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View Full Version : Hidden Gem: Nature Boy and Golden Cock Club

April 29th, 2018, 19:55
I have always liked Nature Boys, it reminds me of Bangkok 20 years ago: cheap, sleazy, perhaps right down dirty. The bar is small and beer costs B150. You will have newbies just off the bus from the North willing to do everything right at the bar (being nude is only the beginning). Well Nature Boys was closed last night so that I went to the Golden Cock Bar a condom's throw away. Thanks to great sharing of a447 i sort of understood what to expect there. I didn't have the privilege to have them locked the front door and throw a private sex party. Nevertheless I had so much with two boys to a point I was ashamed to see myself in the mirror on the wall..lol. Highly recommended if you want to nice change from the usual rip-offs on Soi Twilight. And don't be shy about going in: it is a good thing that you are the only customer there and the boys will appear in no time.

April 29th, 2018, 20:10
Nature Boy seems to have finished as a bar, although it remains open, albeit often without a single guy working there.

The owner is the same guy who owns Golden Cock. Both are just a hobby for him and apparently he doesn't care whether or not they are profitable. (No, I don't get it either!)

Instead of turning up for work some of the Nature Boy guys drop into GC, not to work, but to party.

The last couple of nights we were joined by the horrid mamasan from Super A, and the little tout who stands out in the soi, literally begging customers to go to the bar.

The GC guys never, ever leave the bar to visit other bars.

This time I've noticed more guys getting offed, either going upstairs or to a hotel. On Thursday night, one of my guys had been offed before I got there. But he'd had his chuck-wow earlier in the day so he was happy. Two customers in one day for him!

It feels really weird to enter GC and see a customer or two. They are a very recent addition to the bar!

April 29th, 2018, 20:24
And don't be shy about going in

most people seem to be more concerned about being seen leaving such bars :)


April 29th, 2018, 21:52
Can we hear more about nature boy? What’s it all about? I don’t see any other posts about it?

April 29th, 2018, 21:58
...I was ashamed to see myself in the mirror on the wall...

Clearly unlucky to have visited on the one day of the year they clean the mirrors - any other day your embarrassment would have been avoided


April 29th, 2018, 23:13
Clearly unlucky to have visited on the one day of the year they clean the mirrors - any other day your embarrassment would have been avoided


Well it's no Jupiter I can tell you that. Call me weird but Nature Boy's or Golden Cock's charm is partly from the bad Christmas lightings and cheesy stage. Besides, I know B5000 is the going rate for boys in China/Hong Kong; but I always have a lump in my throat when being asked the same at the more glamourous joints. As a matter of fact tonight is my last at Bangkok but I don't feel like going out anymore. Don't want to be treated like an ATM machines, let alone an overdrawn one..lol

April 29th, 2018, 23:48
Well it's no Jupiter I can tell you that. Call me weird but Nature Boy's or Golden Cock's charm is partly from the bad Christmas lightings and cheesy stage. Besides, I know B5000 is the going rate for boys in China/Hong Kong; but I always have a lump in my throat when being asked the same at the more glamourous joints. As a matter of fact tonight is my last at Bangkok but I don't feel like going out anymore. Don't want to be treated like an ATM machines, let alone an overdrawn one..lol

sadly, pretty boys are often a disappointment. Good lucky, swimmers build is my gauge - still, I have yet to meet a guy worth more than B3000 - $100 US is the top. Besides, it seems the more you pay the less service and time are offered.

April 30th, 2018, 01:19
Besides, it seems the more you pay the less service and time are offered.

Yes, because in their eyes, that puts you in the inexperienced, gullible camp.

April 30th, 2018, 16:57
I think Nature boys is too small to survive. Unless I spot some talent when I look through the door, why should I pay 150 (?) to look at 2 or 3 boys, when I can look at 5 to 10 boys in Super A?

Long may it continue!

April 30th, 2018, 17:11
Well, it has survived all these years even though it was often devoid of customers.

April 30th, 2018, 18:24
The tranny mamasan at Super A gets to my nerve, same as that guy with a deformed dick injected with silicone. Lol