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May 17th, 2018, 17:52
I'm sure many of you have experienced what I'm alluding to, I guess you'd call it "reverse culture shock". Have many of you experienced difficulties in transitioning back to your home countries/

There's some things I like, such as the fact English is spoken, which is quite handy. The calm and subdued culture around here is also quite nice in a way, as it helps allow you to plan for the future easier as everything is somewhat predictable. Then I also like the fact that everyone from taxi drivers to store clerks seem to doing alright in terms of standard of living.

Several things I don't like compared to Thailand though. One large contrast is everyone here is much more ingenuine, to the point people almost seem semi-comotosed. Nobody is really happy, sad, angry, excited, nothing -- everyone is just content and monotone. Everyone seems to put on this outside facade about how great they're doing, and it's as if everyone knows they're doing it, everyone realizes it's fucken retarded, and everyone continues to do it anyway. Whereas in Thailand, people are more themselves, and it's never really occurred to them how or why they'd put on some outside facade such as that.

Another thing I don't really like is how privacy is a #1 priority here, and is almost valued above as well. I understand it, but no longer agree with it, as it helps fuel the point I made above. I remember it took me years of living in Thailand to get over the fact I no longer really have any privacy, and to realize the benefits of it. For years I was somewhat agitated that people kept being nosey, asking me questions all the time, watching where I went, what I bought, what I did, etc. After a while though, I realized it's actually highly benefical, and they're not really being nosey at all. They're simply doing their small role to help contribute to the community by ensuring there's no problems or anything I need help with, ensuring everything is on the up and up, etc. At the same time I realized that any little quirks I may have are totally fine, and nobody actually cares. You're allowed to just be yourself, everyone is totally accepting of it, and as long as you're a good person with a good heart, that's all that really matters. No need to put on a show and hide your true self in Thailand, and no need to worry about the fact everyone in a 3km radius knows the general gist about you.

Another one is in Canada WHAT you are seems more important than WHO you are, whereas in Thailand it's the opposite. In Thailand you can be a complete prick, but as long as you're wealthy, you'll garner respect. Whereas in Thailand people wake up every morning, and seem to genuinely strive to be a good person, as who you are matters more there. For example, people in Canada will help you but because they feel moreso obligated to as it's "just the right thing to do", whereas in Thailand if someone helps you, it's because they genuinely want to help.

Another is where did the love and commpassion go in this society? It's gone, completely. One stark example was I ended up at a Tim Hortons in Vancouver around 4am, waiting for my 7:30am departure on Harbor Air. I checked out very early, and decided to make my way closer to the terminal to ensure I didn't miss my flight. There was a homeless guy wandering around asking for 50 cents, so I called him over, said I don't have any money, but feel free to order all the food / drink you want. He took me up on the offer, and the clerk proceeded to scold me for it, and I replied "What?!?! Everyone needs to eat!".

Since I was stuck waiting at Tim Hortons for about 2.5 hours, later the clerk proceeded to tell me I should never buy people like "that" food, because I guess he did things like lock himself in the bathroom and piss all over the floor, which she then had to clean up, etc. I sat back down, and all I could think was, "this type of scenario would never happen in Thailand". When people are down on their luck like that in Thailand, everyone chips in to help out. Whether it's a little money, or the small restaurant or market stall makes some food for them, or someone gets them a drink from 7/11, or whatever. The communal spirit of Thailand kicks in, those people get taken care of, hence never become so bitter that it causes problems such as this.

Oh, and one more I don't like is the socital stigmas that come with Canada. I remember at first I loved Thailand because telling a Thai your gay is about the same as telling them your favorite color is blue, whereas in Canada it's more along the lines of responses like, "ohhh, you're gay?!? that's great, I know lots og gay people, and you guys are just the nicest people!" or "this is Matt, my gay friend", and so on. Now that I'm blind though, that's went to a whole other level. Some people just naturally assume I must be unemployed and homeless, others say retarded shit like, "it's ok, your're already a winner in my eyes!". I don't even know what the fuck that means, but pretty sure it's disparaging. In Canada, people see a blind guy. In Thailand, people see a human being who just happens to be blind. Two totally different things

Anyway, long enough. How about you guys? And difficultues transitioning back to your home countries after so long in Asia?

May 17th, 2018, 20:10
Why are you 'transitioning' to Canada in the first place? I thought you were just straitening out your passport problems so that could start 'transitioning' to Laos ... after you have 'un-transitioned' out of Thailand that is.
I assume that Kim and the dogs are pretty well over 're-transitioning' back to Laos after having 'transitioned' into Thailand to be with you in the first place.

And by the way ... who says this?:

" ... ohhh, you're gay?!? that's great, I know lots o(f) gay people, and you guys are just the nicest people!" or "this is Matt, my gay friend" ..."I've been in Canada for 6 weeks now (to my chagrin) and have been introduced to many a new person: on the golf course, in the pub, in Starbucks, and absolutely yes, Tim Hortons. None have pronounced their greetings with such hoary old cliches. Yes, pure hogwash.

May 17th, 2018, 20:41
Because believe it or not, as it turns out, the government are cunts. Who would have thought, eh?

They won't issue me a new passport, because my current passport has more than 12 months validity. Tried twice now, and failed both times. Will try one more time, and currently have Leo running arouns SE Asia gathering up the necessary documentation, as my father accidentally threw it all into the recycle bin.

Technically, I can still travel on my existing passport, but realistically, it's as useful as a coaster. More than likely, I can't even go to Mexico for a 4 day vacation, or even cross the US border for a 1 hour shopping trip with that passport.

If they deny the issuance of a new passport again, I'll just sue the federal government. I'll effectively be barred from leaving the country until next February, so fuck it, I'll have 9 months to kill, and nothing else to do. This is especially aggravating considering I've read reports on the internet of how people have had that 12 month validity rule relaxed for reasons such as they just wanted to sync their expiration date with their wife's passport.

If they don't issue me passport, they are effectively denying me passport services, which they are not allowed to do. I don't meet any of the criteria to be denied a passport (I read the law). They will effectively be banning me from leaving Canada, hence will be denying a disabled individual access to his caretaker, hence denying me quality of life.

I don't know, I'll try to get a new passport issued one more time, before I settle in for the fact I'm stuck in Canada until next February.

May 17th, 2018, 21:10
" ... If they deny the issuance of a new passport again, I'll just sue the federal government ... "Yep ... that should work like a charm. :crazy_mini:

May 18th, 2018, 01:02
More than likely, I can't even go to Mexico for a 4 day vacation, or even cross the US border for a 1 hour shopping trip with that passport.

You poor chap!

May 18th, 2018, 01:16
Did you fly alone with Harbor Air. That must have taken some doing?

May 18th, 2018, 01:34
Did you fly alone with Harbor Air. That must have taken some doing?

Yes, the staff there are excellent. :)

If you must know, my mother dropped me off at the terminal in Nanaimo, then the taxi driver from Hong Kong in Vancouver was nice enough to walk me all the way to the terminal on my way back. Once at the terminal, the Harbour Air staff take care of the rest, and again, were excellent.

May 18th, 2018, 13:13
Because believe it or not, as it turns out, the government are cunts. Who would have thought, eh?

They won't issue me a new passport, because my current passport has more than 12 months validity. Tried twice now, and failed both times. Will try one more time, and currently have Leo running arouns SE Asia gathering up the necessary documentation, as my father accidentally threw it all into the recycle bin.


Why can't you just report that your passport has been lost or stolen? You could just accidentally on purpose misplace it.

Can't you get a new passport if the old one was lost or stolen??

May 18th, 2018, 13:37
I was living in BKK as an expat for three years, and returning to northern Europe was really hard I have to admit. When I think back, then it was easier to adapt to life in BKK than life in Denmark, but that's maybe because BKK was some sort of adventure for me.

The things that were really hard to adjust back to was of course the food (Thai food is the best food in Asia!) and the cold weather in Northern Europe. And of course the boys. In BKK, you are in some neighbourhoods surrounded by heavenly beautiful boys all the time who are friendly and interested talking to you. It's a kind of hard landing going back to Europe where all younger guys play hard to get and are plain arrogant often. Spoiled, you could say. Even though there is very often a strong element of sexual attraction between farangs and Thai boys (and money too some extent too), it's hard to overlook the genuine non-sexual and non-pecuniar aspects of this: The curiosity, hospitality and their deep-grounded respect that characterises the younger Thai guys (with many exceptions of course).

About the people at work, then I was actually kind of happy to back in a European workspace with more people to talk during the day about politics, (pocket)philosophy and culture and to make jokes with. The humour in northern Europe is very much based on irony and sarcasm, which Thai people don't get at all.

May 18th, 2018, 13:50
I am Swiss. I have encountered some of the worst "reverse culture shock" when I bump into other Swiss people in Thailand or other parts of the world.

I am from the French-speaking part of Switzerland. When I meet Swiss from the German-speaking parts, there is always the question of what language should we speak.

Should I speak to them in French, even if their French is not very good? Should I try to speak to them in Swiss German, or should be try to speak in standard German?

Or should we just try to speak in English, which would be a neutral language....And these are people from my own supposedly multi-lingual country.....

May 18th, 2018, 14:10
Why can't you just report that your passport has been lost or stolen? You could just accidentally on purpose misplace it.

Can't you get a new passport if the old one was lost or stolen??

That is an option, but not one I'm willing to entertain at the moment. Simply because if I report a lost / stolen passport, it first has to go through a RCMP (police) investigation, which could take 2 or 3 months, before they're willing to issue a new passport.

Will try one last time politely, before shit hits the fan.

May 18th, 2018, 14:54
That is an option, but not one I'm willing to entertain at the moment. Simply because if I report a lost / stolen passport, it first has to go through a RCMP (police) investigation, which could take 2 or 3 months, before they're willing to issue a new passport.

Will try one last time politely, before shit hits the fan.

Good heavens! It takes that long to replace a lost/stolen passport? I knew a Canadian whose passport was stolen in China. It seems that he had it replaced in a couple days, although he had to pay some outrageous fee. My passport was once stolen in Germany years ago. [I had left it in an unlocked drawer of my desk at work, and it was probably stolen by the night-time cleaning staff.] The ever efficient German police found it before I could even report the loss. Someone had evidentally tried to use it at the German border...

May 18th, 2018, 16:07
The humour in northern Europe is very much based on irony and sarcasm, which Thai people don't get at all.

Yes, irony and sarcasm tend to crash into the rocks of Thai literal-mindedness, particularly among the less-educated. I try not to use sarcasm at all, since it is usually perceived as plain aggression and hatefulness. Even the mildest form of irony can backfire as well. I have a good Thai friend Dton, who works in a Bangkok bar but comes to visit me in Pattaya quite often. We were sitting at Dick's Cafe in Jomtien one time and I was telling him how much he resembled a waiter there. The waiter wasn't at work that evening and I found myself exaggerating the resemblance mischievously. As we walked away after our meal I looked at Dton in mock puzzlement and said, 'Are you Dton or the waiter?' I can't believe any Westerner would have failed to realise at once that I was joking, but poor old Dton cried out in anguish, 'I am Dton!' 'I know, I know,' I had to reply tamely.

I don't mean to suggest that Thais are lacking in humour though. On the contrary, I find them to be one of the most delightfully humorous peoples in the world when it comes to appreciating life's absurdities.

May 18th, 2018, 16:35
snotface, do you explain the meaning of your posting name (snotface) to your Thai friends? :bo:

May 18th, 2018, 16:47
snotface, do you explain the meaning of your posting name (snotface) to your Thai friends? :bo:

It's not occurred to me that they might be interested - but who knows, what with all that public nose-picking that goes on...

Nirish guy
May 18th, 2018, 17:45
As we walked away after our meal I looked at Dton in mock puzzlement and said, 'Are you Dton or the waiter?' ........... but poor old Dton cried out in anguish, 'I am Dton!' .

Perhaps he was more just quietly shaking his head in despair inwardly thinking "ohh FFS yet another one of those stupid racist farang who seemingly can't tell the difference between Thai people as they think we all look the same" - but - before you start to protest too much there about "NO, it ain't so" I have it on good authority from my asian BF that a lot of asians think EXACTLY the same about us in reverse so I wouldn't worry too much ! :)

May 18th, 2018, 17:50
... I have it on good authority from my asian BF that a lot of asians think EXACTLY the same about us in reverse so I wouldn't worry too much ! :)

So true.

I was often told in Japan that we all look the same!

May 18th, 2018, 19:47
So true.

I was often told in Japan that we all look the same!

A few years back a Korean shop keeper in the US was charged with selling cigarettes to a minor. His lawyer won a landmark decision which validated that Asians have a very difficult time identifying age markers in Caucasians just as Asians look so young to us. That precident is now used in all cases involving Asian/Caucasian ID cases in US courts.

May 18th, 2018, 20:55
Good heavens! It takes that long to replace a lost/stolen passport? I knew a Canadian whose passport was stolen in China. It seems that he had it replaced in a couple days, although he had to pay some outrageous fee. My passport was once stolen in Germany years ago. [I had left it in an unlocked drawer of my desk at work, and it was probably stolen by the night-time cleaning staff.] The ever efficient German police found it before I could even report the loss. Someone had evidentally tried to use it at the German border...

I don't know, I'm only going off what I've read on the internet. That, and I don't really want to push my luck, and give them an actual vvalid reason to deny me passport services.

First time I tried was in Victoria, and they just shrugged me off by saying "rules are rules". Didn't waste much time with them, as it was apparent they can only advise on what they think the decision will be, but don't have the authorization to make the actual decision. That happens in Vancouver.

So I came back home, read up on the law, and found out they can relax regulations such as this for compelling and compassionate reasons, so I gave that a shot. Wrote a two page letter explaining everything, included photographic evidence of genuine relationship, had both Leo and my mother write a letter, etc. Off to Vancouver I went alone (terrifying, as first time I've travelled blind alone), and they still said no. Reasons was they can't help me skirt the law, and trying to explain to them I'm not trying to skirt the law fell on deaf ears. In hindsight I fucked up by being too honest, and telling them I was refused entry at the Laos border in Nong Khai on a technicality. I should have lied, and said I was detained and deported upon trying to exit Thailand, and never made it to the Laos border.

Will try it one more time. This time, fuck the compassionate route, as I forgot that went out of society long ago. Will have the following:

1.) Letter from Laos immigration department in Vientiane stating I have no travel restrictions against me entering the country.
2.) Letter from Thai immigration stating that blacklist stamp is only for overstay, and not a criminal offense.
3.) Letter from Laos immigration lawyer stating I was refused only on a technicality (travelling via land border), and does not mean I'm blacklisted in any form.
4.) Letter from eye specialist in Khon Kaen vouching that Leo is indeed my caretaker.
5.) Letter from a Canadian doctor confirming that I am blind due to atrophic (sp) optic nerves.
6.) Copy of Thailand overstay laws.
7.) Letter from Canadian immigration lawyer stating whatever he/she deems necessary, but at the very least, the fact the law states that me having a 2 year limited validity passport is the only reason they need to grant my request, cancel the passport, and issue a new one.
8.) Letters from clients on company letterhead and signed stating I'm needed in Taiwan, Cyprus, and Israel.
9.) Personal letter from myself explaining everything. On top of being with my husband and caretaker, and visiting my clients, I also need to get to Hong Kong to incorporate, and Kuala Lumpur for dental surgery.
10.) Accounts of Canadians who have had this regulation relaxed for far less, such as wanting to sync their expiration date with their wife's passport.

And said Canadian immigration lawyer will be with me at the passport office next time I go. Then I don't know, but I may also search out a bunch of bitcoin conferences around the world coming up, and volunteer to be a speaker as well, showing even more need to be able to travel around the world. That's the best I can think of, because spending 9 months in Canada is going to be totally devastating for everyone -- myself, Leo, and my dogs.

May 18th, 2018, 21:03
Don't feed the troll!!!

May 18th, 2018, 23:59
"9.) Personal letter from myself explaining everything ... "You've pulled more dumb things out of a hat which you have shared with this board more than any member has done since Sawatdee was first started.
But this idea above may well be the dumbest. I thought "suing the Canadian Government" was laughable, but this? Good god almighty, where did you think up this nonsense in the first place? Why in fucks name didn't you just stay put in Kong Khaen?

On the other hand, perhaps Manforallseasons is correct.

May 19th, 2018, 01:30
You've pulled more dumb things out of a hat which you have shared with this board more than any member has done since Sawatdee was first started.
But this idea above may well be the dumbest. I thought "suing the Canadian Government" was laughable, but this? Good god almighty, where did you think up this nonsense in the first place? Why in fucks name didn't you just stay put in Kong Khaen?

On the other hand, perhaps Manforallseasons is correct.

I know it's retarded, but do you have any other ideas? That blacklist stamp effectively bars me from leaving Canada, so I need a new passport, and neither Leo and myself feel like twiddling our thumbs until next February until my passport has less than 12 months validity. Vancouver says they can't grant my request because they need a valid reason to cancel an existing passport, and because they can't help me skirt the law.

Ok, fine. I'll provide legal proof from Laos immigration stating there's no travel restrictions against me, and proof from Thai immigration stating the blacklist is only for overstay and not a criminal offense (the stamp only says I'm blacklisted, but doesn't say WHY). Then I'll provide multiple valid reasons -- I'm disabled and need my caretaker, I have several clients who need me in person, I need to be in Kuala Lumpur for dental durgery, etc.

Their "skirting the law" excuse is pretty weak if you ask me. I could understand that if I was showing up with a legal name change or similar, but that's not the case. Even with a new passport, I'm still not going to be able to enter Thailand until April 2023. If I try, I'll just get thrown into IDC again for a few days, then deported back to Canada. However, that stamp basically restricts my ability to travel to any country in the world, as if I try to travel on the passport, I know already it'll be nothing but problems and deportations at basically every border crossing I hit.

And we moved to Laos for multiple reasons.

1.) Leo is Laos, hence things like employment and education is easier for him in Laos.
2.) Leo has friends and a better social life in Laos.
3.) Leo wouldn't have to constantly do border runs every 30 days.
4.) I could clear my overstay, and get legal immigrant status finally (had / have a 1 year business VISA lined up)
5.) We were bored of Khon Kaen, plus the owners wanted to take possession of the house back anyway.

May 19th, 2018, 01:55
.. if I report a lost / stolen passport, it first has to go through a RCMP (police) investigation..

Do they send a guy wearing a red uniform and brown hat round to your house, on top of a horse?


Nirish guy
May 19th, 2018, 02:11

That blacklist stamp effectively bars me from leaving Canada, so I need a new passport.....

....... I'll provide legal proof from Laos immigration stating there's no travel restrictions against me.

Talk about contradicting yourself ! One minute it’s “I can’t travel because basically my passport is useless ( its either valid or it’s not a replacement passport won’t change that).

Then it’s they’re keeping me here in Canada against my will - they’re not - you HAVE a valid passport.

And finally if you’re SO sure that your apparent letter from Lao immigration stating there are no travel restrictions against you is worth the paper it’s written on and is genuine then GO ! What’s keeping you for god sake !!

May 19th, 2018, 04:56
Why keep on feeding this troll?

May 19th, 2018, 05:17
I keep trying to stay away but this keeps drawing me here. Me thinks Moses is paying the Canadian to keep the saga alive

May 19th, 2018, 05:37
" ... Why keep on feeding this troll? ... "MFAS ... you've proven a thousand times over that you lack even a minute semblance of any Cosmic Giggle (or even a more mundane non-philosophical sense of humour for that manner), thus, you cannot find any Ha Ha at all in Cndmatt's nutty sojourn through life as posted here ... and ain't we lucky?.
Granted, neither has Cndmatt any 5555, but those who get a kick out of Reading-All-About-Himself certainly relish his comicical craziness.

May 19th, 2018, 07:00
Despite MFAS suggestion to not feed the trolls I have to add in my tuppence!

Matt: Despite your hair brained schemes.. why have you not thought of the obvious one?
Pay some "illegal immigrants" to mug you in front of CCTV and rob your wallet and passport that you stupidly had in your back pockets
Ten minutes and a false police report later and you have a new passport

Surely can't be any less illegal than any of the rest of your schemes!
Its also a trick you can't pull off if you go down the third appeal route...

May 19th, 2018, 08:36
No, because then that opens a criminal investigation with the RCMP, while they try to find and charge the person who stole my passport.

And don't worry about MFAS. He's an idiot, and for some unknown reason even thinks I'm BeachLover.

May 19th, 2018, 09:23
I keep trying to stay away but this keeps drawing me here. Me thinks Moses is paying the Canadian to keep the saga alive

The payment he is getting is that this sham is allowed to continue it is simply a matter of adding activity to his site.

May 19th, 2018, 10:23
The payment he is getting is that this sham is allowed to continue it is simply a matter of adding activity to his site.

Of course it is and I have pointed this out before.
Also, what does his passport problems have to do with Thailand? Us lesser mortals would have had out threads put into the Hiding Room ages ago.

May 19th, 2018, 12:24
Being subjected to cdnmatt's continuing saga is part of our “admission fee” to the SGT Universe.
Of course monetization is the reason.
Ass, gas, or grass, nobody rides for free.

May 19th, 2018, 14:17
Being subjected to cdnmatt's continuing saga is part of our “admission fee” to the SGT Universe.
Of course monetization is the reason.
Ass, gas, or grass, nobody rides for free.

Correct as well as laying out the welcome mat for all existing and newbie trolls.

May 19th, 2018, 14:40
I'm not a troll, you idiot. Who knows, there's a decent chance I'll end up meeting Surfcrest shortly in Vancouver, and he can confirm I'm exactly who I say I am.

I should really heed my oldest brother's advice, write a book, and publish it on Amazon or similar. Quite obviously, it's wasted on you old and cynical folk.

May 19th, 2018, 15:57
I should really heed my oldest brother's advice, write a book, and publish it on Amazon or similar.

I believe you mean self-publish a book.

May 19th, 2018, 21:05
I'm not a troll, you idiot. Who knows, there's a decent chance I'll end up meeting Surfcrest shortly in Vancouver, and he can confirm I'm exactly who I say I am.Just FYI: don't look now ... but you can be exactly who/what you say you are, and still be a raging troll.

May 20th, 2018, 03:09
rtals would have had out threads put into the Hiding Room ages ago.
Wow Gerefan2. You must have great connections

May 21st, 2018, 07:53
Wow Gerefan2. You must have great connections

Thank you, but I just tell it as it is...

May 22nd, 2018, 18:08
..don't we all dear, but we don't all get listened to


May 29th, 2018, 20:48
I'm not a troll, you idiot. Who knows, there's a decent chance I'll end up meeting Surfcrest shortly in Vancouver, and he can confirm I'm exactly who I say I am
Well, well, well? You? Surfcrest? Dinner? Vancouver? Yes? No? If no, why? Us, waiting. Bated breathing.

May 29th, 2018, 23:32
Bated breathing.

Dont waste your breath!

May 30th, 2018, 00:24
Well, well, well? You? Surfcrest? Dinner? Vancouver? Yes? No? If no, why? Us, waiting. Bated breathing.

Well, keep waiting... I'm back in the poor house at the moment, and can't afford a Vancouver trip right now. Especially since my mother wants to come, hence I'm stuck paying probably $400/night for a nice AirBnb. Thankfully I'm in online software, so it doesn't take much for things to change. All it takes is one correct phone call and I'm $20k wealthier.

Well, I guess at least I know the relationship is genuine. If Leo's a gold digger, he's sure as shit digging in the wrong place. :)

May 30th, 2018, 01:32
I don't buy the whole validity story. Why would the Canadian government care when you want to renew your passport ? As long as you pay the fee, I see no reason why they would care.

In my country, they have now introduced passports that are valid for 10 years. Nice, unfortunately the number of pages remained the same. My last passport, which I used for 4.5 years had only 2.5 pages of the 30 something left. So with my travel habits (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam amongst others, I will probably need a new passport after about five years, simply because it is full, and adding pages is not possible. No doubt this will be possible, regardless of the fact that it would still have five years validity left.

You could 'loose' your passport, wash it with your laundry or put it in a microwave, certainly they will supply you with a shiny new one.

May 30th, 2018, 02:00
I have no idea why they care, go ask the Canadian government. Apparently, us plebs in society aren't capable of anything in Canada, so every last detail of our lives needs to be regulated to the tilt. Or if you don't believe me, go Google it.

It's not strictly law, but it is a regulation, and an immigration officer can lift it if they want. I've unfortunately been unsuccessful because of that stupid blacklist stamp, which makes me out to be some hardened criminal, hence the government doesn't exactly seem to be too willing to assist me in anything.

In other words, they're just being cunts for the simple fact that they can be.

May 30th, 2018, 02:12
I have no idea why they care, go ask the Canadian government. Apparently, us plebs in society aren't capable of anything in Canada, so every last detail of our lives needs to be regulated to the tilt. Or if you don't believe me, go Google it.

It's not strictly law, but it is a regulation, and an immigration officer can lift it if they want. I've unfortunately been unsuccessful because of that stupid blacklist stamp, which makes me out to be some hardened criminal, hence the government doesn't exactly seem to be too willing to assist me in anything.

In other words, they're just being cunts for the simple fact that they can be.

Strange country, Canada, most countries I know immigration officers are not responsible for issuing passports. Usually ones goes to the nearest town hall to be issued a passport. In any case, you have wasted enough time, loose it or wash it, hardly rocket science :)

By the way, forgive me for not following but how is dear Leo doing ? Did he re-unite with the dogs, or did he bugger off back to Savan ?

May 30th, 2018, 02:36
Apparently, you can't damage these passports, I've tried. I poured a large cup of hot black coffee on the photo page, and the thing is still totally fine. So if I show up with a damaged passport, it will be pretty obvious I voluntarily damaged it, which could lead to even more problems.

Only way I'm willing to "lose" a pssport is if I find a RCMP officer who's willing to help me, "find" the lost passport, return it to the government, and quickly open and close an investigation. Not really willing to risk an open ended investigation like that.

Doesn't matter right now anyway. Money first, then try one last time to get that validity restriction lifted.

May 30th, 2018, 03:12
Oh boy, ask Leo, the Lao do this all the time, they loose their passport, get a police report, and get a new one, surely the same can be done in Canada, there must be loads of canadians that loose their passport on a yearly basis.

May 30th, 2018, 03:21
Yes, about 55,000 Canadian passports are reported as lost / stolen each year. Nonetheless, considering my luck, I'm not risking it. That, and I don't know what if any notes the passport office has logged about me due to my previous two tries. There's always the chance they will say "we know you lost it intentionally", then deny me passport services for 5 or 10 years.

Right now I'm only being denied passport services until Jan 26th, 2019. Would prefer not to have that extended until 2029 or so, which they can do if they decide to be complete cunts. Much better if I just try to go the legit route, and simply get them to lift that validity restriction. Working on it.

May 30th, 2018, 03:46
Let's just call it karma shall we ... you being Buddhist and all, as you insist.
You lived illegally -- by your own words -- in Thailand for 7 or 8 years, got found out, got blacklisted. And now you cry like a baby that everyone within Immigration is screwing you around, and are cunts for not letting you bullshit them.
You deserve all of this.

May 30th, 2018, 03:50
No, I don't. I deserve to be blacklisted from Thailand until April 2023. That's my punishment. Not being barred from leaving Canada.

You know what happens when an illegal immigrant leaves Canada after a 5 year overstay? Absolutely nothing, except maybe a note quietly gets added to an internal immigration database for future VISA applications. That's it, and I'm uncertain if it even goes that far, as there are no exit points in Canada.

Nirish guy
May 30th, 2018, 04:44
You have 8 months left on your current VALID passport, you can travel on it, you were told if you flew into Laos you'd probably be admitted - what's stopping you from trying, they can only say no and then you're back to Canada no worse off than before - but at least you tried, as apparently your other option now is just to give up until Jan 2019, as you're obviously not going to change the Canadian Governments mind on this one by the looks of it. So, what's keeping you. just go........or MAYBE you're actually happy enough being back home just and it's all a good cover for poor Leo as to why you can't POSSIBLY return for several months "at LEAST".......

May 30th, 2018, 05:02
Well, I don't know that for sure. That's what the cops in Nong Khai said, but who knows if that's right.

That, and finances are tight again. Spending $2000 just to get deported would be really stupid at the moment. Who knows, it's online software, so that could easily change any hour or day.

Once I get some cash, and that documentation from Leo, I'll give it another spin. Will also head to the US for a "shopping trip" where I'm quite confident I will be refused entry. The Canadian government says I can still travel on that passport, but I know full well I can't, and will prove it to them.

Nirish guy
May 30th, 2018, 05:10
Or......they could be right and you could be in Laos RIGHT NOW, with Leo and making those same calls you're making now to find work, from there and together - but hey, where would be the drama in that right - oh no, wait, I'm SURE there would still be plenty.

Bottom line is you DO have a VALID passport, you've been told you can travel on it by your Government, you've been told you'll more than likely get into Laos with it ( as its just a normal valid passport albeit with a stamp saying you're excluded from THAILAND just), but you're CHOOSING not to bother going to try and find out and THAT is the bottom line no matter WHAT way you try to dress it up as anything other than that. You've a higher than 50-50 chance of succeeding and you could be in Laos by the end of the week - I really cant think what's stopping you - aside from your own lack of will that is.

And as for a lack of funds sure just dip into your Bit coin reserves that you'd plenty of before as sure the bitcoin price is still great so you must be doing / have done well out of all that so you couldn't be THAT skint that you cant afford a flight - as if thats the case then perhaps you shouldn't ever being going back - or if you think no it's fine I can make money in no time again - well, as I said, so, what's keeping you !! Get on with it !

May 30th, 2018, 06:34
well, as I said, so, what's keeping you !! Get on with it !

The script writer is having a holiday

May 30th, 2018, 13:15
Well, I don't know that for sure. That's what the cops in Nong Khai said, but who knows if that's right.

That, and finances are tight again. Spending $2000 just to get deported would be really stupid at the moment. Who knows, it's online software, so that could easily change any hour or day.

Once I get some cash, and that documentation from Leo, I'll give it another spin. Will also head to the US for a "shopping trip" where I'm quite confident I will be refused entry. The Canadian government says I can still travel on that passport, but I know full well I can't, and will prove it to them.

Don't be silly, why would the US refuse you entry ? Because of a blacklist stamp from a mickey mouse country like Thailand ? The Canadian government is right, you can travel on your passport, short from travelling to Thailand...

May 30th, 2018, 13:21
Yes, about 55,000 Canadian passports are reported as lost / stolen each year. Nonetheless, considering my luck, I'm not risking it. That, and I don't know what if any notes the passport office has logged about me due to my previous two tries. There's always the chance they will say "we know you lost it intentionally", then deny me passport services for 5 or 10 years.

Right now I'm only being denied passport services until Jan 26th, 2019. Would prefer not to have that extended until 2029 or so, which they can do if they decide to be complete cunts. Much better if I just try to go the legit route, and simply get them to lift that validity restriction. Working on it.

Even IF they suspect you lost it on purpose, you are very likely to receive a shiny new passport. You are just looking for silly excuses not to go. Whether you don't want to re-unite with Leo, or just want to drag this whole saga on, out of sheer boredom I don't know. A silly excuse this most certainly is.

June 1st, 2018, 09:27
Well, like a lot of folks...my BF was robbed in the theft capital of the world...Barcelona and that included the small bag containing his passport.

Fortunately, we were well prepared with the necessary back-up documentation to identify and replace the lost passport temporarily in Madrid for our re-scheduled flight back home. When my partner returned home, he had to take the temporary passport (that doesn't look like a passport) to the passport office to apply for a new one. That's when things got unpleasant. Even if your passport is stolen, our ridiculous gov't blames the holder for not being more careful. A new passport is issued, but not with the same expiry as the original or with a new issue. They tell you, even if an asteroid lands on your head and squashes you into oblivion...they won't be replacing the replacement ever again...no matter what, until that expiry date comes and goes.

Some years back, some Israeli agents were doing nasty things in the world while using stolen Canadian passports. Ever since then, they've been ugly about passport replacements...especially the unexplained...where you and they don't know for sure where the lost passport is.

It's sad that such a beautiful country as ours is run by a pack of idiots!


June 1st, 2018, 09:44
You know what happens when an illegal immigrant leaves Canada after a 5 year overstay? Absolutely nothing, except maybe a note quietly gets added to an internal immigration database for future VISA applications. That's it, and I'm uncertain if it even goes that far, as there are no exit points in Canada.

Not entirely. There are tax implications...since you probably haven't filed a tax return since you lived in Canada.You also, don't qualify for benefits, seeing as how you haven't been a taxpayer paying for those benefits.If you need medical care, perhaps don't mention that you've been out of the country and come up with an excuse why your MSP card isn't one we've used for quite some time. Being blind (no disrespect) might help.

Additionally, a temporary passport may get you home...but it does not look like a passport and can not be used for travelling anywhere else outside Canada until it is replaced. The Americans will not accept a temporary and you'd be crazy to even try, especially with someone with you. Your partner would be deported if you don't qualify to be there and his qualification is based on yours. If you try to use a temporary passport when the passport office or CBSA tells you you can't, they won't replace that passport for a very long time...as I said until the replacement expires. If you get stopped at the US border, you could be denied entry to the US permanently or have to ask permission each and every time, for the rest of your life.

The folks that run our gov't are idiots...and our neighbors to the south, in this time of Trump...also have a gov't of idiots.


Nirish guy
June 1st, 2018, 17:07
They tell you, even if an asteroid lands on your head and squashes you into oblivion...they won't be replacing the replacement ever again...no matter what, until that expiry date comes and goes.

Just as well that Matt has a fully valid and useable passport then eh - and one with such a short ( 8 months) expiry date so once in Laos in a week or two he can look forward to getting his shiny new replacement sent out to him there then in just a few months from now then eh.....

Oh and the Brits are exactly the same about the Asteroid thing - they'll give you one replacement ( very begrudgingly) but you lose that one, dont bother applying for a new one ! I'm not sure and I've never heard if they ACTUALLY hold to that and it's maybe not just a line they fire out to warn you to be more careful but it's not a scenario I'd like to find myself in to find out the answer too perhaps either !

Nirish guy
June 1st, 2018, 17:12
If you try to use a temporary passport when the passport office or CBSA tells you you can't, they won't replace that passport for a very long time..t

So again, just as well it's not a temporary travel document Matt was issued but a full passport with a limited expiry date ( rather than the usual 10 years etc) and also lucky then that his very own CBSA HAVE told him he can use it too - there comes a point of what more does he want them to do, they've issued him a new passport as requested AND confirmed he can use it to travel to Laos, so may be about him he was getting on with it just perhaps and stop trying to second guess the department he seemingly needs to keep fighting with over something they've already given him.

June 1st, 2018, 18:29
You will have to ask Matt's script writer, but wasn't it that he was worried about being denied entry to Laos rather than anything the Canadians might do?

Nirish guy
June 2nd, 2018, 00:39
yes, but already told there that if he'd of flown in in the first instance rather than by a land border he'd of probably been fine, either way for the sake of $1500- $2000 fare one would think it would be better to go and find out one way or the other rather than leaving poor Leo and the dogs to fend for themselves if not financially but emotionally. Mind you if that $2000 is to much to risk to find out then one would wonder at the wisdom of going back at all perhaps if he cant even afford the plane fare now ! Those bitcoin must have really nose dived eh ( except they haven't of course !)

June 2nd, 2018, 00:50
Not entirely. There are tax implications...since you probably haven't filed a tax return since you lived in Canada.You also, don't qualify for benefits, seeing as how you haven't been a taxpayer paying for those benefits.If you need medical care, perhaps don't mention that you've been out of the country and come up with an excuse why your MSP card isn't one we've used for quite some time. Being blind (no disrespect) might help.

Yeah, don't think I will do that, as could see how that would easily backfire. Go ask for some form of benefits and convince them I've been in Canada this whole time, and their response would be something like, "Ok, here's your $3000 in benefits, plus $280,000 tax bill for the last 10 years.". I think they can only come after you for back taxes for 10 years, right. In that case, I'm basically in the clear, as last time I resided in Canada was 2008 for one year, and I got a passport with overstay entries to prove it! :)

Besides, I don't need or want any benefits anyway. Maybe in 15 years or so when they figure out how to regenerate optic nerves, but not now. Hell, II'm staying at a #800k house rent free, so can't complain.

June 2nd, 2018, 01:04
@NIrishGuy -- Again, technically, yes I can still travel on that passport. Realistically, it's as useful as a coaster for my coffee mug, and the passport officers know this. They're just being dicks.

I was thinking I would head to the US border first during my next Vancouver trip, just to get a quick refusal of entry letter, helping prove to the Canadian government that I can not travel on that passport. Having second thoughts now though after what Surfcrest said, because he is right. US immigration officers have the power to blacklist for 5 years just because they don't like your hairstyle, and there's no right to appeal, so probably shouldn't risk that one. Would imagine I'll want to visit the US sometime in the next 5 years for work. Maybe a quick flight to Mexico and getting deported from there would help. I would be very surprised if any country let me in with that passport.

I have no idea if I would be allowed entry into Laos or not if I flew into Vientiane. I know I was refused entry once due to that blacklist stamp once, and maybe the Nong Khai cops were right, and flying into Vientiane would have yielded a different result. I don't know. However, I do know it's about $1500 for a return flight (need the return portion or won't be allowed to board the plane), and a decent chance of getting refused entry again. If that happens, then I get thrown into a cell for a couple days, and spend another $2000 for an urgent flight back to Canada on an airline of their choice. That's $3500 just to spend a couple nights in a Laos holding cell and a couple more days on planes.

Maybe I'd get lucky, and get through, but then what? There's a good chance in the near future I will need to visit Israel for business, as he already wants me there. How the hell am I supposed to get into Israel with that passport? There's not a chance. Same goes for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Cyprus, etc.

And I can't get a new passport in a few months. Jan 26th, 2019 is when I can apply for a new one. Again, best way is to try one last time to convince them to lift that 12 month validity rule again.

June 2nd, 2018, 01:09
OK, I have not been following this, just bump into your situatiion as I read. But, if memory serves me well, there is a small Island off eastern Canada that is a depatment of France. Could you not visit it rather cheaply?

June 2nd, 2018, 01:18
No idea what island you're talking about, but even if it exists, Mexico would be far cheaper to travel to than Eastern Canada. I'm as west as you can get, that's about as east as you can get, and Canada is a really fucken big country that spans 5 timezones. :)

You most likely just heard about some island somewhere in the Atlantic that speak French, but I'm sure is still part of Canada. Kinda like Quebec. Can't see the French government actually controlling some small rock out in the Atlantic close to Canada. That would be stupid.

June 2nd, 2018, 01:25
You were told from the very beginning to not leave Thailand overland. But alas you did not listen. I know a few people that have been blacklisted, and yes they can still travel on their passports even with the Thai blacklist stamp. I am almost 100% certain that the US will let you cross no questions asked. You are a Canadian citizen, and unless you look like a bum they won't care about a black list stamp from Thailand. If those immigration officers are like your average Americans, they won't even know where exactly Thailand is located.

By the way, there is NO onward ticket requirement for Lao PDR, so it is perfectly possible to get a one way ticket.

June 2nd, 2018, 04:49
... Can't see the French government actually controlling some small rock out in the Atlantic close to Canada. That would be stupid.

The British do it with the Falkland Islands 300 miles east of South America and also with Gibraltar off the south coast of Spain - sense doesn't come into it

June 2nd, 2018, 04:58
Just to add a bit more rot to Cndmatt's melodrama(s): now that you are back in Canada (never to leave by the sound of it) he'd better watch out for the CRA. A few posts back Surfcrest alluded to Matt's never having filed a tax return, or at least hasn't for many a year.
This is Very Big Deal if found out, and costly. The CRA is much smarter than Cndmatt. It's against the law in Canada to not file, even if the person is abroad, or has no income at all, and/or is deemed a non-resident of Canada.

Cndmatt is his own worst enemy, he over-rates his own intelligence every time he puts finger to keyboard, or opens his mouth. He fucks up everything he touches. A walking talking disaster on wheels.
ASIDE: the French islands Paborn is refering to above are named St Pierre and Michelon (sp?). They are in fact part of France ... a last remanent of the French empire in North America. The islands are about 30 miles from the southern coast of Newfoundland.

Captain Swing
June 2nd, 2018, 05:05
No idea what island you're talking about, but even if it exists, Mexico would be far cheaper to travel to than Eastern Canada. I'm as west as you can get, that's about as east as you can get, and Canada is a really fucken big country that spans 5 timezones. :)

You most likely just heard about some island somewhere in the Atlantic that speak French, but I'm sure is still part of Canada. Kinda like Quebec. Can't see the French government actually controlling some small rock out in the Atlantic close to Canada. That would be stupid.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Pierre and Miquelon, officially the Overseas Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French: Collectivité d'Outre-mer de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, French pronunciation: ​[sɛ̃.pjɛʁ.e.mi.klɔ̃]), is a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France, situated in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean near the Newfoundland and Labrador province of Canada.[3] It is the only part of New France that remains under French control,[3] with an area of 242 km2 and a population of 6,080 at the January 2011 census.[1]

Sorry for redundancy. Posted simultaneously with Smiles

June 2nd, 2018, 12:04
Cndmatt is his own worst enemy, he over-rates his own intelligence every time he puts finger to keyboard, or opens his mouth. He fucks up everything he touches. A walking talking disaster on wheels.

A bit harsh but not a million miles from the truth. His present woes all seem to flow from his failure to keep up his visa when in Thailand. I'm not actually sure how that came about. Was there any reason for it apart from sheer laziness? As one late lamented poster used to say, he does seem to have an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Discrepancies in his reportings I put down to nothing more sinister than his generally chaotic personality. Those who maintain that he is sitting in a room somewhere making it all up really need to play a different tune. No one could keep up the level of detail of his life that Matt has done over a period of many years just as a fictional exercise. As for totally insensitive taunts that he isn't really blind - well, I'm glad it isn't me making them.

June 2nd, 2018, 13:36
A bit harsh but not a million miles from the truth. His present woes all seem to flow from his failure to keep up his visa when in Thailand. I'm not actually sure how that came about. Was there any reason for it apart from sheer laziness? As one late lamented poster used to say, he does seem to have an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Discrepancies in his reportings I put down to nothing more sinister than his generally chaotic personality. Those who maintain that he is sitting in a room somewhere making it all up really need to play a different tune. No one could keep up the level of detail of his life that Matt has done over a period of many years just as a fictional exercise. As for totally insensitive taunts that he isn't really blind - well, I'm glad it isn't me making them.

I didn't keep my immigration status up to date because there is no legal route for someone such as myself to stay in Thailand, and I decided that love trumps immigration law. Then when Kim and myself broke up, I had the dogs, plus was comfortable in Khon Kaen and knew my way around and the Thai language enough, so fuck it, I stayed. Then I met Leo, went blind, ended up being probably genuinely happier than I've ever been and same goes for Leo, and now I'm now sitting here in my parent's spare bedroom for some reason, and Leo is sitting in his village which he detests.

I don't know, bad day today...


I don't know, I think I might just say fuck it, and hop on a plane. What's the worst that can happen? $3500 lost, hang out in a cell for a couple days in Laos, break Leo's heart again, put my parent's through more stress than they deserve by asking them to pick me up again, but eh.... that's about it. There's a chance I would get through again, and everything would be fine once again.

Gottqa say though, without question I made the right decision by staying in Thailand upon going blind. My entire family was very adamant that I NEED to come back to Canada, and even Leo thought I should go back, but thank fuck I stayed. How in the hell would I have possibly learned how to be blind in this environment? I probably would be like many blind people, and not even able to cook right now, and instead stick with pre-made shit you throw in the microwave or even. If I went for a walk outside in the area I'm living, the only assistance I'm going to get is from the police because someone called the cops due to the strange guy wandering lost in the area -- you know, he might be on drugs or trying to steal, or something.

if I didn't stay in Thailand, there's no chance in hell I'd be this good at being blind right now. Leo, my dogs, and the dozens of locals in my area were instrumental in helping me get back on my feet quickly upon going blind. That level of support simply doesn't exist in Canada.

June 2nd, 2018, 14:31
Fucken ThaiVisa. I can't find the bloody WYSIWYG editor for their post topic page with my screen reader.

Alright, guess I won't ask if anyone has experience flying into Laos with a Thailand blacklist stamp.

June 2nd, 2018, 15:52
OK, I have not been following this, just bump into your situatiion as I read. But, if memory serves me well, there is a small Island off eastern Canada that is a depatment of France. Could you not visit it rather cheaply?

Others have named these islands and a passport for Canadians is not a requirement but a valid ID is a requirement.

Nirish guy
June 2nd, 2018, 19:18
I don't know, I think I might just say fuck it, and hop on a plane. What's the worst that can happen?......... There's a chance I would get through again, and everything would be fine once again.

So, that's it, you're going then ? Well thank FUCK for that. Be sure to let us all know once you're nicely settled with Leo again in Laos won't you.

June 4th, 2018, 15:12
So, that's it, you're going then ? Well thank FUCK for that. Be sure to let us all know once you're nicely settled with Leo again in Laos won't you.

Can't wait to see what he comes up with now, I have a feeling he will make up another elaborate story to keep us all entertained.

June 4th, 2018, 17:43
Fucken ThaiVisa. I can't find the bloody WYSIWYG editor for their post topic page with my screen reader.

Alright, guess I won't ask if anyone has experience flying into Laos with a Thailand blacklist stamp.

Looks like you found it?


June 5th, 2018, 08:19
" ... Not sure why, but basically because they're <deleted> ... "
ThaiVisa has always been on the puritanical side when it comes to naughty language. Not like this here cesspool ... :rolleyes:
Can we guess what word Cndmatt used there. OK, I'll go first: I think "CUNT"

Cdnmatt is using the handle of 'BlindCanuck' on ThaiVisa. Mighty original that.

June 5th, 2018, 11:27
He is not only blind or so it seems:

"I received a 5 year blacklist stamp on March 25th, 2019 in Nong Khai"

In any case, for crying out loud, follow the advice you have been given, and do NOT try to board a plane to Bangkok, but I am certain the airline will not let you board with a blacklist stamp from Thailand anyway. As mentioned, Singapore, KL, or HCMC are much better options to fly into, short from flying into VTE directly, but not sure if that is an option from Canada.

June 5th, 2018, 13:54
Of course I'll avoid Bangkok, but was just saying I can't possibly see it being a problem. They're not going to grab me upon deplaning unless I'm wanted for criminal charges. They would prefer not to throw me into IDC, and that would only happen if I tried to pass through immigration.

Nonetheless, Nanaimo -> Vancouver -> Seoul -> Ho Chi Ming -> Vientiane looks good.

June 5th, 2018, 14:17
Of course I'll avoid Bangkok, but was just saying I can't possibly see it being a problem. They're not going to grab me upon deplaning unless I'm wanted for criminal charges. They would prefer not to throw me into IDC, and that would only happen if I tried to pass through immigration.

Nonetheless, Nanaimo -> Vancouver -> Seoul -> Ho Chi Ming -> Vientiane looks good.

The trouble is that especially with different airlines involved, that blacklist stamp is probably enough reason for an airline to deny you boarding, as especially if you do not transfer with the same airline, they are not going to take chances with you.

June 5th, 2018, 15:19
Oh shit, I didn't even think of that. Unsure, as my parents can't tell what stamps are from what country, but I have 4 on March 25th. If one of those happens to be from Laos saying refusal of entry, I probably can't even board the plane in Canada.

June 5th, 2018, 15:28
Oh shit, I didn't even think of that. Unsure, as my parents can't tell what stamps are from what country, but I have 4 on March 25th. If one of those happens to be from Laos saying refusal of entry, I probably can't even board the plane in Canada.

No... a blacklist stamp is bad news, a refusal of entry stamp won't be, it just that you have been refused entry at that time, it gives no guarantee you will be refused again, the blacklist stamp does, it is 100% sure you won't get into Thailand, and that IS a problem for any airline flying to Thailand.

If I were you, I would get a Lao tourist visa just in case.

June 7th, 2018, 08:37
Oh shit, I didn't even think of that.

Oh god what a drama queen this boy is. I can't keep up ... could any sane person keep up?
He's gotten 5 pages -- my settings -- so far. Not a record mind you but obviously we are not finished, just slower.
Our Board loser par excellence.

June 7th, 2018, 15:27
...If I were you, I would get a Lao tourist visa just in case.

This is what's called hitting the nail on the head.

Technically you can still be refused entry to any country even with a pre-approved Visa, but given that you'd be sending your passport in to the Laos consular authorities and thus they'd be aware of any and all blacklist/denied entry stamps - if they still issue you a Visa I think you could be as confident as it's possible to be that you'd get through.

It could also go a long way in avoiding difficulties with boarding.

Finally, who the fuck invented the very ugly term "deplaning"? What was wrong with "disembarking"? :p

June 7th, 2018, 15:46
Nah, fuck the tourist VISA, as that doesn't mean anything obviously. I had one when I crossed into Laos at Nong Khai, and still got refused entry.

That, and nowhere in Canada issues tourist VISAs for Laos. Vancouver only has a Laos consulate, not embassy. I'd have to mail my passport over to Washington to get a tourist VISA, and fuck that. Doesn't seem to matter any anyway.

Nirish guy
June 7th, 2018, 16:03
So, are you GOING or not then, my god you could be there by now man - or by back home again, either way you'd know instead of just sitting there going round in circles.

And Justaguy is correct that a big refusal of entry stamp does in no way preclude you from entering a country again later, if merely states you were refused entry on that occassion. I was stopped going to the US ( there was a technical issue with the flight AFTER I'd cleared US Immigration here in Ireland) and so they "deplaned" me and sent me back "into ireland" ( i.e through a door in the airport in my case) I then went through the same boarding process the next day and YES I was asked "what happened you were denied entry" I told them, they simply shrugged their shoulders, said ok and away I went on with my journey, no big deal.

So, as ou now been told numerous times by many people - you've got a valid passport, you've got no legal reason to be denied into Laos and the only thing holding you in Canada it seems is yourself so please, do us all a favour, either decide to go or dont and then do either and give over moaning about a problem that doesn't actually exist perhaps,

June 7th, 2018, 16:08
Having to mail your application and passport to a third party country is a bit of a first world problem, others are quite used to it - but you seem determined to rock up at a Laotian immigration desk with little or no preparation - so all anybody can do is wish you luck.


June 10th, 2018, 14:25
Oh he made up his mind already of course, he never listens to people offering advice. If he would have, he might now just be in Lao for several months already. Some people never learn.

I don't think he is in any hurry to get to Lao, he is making excuses to not go. Some of these are just ludicrous. Like the new passport thingy, I would have that passport already months ago...

June 11th, 2018, 01:02
The favourite best laugh I've had during the never-ending Cndmatt Chronicles was the
delicious juxtaposition of Matt now living in the highly middle class comfort of west coast British Columbia, bitcoin sale at the ready . . . and just some months ago insisting he would soon be in Laos and he-himself will be hunkered down in a mini-tent -- all by himself -- in the mosquito infested, humid and waterlogged jungle: the dogs barking for a return to the easy going Khon Kaen stroll, the family arguing loudly on the other side of the rice paddy (talking about "that Ting Tong"), snakes a-crawling, and he a-claiming that all he needed was a sleeping bag and a machete ... writing a book.

(Yep ... that's one sentence!) :(

June 11th, 2018, 13:53

(Yep ... that's one sentence!) :(

NIrish guy would be proud of you, Smiles.

Nirish guy
June 11th, 2018, 17:34
Spot on ! Welcome to the dark side Smiles ! :-)

June 11th, 2018, 21:37
Spot on ! Welcome to the dark side Smiles ! :-)
Just FYI ... I have always been on the dark side sir. Have you not noticed?

And Sawatdee,
The perfect harbinger of darkness,
A dank home within a home,
In the basement,
Behind the cauldron,
The witch's brewing
That dark and dreary post.

June 13th, 2018, 15:24
During my absence from active membership (two black ribbons and now I’m back I’m looking forward to Jellybean doing his censorious best; arsenal’s already rejoined the Foes list), the posts that had me pumping my fist in the air and shouting “Yes” were all from the Forum’s entitled millennial. Fancy the Canadian government, to whom Matt has faithfully paid taxes all these years, refusing to make an exception for him, and replace a perfectly good passport with almost two years’ validity with a new one because it is more convenient to Matt. Outrageous behaviour towards a dutiful taxpayer, don’t you think?

Personally, I’ve always found a strategically-placed red wine or milky coffee spill works wonders to replace a passport with inconvenient information in it, and being legally blind would give Matt the perfect cover (my excuse is Parkinson’s, the wanker’s friend). Failing that there’s the variant of “the dog ate my homework” ie. the dog chewed my passport, or the little kid next door who thought he would colour in some of the passport information with his crayons. Matt once told us he was transitioning to being a management consultant, so you’d think he could work those strategies out for himself

Then it was prudent of Matt to back up his computer(s) to the Cloud before he left Khon Kaen, so he can continue working (and paying taxes) while he’s stranded in Vancouver, presumably on his Mum’s computer, kitted out so quickly after his arrival in Canada with the software he uses to “read” text from the screen (within hours, it seemed). After all, how else will he continue to earn his Bitcoin from those criminal gangs who form his clientele (criminals favour Bitcoin for transactions)?

But it does raise the question of where Matt’s own Bitcoin wallet is. I’m often reading stories about people who lose their Bitcoin fortune because their wallet is on a hard drive on a computer that got trashed or a USB flash drive that got lost. Mind you, Bitcoin has dropped 53% in value since the beginning of the year. But then I realised what he must have done. Where is Matt’s Bitcoin wallet? This is a competition – members can PM me with suggestions. Readers will recall a similar competition of mine twelve months or so ago about announcements in an elevator at an MRT station. Only Matt and I know the correct answer

I note that he’s whining (again) about there being no legal route for him to stay in Thailand which is why he didn’t bother to keep his visa up to date. Perhaps he forgets the number of posts he made a few months ago about how he was indeed planning to go legit through the Thailand Elite programme? A million baht and he could stay for 20 years (the Elite Superiority Extension package) as I pointed out several times in response to his posts. He could have done it any time in the past few years, but I guess that doesn’t suit his narrative of always being the victim. Here’s a tip for you Matt, absolutely free of charge – take a tab of LSD, it will completely change your outlook on life. A single tab is not addictive. No Buddhism necessary