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June 1st, 2018, 04:06
Whilst clearing out some drawers, I came across this photo. I wonder if members recall any of the dancers/show boys? Art (front row on the right) was a huge favourite of mine. He was the reason that I attended the show each night (a show complete with singing nuns and boys dressed as dogs running around the bar pretending to piss on the customers! Yes, it was a venue of inestimable class!!


June 1st, 2018, 04:08
My apologies for the size of the attachment. Not sure how to reduce it.

Nirish guy
June 1st, 2018, 04:10
My apologies for the size of the attachment. Not sure how to reduce it.

Oh if I'd a pound for every time I heard THAT excuse....... ! :)

June 1st, 2018, 05:57
I recognise the boy on the right of the front row - I always used to give him a tip.

I used to call him Ziggy Stardust because (as Louis Walsh would say) he reminded me of a young David Bowie - and let me say right away that I know I'm probably the only one who can see any resemblance whatsoever!

Talking of "class" - I do have a pic someone of the (in)famous "shagging dog" act but every time I look at it I hear myself saying "Jesus Christ, not again"

June 1st, 2018, 06:02
What happened to the Water Tank and the hot Swimmers???

June 1st, 2018, 06:03
Technically, although in the same premises, that wasn't "Throb", that was "Splash"

June 1st, 2018, 09:45
Talking of "class" - I do have a pic someone of the (in)famous "shagging dog" act but every time I look at it I hear myself saying "Jesus Christ, not again"

I used to take off the "shagging Dog" regularly. Seriously, he was fucking Hot!

June 1st, 2018, 14:26
Did he wear the costume whilst mounting you?

June 1st, 2018, 15:32
I used to take off the "shagging Dog" regularly. Seriously, he was fucking Hot!

But then you are committed to doing it "doggy style" aren't you?

June 1st, 2018, 15:37
Very embarrassing when you go shopping together and he stops to piss on every second tree

June 1st, 2018, 15:48
Did he wear the costume whilst mounting you?

I remember Jasper Carrott, in his book entitled "sweet and sour labrador" (I wonder if it's banned in Korea), called it 'humping' and in the book he tells of an embarrassing moment in his early twenties when, I think I'm right in recalling, he drove a fish and chip van to make ends meet. He entered into a relationship with a very posh girl who took him home to the family pile to meet mama and papa.

While they were sitting in the opulent lounge after lunch, there was a lull in the conversation as the dog sat up from its place in front of the fire place, stretched its neck to its full capacity and then turned it almost a hundred and eighty degrees before plunging it between its hind legs where it began to lick its balls. The lull continued as the family sat and watched this display of canine dexterity. It was then that jasper, unnerved by the silence, piped up with, "My goodness, I wish I could do that," to which mama (all tweed and pearls) replied, "If you give it a biscuit, Jasper, I daresay it will let you!"

June 1st, 2018, 15:56
Very embarrassing when you go shopping together and he stops to piss on every second tree


June 1st, 2018, 15:58
Very embarrassing when you go shopping together and he stops to piss on every second tree

You just distract him by throwing him a boner!!

June 1st, 2018, 23:39
I have to say that I heard that joke long before Jasper Carrott had achieved any prominence.

His daughter Henrietta is much funnier.

See what I did there?


June 2nd, 2018, 05:45
I have to say that I heard that joke long before Jasper Carrott had achieved any prominence.

His daughter Henrietta is much funnier.

See what I did there?


Ah, I had to think about that one. A daughter called Henrietta? He had four kids, I said to myself, but was one of them called Henrietta? Mr. & Mrs. Carrott and their daughter Henrietta Carrott.

It reminded me of 'Late Arrivals' on BBC Radio 4's 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue'.

Remember these, all courtesy of the BBC?....

Late arrivals at the Hospital Ball.
Mr & Mrs Sthetic, & their daughter, Anna Sthetic, accompanied by her Aunty Septic.
From Wales: Di Agnosis.
Oh, and there's Sue Positry (she's going up in the world)!
Here's Reggie Strar & Des Infectant
Ad here comes Sir Osis, looking a tad jaundiced this evening.
Mr & Mrs Roids, and their daughter, Emma.

Late arrivals at the Church Ball
The Right Honourable Charles Ismay-Shepherd, & his father, the Lord Ismay-Shepherd.
Mr & Mrs Meek, and their saintly son, blessed Arthur Meek..
Jenny Flect, Di O'Cese, and Ann Glicanchurch.
Mr & Mrs Aeshun-of-the-Magi, and their son, Theodore Aeshun-of-the-Magi"

Late Arrivals at the Scottish Ball
Mr & Mrs Strap, and their son, Hamish - Jock was held up!!
Mr & Mrs Midlothian, and their son, Arthur. 'Hello Arthur, Mother well?'
Mr & Mrs Bennetthowmuchlongeristhiswomenscurlinggoingonfor, and their son, Gordon Bennetthowmuchlongeristhiswomenscurlinggoingonfor
Delightful to see the Housemuirs, and their son, Stan... and the Sideacademys, and their posh son, Kelvin.

June 2nd, 2018, 15:52
I can grudgingly accept someone from Glasgow listening to BBC Radio 4 (but only in short bursts)

Just be warned that should you ever confess to listening to BBC Radio 3 you are likely to get it quoted back to you with a thoroughly deserved response of "The absolute fucking state of this:"


Anyhow - getting back on topic, I have just remembered that the first ever time I entered Throb, a dear departed friend of mind was a pal of Kevin's and had asked him to include the "Donald Where's Your Troosers?" routine in that night's show - which delighted me enormously but not as much as the 4 boys I took off :p

June 6th, 2018, 05:31
"I can grudgingly accept someone from Glasgow listening to BBC Radio 4 (but only in short bursts)"
I listen to it with a sense of nostalgia and loyalty, although I do miss the days of the Revox (hefty reel-to-reel tape machines) and the editing suite floor knee-deep in magnetic tape. Everything is digital nowadays!

..."a dear departed friend of mind was a pal of Kevin's"
Kevin? Mr. Quill? I wonder how and where he is now. I do recall that he had throat cancer. Someone suggested that he went to Cambodia for a while. Didn't know the guy personally but I remember the time of his stewardship of Throb.

4 boys?? Eight-handed massage? Sounds great!