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July 25th, 2006, 15:49
Just on Thai TV about Freemans Disco closing.

It had some very angry Khatoys who were in th show speaking. They were saying that they never got their salary when the place closed. It was Furlang owned and the bar was sometimes only taking 3000 baht a night. They were not happy?

July 25th, 2006, 16:09
Just on Thai

Thai what? TV?

I was just there a few nights ago. No cover and a very short show. Not more than 25 customers.

Just when they got finished with the remodling. The place looked pretty good. They have been doing a lot of promos in the past few weeks too.

I though Freeman was owned by the BBB Group?

Richard's has to be next!

July 25th, 2006, 19:23
... It was Furlang owned and

Is that Thai speak for a very hairy foreigner?

July 25th, 2006, 19:48
Yes, Freemans is owned by BBB group.

If the place has just closed then the katoeys are a bit premature in crying foul over their salaries.
If they don't get their salaries by the end of the month they can go to the labor department and file a claim. The labor dept. will consider their claim against their farang employer and take the side of the Thais.

Simple really ... :cheers:

July 25th, 2006, 20:03
" ... Furlang? Is that Thai speak for a very hairy foreigner? ... "
No, the proper term for that would be a wooly moof.

Cheers ...

July 26th, 2006, 00:33
Maybe katoys just looking for their 10 minutes of fame and could not resist a TV appearance and Thai TV can not resist a salacious spectacle.

Someone here reported the New Roxy closed without notice to employees also. There was a poster here that had some interest in the Roxy and was promoting it but not a peep from him about the closing.

July 26th, 2006, 00:50
3000 a night? hard to believe!

I used to spend quite a bit every time i went there as it was so damn hot!

July 26th, 2006, 01:08
Oddly enough, my current BS and I were looking at the BBB group's website a few nights ago, and he told me the owner needed to close either Boys BKK or Freemans as they were both bleeding money. His guess was Boys BKK as Dreamboys was the real moneymaker for the group, so the owner had a viable go-go boys club. The BS claims the owner bought Freemans for 20 mill bt, and said he was very stupid as everyone knew Freemans was only busy at showtime. Also says the owner is looking to lease the BBB Inn for five years for 7 mill bt.

He seems to know the ins and outs of every gay business in LOS (purchase prices, lease arrangements, profits). Maybe some of the farang business owners should listen to the word on the street from the Thais before making these big deals!


July 26th, 2006, 02:15
Oddly enough, my current BS and I were looking at the BBB group's website a few nights ago, and he told me the owner needed to close either Boys BKK or Freemans as they were both bleeding money. His guess was Boys BKK as Dreamboys was the real moneymaker for the group, so the owner had a viable go-go boys club. The BS claims the owner bought Freemans for 20 mill bt, and said he was very stupid as everyone knew Freemans was only busy at showtime. Also says the owner is looking to lease the BBB Inn for five years for 7 mill bt.

He seems to know the ins and outs of every gay business in LOS (purchase prices, lease arrangements, profits). Maybe some of the farang business owners should listen to the word on the street from the Thais before making these big deals!


My current BS = Bull Shitter ???

July 26th, 2006, 02:58
Oddly enough, my current BS and I were looking at the BBB group's website a few nights ago, and he told me the owner needed to close either Boys BKK or Freemans as they were both bleeding money. His guess was Boys BKK as Dreamboys was the real moneymaker for the group, so the owner had a viable go-go boys club. The BS claims the owner bought Freemans for 20 mill bt, and said he was very stupid as everyone knew Freemans was only busy at showtime. Also says the owner is looking to lease the BBB Inn for five years for 7 mill bt.

He seems to know the ins and outs of every gay business in LOS (purchase prices, lease arrangements, profits). Maybe some of the farang business owners should listen to the word on the street from the Thais before making these big deals!


My current BS = Bull Shitter ???

I saw the term BS before, and I thought the same hehe , why not call him GS Guy Special or even better GSM Guy Special Magnifique , I talked with my GSM when my mobile ringed :cheers:

July 26th, 2006, 03:35
Boy Special is a term coined by Dodger that seems to fit those special Thai friends that haven't taken on the BF role. I like the term.

As for bullshitting, it interesting the BS called the closing before it happened. I usually smile and nod when he gossips about the ins and outs of the gay business establishments in LOS as I don't have much interest, but he certainly is well informed and knows his stuff. I suspect a great number of these long-term sex industry workers could put LMTU to shame with what they know before it happens.


July 26th, 2006, 10:47
Boy Special is a term coined by Dodger that seems to fit those special Thai friends that haven't taken on the BF role. I like the termAs opposed to "kept boy" or "current root"?

July 26th, 2006, 13:14
Oddly enough, my current BS and I were looking at the BBB group's website a few nights ago, and he told me the owner needed to close either Boys BKK or Freemans as they were both bleeding money. His guess was Boys BKK as Dreamboys was the real moneymaker for the group, so the owner had a viable go-go boys club. The BS claims the owner bought Freemans for 20 mill bt, and said he was very stupid as everyone knew Freemans was only busy at showtime. Also says the owner is looking to lease the BBB Inn for five years for 7 mill bt.

He seems to know the ins and outs of every gay business in LOS (purchase prices, lease arrangements, profits). Maybe some of the farang business owners should listen to the word on the street from the Thais before making these big deals!


My current BS = Bull Shitter ???

I saw the term BS before, and I thought the same hehe , why not call him GS Guy Special or even better GSM Guy Special Magnifique , I talked with my GSM when my mobile ringed :cheers:

When your mobile ringed (sic) what?

July 26th, 2006, 17:17
Shame, Freeman was fun back when it was a bit run down ands still had some character, before the big renovation. Seems that over-capitalisation is a sure way to go broke in Silom. Maybe it was the clean-up of the 3rd floor that killed it?
Fortunately the recent renovations at DJ were not over the top, and it certainly does more than 3000B a night. If it goes broke, then no business will survive in Silom!

July 26th, 2006, 19:42
One less ladyboy show in BKK. What a terrible loss for the community. I hope that everyone is coping well.

July 26th, 2006, 20:37
One less ladyboy show in BKK. What a terrible loss for the community. I hope that everyone is coping well.

Well.... the thing is for some unknown reason young good looking Thai gay guys seem drawn to these lady-boy shows much like moths are attracted to a light. So, if you like moths, go to the light.

You ever go to Bab's on show night night and see all the glistening brown bare backs all facing the stage? The Farangs are repelled, thank god.

July 27th, 2006, 05:20
I'm no expert but if the BBB Inn is an example of the owners business skills then I'm not suprised the other bits of the group are going down the drain.

For me this is a shining example of a wasted businesses opportunity. Its in a good location, easy access to public transport, easy access to various types of 'boys' whether that be bar boys or freelancers or internet guys.

Yet the management/staff dont understand the concept of customer service - Im still waiting 2yrs later for the number of Phuket Airways BKK tel no. which I had to ask for 3 times then got my best mate in BK to ask for twice in Thai. But then again it took the both of us 4 times each day for 5 days to get a blanket for the bed when on the last night they finally delievered a large bath towel. When I was there I was the only guest & I stayed for a week which I had booked in advance by email which despite 2 confirms from them they had not recollection off when I got there.

If they changed the staff to to customer focused people, added wi-fi, added cable TV & spruced up the rooms with a bit of thai silk, got a decent website then maybe it would be worth it.

But as for 7millBht thats a bit of a joke in its current state.

July 27th, 2006, 09:33
I'm no expert but if the BBB Inn is an example of the owners business skills then I'm not suprised the other bits of the group are going down the drainI don't know any of the principals of BBB Group, but my guess is that they opened it up in the hope that it would become the short-time hotel of choice for customers offing boys from their go-go bars. Certainly the idea of BBB Inn as anything other than a short-time hotel has been canvassed before in this Forum, and the consensus has been that that's all it's worth. Anyone who has asked has been told by several Forum members never to consider it as anything else (ie. totally unsuited for a long-term stay of a week or more)

But the larger question is the future of Thailand as a tourist destination. Regular readers of this Forum will know that boygeenyus regards most members with complete contempt, having adopted hook, line and sinker the Toxin government line on dissuading so-called sex tourists in favour of the family market (or indeed any market other than the traditional one). Curtailing the operating hours of all types of entertainment (not just the sex industry) has lead to significant word-of-mouth negative publicity for Thailand as a tourist destination. Comparatively high-spending tourists are now staying away, replaced by workers straight from the building sites of mainland China, who spend next to nothing within Thailand itself, apart from what passes through the hands of the tour operators. So while the raw tourist arrivals figures look good, the underlying reality is the attrition of the "traditional" view of Thailand as a "fun" destination has lead to lower overall spending by tourists

Bar closures and other consolidations are a sign of the times

July 27th, 2006, 15:17
Well, dear Homi, it must be a very hard choice for the government. Lose a couple hundred thousand sex tourists a year, who come to Thailand and spend maybe $50 a day staying at places like the Nana Hotel and Monty's B&B, contributing to social ills such as corruption, drugs, and kids dropping out of school to sell themselves... or gain a couple million family-oriented tourists who spend as much, probably more, and don't induce as many societal problems. Yes, a very hard choice indeed.

July 27th, 2006, 15:21
... or gain a couple million family-oriented tourists who spend as much, probably more, and don't induce as many societal problemsThere's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this market has materialised except in Toxin's fevered imagination. My point was that the only "substitute market" - and it's much in evidence - is penny-pinching mainland Chinese. That Thailand is not becoming a family-oriented tourist destination is crystal clear

July 27th, 2006, 15:29
I beg to differ with you.

The Chinese market is not a substitute one for the sex tourist market. The Chinese would come whether or not Thailand was viewed as a sex destination. All they care about is whether it is cheap.

The market that has been turned off on Thailand in the past -- and which is coming back now -- are Western and wealthy Asian families. You know, like all those Swedish people that were washed away at Khao Lak, and all those Singaporean families that go to Koh Samui.

Not so many families to go Pattaya -- for good reason -- because its reputation. It would certainly be a more lucrative tourist proposition without all the lager lout sex tourists about (both the gay and the straight ones).

July 27th, 2006, 15:35
Irrespective of what you assert to be the case, until Thailand fixes its education system it will still experience many of the social problems you attribute to the existence of the sex industry. But there's nothing (short-term) in that for the Thai elite, who continue to have their children educated in non-government schools or abroad. That said, both places you mention have a finite limit to the numbers they can accommodate in comfort (which implies a certain exclusiveness) before it gets to be just another beach. I understand that many of the Swedes and Germans you mention are now holidaying in Africa, having given up on Thailand. But perhaps you don't read widely on what's happening in terms of global trends?

July 27th, 2006, 15:59
I read as widely as anyone else, dear, and quality, family tourism is increasing in Thailand as the scum of the world (hopefully) stays away. The former prefer not to encounter the latter while on their hols.

July 27th, 2006, 20:37
I read as widely as anyone else, dear, and quality, family tourism is increasing in Thailand as the scum of the world (hopefully) stays away. The former prefer not to encounter the latter while on their hols.As I said, boygeenyus has no time for members of this Forum. But I thought "dear" when used patronisingly already had a patent application outstanding - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=205 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=205)

July 27th, 2006, 20:49
How did you equate "scum" with "members of this forum"? Some of them are quite upstanding members of the business community.

July 27th, 2006, 21:32
The Thai education system suffers from some of the same inequities that trouble government sponsored education in first world countries but to a greater degree. Ride the Skytrain in mid-afternoon and witness the hordes of well-groomed boys in their crisp uniforms. Or stroll Convent Rd. about the same time and observe the daughters of the elite find their way to the vans that will whisk them safely home. You'll be hard-pressed to find an ethnic Thai among them.

July 27th, 2006, 22:06
It's years since I was there but every time I went the cabaret was terrific, original and well rehearsed. The place used be empty at 11.45. full at midnight and the second the cabaret was over the dark room was full.

One can't but have a little sympathy for the BBB directors as they make massive investments in facilities for the gay community with such limited success. I wonder if it's wise to try to run such a diverse businesse empire unless you can find people with expertise and experience to run them. Go-go bars, Restaurant, Hotels, Discotheque, Massage House.

July 27th, 2006, 22:14
The Thai education system suffers from some of the same inequities that trouble government sponsored education in first world countries but to a greater degree. Ride the Skytrain in mid-afternoon and witness the hordes of well-groomed boys in their crisp uniforms. Or stroll Convent Rd. about the same time and observe the daughters of the elite find their way to the vans that will whisk them safely home. You'll be hard-pressed to find an ethnic Thai among them.

They are Thais. What difference does their ethnicity make any more than it would make in the US or UK?

July 28th, 2006, 05:25
"What difference does their ethnicity make any more than it would make in the US or UK?"

The point is that those who receive a privileged education in Thailand happen to be of Chinese extraction. Do you expect us to believe that this is just a coincidence? In the US and UK, those receiving an equivalent education are predominantly white. In the LOS they're exclusively Chinese.

July 28th, 2006, 07:45
Sex tourist = scum = member of this Forum (known as the Boygeenyus Equation)

July 28th, 2006, 07:51
"What difference does their ethnicity make any more than it would make in the US or UK?"

The point is that those who receive a privileged education in Thailand happen to be of Chinese extraction. Do you expect us to believe that this is just a coincidence? In the US and UK, those receiving an equivalent education are predominantly white. In the LOS they're exclusively Chinese.

What are you trying to say? The ethnic Chinese have been a particularly successful minority in Thailand -- mostly through hard work, an emphasis on the importance of family, and putting a priority on education. They receive no more benefit or advantage in Thai society than anyone else. In any case, they are completely integrated into Thai society, and are just as "Thai" as those Thais who happen to be ethnic Lao, Mon, Burmese, Khmer, Indian, or anything else.

July 28th, 2006, 08:13
Sex tourist = scum = member of this Forum (known as the Boygeenyus Equation)

Instead of repeating ad nauseum what you assume (erroneously, at least in part) my opinion to be, why don't you state your own?

July 28th, 2006, 09:41
erroneously, at least in partIs that like the Curate's Egg?

July 28th, 2006, 12:45
What are you trying to say? The ethnic Chinese have been a particularly successful minority in Thailand -- mostly through hard work, an emphasis on the importance of family, and putting a priority on education. They receive no more benefit or advantage in Thai society than anyone else. In any case, they are completely integrated into Thai society, and are just as "Thai" as those Thais who happen to be ethnic Lao, Mon, Burmese, Khmer, Indian, or anything else.

I had read somewhere that after the war with Burma, the Thai population was decimated so the Thai King looking to rebuild the business sector offered tax exemptions and other incentives to established (rich) Chinese business to relocated in Thailand.

The Chinese immigrated in quite a different way than the other ethnic groups.

Hard work can make you a success with luck but most get there by family associations.

July 28th, 2006, 19:04
The Chinese certainly do receive an advantage. Their commercial and political success afford them the advantages that rewards wealth worldwide: access to a better education and professional opportunity. I never said that this is a bad thing; I merely state the facts.

But there is an inevitable downside wherever once group becomes dominant: inequality in opportunity fails to provide the same advantage to Thailand's Lao, Mon, Burmese, Khmer and Indian citizens.

Without equality in educational opportunity, the minority groups that you cite will never have access to the privileged education that their fellow citizens of Chinese background enjoy. Absent that opportunity, they are far less likely to enjoy similar levels of success.

Separate is not equal.

July 29th, 2006, 17:37
Pan, the webmaster of http://thaiboy.net, the website for the BBB Group of Businesses, which includes Freeman Disco, advises as follows:

"What happened, is that FREEMAN DISCO has closed last Sunday for about 2 months for remodelling. It will reopen again in October. The reasons are very clear: The politics, rigorously enforced early closing times, no tourists and most of the regular customers with little money left to spend... (Every business in Thailand is down between 10% and 80%)

"All the staff was moved to other venues of BBB Group and offered jobs in the same position or a position of their choice. The people who continue working, receive the same salary. All the staff - that preferred to quit out of their own free will - received their salary.

"Best regards, PAN, Webmaster"

So no employee got kicked out without pay, and all who wanted to continue working for the other businesses in the BBB Group of Businesses -- The Boys Bangkok, DreamBoys, or BBB Inn - got a replacement job; those who chose to leave got their final pay.

Freeman Disco to reopen in October, 2006.

Allen (G.P.)

July 29th, 2006, 18:42
The Chinese certainly do receive an advantage. Their commercial and political success afford them the advantages that rewards wealth worldwide: access to a better education and professional opportunity. I never said that this is a bad thing; I merely state the facts.

But there is an inevitable downside wherever once group becomes dominant: inequality in opportunity fails to provide the same advantage to Thailand's Lao, Mon, Burmese, Khmer and Indian citizens.

Without equality in educational opportunity, the minority groups that you cite will never have access to the privileged education that their fellow citizens of Chinese background enjoy. Absent that opportunity, they are far less likely to enjoy similar levels of success.

Separate is not equal.

OK, but I still don't understand what you are getting at. How is the situation in Thailand any different than anywhere else? People who are successful have the money to send their kids to fancy schools. Those that don't are stuck with public education. Only thing about Thailand is that the public school system sucks worse than a lot of other places.

July 29th, 2006, 19:05
"Only thing about Thailand is that the public school system sucks worse than a lot of other places."

Indeed it does and that's what I'm attempting to emphasize. If they wish, governments can improve their public school systems to provide students with the educational opportunities necessary for entry into the professional world.

But the elite seem to like it as is. As long as the poorly educated remain so, positions of power will continue to accrue to the elite. So you might ask yourself who are the government officials empowered to make decisions about public education? They are, of course, among the elite class of citizens

As you say they are all Thais. But they are Thais with a very different potential for a good education.

July 29th, 2006, 19:22
As you say they are all Thais. But they are Thais with a very different potential for a good education.This earlier thread quoting from the Bangkok Post is worth re-reading in this context - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... php?t=8067 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8067)

July 29th, 2006, 19:34
Thanks for the referral. The situation is worse than I feared and there's certainly no easy fix on the horizon.

As you say, the education system itself will continue to do all the dirty work.

July 29th, 2006, 20:27
The ethnic Chinese have been a particularly successful minority in ThailandHonourable members should understand that boygeenyus has a knee-jerk reaction whenever the Chinese role in Thai society is mentioned. Quote from Sterling Seagrave's Lords of the Rim (which is critical of the ethnic Chinese role in SE Asia) for example, and he almost froths at the mouth. Perhaps he would like to volunteer the ethnicity of his long-term Thai boyfriend so members can consider whether he has a vested (emotional) interest in the pronouncements he makes?

July 30th, 2006, 11:54
My boyfriend is as Lao as they get. I froth at the mouth at ANY kind of racism...including bashing an ethnic group because their hard work, devotion to family, and focus on education has resulted in their becoming successful.

July 30th, 2006, 12:13
bashing an ethnic group because their hard work, devotion to family, and focus on education has resulted in their becoming successful.Racism, like any kind of ism, is about ascribing general characteristics to a particular group. Stating that the Chinese are hard working, devoted to family and focussed on education is as much a racist statement as the reverse. In fact anyone with a knowledge of migrant behaviour knows that those characteristics are generally true of most migrants of the first and second generation in most societies. You could make the same comments about the Huguenots who fled from France to England or the Pilgrim Fathers. Equally to state than an analysis of such behaviour (as in Lords of the Rim) is racism is sheer ignorance

July 30th, 2006, 12:35
"Lord of the Rim"...isn't that one of your nicknames? I mean, on the rare occasion when someone is calling you something other than simply "fat, bald, old cunt".

July 30th, 2006, 12:37
"Lord of the Rim"...isn't that one of your nicknames? I mean, on the rare occasion when someone is calling you something other than simply "fat, bald, old cunt".Actually it's Lord of the Rimmers

July 30th, 2006, 15:34
Sorry to interrupt the Homintern vrs Boygeeyus show but about the closing of the Freeman:

"What happened, is that FREEMAN DISCO has closed last Sunday for about 2 months for remodelling. It will reopen again in October. The reasons are very clear: The politics, rigorously enforced early closing times, no tourists and most of the regular customers with little money left to spend... (Every business in Thailand is down between 10% and 80%)

It's hard to believe that the venerable intuition known as Thai TV did not get the whole story! They need LMTY on staff to straighten things out.

Remodeling The paint just dried on the last renovation.

Everyone in that area is subjected to the same closing times.

It's low season, that's not news. How does he know that the Regular customers don't have money?

10% to 80%, boy you can't get more specific that than.

July 30th, 2006, 19:03
Boyg wrote: "...their hard work, devotion to family, and focus on education has resulted in their becoming successful."

I'll try to keep this as simple as possible. Of course it has and those wonderful qualities are to be applauded.

What not should be applauded is Thailand's failing educational system. The educated class have an obligation to their fellow citizens not so advantaged to use their talent to help improve the system responsible for educating ALL Thais.

July 30th, 2006, 19:22
Agree 100%.

July 30th, 2006, 21:16
"What happened, is that FREEMAN DISCO has closed last Sunday for about 2 months for remodelling. It will reopen again in October. The reasons are very clear: The politics, rigorously enforced early closing times, no tourists and most of the regular customers with little money left to spend... (Every business in Thailand is down between 10% and 80%)

Remodeling The paint just dried on the last renovation.

Everyone in that area is subjected to the same closing times.

It's low season, that's not news. How does he know that the Regular customers don't have money?

10% to 80%, boy you can't get more specific that than.

The guy is just making defensive excuses for his lack of business acumen - remember the excuses when his 'Yes' pub went belly up.
I was in Soi 4 last night; both Telephone and Balcony were packed out.
Then on to Soi 2 and DJ Station; again packed solid through until closing time.
Some places are making it through the low season; others are falling by the wayside тАУ same every year.
Those with good business concepts and good management survive.

The latest rumor I heard is that Freemans will reopen a a str8 disco. Anyone else heard anything?


July 30th, 2006, 23:46
Some people never learn that a packed very hot deafening doesnt appeal to most farangs. A 20-30 minute show that can be seen in other much more comfortable places wont bring money flooding in. lets face it - most Thais will stay a whole night at a disco and spend very little, quite often a group of 4 will pay to get in and buy no drinks at all. So you need spending farangs to make decent money.

So priorities for most farangs are?

1) good aircon

2) a quieter area for talking/picking up

3) somewhere older folk can sit

4) No queues at bar/ to get in to make you stress when your hot.

Feel free to add more!

July 31st, 2006, 00:06
DJ has none of those things, but is doing a rip-roaring trade.

One does not have to cater to old farangs in order to have a successful business.

August 1st, 2006, 16:59
DJ has none of those things, but is doing a rip-roaring trade.

One does not have to cater to old farangs in order to have a successful business.

Just 99% of them then.

August 1st, 2006, 17:57
So priorities for most farangs are?
1) good aircon
2) a quieter area for talking/picking up
3) somewhere older folk can sit
4) No queues at bar/ to get in to make you stress when your hotSounds like a description of some bars in Soi 4. If, as you assert, DJ Station is always busy, it would be wrong to infer that it is therefore a thriving business. To thrive it depends on people through the door and sales over the bar

August 1st, 2006, 18:26
Having no business experience in LOS but much in US, I offer the following observations on the topic venues of entertainment in the Silom area:

Successful establishments have a target audience in mind and keep their eye on the ball. For Telephone, it's a mix of Thais (mostly working class and sales people and some students), expats and gay tourists. For Balcony, it's basiclly the same crowd but with more students types, hairdressers and a generous sprinkling of moneyboys regulars. Both places keep the drink prices fairly reasonable, but mixed drinks get a short pour at both places (Thais expect a short pour whereas many farangs do not and I've seen more than a few fortify their drinks from small flasks).

Soi 4 (like Soi Cowboy and others) has become a BKK destination known far and wide. This is what they mean in real estate when they talk about the significance of location, location, location. Everybody wants it but few have it. It's those other amenities (skytrain, MRT, Patpong night market, shopping malls, proximity to hotels) that make the whole scene possible. In general, the success of one bar feeds off the success of the other because so many people are attracted to the area.

As for the lack of success of Freemans, it's partly a problem of saturation. Just because a certain formula works at DJ Station does not mean it will at Freemans because their are fewer people attracted to that entertainment than are attracted to the Soi 4 type of venues. Yes, young Thais will go anywhere it seems to see a ladyboy show but they are not going to spend the money to keep the place running. Few expats and tourists will either for the reasons posted earlier. You really do have to cater to your target audience if you want to be successful and your target audience should include a mix of older farangs. BoyG may not think so (do I detect a bit of agism in his observations?) but those older farangs are the ones who'll be buying drinks for the Thais.

August 1st, 2006, 20:30
BoyG may not think so (do I detect a bit of agism in his observations?)Surely not?!

boygeenyus is the archetypal queer-basher, only his targets are drug pushers, paedophiles and sex tourists. However the same immature personality is at work

August 1st, 2006, 21:47
I'm surprised you forgot visa-runners and English teachers. You're slowing down, old boy.

August 2nd, 2006, 00:40
I walked by Freeman's this evening and notice that the front court yard is a parking lot for cars storage. On the same soi, Richard's empty as usual, someone shoot it and put it out of it's misery.

At midnight Balcony was packed, just a few empty tables, the bar was packed fanny to fanny. Same-same Telephone. So much for "slow" season.

Sphinx has a following. I have not been in a long time but a friend said he was there a few night ago and had a excellent dinner.

Coffee Society seems to be doing a steady business. Great capichino and the banana muffins lite and delicious.

I have never been in the Bug and Bee but they do have customers. I see them in the window from the BTS walkway to the MRT. The menu does not move me.

Roxy and the new Roxy RIP

August 2nd, 2006, 02:25
Seems to be some of you are missing the point with regard to what makes a business work. I agree completely that businesses must target their market but the gay community like any other does have multiple targets. Soi 4 gets a lot of Thai guys and farangs who will hang out there until late and move to Soi 2 when DJ gets the crowd in. DJ does target a younger crowd that likes clubbing. On any night you will see a generous number for younger farangs who are working in Thailand and also many tourists. The younger crowd has little interest in sitting in a go go bar all night, does not mind the loud dance music, and can pay for drinks. It also attracts some of us older guys who are still not ready to give in to our eventual fate. I am one of them at 60 that still enjoys dancing the night away and I enjoy the uplifting feeling of those guys around me having a good time. DJ Station attracts a number of middle class working Thais because its a good club. I am headed to Thailand in October to party like crazy at Nation 6 and DJ Station so look for this old man on the stage having a ball. I am not ready yet to call it quits on that front.

I believe one of Freeman Disco's problems was its location. I was just enough off the path to be easy to skip. Like someone said location is a big factor. Going to Soi 4 and having a few drinks and being where the people are is what everyone wants. Going on to DJ station and the other bars in Soi 2 after midnight is a place to bar hop and end up at any number of bars not just DJ. It is like restaurants, the food can be excellent but if the "in" crowd does not go there then it might not make it. The younger gay community in any city tends to go where the crowd goes. That's just a fact of life.

So it is all just personal choice and that is what targeting different markets is about. Many people I know are regulars on Soi Twilight and that's their thing. They enjoy their places, I enjoy mine. Think there is room for both.

August 2nd, 2006, 02:48
Thanks for your thoughts Bob. Would you say a bit more about 'Nation 6'. I have never heard of this place.

Cheers ...

August 2nd, 2006, 03:35
Isn't Nation 6 an "event" and not a "Place"??

August 2nd, 2006, 03:54
Nation 6 is the Fridae.com circuit party in Phuket October 20-23. Probably biggest party in Asia. Previously held in Singapore but changed last year due to the Singapore government's concern over so many gays concentrated for one party. Changed last year at the last moment to Phuket and was a big success from what I hear. Friends went and had a great time. Mostly Chinesed guys from Singapore but people come from all over Asia, Europe, and Americas. Some put down the Singapore Chinese for being to clickish or sticky but I have found lots of them to be out there for a good time. I have met dozens on Fridae.com who are going and looking to meet new friends. If you like clubbing, dancing and non-stop partying this is for you. Probably won't see many Thais as this is not inexpensive. They did do some discounting for Thais but by the time airfare, hotel (Hilton Arcadia, Phuket is the host hotel), Nation 6 tickets, etc. out of range for most ordinary Thais I would guess. I also am hoping to get the to Full Moon Party in November if I am still standing.

Check out the site as there are pics from last year.


I know most members of this board are interested in Thailand but Malaysia and Singapore have a lot to offer the gay traveler too. Lots of guys out there who want to hook up and don't expect a "tip"

If you have not given http://www.fridae.com or http://www.axcest.com check them out. I have honestly been surprised at some of the nice responses I get on these sites to this older guy. And I thought I was over the hill. Anyway check out the site. There are lots of hot pictures of the boys partying.

August 2nd, 2006, 03:59

Sorry if I confused anyone. Yes an event. I think I got so excited about my upcoming trip I did not make that clear. Just had a hot flash thinking of all those hot bodies dancing at DJ and Nation 6. Sorry. :happy11:

August 2nd, 2006, 04:51
Thanks for the explanation.
You mentioned DJ and Nation in the same breath, so I assumed you were referring to discos. Damned if I wanted to miss a good disco in Bangkok simply because I hadn't heard of it .... I agree with you, they tend to help one stay young.

DJ Station has it's detractors, but it's a party . . .

Cheers ...

August 2nd, 2006, 09:53
boygeenyus is the archetypal queer-basher, only his targets are drug pushers, paedophiles and sex tourists. However the same immature personality is at work

boygeenyus is the archetypal queer-basher, only his targets are drug pushers, paedophiles and sex tourists. However the same immature personality is at work

Bravo! Homi has finally said something that I agree with.

BG's a typical neo gay citizen, of whom there are way too many in this era of gratification. We're so proud with pride now that we can spread hatred and join the bandwagon on right issues we can agree to on. We don't like the persons who hate us but now we can publicly hate whom we choose. It just is not consistent behavoir. We should take a lesson from the Thais and be tolerant on most issues and remember civics that used to be taught as late as the 60's (in fact, I think BG is a young fart). Rights of recreational drug users are our rights too.

I'm glad BG speaks out against peadophoiles. It will help him to get to heaven. But really, there doesn't seem to be any pedos on this board, as no one seems to be defending pedos - so why bother? I don't see why this issue has to be kept close to the board, or by implication to the community. The inference that we are all a bunch of pedos is not appreciated and truthfully, I do not feel I need to wake up in the morning with "peadophile" in my face. Take my advice, BG, don't keep such issues too close to yourself here!

August 2nd, 2006, 13:57
Are we so politically correct these days that we can't hate ANYONE? I mean, pedophiles may be near and dear to some posters' hearts (and I disagree with the statement that there aren't any here...there MUST be), but what about people like white supremacists, terrorists, murderers, rapists, and Republicans? Are we not allowed to hate them? How can some of you possibly watch the evening news and not be filled with hate at what atrocities men inflict on other men each and every day?

August 2nd, 2006, 22:32
As Bob T suggested, I checked out photos of last year's Nation event. It appears to have been quite a party but the number of Thai faces I saw were about equal to the number you'd find in Singapore on any given day: not many.

August 2nd, 2006, 22:59
[I'm glad BG speaks out against peadophoiles. It will help him to get to heaven. But really, there doesn't seem to be any pedos on this board, as no one seems to be defending pedos - so why bother? I don't see why this issue has to be kept close to the board, or by implication to the community. The inference that we are all a bunch of pedos is not appreciated and truthfully, I do not feel I need to wake up in the morning with "peadophile" in my face. Take my advice, BG, don't keep such issues too close to yourself here!

The problem is of course that the very mention of the word Pattaya conjures up a picture of a haven for pedophiles with the majority of people who have heard Pattaya mentioned before.

Fact or fiction it matters not. Pattaya has that reputation and it will take many years to lose it and for its sex tourists to be labeled as anything else.

August 3rd, 2006, 12:06
Are we so politically correct these days that we can't hate ANYONE?

Hate all you like. It would be the expression of that hatred that could be politically incorrect.

I disagree with the statement that there aren't any here

Fine. I won't argue that. There must be some. But they are in the minority (I hope) and your statements are being read by myself and others (see recent posts) as targetted to all, and "misinterpreted", I suppose.

August 3rd, 2006, 12:12
Are we so politically correct these days that we can't hate ANYONE?

Hate all you like. It would be the expression of that hatred that could be politically incorrect.

I disagree with the statement that there aren't any here

Fine. I won't argue that. There must be some. But they are in the minority (I hope) and your statements are being read by myself and others (see recent posts) as targetted to all, and "misinterpreted", I suppose.

August 3rd, 2006, 17:35
Fact or fiction it matters not. Pattaya has that reputation and it will take many years to lose it and for its sex tourists to be labeled as anything else.You are forgetting the current tactic of reactionaries everywhere. Having lost the overall fight to legalise homosexual sex between consenting adults in private, and otherwise make "out" homosexuals more socially acceptable, the latest slur is homosexual = paedophile and while Adenoids may not like it in his face when he gets up in the morning it's a fact. (Denial is a cause of suffering according to the Four Noble Truths)

What I find more interesting is boygeenyus' complete disregard for the rule of law and the presumption of innocence - but then I remember he's spent almost all his adult life in Thailand, and fifteen years of his childhood and adolescence in Texas, neither of them places where the rule of law is much respected. Knee-jerk reactions against despised minorities (shoot on sight seems to be boygeenyus' motto) is exactly what homosexuals have suffered for years from queer-bashers