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April 7th, 2018, 07:20
I've lurked a lot but never registered, so I'm almost a virgin member. My question is "What things do you miss most from your home country when you are in Thailand?"

Mine are quite simple - Google Pay (used to be Android Pay) or/and Apple Pay. So convenient.

April 7th, 2018, 08:00
First time I've been in Canada in nearly 9 years, and two things come to mind so far:

1.) Ability to handle business in English -- banking, phone service, etc.
2.) Comfort food. Perogies, mac and cheese, chip drip, and things like that.

That's about it though. Aside from that, I can't wait to get back to Asia, and am counting the days.

April 7th, 2018, 09:29
As an American, I would add cheap cars and law enforcement.

April 7th, 2018, 12:59
The comforts of home, my car and going out to dinner with friends to try new foods.

April 7th, 2018, 13:35
As with a447, driving my car! There is also free medical care at home including prescriptions. I do have insurance here in Thailand but have to pay first and collect later.

And, of course, inexpensive, good wine which is non-existent in Thailand.

April 7th, 2018, 17:33
Welcome to the forum bithy. I'm glad to see you've made the transition from being a lurker to a member. Hopefully, other lurkers will see how easy it is to make the switch and follow your example by becoming a member.

You ask what members miss the most when in Thailand. Well, I'm usually never out here for more than 6 months, but on this occasion, it's a short 3 month trip. So I always know that it won’t be long before I return. But I always miss my apartment in the UK, although having said that, within the last few weeks, I’ve began the process of selling it and intend moving into a new build house later in the year. I'm sure, in time, I'll miss my new house just as much.

I also miss friends and family.

But the strange thing is, that after a few months back in the UK, I start to miss my friends in Thailand, the warm weather and, of course, the lovely Thai boys. But I'm very lucky, because I know it won't be long before I'm back for another 3 or 6 month stopover in Thailand.

Then, of course, the whole cycle repeats itself.

April 7th, 2018, 17:45
Same for me. But I miss nothing when in Thailand because I'm only away for two or three weeks at a time, and know I will be back home in the UK not to long.

But once back home, I miss the weather, food, beach and not least, having fun with the boys in Thailand.

Maybe this question is best suited to those who go to Thailand for months at a time, rather than a few weeks?

Can't wait for my next trip!

Then as Jelly bean said, the whole cycle repeats itself.

April 7th, 2018, 19:51
This will sound ridiculous but the only thing I miss is the looking forward to my next trip to Thailand. The avid reading of every forum for news on bars and boys etc etc.

April 7th, 2018, 20:28
Proper Cadbury Chocolate (Not that Crap Malaysian & Australian version of Cadbury Mockolate that they sell in Thailand!)

April 8th, 2018, 02:23
Proper Cadbury Chocolate (Not that Crap Malaysian & Australian version of Cadbury Mockolate that they sell in Thailand!)
Sorry to disappoint you, but Cadbury "chocolate" has nothing to do with chocolate. Wherever it comes from it is made with palm oil . And that is a big no-no for real chocolate.

April 8th, 2018, 03:41
Sorry to disappoint you, but Cadbury "chocolate" has nothing to do with chocolate. Wherever it comes from it is made with palm oil . And that is a big no-no for real chocolate.
That's only because the EU stuck their big noses in and decided that their "chocolate" was somehow more entitled to be called chocolate than the Cadbury stuff.
You do realise that Brexit was really about Chocolate?

April 8th, 2018, 03:53
Interestingly,l was reading about Peter Cadbury (grandson of Mr Cadbury) only yesterday. Apparently an arrogant bastard who like a fight with anyone, and somewhat devious in his dealings with people. Was a fighter pilot in WW2 and a jet test pilot later. Doulas Bader (no legs) was his best man. He wasn’t liked by many either. No wonder they got on!

Anyway his colleagues and what friends he had, nicknamed Peter Cadbury, “Peter the Cad”. Hilarious!

April 8th, 2018, 04:06
Feeling cool without the aircon on.

Captain Swing
April 8th, 2018, 06:09
Feeling cool without the aircon on.

I wondered what the hell this had to do with chocolate, then realized that someone was actually returning a thread back to its original track. Now I've derailed it again, of course.

April 9th, 2018, 16:29
Germany food. I bring several kg of cheese and chocolate, but they don't last the entire trip (which can be 6 months). I would bring yogurt as well, but it doesn't keep long enough and danger of spilling and it doesn't last long (I mean 100 g of chocolate or cookies or cheese I can eat over days, 100 g of yogurt are gone in a few minutes).

April 10th, 2018, 03:17
That's only because the EU stuck their big noses in and decided that their "chocolate" was somehow more entitled to be called chocolate than the Cadbury stuff.
You do realise that Brexit was really about Chocolate?

If brexit was only about chocolate ....
But that's not the point.
If you are happy with Cadbury, good for you. It's the same as pasteurized camembert, spanish "champagne, and mayo with sugar in a pot....not to forget Paxo instant gravy ....and marmite...
The only point : palm oil is not good for your health !

April 10th, 2018, 04:02
Now that I've been back in Canada for a while, I can tell you one thing I definitely don't miss. Everything here is like one huge waiting game, and it gets frustrating, as I'm not used to it.

Need a new bank card? Sure, here's your temporary card, and your permanent one will be ready in about one week.

Need photo ID? Sure, we'll mail that out, and you should have it in 2 - 3 weeks.

Need to see an eye doctor? Sure, we can squeeze you in for an appointment in 16 days.

Need assistance from CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) to help get your iPhone setup? No problem, first you screw around on the phone for 5 days just to talk to someone, who then schedules you an appointment 10 days out. And it's not an appointment to provide assistance, but instead just an initial appointment to make an actual appointment.

In Thailand, things just don't work like that.

Need internet hooked up at your home? No problem, we'll be there tomorrow at 10am.
Need the eye specialist? Sure, come in tonight at 7pm.
Need to see the hospital dentist? Sure, tomorrow at 2pm sounds good.
Need a tooth pulled? Ok, come back this afternoon at 1pm and we'll take care of it.
Laptop screen broken? No worries, drop it off at Tuckom, go have a beer, pick it up, pay your 2000 baht, and you have a new laptop screen installed.

Buy a couple dog carrier cages, but no way to get them home? No worries, someone from the store will drop them off at your house in 15 minutes.

Same goes with everything. In Canada if you buy some furniture, there's a decent chance you'll be waiting about a week for delivery. In Thailand I think the longest I ever waited for furniture delivery was 6 hours, and the fastest about 5 minutes, which also included a free ride home from the store.

Pre paid SIM cards are another frustration now too. Go down to Telus, $20 for the SIM card, and $55 to activate it, or I can activate it online for free. Of course I choose the latter option, but sure enough, the form on the Telus website isn't functional. Even confirmed with my father on his computer, so it's not just me. In Thailand it's free and instant to activate / register a SIM card.

April 10th, 2018, 04:12
First time I've been in Canada in nearly 9 years, and two things come to mind so far:

1.) Ability to handle business in English -- banking, phone service, etc.
2.) Comfort food. Perogies, mac and cheese, chip drip, and things like that.

That's about it though. Aside from that, I can't wait to get back to Asia, and am counting the days.

Comfort Food is on my list too....I wondered if anyone else felt the same way.

April 10th, 2018, 04:15
The comforts of home, my car and going out to dinner with friends to try new foods.

We are of like mind (hope that is not an insult...)

April 10th, 2018, 05:54
Oh, and to flip this around a bit, there is one thing especially I miss about Thailand (aside from my dogs of course). The shopping aspect. I'd wake up in the morning, decide what I want to cook for dinner, and figure out what ingredients I'm missing. Then just fire off a quick e-mail to Leo, and everything magically appeared in my kitchen later that afternoon.

That was quite nice actually. Can't wait to do it again. :)

April 12th, 2018, 23:18
" ...Then just fire off a quick e-mail to Leo, and everything magically appeared in my kitchen later that afternoon.That was quite nice actually. Can't wait to do it again. :)Probably a long wait depending on which country's jail you will soon be incarcerated in ... Thailand, Laos or Canada. (Probably more we don't know of).

-- Tim Horton chocolate dip donuts.
-- Canadian redneck sports bars at 10pm during the hockey playoffs. Priceless.
-- Curling on TV.
-- Polite drivers ( most of the time).
-- Politeness ANYWHERE! In Canada the guy who gets knocked to the sidewalk says "sorry" to the dude who kicked him down.
-- Anyone from Newfoundland who speaks "Viking".
-- The Okanagan at 23C in late September. Shimmering.
-- Laughing out loud at anything Trump -- to the south -- does or says. We always end that with "What a fucking moron he is". Then (rightly so) we feel superior.
-- Rick Mercer.
-- Stanley Park, Vancouver.

(There's more.)

April 12th, 2018, 23:37
Probably a long wait depending on which country's jail you will soon be incarcerated in ... Thailand, Laos or Canada. (Probably more we don't know of).

Yeah, that's what the Canadian customs officer thought when I was pulled into secondary too. He was absolutely convinced there was no way a country would be so harsh as to blacklist you for 5 years just for an overstay, and there must be more to it. Tried explaining to him that it's a military dictatorship who seemingly refuses to hold elections, and the general seems quite xenophobic, but he wasn't buying it.

Well, whatever. Sorry, I'm blind, so I don't really get to have secrets anymore in life. :)

April 12th, 2018, 23:50
Well, whatever. Sorry, I'm blind ...
Do you have any feel for how old and musty that quote has become? Even for those who actually believe you.

April 13th, 2018, 00:43
Do you have any feel for how old and musty that quote has become? Even for those who actually believe you.

If you throw enough shit, some will stick.

April 13th, 2018, 05:36
With all due respect Smiles, "old and musty" could describe a considerable number of the esteemed membership here.

April 13th, 2018, 08:13
Do you have any feel for how old and musty that quote has become? Even for those who actually believe you.

As I've said (often) Matt is a needy millenial. How many threads has he disrupted wittering on and on about himself, his blindness, Leo and those damn dogs!? Speaking of dogs, his behaviour is a bit like a dog padding around his neighbourhood, "marking" his territory. At least he now seems to have come to his senses and realised courtesy of one of our other posters that being admitted to Laos may not be the lay down misere (https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Lay+Down+Misere) he's assumed to date.

April 13th, 2018, 08:48
Davy wrote. (about Matt)
"How many threads has he disrupted.?"

Who doesn't love the irony?

mr giggles
April 14th, 2018, 14:07
Yeah, that's what the Canadian customs officer thought when I was pulled into secondary too. He was absolutely convinced there was no way a country would be so harsh as to blacklist you for 5 years just for an overstay, and there must be more to it. Tried explaining to him that it's a military dictatorship who seemingly refuses to hold elections, and the general seems quite xenophobic, but he wasn't buying it.

Well, whatever. Sorry, I'm blind, so I don't really get to have secrets anymore in life. :)

You do the time.. you do the crime!

April 16th, 2018, 17:17
Interesting discussion:

Unfortunately, I have never spent more than a month at a time in Thailand, so I do not really miss anything about anywhere when I am in Thailand.

Moreover, I have lived most of my life outside of Switzerland [I still use a Swiss passport]; and most outside of Europe.

What would I miss if I had the opportunity to live in Thailand for a long time? The change of seasons? A beautiful snowy day? Skiing in the Swiss Alps?

April 16th, 2018, 18:22
werner, just where do you spend your time if not in Thailand, Switzerland or Europe?

mr giggles
April 17th, 2018, 13:33
Yeah, that's what the Canadian customs officer thought when I was pulled into secondary too. He was absolutely convinced there was no way a country would be so harsh as to blacklist you for 5 years just for an overstay


April 17th, 2018, 13:42
Inscrutable, mr giggles.

April 17th, 2018, 19:42
How do you get insurance in thailand as a foreigner... can you provide more information?

Brad the Impala
April 17th, 2018, 19:57
How do you get insurance in thailand as a foreigner... can you provide more information?

You might need to be more specific about what insurance you are looking for.

April 17th, 2018, 21:05
Drew, Apparently you're not familiar with this great internet service called "Google".

Have a look here: https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=expat+health+insurance+thailand&rlz=1C1AOHY_enVN708VN709&oq=ex-pat+insurance+in+thailand&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l4.15218j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

April 18th, 2018, 08:57
I'm guessing the thing bithy misses most is the letter "C" on her keyboard.

mr giggles
April 18th, 2018, 10:08
Drew, Apparently you're not familiar with this great internet service called "Google".

Have a look here: https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=expat+health+insurance+thailand&rlz=1C1AOHY_enVN708VN709&oq=ex-pat+insurance+in+thailand&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l4.15218j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Goggle ? What is this thing you speak of? :( :love:

Nirish guy
April 18th, 2018, 14:40
Just ask Jeeves your Bulter he’ll know, then once you find the answer besire to yell Yahoo !! :-)

Boy remember THOSE guys, that feels like a million years ago when you did even thought of using either as a search engine . Ya gotta loves Google’s total annihilation of nearly all it’s competitors just by “not” selling Ads, but yet now making more money than the rest of th did EVER !

Edit - over breakfast here in our hotel I just asked my 27 year old BF about ask Jeeves and his reply was “what’s that, is that like google?” Says it all really about Google’s total market domination perhaps.

April 18th, 2018, 14:42
Fuck Google, at least Siri jokes around a little with you. She can be quite funny at times.