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View Full Version : I missed my temples so much I just had to give in.....

Nirish guy
May 10th, 2018, 08:00
So, after realising that I was missing all those lovely Asian temples and stuff SO much I just said to heck with it and bit the bullet and jumped online and booked a quick round the houses charge at seeing a few of them again in July - so, if anyone see's me at some Temple around July in either Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Bali, Phuket or Pattaya ( in that order) do be sure to say hi - but needless to say just don't interrupt me if I'm already down on my knees as I may be in deep - contemplation - ! :)

May 10th, 2018, 21:44
Winner and Nice Boys temple could use some merit...

Nirish guy
May 10th, 2018, 22:18
I'm all for encouraging a few of their novice monks to get down on their knees as often as possible adn to stop and think about their lives and take themselves in hand that's for sure !

May 11th, 2018, 01:43
funnily enough I pressed the button on a booking last night too... Flying May 30th so only 20 days countdown for me!
Have to make up for missing my Songkran holiday!

Nirish guy
May 11th, 2018, 02:30
Ha yes cause GOD FORBID you might have to wait now until your summer trip like the rest of us poor wage slaves ! God love ya, it must be hell being you ! :-)

May 11th, 2018, 03:49
Ha yes cause GOD FORBID you might have to wait now until your summer trip like the rest of us poor wage slaves ! God love ya, it must be hell being you ! :-)

My summer trip will be in September! :-P
That is until my new American bosses start to cull our generous holiday allowances!

Nirish guy
May 11th, 2018, 06:02
OHHHHH dear love you, American bosses - not good :-=( Americans just don't "do" holidays and especially LONG ones, it's a race to be seen to NOT take holidays usually with most of my American friends - oh well, perhaps a dose of good old fashioned Irish laughing at them and generally not giving a fuck will kick in and they'll smartly back off and leave well enough alone - if they're wise.

A client of mine was the CEO of a fairly successful Irish company for years, he also happened to be a very practicing ( but mainly functioning) alcoholic, his firm was bought out by an American outfit who after learning the truth had the gaul to fire the poor man ( to be fair he was pissed a lot of the time) but needless to say after he left the company it started going down the pan and there then sat a room of stunned American top bosses left sitting in their early morning strategy meetings who had no clue why - hell I could tell them in about 5 minutes flat if they bothered to ask - imagine - sacking an Irish man for taking a drink - just how ridiculous is THAT !

Good luck with your new bosses ! :(

May 11th, 2018, 07:59
maybe a monk will sprinkle your face with water for good luck :P

May 11th, 2018, 15:00
Looks like everyone's fingers are active!

I'm now planning a visit to Mandalay next month, but just for sightseeing.

The sex bit will come after Mandalay when I spend a couple of weeks in LOS.

May 12th, 2018, 00:36
The sex bit will come after Mandalay when I spend a couple of weeks in LOS.

Man-delay again. Story of your life.