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April 27th, 2018, 14:20
I was at Bondi Beach today and went surfing. Very windy, big rollers rolling in. Wow, what a thrill!

Well, okay, for the more pedantic among you what I was actually doing was standing in a corner of the beach in my pullover browsing the internet on my mobile for a few minutes. Yeah, that kind of surfing - made a good post heading though.

There weren't many people present. It was cloudy as well as windy and even the seagulls looked miserable as they stood around in fluffed-up huddles. Until, that is, one might make a little jump and spread its wings and then glide away gracefully, no flapping required. I was reminded of a scene in John Rechy's classic gay novel 'City of Night' in which the hustler/narrator is leaning against the rail of a boat watching seagulls dive down, down till it seems certain they will hit the sea, only for them to soar up again at the last moment. A person standing next to him at the boat rail says, 'If only people had wings.'

By late morning blue sky was taking over and I set off on the famous coastal walk from Bondi to Coogee, a distance of about six kilometres. Usually, confront me with the two words 'cliff' and 'walk' next to each other and I’m outta here but, such are the safety standards in Australia (about 9/10 on a scale where Thailand would rate a generous 1/10), that I could contemplate the walk without alarm. A wide path and sturdy metal rail put even my all-consuming vertigo at ease (most of the time). In bright sunshine now (though still windy - perhaps it always is here) I made my leisurely way round and admired the stunning views - glistening blue sea, waves sending up a white spray against outcrops of rock, tiers of well-tended homes along the cliff tops, that kind of stuff. Most of the time, human nature being what it is, I take for granted my good fortune in life but at times like this I can't help but acknowledge it.

A cute Asian guy passed me at one point (I sometimes get the feeling Asians outnumber white Australians). Never an inviting look back, but I didn't expect it. Pattaya spoils us in that regard. I peeled a banana and took a good bite.

Reaching Coogee after a couple of hours, I treated myself to coffee and chocolate cake, then took the bus back into central Sydney. Total absence of sexual escapades notwithstanding, I’m having a ball on this my first trip to Australia. Wonderful place - as seen through my rose-tinted tourist eyes, of course.

April 29th, 2018, 20:32
North Shore residents are usually very dismissive of the typical Bondi beach physique - far from manly


April 30th, 2018, 04:43
Correct, Manly is on the other side of the Estuary!

April 30th, 2018, 20:21
but the North Shore boys used to get the fairy^H^H^H^H^Hferry across the estuary every Sunday for their regular dose of "butch" at Capriccio's amateur drag night!
