt/Beachlover......Time to reinvent yourselves this story is really played out!

June 21st, 2018, 23:21
Dear forum,

Many thanks for your considerations. This has been really valuable for me. There is indeed a risk of taking this behaviour too much for granted, potentially resulting in regretting past times with the power of hindsight - e.g., the day my activities get radically automated with the force of AI, in a more esoteric scenario.
And it is indeed true that there is some level of customization sneeking in. The first times were truely amazing, opening a full new world I could have only imagined existed. I am still enjoying and often amazed during my nights out, but the surprise factor is wearing out gradually. I believe this is something we all went through when reading through the posts of this forum - full of nostalgia how much better the scene was years and years ago. I truely believe it has detoriorated a bit, but lets agree that the bar scene is still an amazing thing - this collective nostalgia is likely partly driven by the loss of its novelty we all experienced when entering this scene.
As a consequence, I feel the urge to increase my frequency and get out more. I never saw all too much harm in this, but a correct warning of this forum to make sure not to get too much used to all this madness as it may end all too unexpectedly.

So thanks again forum members, in a weird way you have been grown to a panel of wise man in a very piculiar subject.

June 21st, 2018, 23:40
I am one of the other « stupid farangs » overspending on boys.
I don’t think that we ruin the market for the others.
But what is sure is that the boys are « happy » to meet the overspending customers again.
You have the means, so keep spending.
It’s fun, and, most importantly, you make the boys happy :)

June 22nd, 2018, 00:44
...if making the boys happy gets your rocks off...then yeah...go knock yourself out...its your money/your life...

June 22nd, 2018, 03:50
If anybody really wants to "make the boys happy", just give them the money and forget about the sex - but I guess there are limits as to how much happiness we are willing to spread around


June 22nd, 2018, 04:30
And the Bitcoin fortune you boasted of so often? Remember when you were telling us how Bitcoin had totally disrupted the financial system. Ah, those were the days

Ummm, no I didn't. That would have been bruce_nyc.

$115 billion USD market cap though bitcoin has. Not exactly chump change.

June 22nd, 2018, 05:21
Ummm, no I didn't. That would have been bruce_nyc.

$115 billion USD market cap though bitcoin has. Not exactly chump change.But definitely change held by chumps. So you're now claiming you've never held any Bitcoin, never boasted of how you use Bitcoin?

June 22nd, 2018, 06:41
Yes, I work within the bitcoin industry. That doesn't make me a bitcoin millionaire. That just means I work in the industry.

June 22nd, 2018, 07:03
Yes, I work within the bitcoin industry. That doesn't make me a bitcoin millionaire. That just means I work in the industry.It's an "industry" now is it? That had me rolling around on the floor laughing

June 22nd, 2018, 08:31
Yes, stop it Matt. You know what a giggler old frequent is.

June 22nd, 2018, 08:39
If anybody really wants to "make the boys happy", just give them the money and forget about the sex - but I guess there are limits as to how much happiness we are willing to spread around


Its not only about making the boys happy. In the end it’s more about my preference of fucking a happy person.

June 22nd, 2018, 08:46
That statement will set Latin off on his much anticipated fuckrant.

June 22nd, 2018, 12:23
No it will not, Im not one to judge...I only go off on fuckrants when people try to tell me what to do/how to behave...much easier now not to share.

June 22nd, 2018, 13:07
Yes, I work within the bitcoin industry. That doesn't make me a bitcoin millionaire. That just means I work in the industry.From the broad findings of the Bank for International Settlements, the Swiss-based "bank of central bankers" and the leading global authority on the crypto-craze (which I think of as just another cult):

"Cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic worth and are useless as a form of exchange. They entail exorbitant transaction costs. They are very slow. Together they have turned into an ecological fiasco.They are not backed by the assets and revenue streams of an established state. Most can be rendered worthless by fraud or digital manipulation. They are essentially Ponzi schemes that masquerade as citizen currencies beyond government control."

Nirish guy
June 23rd, 2018, 17:43
Now I find myself 36 years old, alone, blind, broke, and sitting on the floor in my parent's spare bedroom. Dogs are dead, and my husband is somewhere is Bangkok working 12 hour days cooking chicken for 320 baht/day. .

What makes you believe your dogs are dead ? If so thats probably the saddest part of this entire story for me :-(