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View Full Version : Bumping into the boy's next customer after finishing business

May 18th, 2018, 00:49
Just had a wonderful massage with a mutual explosive happy ending. The rush and the aftermath euphoria lingered. Happily paid my due with a bit more. Remembering the kiss, touch, hugs and sweet words exchanged. I was 100% certain that what we had was special and something meaningful would soon happen. Not really watching where was I going and BAM I bumped his next customer that was smoking and waiting impatiently outside the shop. We exchange looks: that guy was badly dressed, clumsy, or even a bit repulsive. But then I wonder was he thinking the same of me? Was he merely mirroring me or any John that pays for the same hot young guy? As a repeat then I remember his strokes and moves were actually calculated and the whole thing staged. The truth sometimes is a bit hard to bite, feeling rather empty and uneasy now.

May 18th, 2018, 01:31
" ... We exchange looks: that guy was badly dressed, clumsy, or even a bit repulsive. But then I wonder was he thinking the same of me? ... "
Probably. Almost for sure.

May 18th, 2018, 06:59
the whole thing staged.

Yep, you got it!

May 18th, 2018, 08:12
Reminds me of an online book that i came across called Bangkok Love Story or something? It features the true perspective and internal dialogue of both the customer and the gogo girls. It bursts my bubbles right away and took 90% fun out of the smiles and sex with hot gogo boys. Pity. Now i am all jaded

May 18th, 2018, 11:09
I'm always a bit surprised by the expectations of some farangs, especially those who would be lucky to get a second look in their own countries. Not only do they want sex with gorgeous young guys, they want it to be genuine. Just be thankful if it takes place with a convincing show of enthusiasm.

May 18th, 2018, 11:11
So well said!

May 18th, 2018, 13:21
I'm always a bit surprised by the expectations of some farangs, especially those who would be lucky to get a second look in their own countries. Not only do they want sex with gorgeous young guys, they want it to be genuine. Just be thankful if it takes place with a convincing show of enthusiasm.

High expectations lead to disappointsments! I agree that it's a strange thing to expect a lot of genuine emtions and feelings when it comes to this kind of sex. There's absolutely nothing wrong with paying for sex, because good sex for money without too many feelings is worth consdering at least as a supplement to poor sex combined with complex feelings.

But if you look at the "customers" of a typical Thai boy who's into this scene, you will see that he has often "segmented" his farangs into at least three groups:

1) Those kind of farang he actually want to see again and again and keep in touch with.Those are typically the more attractive farangs who really didn't need to pay for sex, but does it by habit or convienience due to the circumstances. And being attractive as a farang in the eyes of a Thai boy isn't necessarily about age or being super fit. An okay good-looking masculine middle-aged farang with a dad bod' is most often considered attractive by Thais.

2) Those kind of farangs he doesn't mind having sex with at all, but on the other hand doesn't invite into his private sphere and doesn't reveal anything of his real self to. It's average farangs who are nice to him in bed and they have good, hot, steamy sex and an absolute minimum amount of chemistry, but utlimately it's all about the money. Otherwise there would be no contact.

3) Those kind of farangs that he really doesn't like but he really needs the money and therefore squeezes him into the schedule. It could be that he finds the farang unattractive, uncharming, no chemistry at all, way too old for his taste or whatever.

The meaning behind this is that the same Thai boy can have all three kinds of farangs flowing around in his professional and private life. We don't all belong into category no. 3, so even though you might feel like 'just another customer', then there is certainly a difference between in how the Thai boys look at and treat the farangs.

May 18th, 2018, 13:57
Recently, I went to see a favorite massage boy in Jomtien Complex. He saw me and explained he had a farang
inside but said it was massage only, no happy ending. I thought about why the boy told me that and realized he
must have thought it mattered to me. I was just glad he was making some money.

May 18th, 2018, 14:24
... I thought about why the boy told me that and realized he
must have thought it mattered to me.

That means you're not a category 3 farang for him :-)

It's kinda cute that he doesn't like to you see him with another farang. I lived in BKK for three years and in the last period there I met an incredibly sexy and beautiful and charming middle-class Thai boy (19 back then) that I very often hanged out with and had sex with.I was generous with him, but never paid him directly for anything, not even in the beginning. When I'm in BKK now for shorter stays, I always try to meet up with him and so far I have succeeded every time, and I know for sure that he's fooling around with many farangs (i know that from another guys), but still he wants me to have the impression of him that he would not let any other farang pound his ass. I once saw him with another farang the day after I had met with him, and he texted med on LINE less than 30 minutes after that it was just an old good friend of his that was in town. The funny thing is that I do not think any less of him because he fools around with (many) other farangs - on the contrary, I think it's wonderful for a beautiful boy like him to be so adventurous and curious also in this regard, but he has this strange idea that I might not like him so much or keep in touch with him if I knew the truth about his life with all the other farangs .... which I already do :-)

May 18th, 2018, 22:30
How do you know it was your masseur's next customer? In all my years in Thailand, I have never been in such a situation (I mean I saw other Farang around, and with one Farang friend there is an overlap of boys we like and we found out that both of us had sex with the same boy, but in all cases there is a separation in time).

The weirdest that ever happened to me was that I was having a massage and heard the voice of a Farang friend in the hallway, talking to a boy, loud and long.

May 19th, 2018, 18:37
The weirdest that ever happened to me was that I was having a massage and heard the voice of a Farang friend in the hallway, talking to a boy, loud and long.

That's really a strange experience. What did he say to the boy (I assume it was not the guy you were having fun with)? Don't know if they spoke Thai or English or something else.

I've experienced once that a Thai boy that I met with many times seemed to have a farang patronage of some sort. An elderly western discreet well-mannered gentleman type of guy that he lived together with some or most of the time; but the boy had fun with other guys as he liked apparently. He claimed the elderly farang was just a good friend he lived with. I have this thing when I'm with a Thai boy that I really prefer that it's all between me and him without intereference from other Thais or farangs in whatever way it could be.

May 22nd, 2018, 21:10
I don't remember what he talked about with the boy, but just small talk in English. Obviously not my masseur, as he was with me massaging me.