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View Full Version : The concentration camps of the great state of Texas ...

June 19th, 2018, 10:15
This is what has become of Trump ... a lying boasting bombastic clown during the election, he has shed the clown-thing and is now putting on the purple robes of a xenophobic bigot of the worst dimension.

This nasty piece of work says it all. (Scroll down a bit and open up the video in the middle of the page to full screen).
This kind of atrocious horror will only get worse.


OR ... you could find a nice restaurant in Pattaya and forget all about it.

June 19th, 2018, 14:30
Who was that Marshall or Sheriff or whatever he was that Trump pardoned recently? I remember him from way back, he was one of jinks' heroes because of his hardline attitude to how criminals should be handled while in prison. There was a thread about it - when Bob Muldoon owned the Forum as I recall. There will always be queens who are hardline conservatives; I'm sure there'll be many who are Trump supporters. My favourite Trump supporter is the drag queen Kellyanne Conway

Speaking of America and its businesspeople is anyone else watching the new HBO show Succession? It's modelled on Rupert Murdoch and his family. The elder son reminds me very much of one of our members. In episode three (just finished watching) the younger son has just jerked off in his office and cum all over the floor to ceiling window in his skyscraper office. Not sure if that's a metaphor. The Murdoch idea has been done before, of course, in the movie Fierce Animals

June 19th, 2018, 15:12
This is what has become of Trump ...

Why you blame Trump when it was the same at time of Obama? You should blame US's foreign policy

2014. https://www.thenation.com/article/how-uss-foreign-policy-created-immigrant-refugee-crisis-its-own-southern-border/

Photos from 2014 and before:


the same facility, September 8, 2014


http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/02/11/texas_is_trying_to_classify_immigrant_detention_ce nters_as_child_care_facilities.html

June 19th, 2018, 15:23
OR ... you could find a nice restaurant in Pattaya and forget all about it.Since there is absolutely nothing, not a single solitary thing, that any of us can do about it, I don't propose standing around wringing my hands

June 19th, 2018, 19:34
Since there is absolutely nothing, not a single solitary thing, that any of us can do about it, I don't propose standing around wringing my handsYou miss my point on that one. You've been away too long.

June 19th, 2018, 20:06
Why you blame Trump when it was the same at time of Obama? You should blame US's foreign policy

2014. https://www.thenation.com/article/how-uss-foreign-policy-created-immigrant-refugee-crisis-its-own-southern-border/

Photos from 2014 and before:


the same facility, September 8, 2014


http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/02/11/texas_is_trying_to_classify_immigrant_detention_ce nters_as_child_care_facilities.html
I'm sorry, but your quoting from an arch conservative journal that is fraught with errors and misrepresentations. This policy to refuse to process assylum seekers, but to criminalize the attempt is new and is causing the issues in my country. This is a Trump policy that he could change with a phone call. Don't blame the State Department.

June 19th, 2018, 22:42
" ... Why you blame Trump when it was the same at time of Obama? ... "
The worst part of this travesty is the completely disgusting Trumpism (him and him alone) which says essentialy this: " ... we're putting you in a concentration camp and we're taking your kids away from you and putting them in a separate camp ....". Obama's policy cannot hold a candle to this disgrace.
Trump has a totalitarian streak a mile wide . . . somewhat similar to Stalinism et al.

June 19th, 2018, 22:56
" ... Who was that Marshall or Sheriff or whatever he was that Trump pardoned recently? ... " There's enough to go around (around the earth that is) when it comes to Trump.
That decrepit old bastard's name is Joe Arpaio, and he looks exactly what he is: A true bigot and sadist at every level.


June 19th, 2018, 23:04
Certainly Obama and Bush deported tens of thousands, but that is not at issue here.

Before April 2018, people who crossed the border illegally were simply detained and deported. Now, only because of the Trump agenda, they are subject to criminal prosecution, meaning they are incarcerated and separated from their children while awaiting court processing.

Migrants who enter the US at designated border crossing points and who request asylum were previously allowed to remain free in the States, with their children, while waiting for a year or more for their claims to be adjudicated. Now, they are detained, separated from the children, while their asylum claims receive expedited processing.

The bottom line is that separation of families is being accomplished in whatever way the Trump administration can devise, in the hope that Mexicans and Central Americans will no longer head for the US borders.

Is this simply Trump's effort to prevent non-whites from entering the US legally or illegally, or is he using family separations as a bargaining chip with Congress to get his border wall and other anti-immigration demands.? Only he knows.

Asylum seekers will continue to be processed, but by removing gang violence from their asylum eligibility claims, Attorney General Sessions has all but guaranteed that almost all Central American asylum seekers will be denied. In fact, the law does not make provision for asylum based on gang violence but in the past immigration judges had more latitude in granting asylum.

June 20th, 2018, 02:05
" ... Attorney General Sessions has all but guaranteed that almost all Central American asylum seekers will be denied... "
And his guarantee for that? Who would've thought it would be based on some parable read from the bible. https://globalnews.ca/news/4282873/jeff-sessions-church-immigration-family-separation/amp/

What a way to run a country. A certifiable nincompoop in charge, and a right wing bible thumper licking his boots.9

June 20th, 2018, 03:52
if you dont want to be locked up dont commit the crime...the ozzies have taken a hard line and u dont see gazzillions of parasites crossing the border...whereas mummy merkel has decided to welcome everyone and anybody and look at the result...

June 20th, 2018, 04:51
Whats the result? Have you been listening to Trump? Crime in Germany is down - at its lowest for decades

June 20th, 2018, 05:46
I know that living under a rock makes it difficult but you really need to get out more often. Merkel’s crazy policy has led to brexit and caused untold tension with frontline countries like Greece and Italy. So called refugees are in fact in the vast majority economic migrants, who are a drag on the economy. As for crime being down in Germany not only is that fake news it has nothing to do with the topic.

June 20th, 2018, 06:03
It's easy to be liberal and magnanimous when it's someone else's problem. The hundreds of boats of refugees don't pitch up at Scottish ports and the countless millions are not at her border.

June 20th, 2018, 06:39
The Thai policy on refugees is pretty effective - https://borgenproject.org/facts-about-refugees-in-thailand/

Any poster who wants to change his country's policies on refugees merely has to persuade his political leaders to abandon the various conventions their predecessors signed on the rights of refugees

June 20th, 2018, 07:13
I just wish this fucken cunt would be honest, and say what everyone knows he's thinking. He doesn't like brown people from "shithole" countries. At least just come clean and own your stance, instead of blaming this on Democrats and shit.

Also, why not just start a "work 4 residency" program, or something? You want to be part of a US community? Prove it, civil service for 6 years. Throw an ankle bracelet on them, and put them to work making America great again. There's loads of work to be done, I'm sure. Farmers and ranchers in the US are complaining nowadays because of the shortage of unskilled labor, there's city streetws that need to be cleaned, weeds need to be pulled, grafitti needs cleaned, I'm sure churches, soup kitchens and homeless shelters could use more sets of hands, and so on. About 1/3 of the food produced is wasted, so get them to pick it, clean it, package it, and deliver it to the food banks and churches around the country. Use the money saved on food stamps to help pay for the transportation.

I'm sure a good handful of those hitting the US border know how to drive truck, and the US is currently running a huge shortage of truck drivers to the point it's driving the cost of goods up, so there you go, a new supply of truck drivers more than happy to do the job in exchange for living somewhere peaceful. I would imagine there's some good mechanics, engineers, teachers, and so on in the mix too, so place people where they're best fit. And the list goes on and on and son....

Give them very basic shelter, equivalent to military barracks and without a fridge even would be fine. Get them to sign a contract commiting to 6 years of civil service @ 40 hours/week, give them basic shelter and food, and pay them like $3/hour. They'll only be working 40 hours/week, so have time for a second job if they want to earn extra money. Put an ankle bracelet on them, and tell them to make sure to show up for civil service work every day, or they'll be caught and deported. After 6 years, they get a green card.

Maybe I'm stupid, but that seems like a win-win-win-win situation. These guys get asylum, the US gets low wage workeers to help build and maintain the country, families don't get separated, after 56 years of civil service they will feel vested in the community hence feel as though they have a social responsibility so much less likely to become criminals, and the list goes on.

June 20th, 2018, 07:25
I just wish this fucken cunt would be honest, and say what everyone knows he's thinking.Would that "everyone knows" be on the same basis as "everyone knows" that you're lying (or at least many posters in this Forum seem to think so). By the way how did the trip to the US go - you know, the one you told us you were going to take to "prove" to the Canadian passport office that your current passport is unusable?

June 20th, 2018, 07:44

Says it all, really

June 20th, 2018, 08:15
I'm guessing that image was directed towards me?

June 20th, 2018, 08:37
I'm guessing that image was directed towards me?Your guess falls into the same category as "everyone knows"

June 20th, 2018, 09:28
Or just continue being a dick. That works too.

You made a disparaging remark towards me, then minutes later posted some photo. Put 2 and 2 together, and fucked if I know...

June 20th, 2018, 09:47
Oh, and look, the US just pulled out of the UN Human Right;s Council today.

Couldn't get better timing, considering what's happening on the southern border.

June 20th, 2018, 10:17
You made a disparaging remark towards me, then minutes later posted some photo. Put 2 and 2 together, and fucked if I know...It's a cartoon. Get your mummy to describe it to you. What's "disparaging" about asking for the results of something you told us you were going to do? Or do you think it "disparaging" to say that many members regard you as at best a fantasist, at worst a liar. I hasten to add (and I don't believe it needs to be said; it should be self-evident to even the most incompetent management consultant) I am not of their number, as evidenced by my continual reference to your attitudes as those of an entitled millennial

June 20th, 2018, 11:54
Today is, of course, World Refugee Day https://www.globalgiving.org/world-refugee-day/

June 20th, 2018, 13:55
....As for crime being down in Germany not only is that fake news it has nothing to do with the topic.

Firstly, crime being down in Germany to its lowest level for decades is REAL news (any moron can check on Google - so get over there pronto) and secondly, what it has to do with the topic" is that Trump claimed it was increasing due to migrants. Trump's version was the "fake news"

It's disgraceful that Trump is to arrive in the UK for a quasi-State visit. He ought to be banned - for inciting hate (since "being an utter cunt" is not a criminal offence).

June 20th, 2018, 13:58
(since "being a cunt" is not a criminal offence).I can attest to that

June 20th, 2018, 14:29
... "being an utter cunt" is not a criminal offence...

I can attest to that

On the grounds of never having been convicted of it?


June 20th, 2018, 14:36
On the grounds of never having been convicted of it?

:DLeave my convictions alone!

June 21st, 2018, 04:05
....amazing how blind socialist nutters can be...large swathes of rotterdam, paris and wbwn some scandanavian cities are pretty close to being no go zones if you are white...especially of u r a female on your own...roving bands of muslim pakistanis raping girls in england...hordes of unqualified landing on european shores expecting to get a free house and benefit and a free ride....and me as tax payer am expected to be happy with my world being turned into a shithole??
At least australia has got it right....trump needs to do the same....got no idea why he wants to separate kids from parents...just creates additional work...I would simply push them back across the border into mexico.
Again...if u r not invited then dont come....stay home...dont parasite off my country and bastardise my culture....just stay home

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2018, 04:22
Sad thing is if you ran for office and that was your manifesto promises you'd probably get elected right now !

June 21st, 2018, 05:21
Now Trump goes and signs an executive order so families will no longer be separated at the border.

In true Trump fashion, he's proclaiming himself as some hero who fixed the problem when nobody else would. Not watch, he'll throw a tantrum on Twitter shortly because the media isn't grovelling at his feet and lavishing praise on him for not seperating kids from their parents.

You're the one who created the problem, you dumb muppet! He loves doing this. Create a huge problem for no reason, then take credit for "solving" it, then gets pissed off when people don't praise him for being a hero who saved the day.

June 21st, 2018, 05:41
...good work...first he fixed those pesky europeans and their global warming paris fakes new accord...kissed up to rocket dwarf and got world peace and now he's saved the kiddies...Nobel prize Now I say....and a big statue in washington somewhere...or his face carved ino that rushmore mountain.

June 21st, 2018, 06:32

No, Matt, it's not about you

June 21st, 2018, 17:10
love the cartoons....excellent...about time the majority in the US let their wishes be carried out

June 22nd, 2018, 04:38
I guess the US department of defense is gearing up to be able to accompany / hold 20,000 children within the next month.

Well, this should be fun. Can't wait for the news reports about corpses of dead kids being found while in US custody. This knee jerk reaction style of leading with no plans or preparation in place is going to hopefully bite them in the ass.

June 22nd, 2018, 04:58
This knee jerk reaction style of leading with no plans or preparation in place is going to hopefully bite them in the ass.

The voice of experience?:devilsh:

June 22nd, 2018, 07:23
Can't wait for the news reports about corpses of dead kids being found while in US custody.A real charmer our Matt

June 22nd, 2018, 08:41
We are watching the decline of a superpower and it's happening at an unprecedentated rate. America reads like a truly horrible place to be right now.

And in the interests of balance The UK too for that matter though for different reasons.

June 22nd, 2018, 14:05
Oh fuck, now it's also being reported that's there's absolutely no plan or logistics in place to reunite these kids with their parents. It basically boils down to the government saying, "if we managed to kidnap one or more of your kids recently, just contact Human Health and Services department, and if you're lucky we might be able to find them again for you, but honestly we don't know where the hell they are right now".

Stay classy, America.

June 22nd, 2018, 14:36
Oh fuck, now it's also being reported that's there's absolutely no plan or logistics in place to reunite these kids with their parents. It basically boils down to the government saying, "if we managed to kidnap one or more of your kids recently, just contact Human Health and Services department, and if you're lucky we might be able to find them again for you, but honestly we don't know where the hell they are right now".But you "can't wait" until their corpses start turning up Matt
Can't wait for the news reports about corpses of dead kids being found while in US custody.

June 22nd, 2018, 16:14
Obviously, tone doesn't carry over well in text messages.

But yes, that's probably what's going to happen. Just watch, some of these kids are going to end up dead. I mean fuck, there's about 240 kids in New York right now for some reason, and they have no clue who they are, where the parents are, or anything.

This shit is tragic beyond words, and fucken Trump showing up on TV everyday spouting retarded bullshit is only making it worse.

June 23rd, 2018, 05:16
Obviously, tone doesn't carry over well in text messages.

But yes, that's probably what's going to happen. Just watch, some of these kids are going to end up dead. I mean fuck, there's about 240 kids in New York right now for some reason, and they have no clue who they are, where the parents are, or anything.

This shit is tragic beyond words, and fucken Trump showing up on TV everyday spouting retarded bullshit is only making it worse.Oh, you're blaming "tone" for writing you are looking forward to children's deaths are you?

June 23rd, 2018, 09:12
Just watch, some of these kids are going to end up dead.That's not the same as saying as you did "I can't wait to read about kids ending up dead".

June 26th, 2018, 13:24
love the cartoons....excellent...about time the majority in the US let their wishes be carried out

1. The majority (of voters) cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton.

2. A much bigger majority (of the electorate) did not support Trump

June 26th, 2018, 13:36
1. The majority (of voters) cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton.
2. A much bigger majority (of the electorate) did not support TrumpAll that matters is that Trump won a majority of votes in the Electoral College. How those votes were determined is irrelevant. He is therefore the validly elected President of the US of A. Whether he is carrying out the wishes of the majority in the US is also irrelevant. More likely he's carrying out the wishes of America's billionaires but that's beside the point. The US separation of powers is supposed to act as a brake on the presidency. It too has nothing to do with what the majority want

June 26th, 2018, 15:52
The US site Five Thirty Eight has recently surveyed Trump's popularity. It gives the lie to superficial assessments such as latintopxxx's recent post quoted by scottish-guy* -

* latin recently joined my Ignore list, a forum facility I heartily recommend, so I didn't read the nonsense he originally posted

June 27th, 2018, 03:00
frequent it is your type of attitude that is causing so much stress in the US....refusing to listen to the other side...live in your little world...only surround yourself with like minded people...have u ever considered that you may just be wrong?