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June 15th, 2018, 13:16
I'm pleased to rely some good news at last even if it is yet to be confirmed. Le Cafe Royal has allegedly been sold. It is likely to remain a hotel but the open show bar will probably be replaced something more intimate. And quieter, thank heavens.

June 15th, 2018, 15:41
Good news if true, but if it is to remain a hotel (and attract new customers), millions will require to be spent on upgrading the rooms - which the last time I looked were like a flashback to the 1970s/80s

June 15th, 2018, 16:50
Definitely some much needed good news as it's been like an Armageddon recently with all the closures.

June 15th, 2018, 17:12
- which the last time I looked were like a flashback to the 1970s/80s

Which, accodring to your mate, was when you last visited...

June 16th, 2018, 00:49
Al least he is original, also I have already proven otherwise, and finally - I didn't even start visiting until the very late 90's/very early 00's

That's the very late 1990's for the avoidance of doubt - lest I'm now to be accused of visiting in Victorian times (which I would not put past the mental cases on here)

June 16th, 2018, 13:48
the open show bar will probably be replaced something more intimate. And quieter, thank heavens.

I hope that doesn't mean a Family Mart or similar.

June 16th, 2018, 14:59
We've been over this all before and I believe that most people in their right mind understand that if you choose to take hotel room in a street where the sole commercial activity is live entertainment and where there was until recently 3 show bars all with shows at midnight or later (LCR entertainment used to go on until the small hours) - then you either accept that or you choose to stay somewhere else.

Further, if the hotel you choose to stay in is not only exposed to the noise from the street but actually sits on top of one of these late night music/show venues, then it shows a special kind of lack of awarenesss if you are surprised to find it a tad noisy!

June 16th, 2018, 21:08
I last stayed when ian read and robbie ran the hotel , After they passed away , it started to go down hill, very quick

June 16th, 2018, 22:01
We've been over this all before and I believe that most people in their right mind understand that if you choose to take hotel room in a street where the sole commercial activity is live entertainment and where there was until recently 3 show bars all with shows at midnight or later (LCR entertainment used to go on until the small hours) - then you either accept that or you choose to stay somewhere else.

Further, if the hotel you choose to stay in is not only exposed to the noise from the street but actually sits on top of one of these late night music/show venues, then it shows a special kind of lack of awarenesss if you are surprised to find it a tad noisy!
I once rented an apartment in teh French Quarter of New Orleans about two blocks from Bourbon st. Two blocks was not enough and I did not sleep for a week - my fault and lesson learned. No need to complain; you can't have late night entertainment and a cozy night's sleep.

June 17th, 2018, 00:18
Further, if the hotel you choose to stay in is not only exposed to the noise from the street but actually sits on top of one of these late night music/show venues, then it shows a special kind of lack of awarenesss if you are surprised to find it a tad noisy!

Stayed @ New Cafe Royal in 2014 couple floors above the new show bar and crashed early most nights about ~01:00 with no problems.
Think there even was a street party.

Thankfully there were no spit roasted hotties in purple flared pants and engineers boots keeping the whole hotel awake all night
with their screams of passion...

June 17th, 2018, 00:39
...Thankfully there were no spit roasted hotties in purple flared pants and engineers boots keeping the whole hotel awake all night
with their screams of passion...

Well I generally get a sock stuffed in my mouth and covered with duct tape to keep the noise down, so.......

June 17th, 2018, 05:37
some guys use condoms for safe sex.
others try a sock-dam...


June 17th, 2018, 11:33
Well I generally get a sock stuffed in my mouth and covered with duct tape to keep the noise down, so.......I didn't have you pegged as a screamer, scotty

June 17th, 2018, 13:02
I truly miss the Cafe Royale of past.
The nightly piano bar and welcoming atmosphere by Mick (RIP) Club Manager...and the host of courteous staff.

The piano bar singing by Khun Toi was a favorite of mine ...as I sat with my Thai Bf and enjoyed his singing. Even my Bf would join Toi singing duets.

Toi was a favorite of our beloved Gay Pattayan...Dr. Allen B. Even visiting Allen in his hospital room during his final weeks. Sang Allen's favorite song "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" for Allen at hospital bedside and again at his funeral. Very special indeed!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/travelerjim/KhunToi1.jpg (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/travelerjim/media/KhunToi1.jpg.html)


June 17th, 2018, 13:20
Another fine memory from Cafe Royale of past...
The duo singing of these two handsome brothers...in the Lounge.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/travelerjim/ElDuo-1.jpg (http://s3.photobucket.com/user/travelerjim/media/ElDuo-1.jpg.html)

June 17th, 2018, 14:24
tried to get downstairs just as the pianist was warming up and before the singers started.
just the piano was plenty and preferred as I sipped a hot coffee or two before checking out the bars.

the rooms looked fine by my. The painters could have done a better job but no big deal.
can hardly wait to hear if one or two of the old staff will show up again.

June 17th, 2018, 14:40
I didn't have you pegged as a screamer, scotty

True - I'm more of a "swear at me and call me a dirty whore" type.

No good in Thai tho

Well remember El Duo - when they split up one of them (astonishingly) went on to become Asian Entertainer of the Year - I think it was the big one of the two. Also remember 3000B secured the "services" of one of them.

Khun Toi was a such a nice guy and when I visited he would always invite me onto the stage to duet with him. I think my efforts made his singing sound great :D I believe he moved to BKK for work.

My other recollection was that when he told me his age I simply could not believe it - he was mid-late 40's at that time and looked nothing like it

June 17th, 2018, 14:51
Khun Toi graduated from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok with a Major in Opera.
He had a dream of opening his own music studio for singers one day.

June 17th, 2018, 14:54
Good Lord - didn't know that!

Thankfully he never sang opera when I was there :stop_mini:

As I say, I know he was singing in one of the bars in BKK after he left LCR but no idea what became of him. I'm sure someone here will have more info.

Everybody has their dreams (including the boys we interact with) - often they can be quite simple.

An ex-bf of mine (from Scotland) had the fairly modest dream of a up and down stairs house (not even owning one, just renting) but tragically he cut his life short instead. Whatever someone's dreams may be I always hope they achieve them


June 17th, 2018, 15:06
The only Thai I've ever met with an interest in opera was someone who worked for UNICEF. I picked him up in Dairy Queen at Robinsons on the corner of Silom & Rama 4. Remember when it was Dairy Queen? So long ago. It became a McDonald's at some point in (I think) the early nineties - but still a good pick-up place. The street boys plied their trade out on the pavement in the late evenings. Supposedly it was "dangerous" to pick boys up on the street, but the only time I did so it ended most satisfactorily. He even went all the way across the river to Thon Buri in the bus when I (briefly) had a room over there in 1990

June 17th, 2018, 15:25
I don't remember Dairy Queen but I did take a couple of pick ups off the steps outside Robinsons and had no issues.

I also picked up a couple hanging about at the entrance to Soi Twiglight - again no problems.

A friend was mortified with my bravado and chided me with "My god.....do you ever consider these boys are not working in a bar for a reason". Well, no I didn't - I just saw a pretty face, an incredibly slim body, and imagined a cock! Story of my life!!

June 17th, 2018, 15:33
Who remembers the lady who sang on Toi's nights off?
She was there for years. I first met her when she once brought her baby son to Le Cafe and last saw her when she had a market stall and introduced me to her now teenage son.
Toi went to work in the bar next to Balcony (now Jupiter) --- I forget what it's name was at the time.
Toi also did a one man show at Balcony ---- it might still be on Balcony's gallery page (I can't check because my PC strangely won't open YouTube any more).

June 17th, 2018, 16:02
I do have a recollection of her but no more than that.

Toi video:


Nirish guy
June 17th, 2018, 17:31
"My god.....do you ever consider these boys are not working in a bar for a reason". !

And I hope you replied with the probable true answer of "yes, cause they've just nipped out for something to eat or are on their way back from fucking a customer otherwise they probably wouldn't be seen dead near the entrance to Soi Twilight in the FIRST place !" :)

June 17th, 2018, 19:47
I don't remember Dairy Queen but I did take a couple of pick ups off the steps outside Robinsons and had no issues.

I also picked up a couple hanging about at the entrance to Soi Twiglight - again no problems.

A friend was mortified with my bravado and chided me with "My god.....do you ever consider these boys are not working in a bar for a reason". Well, no I didn't - I just saw a pretty face, an incredibly slim body, and imagined a cock! Story of my life!!
Over the years I had a number ( one regular ) from the steps at Robinson's. Never a hint of a problem; just very fond memories. I suspect some guys don't want the controlling atmosphere of a bar. Cut out the middle man has worked for me.

June 17th, 2018, 20:10
I think my friend was of the outrageously prejudiced opinion that boys outside Robinsons or at the entrance to Twilight were likely to be plying their trade on the street because they were underage, or been sacked from bars due to theft or other misbehaviour with customers, or were HIV+ (which was untreatable at that time).

I would ask him but I'd need an Ouija board.

June 18th, 2018, 07:04
I think my friend was of the outrageously prejudiced opinion that boys outside Robinsons or at the entrance to Twilight were likely to be plying their trade on the street because they were underage, or been sacked from bars due to theft or other misbehaviour with customers, or were HIV+ (which was untreatable at that time).The most likely explanation for the "danger" they posed was that in 1990/91 or thereabouts a couple of punters were murdered by Robinsons boys. One was reported as having taken the lad back to his room at the Suriwong Hotel and, the deed having been done, refused to pay the lad the agreed amount. I don't think I read about the other one

The Suriwong Hotel was a complete den of iniquity in those days. If you were bored in the afternoon (no satellite television let alone Internet in those days) you could stroll into their coffee shop after lunch, pick up a boy - there were plenty who hung around - and head off to their short-time rooms. It was little more than a gay brothel. The Golden Cock was also open of an afternoon, but I sampled its delights only once - cold water bathing, a room with no airconditioning and a (possibly cum-stained) mattress on the floor didn't really hold much allure

I still use the Suriwong Hotel's short-time rooms occasionally; I picked up a guy in Silom Complex recently and we went there. For the record, no money changed hands; he just had a thing for Westerners

June 18th, 2018, 14:17
..The Suriwong Hotel was a complete den of iniquity in those days. If you were bored in the afternoon (no satellite television let alone Internet in those days) you could stroll into their coffee shop after lunch, pick up a boy - there were plenty who hung around - and head off to their short-time rooms. It was little more than a gay brothel.

Glad to say I visited and stayed in the Suriwongse Hotel (as on their business card!) before the refurb and the kicking out of the freelancers and can confirm all that you say about it.

I do remember a guy who must have been in his 90's and extremely bad at walking, being helped into the lift and thence to his room for nookie by 3 (yes 3) boys he picked up in the Coffee Shop. Must admit I sat and drank beer whist waiting to see how long the boys stayed with him :devilsh:

The most bizarre thing I found was that whilst all the nefarious and dubious activities were going on, do you know the one thing they kept a tight rein on ????

The toilet roll!

If you wanted to use the lobby toilets you had to request the toilet roll from the security guard at a desk at reception and you were expected to return it after use! If you forgot to ask and went str8 into the toilet you'd be in some difficulty :D

June 18th, 2018, 16:02
Where is Robinsons?

June 18th, 2018, 16:13
From memory come out of Suriwongse Hotel, cross Suriwong Road towards entrance to Soi Twilight, turn right and walk along Surawong Rd, and turn left at a major junction

That's all I remember - don't even know if Robinson's still exists

June 18th, 2018, 16:15
I picked him up in Dairy Queen at Robinsons on the corner of Silom & Rama 4.
Where is Robinsons?Do you need a map?

June 18th, 2018, 16:25
From memory come out of Suriwongse Hotel, cross Suriwong Road towards entrance to Soi Twilight, turn right and walk along Surawong Rd, and turn left at a major junction

That's all I remember - don't even know if Robinson's still exists

As I remember, it was on the corner of RamaIV and Silom Road.

June 18th, 2018, 16:27
From memory come out of Suriwongse Hotel, cross Suriwong Road towards entrance to Soi Twilight, turn right and walk along Surawong Rd, and turn left at a major junction

That's all I remember - don't even know if Robinson's still exists

And they say women have a poor sense of direction. Robinsons on that site is long gone. The site is being refurbished or even built over - surrounded by sackcloth and scaffolding

June 18th, 2018, 16:59
I don't have a poor sense of direction - I have no sense of direction.

I go to see a Client for the first time and 2 weeks later I have no chance of finding them again without Sat Nav

In the old days I had a box in my car boot full of local paper maps

June 18th, 2018, 20:02
Scott, When you came out of the ally from Suriwongse hotel to Suriwongse road one made a right past Bangkok Bank and made a right into Thaniya ( the Japanese street ) and all the way up to Silom where one made a left and Robinson's was a few hundred meters down on the corner. If it were there today it would be just past the sky train entrance.
Your rememberance of the hotel are spot on. I have very fond memories of the place. I wonder if the man in his ninties was the one I remember; he once summed up the hotel to me as, "the mother house of our order."
By the way, some of teh people not trusting Robinsonj boys are happy to use Romero and all the apps/ Well, in those days there were no "appa" just the steps of Robinsons. Any guy you get on Romeo might be there for the very same reasons. Oh, and by the way, i HAVE HEARD STORIES ALL OVER THE WORLD OF GUYS GETTING HURT OR KILLED BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO PAY. For Christ's sake pay the guy what you agreed.

June 18th, 2018, 20:09
IM told the new owner is the same guy who has taken over boyz boyz , A thai guy with overseas help , He will need it to bring the hotel up to standard

June 18th, 2018, 23:44
When I first stayed in 1997 I had to wedge folded paper in the tv switch to watch and the shower aerator was mineralized and mostly clogged.
I made note of this to Nai and it was immediately fixed. But don't give me any crap about it having gone downhill ever since Robbie and Ian passed.

They were just better at drawing in customers -gay and straight.

June 19th, 2018, 02:19
When I first stayed in 1997 I had to wedge folded paper in the tv switch to watch and the shower aerator was mineralized and mostly clogged.
I made note of this to Nai and it was immediately fixed. But don't give me any crap about it having gone downhill ever since Robbie and Ian passed.

They were just better at drawing in customers -gay and straight.

Would you say it got any better after they passed on ?

June 19th, 2018, 03:24
didn't get any fucking worse...

June 19th, 2018, 21:08
didn't get any fucking worse...

Theres no need to swear in your reply Mr Dab,, be civil

June 19th, 2018, 21:17
If one has to wedge paper into a hotel room light fitting to get it to work, the situation deserves an expletive!

June 19th, 2018, 22:36
Theres no need to swear in your reply Mr Dab,, be civil

In the real world this is hardly swearing; just a heartily felt exclamation.