View Full Version : Canada's Prime Minister

June 11th, 2018, 14:59
OMFG - the guy actually wears fake eyebrows?

Check this:


June 11th, 2018, 16:08
Well, if we're taking jabs at politcians hair styles, I have a rebuttal.

Boris Johnson

Case closed! :)

June 11th, 2018, 16:39
Look, we understand you're Canadian, but while Boris Johnson is an overbearing buffoon with an unruly mop of hair (which I assume you've had described to you) one thing he is certainly not is a "dandy" - Trudeau having fake stick-on eyebrows one of which slides down to a 20 degree angle whilst the other slopes to 45 degrees and almost falls off during an TV interview is at a different level altogether (as are his eyebrows)


Nirish guy
June 11th, 2018, 16:42
OMFG - the guy actually wears fake eyebrows?

For clarity the story is that that story is actually fake ( news) and that it was caused by a mixture of lighting issues and the fact that his eyebrow does apparently grow thicker on the bottom on his right eye than elsewhere "apparently" !?


June 11th, 2018, 17:03
Well I'm sorry but looking at the so-called "proof" video they still look like fake eyebrows to me and not any "lighting" issues!

And even if they aren't, it was fun while it lasted


Now, let's get on to Lord Alistair Darling's eyebrows :p


June 11th, 2018, 17:10
Yeah, well... our Prime Minister does better yoga poses than your Prime Minister!

heh, quite fun considering what just happend at the G7. Apparently, Canada is part of the new Axis of Evil. Who would have thought?


June 11th, 2018, 17:34
... Who would have thought?

Anybody who realises Trump is an dangerously unstable moron.

I see he thinks the Canadians burned down the White House in 1812

June 11th, 2018, 23:56
Anybody who realises Trump is an dangerously unstable moron.

I see he thinks the Canadians burned down the White House in 1812

I'm begining to appreciate youir perception

June 12th, 2018, 00:20
Apparently, Canada is part of the new Axis of Evil. Who would have thought?

from other posts it seems you do because of their rules on passport renewal
