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June 7th, 2018, 20:07
Are pattaya city bossies doing any thing in regard to plastic waste or just nothing as is normal in this los

June 7th, 2018, 21:01
They really should just pass a law charging 50 satang for every plastic bag. That would help clean up the streets straight away.

50 satang for plastic bag, or foam food container. Bet you'd all of a sudden see many more reusable bags being used in Thailand.

I think I actually started a little fad in my old neighborhood. I was the one always using reusable bags every time I'd go to the local shop, and after a while it caught on, and lots of people began doing the same. :)

June 7th, 2018, 21:11
50 satang for plastic bag, or foam food container. Bet you'd all of a sudden see many more reusable bags being used in Thailand.

Not enough, should be same as in UK, 5 pence or 2 baht, per bag.

June 7th, 2018, 21:15
I don't think the amount matters too much. Most Thais are so money concious that probably 1 satang per-bag would be all that's needed to convince them to switch to reusable.

June 7th, 2018, 21:22
Are pattaya city bossies doing any thing in regard to plastic waste or just nothing as is normal in this los

Are you kidding?

June 10th, 2018, 18:59
Whilst they probably should be doing something about plastic waste, including a plastic bag charge, are we jumping on the latest bandwagon driven by the western media ?

It seems they bleat on about some token flavour of the month concern, such as plastic waste, whilst ignoring the bigger issues like the consumer driving his plastic bags home in some dreadful V8 vehicle that does about 20 mpg.
Or excessive population growth in certain parts of the world, which will simply carry on until the planet can no longer support it.

Much easier to make some token campaign about plastic bags than campaign for certain countries to get their birth rate under control.

June 10th, 2018, 20:59
Whilst they probably should be doing something about plastic waste, including a plastic bag charge, are we jumping on the latest bandwagon driven by the western media ?

It seems they bleat on about some token flavour of the month concern, such as plastic waste, whilst ignoring the bigger issues like the consumer driving his plastic bags home in some dreadful V8 vehicle that does about 20 mpg.
Or excessive population growth in certain parts of the world, which will simply carry on until the planet can no longer support it.

Much easier to make some token campaign about plastic bags than campaign for certain countries to get their birth rate under control.

l Its not only plastics bags , its all the one time plastics , like bottles take away cups etc,. finding their way into to the sea, its killing alot of sea life big and small, On british tv news last week , a small whale was found in a canal in outer bangkok which had eaten 80 plastic bags and could not be saved. AS to the big american gas guzzlers i think those days have passed while, many are still out there most people are driving better mpg/ltr cars