View Full Version : Bali Update Info

June 20th, 2018, 05:39
I'm planning my trip to Bali.

Can anyone confirm the current fee for guys in Bali for short time fun please?

Also, what is the name of the latest gay beach to go to please?

Nirish guy
June 20th, 2018, 05:43
300, 000 rings a bell from memory - but I would suggest keeping your money in your pocket unless it's asked for as Bali isn't pattaya and there's plenty of fun to be had for free / a few drinks or dinner etc. Oh and the most popular beach is still probably double 6 I would think as the other beach that gay guys go to is a bit father out of town

June 20th, 2018, 06:36
300, 000 rings a bell from memory - but I would suggest keeping your money in your pocket unless it's asked for as Bali isn't pattaya and there's plenty of fun to be had for free / a few drinks or dinner etc. Oh and the most popular beach is still probably double 6 I would think as the other beach that gay guys go to is a bit father out of townThe problem with Bali I gather is that it's full of ghastly Australians

June 20th, 2018, 14:44
300, 000 rings a bell from memory - but I would suggest keeping your money in your pocket unless it's asked for as Bali isn't pattaya and there's plenty of fun to be had for free / a few drinks or dinner etc. Oh and the most popular beach is still probably double 6 I would think as the other beach that gay guys go to is a bit father out of town

Thank you kindly Nirish. Much appreciated.

I did search previous thread about Bali, and seem like the going rate is still the same, including the beach.

Thank you again.

June 21st, 2018, 04:09
...last time i said something nasty about ozzies it got deleted...double standards at play here...Im gonna go sulk

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2018, 04:15
Are you sure that wasn't just more about ONE particular ( moderator) Ozzie perhaps though !?? :-) Aside from that I can vouch for Frequents comment as a large portion of the Ozzie's I met in Bali were a right shower - and most of the Bali locals seem to think the same - but I'm happy to accept that not ALL Ozzies are like that ( I hope) and its just a locality thing in bali perhaps.

June 21st, 2018, 06:36
Are you sure that wasn't just more about ONE particular ( moderator) Ozzie perhaps though !?? :-) Aside from that I can vouch for Frequents comment as a large portion of the Ozzie's I met in Bali were a right shower - and most of the Bali locals seem to think the same - but I'm happy to accept that not ALL Ozzies are like that ( I hope) and its just a locality thing in bali perhaps.I suspect it's the sort of Australian who thinks that Bali is the place to go. They also infest Phuket. You'd think they've got plenty of their own beaches

June 21st, 2018, 11:41
I'm planning my trip to Bali.
Can anyone confirm the current fee for guys in Bali for short time fun please?

300K max and this ghastly Australian was in Bali last year and gave one guy money for food and taxi. Five more from Java were free and better looking twinks than i generally find in Thailand. Also they were very enthusiatic in bed as gay sex is a very dangerous activity in their home cities. If you like massages there are some good looking guys sitiing outside the shops and some can be convinced to provide extra services but don't expect it. There are plenty of money boys on the apps and at the clubs if that is what you prefer.

June 21st, 2018, 14:24
300K max and this ghastly Australian was in Bali last year and gave one guy money for food and taxi. Five more from Java were free and better looking twinks than i generally find in Thailand. Also they were very enthusiatic in bed as gay sex is a very dangerous activity in their home cities. If you like massages there are some good looking guys sitiing outside the shops and some can be convinced to provide extra services but don't expect it. There are plenty of money boys on the apps and at the clubs if that is what you prefer.

Thank you kindly aussie. I'm convinced there are more than enough guys to keep me happy! I don't mind rewarding them either way - food and taxi or Money?

June 21st, 2018, 21:24
It's true. Young drunken Aussie guys disgrace themselves in Bali, showing disrespect for the locals and their culture. Their behaviour in Kuta, especially on some of the pubs - The Bounty comes to mind - is cringe-worthy. Most Aussie tourists wouldn't be seen dead in Kuta anymore.

They are better behaved out of the party area, up in Seminyak and Canggu, for example. I haven't seen anyone misbehaving in the gay bars - everyone is just out for a good time.

I fully intended to go to the gay beach but decided not to after hearing that it was a waste of time.

BTW Nirish, Latin's deleted post was not aimed at me.

Nirish guy
June 23rd, 2018, 14:59
I haven't seen anyone misbehaving in the gay bars - everyone is just out for a good time.

Unfortunately I cant concur there as I and my Bali friends have witnessed exactly that - but I fully accept its the minority in those areas rather than the majority (just). My Bali friends seems to object more to a perceived arrogance that the believe (some) Aussies display but personally I think thats more of a gay thing that a Country thing perhaps, if just so happens that they're objectionable gay Aussies, but they could just as easily be from London, it just so happens that with London being farther away the Bali locals see more Aussies and so just assume that more of them are assholes perhaps.

Nirish, Latin's deleted post was not aimed at me

I was just gently joking there and wasn't aware of the original post to which he was referring even actually.

June 23rd, 2018, 20:12
Nirish guy, can you kindly ask your Bali friends or maybe yourself, who can recomend a nice restaurant to have a nice meal please?

We will be staying in the Kuta area, not too far from the bars etc.

Nirish guy
June 23rd, 2018, 20:45
Hmmm actually no, sorry probably not as as I'm sure you understand such questions and their replies are based so highly on personal taste and opinion and I'd hate you to waste one of your evenings somewhere I liked but you might hate should our tastes vary wildly perhaps.

Honestly the first thing I would probably do is get out of Kuta and head towards the Seminyak area etc. There many many very special restaurants all dotted around there, either in the main street or further out in the surrounding area.

The centre of Kuta ( IMHO) is for the masses and caters accordingly, whereas on out in the sticks a bit things tend to get a bit more special eating wise ( I found anyway).

Maybe just jump on a motorbike ( or a taxi if you're in no particular hurry traffic wise ) and just wing it - there's no shortage of really great places - but of course all depends what you're looking for and in what price bracket etc - I'm sure you'll not be stuck - just find a nice local guy, I'm sure he'll be very happy to accompany you to some great places ( just as long as you're paying of course :))

June 23rd, 2018, 22:56
If you really want to have dinner in Kuta, try Uns Restaurant.

I haven't been there in a while but my friends and I were regulars there and often flew up to Bali just for their bellpepper soup, and crème brûlée for dessert. All this was washed down with delicious full-strength margaritas.

I believe the menu has changed but the reviews are still great.






June 24th, 2018, 03:37
Hmmm actually no, sorry probably not as as I'm sure you understand such questions and their replies are based so highly on personal taste and opinion and I'd hate you to waste one of your evenings somewhere I liked but you might hate should our tastes vary wildly perhaps.

Honestly the first thing I would probably do is get out of Kuta and head towards the Seminyak area etc. There many many very special restaurants all dotted around there, either in the main street or further out in the surrounding area.

The centre of Kuta ( IMHO) is for the masses and caters accordingly, whereas on out in the sticks a bit things tend to get a bit more special eating wise ( I found anyway).

Maybe just jump on a motorbike ( or a taxi if you're in no particular hurry traffic wise ) and just wing it - there's no shortage of really great places - but of course all depends what you're looking for and in what price bracket etc - I'm sure you'll not be stuck - just find a nice local guy, I'm sure he'll be very happy to accompany you to some great places ( just as long as you're paying of course :))

Thank you for the advice.

June 24th, 2018, 03:40
If you really want to have dinner in Kuta, try Uns Restaurant.

I haven't been there in a while but my friends and I were regulars there and often flew up to Bali just for their bellpepper soup, and crème brûlée for dessert. All this was washed down with delicious full-strength margaritas.

I believe the menu has changed but the reviews are still great.






Thank you kindly a447. Sounds like a nice place to eat.

I will definitely try this place once in Bali. Its always nice to try recommendations from others.

Thanks again

June 24th, 2018, 09:13
But as Nirish points out, such recommendations are highly subjective. But based on the fact that all my friends love Uns, I think you may also enjoy it.

June 24th, 2018, 09:43
But based on the fact that all my friends love UnsAll three of them?

June 29th, 2018, 14:44
One of the risks visitors to Bali face is the ability to fly in and, once there, fly out again. The airport's operations are often threatened by the Mount Agung volcano; it has closed the airport for days at at time in recent years. It's very active and has shut down the airport again today https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/29/bali-volcano-erupts-thousands-tourists-stranded-ash-closes-airport/

Nirish guy
June 30th, 2018, 01:33
It's reopened again - but definitely one to watch as they tend to open "when they can" and thats totally dependant on what direction the wind is blowing ( quite literally ie is the smoke blowing towards the airport or away from it out to sea etc). So it's opened for now again but god knows how long that lasts for. I was VERY lucky the last time I was there and had decided to extend my stay for 10 days the day BEFORE she erupted the last time and the witnessed thousands of people all struggling to find hotel rooms day after day for the 10 days whilst I was on the beach, likewise the airlines didn't help as they insisted that everyone show up EACH day at the airport "just in case" so people couldn't even relax and enjoy their enforced vacation ! For them a pleasurable ten days it was NOT.

June 30th, 2018, 02:15
If worst comes to worst you can always make your way to Jakarta and fly home from there.

July 5th, 2018, 09:37
Nirish guy, can you kindly ask your Bali friends or maybe yourself, who can recomend a nice restaurant to have a nice meal please?

We will be staying in the Kuta area, not too far from the bars etc.

This place is not cheap but when my partner and I holidayed in Bali we rated this Italian Restaurant very highly.
Like most restaurants it is better enjoyed with company

I also know of a very good guide in Bali

July 5th, 2018, 09:40
One more thing the restaurant is in Seminyak

July 7th, 2018, 13:26
This place is not cheap but when my partner and I holidayed in Bali we rated this Italian Restaurant very highly.
Like most restaurants it is better enjoyed with company

I also know of a very good guide in Bali

Isaanguy, Thank you kindly. The restaurant seems nice.

July 31st, 2018, 05:57
Isaanguy, could you please share name and contact for this guide in Bali? Thanks!

Nirish guy
August 1st, 2018, 13:55
Josan, if you're thinking of traveling there do just be aware there are any number of nice guys there who will be more than happy to show you the island and act as a tour guide, paid or unpaid. Of course those guys will range from average bar guys to full well travelled educated guys who can show you the best of places - all just depends what you're looking for and where you look of course. The gay bars are always a popular place to start I find......but plenty on the Apps too uf that's not your thing.

The one thing I do know is that bali leaves Pattaya standing far in it's wake right now in terms of variety and availability of FREE and fun guys all wanting nothing more than to hook up with a "bule" (white guy) and after spending two weeks there and a few days in Pattaya there is just no comparison between the too (IMHO) - I accept this is low season in Pattaya - but also in Bali before anyone says that's the reason - and I DO mean NIGHT and day between the two places !

August 1st, 2018, 19:57
About guides: Dani is working on Bali (Kuta - Denpasar mostly + local historical/nature/temple sites)

contacts: https://siamroads.com/dani-bali/





August 2nd, 2018, 11:10
Sent you pm

Please note that although he is gay he is not looking for any "action"

August 5th, 2018, 17:03
Check you messages

August 5th, 2018, 19:07
Check you messages

As at 19.05 I am not seeing any new messages

August 6th, 2018, 04:49
Now some new excitement. An earthquake hit Lombok and Bali overnight. Dozens dead in Lombok

Nirish guy
August 6th, 2018, 06:36
A tad insensitive there perhaps.......

August 6th, 2018, 06:37
A tad insensitive there perhaps.......I've never been accused of being sensitive and had the accusation stick :))

Nirish guy
August 6th, 2018, 06:45
Your dozens dead currently stands at 82 people. I doubt very much though that the residents of Lombok or the relatives of the dead consider that as "excitement" for themselves tonight though somehow.

August 6th, 2018, 06:47
Your dozens dead currently stands at 82 people. I doubt very much though that the residents of Lombok or the relatives of the dead consider that as "excitement" for themselves tonight though somehow.Nearly 7 dozen then. The survivors are probably too busy to read SGT right now though. If the Hawaii volcano eruption (http://time.com/5340313/lava-volcano-hawaii-tour-boat/) is anything to go by, there will soon be tourists going there specifically for the thrill of being close to a natural disaster

August 6th, 2018, 07:20
Your dozens dead currently stands at 82 people.You raise an interesting question. When do dozens become scores, and scores become hundreds? I certainly wouldn't be using "dozens" for numbers greater than 100

Nirish guy
August 6th, 2018, 15:45
You raise an interesting question. When do dozens become scores, and scores become hundreds? I certainly wouldn't be using "dozens" for numbers greater than 100

Any time you want, as being three totally different descriptive words for their numbers of course there is no direct linkage other than a user choosing to use one ( the closest one that they feel fits what they're trying to describe) against the other. Dozens groups of 12, Scores groups or 20 or hundreds groups of .....well you get the idea - so "up t you" and just depends on whatever number or group of numbers that you want people to think about and or count using I guess. For 82 I'm guessing "scores" is correct.

August 6th, 2018, 16:22
Any time you want, as being three totally different descriptive words for their numbers of course there is no direct linkage other than a user choosing to use one ( the closest one that they feel fits what they're trying to describe) against the other. Dozens groups of 12, Scores groups or 20 or hundreds groups of .....well you get the idea - so "up t you" and just depends on whatever number or group of numbers that you want people to think about and or count using I guess. For 82 I'm guessing "scores" is correct.Possibly our American friends, for whom English is a foreign language, would be more comfortable with scores rather than dozens. I gave up trying to explain the concept of "fortnight" when I was working there

August 6th, 2018, 21:25
Possibly our American friends, for whom English is a foreign language, would be more comfortable with scores rather than dozens. I gave up trying to explain the concept of "fortnight" when I was working there

Theere is no American concept of "fortnight" it is a word almost unknown in American English. Frankly, a linguist could tell you that England itslef has more English dialects and differing understanding of various terms and usages than any other English speaking nation. This is always true, even considering genetic differences. The place of origin always has more diversity than places where the thing under discussion ( language, genese, etc.) has spread to.

Why this always befuddle you befuddles me.

I now await your silly response. In deference to various PMs I have adopted a new form: I correct you and then ignore your, sadly, truculent and anti American ) often anti Aussie as well ) response

Khor tose
August 6th, 2018, 23:29
No, Americans do know what "fortnight" means. Just like many words that come from merry olde, we first have to spell the word correctly. Spelling the word correctly means we drop the unnecessary "Es", "Ts", etc. and then we can use the word as we see fit. For example, a Bonnet is a lady's hat not the hood of a car, and fortnite is an epic video game. What is the problem? Kidding aside, thanks to world wide communication, the American version of English is now more the norm. Norm or not, 1000 new words are added each year to English, so whose language is it anymore?

August 9th, 2018, 12:08
Well it's over one hundred now and likely to rise even further - Gili islands have been evacuated and they will remain closed for some time as infrastructure was severely damaged.
On a happier note and back to Bali, there is a new all male day club opening in Legian on the 15th (soft opening so suitable for the older gent).
Man resort day club spa - catchy name or what? is behind the AQ-VA Hotel at Jalan Padma Utara, Gang Bujangga No. 8, Legian-Kuta, Bali. You can get to it through the hotel as its the same ownership although it has a separate entrance in Gang Bujangga. Free to get in during the opening period and 100,000 IDR when properly open. Facilities include 28m pool, full service spa, barber, steam room, foam room, massage services, full bar and restaurant.
So ready to receive curious visitors from the 15th August.

November 8th, 2018, 16:08
Has anybody been to Bali lately, any updates on the scene?

I go out in 12 weeks time.

Nirish guy
November 8th, 2018, 16:52
My mates just back last week - in a nut shell, no change, quieter that peak season and the guys all complaining of low customer numbers (in every business I mean not just sex work) but that's normal of course for this time of year, but aside from that he'd his usual good trip with no dramas and Bali' joe and the apps etc all as busy as ever.

November 9th, 2018, 06:36
My mates just back last week - in a nut shell, no change, quieter that peak season and the guys all complaining of low customer numbers (in every business I mean not just sex work) but that's normal of course for this time of year, but aside from that he'd his usual good trip with no dramas and Bali' joe and the apps etc all as busy as ever.

Excellent. Thank you

November 17th, 2018, 16:16
Possibly our American friends, for whom English is a foreign language, would be more comfortable with scores rather than dozens. I gave up trying to explain the concept of "fortnight" when I was working there

No one, except English knows this "fortnight" thingy. It's one of those words that should have died together with Shakespeare 400 years ago. Isn't it 2 weeks? Or 4? Why not just say "I'm leaving in 3 weeks", no, instead you, English, torture the rest of the world with fortnight. Very cruel of you!

Another one is "stones". Edina from Absolutely Fabulous was overweight, fat cow, frankly, and she knew it. But what did she say? "I need to lose 1 stone", and her bitch daughter corrected her, "2 stones", she said, just to be mean. How many kg, please? Understably metric system is too complicated for English, could you then tell us in pounds, at least pounds make some sense (not really), everybody needs to multiply lb by 2, and we get roughly 1Kg. But no! Stones!!

Americans are just as guilty with their ounces and eightballs.

I go out in 12 weeks time.

Yeah, but how many fortnights is that? English people don't do weeks, they measure time in fortnights.
Just like Cdnmatt's husbands owe an apology to him, for simply existing, English owe the whole world an apology for fortnight! I'm willing to accept this apology on behalf of all humanity.

I'm also thinking of going. Apparently Bangkok tourism authority is concerned with low tourist arrivals, and they are proposing a new TR scheme, Single Entry Tourist Visa will count as double entry between now and February, that gives people with SE TR extra 90 days in Thailand without having to apply for new visa, just need to leave country, and come right back. And they will do away land border 2 entries per year, land crossings are back to unlimited. Except no one knows when this welcome change comes to effect.


November 17th, 2018, 21:03
Isn't it 2 weeks? Or 4? Why not just say "I'm leaving in 3 weeks"

Yeah, but how many fortnights is that? English people don't do weeks, they measure time in fortnights.

A fortnight is "two weeks".

So I'm going to Bali in 12 weeks, which is three (3) fortnight.

November 17th, 2018, 22:56
A fortnight is "two weeks".

So I'm going to Bali in 12 weeks, which is three (3) fortnight.

Apologies, 12 weeks = 6 fortnight.

Two weeks is called a fortnight.

November 17th, 2018, 22:57
A fortnight is "two weeks".

So I'm going to Bali in 12 weeks, which is three (3) fortnight.

Apologies, 12 weeks = 6 fortnights.

Two weeks is called a fortnight

November 17th, 2018, 23:03
No one, except English knows this "fortnight" thingy. It's one of those words that should have died together with Shakespeare 400 years ago. Isn't it 2 weeks? Or 4? Why not just say "I'm leaving in 3 weeks", no, instead you, English, torture the rest of the world with fortnight. Very cruel of you!

Another one is "stones". Edina from Absolutely Fabulous was overweight, fat cow, frankly, and she knew it. But what did she say? "I need to lose 1 stone", and her bitch daughter corrected her, "2 stones", she said, just to be mean. How many kg, please? Understably metric system is too complicated for English, could you then tell us in pounds, at least pounds make some sense (not really), everybody needs to multiply lb by 2, and we get roughly 1Kg. But no! Stones!!

Americans are just as guilty with their ounces and eightballs.

Yeah, but how many fortnights is that? English people don't do weeks, they measure time in fortnights.
Just like Cdnmatt's husbands owe an apology to him, for simply existing, English owe the whole world an apology for fortnight! I'm willing to accept this apology on behalf of all humanity.

I'm also thinking of going. Apparently Bangkok tourism authority is concerned with low tourist arrivals, and they are proposing a new TR scheme, Single Entry Tourist Visa will count as double entry between now and February, that gives people with SE TR extra 90 days in Thailand without having to apply for new visa, just need to leave country, and come right back. And they will do away land border 2 entries per year, land crossings are back to unlimited. Except no one knows when this welcome change comes to effect.


When you sober up DD (or is it WM now), just use google.

That will give you the correct conversion...e.g. DIVIDE pounds by 2 to get Kilos.

A fortnight is the easiest to remember...fourteen nights.

Happy hangover.

November 18th, 2018, 00:59
Why do you need to drag this board down to your level? Do you have any idea how boring you are? I suppose not.
Since I was rude to you, again, despite clear warning from Admin, you win, I concede.

November 18th, 2018, 05:29
No one, except English knows this "fortnight" thingy.
That’s the point - to remind Americans that they are speaking a bastard form of something that for them will always be a second language