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View Full Version : Pissing in the sink

June 14th, 2018, 04:59
I was amused to read an exchange about this practice in one thread. When I piss I want my urine to end up in the septic tank or the sewers. Remember that urine is about 95% water and in some cultures drinking one’s own urine first thing in the morning is de rigeur. The most famous practitioner was Morarji Desai who was once Prime Minister of India. Drinking one’s own urine is also a well-known survival technique where there are no other sources of safe drinking water. It’s clear therefore that disposing of one’s own urine is a cultural as much as a public health question. Since it all ends up in the same place irrespective of where it starts – lavatory bowl or sink in the corner – those who object to the sink in the corner can be doing so only on aesthetic rather than health grounds (a bit like objecting to men having sex in a public lavatory; as a virgin teenager I once heard a politician argue against legalising male same-sex activity on those very grounds, so I went straight out and tried it)

When you have a shower, where do you think the faecal matter you’re washing away ends up (if you think there’s none you’re kidding yourself)? A friend of mine pisses in his bathroom basin while shaving himself with his electric razor – the mirror is over the basin. True multi-tasking. There’s also the question of whether you flush the lavatory after every piss. Remember that the lavatory bowl already has a supply of water in it. Adding a compound that is itself 95% water (urine) is hardly going to have much effect. Another friend flushes his loo only twice a day (unless he defecates in it) as a water conservation measure

Urine contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium — essential plant nutrients that are usually mined from the earth or the air for agricultural use – so you’d be better off saving yours up for the vegetable garden rather than (pun coming up) pissing it away

June 14th, 2018, 07:47
As I recall the thread was questioning why won would use the sink when the toliet is a couple of feet away.

June 15th, 2018, 06:07
its a fetish...no need to judge...

June 15th, 2018, 06:17
I think the opportunities for human waste recycling are only just beginning - human faeces can be recycled into biodegradable plastic that a 3D printer can use to make tools in space - https://phys.org/news/2017-08-human-plastic-nutrients-aid-long-distance.html