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April 2nd, 2018, 23:24
I know most of the readers here are active enough and well taken care by boys from boystown and beyond. Nevertheless I am interested to know are there any long-term care facility for farang seniors in Bangkok? Or usually they will rely on hiring private nurses and domestic maids while living in the comfort of their own home? Please enlighten me

April 3rd, 2018, 07:32
From time to time there have been plans announced for a gay seniors facility and I think it's a worthy idea. Presumably the cost-benefit doesn't stack up.

April 3rd, 2018, 11:34
If you would consider Chiang Mai, there is at least one facility of the type you're looking for. Name escapes me. Do a bit of Google searching and you'll find it.
And, this article also mentions Golden Years Hospital in Bangkok: http://www.thailand-retirement.net/retirement-homes-in-thailand.html.

April 3rd, 2018, 12:15
I've read about the Golden Years' Hospital, it sounds more like a nursing home than a retirement village. I did a Google search about "gay retirement" and chanced across someone's blog that spoke of the number of "retirement condo complexes" that had sprung up around the Immigration office in Pattaya. No mention of a physical "retirement community" as such though.

April 3rd, 2018, 13:19
There was a residential home, not a nursing home, called Shady Pines, but I can’t for the life of me remember where I read about it or where it is located. Sorry.

April 3rd, 2018, 14:14
There was a residential home, not a nursing home, called Shady Pines, but I can’t for the life of me remember where I read about it or where it is located. Sorry.

Surely you are not trying to suppress those happy memories of your time on the set of The Golden Girls?

April 3rd, 2018, 17:50
Surely you are not trying to suppress those happy memories of your time on the set of The Golden Girls?

Well, you may be on to something there, DaveyJonesLocker. It does ring a bell, but I cannot be absolutely certain. I'll have to think about it and get back to you.

But given the appalling state of my memory, perhaps it is me, and not a447, who is in desperate need of the puzzle game, Sudoku, which, I believe, comes highly recommended by the Aunty of MiniMee.

Incidentally, I wonder if Aunty MiniMee knows she has been mentioned on such a prestigious forum as this. I do hope her permission was obtained. She does have a right to privacy after all.

Unfortunately, I cannot add anything further to what you and bobsaigon2 have already suggested to Dimsumbear. Personally, I have never really given any thought to a long-term care facility for fa-ràng seniors in Bangkok. If I knew I was approaching the stage where I thought I might need care, then I’d almost certainly stop coming out to Thailand.

Now, what was I saying about Shady Pines?


April 3rd, 2018, 18:11
There is no way I would think about going into a nursing home in what is basically a third -world country.

When the time comes perhaps I'll grab one of my regulars, take him back to Australia and have him take care of me.

Then he gets everything when I kick the bucket.

Win, win situation!

April 3rd, 2018, 19:04
When the time comes perhaps I'll grab one of my regulars, take him back to Australia and have him take care of me.

Then he gets everything when I kick the bucket.

Win, win situation!

at least you can be sure there will be an abundance of buckets around - though I would be trying for low-floor accommodation :)


April 3rd, 2018, 20:56
at least you can be sure there will be an abundance of buckets around - though I would be trying for low-floor accommodation :)


I was actually thinking about being cared for in my own home, not in a nursing home. And, putting a clause in the will stating that I had to die in bed. Of course, the bed would be firmly bolted to the floor. That should put an end to any concerns about having to quickly learn how to fly.

Yet if I ever got to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable I'd probably appreciate him taking things into his own hands and throwing me out the window!

Nirish guy
April 3rd, 2018, 21:16
Hmmm based on your extensive world travels i think I’d like to apply for that carers position when the time comes as even the chump change left overs from your world whoring tours would I think be a pretty sum !

April 3rd, 2018, 21:25
You're on, Nirish!

April 3rd, 2018, 21:32
a447 wrote.
"I'd probably appreciate him taking things into his own hands and throwing me out the window!"

As would you know who.

April 3rd, 2018, 21:33

April 3rd, 2018, 22:26
Thanks guys!

April 3rd, 2018, 23:19
On a more serious note, there are two residences in Thailand that I am aware. One is in/around Chianng Mai ( reasonable price) the other in Hua Hin.



April 3rd, 2018, 23:40
http://www.mckean.or.th/service/dok-kaew/ That's the one I was trying to recall. Geezer on GBT is/was living there for some time.

April 4th, 2018, 10:00
What sort of visa do the Australians offer for this sort of thing, if you import a boy to look after you?

April 4th, 2018, 10:12
" ... Geezer on GBT is/was living there for some time..."I think that would be an "is".
I was in Chiang Mai in January and asked a friend who has lived there for 10 years whether dear Geezer was still of this world and living happily in that retirement home. Answer was an encouraging "yes".

April 4th, 2018, 10:44
I think that would be an "is".
I was in Chiang Mai in January and asked a friend who has lived there for 10 years whether dear Geezer was still of this world and living happily in that retirement home. Answer was an encouraging "yes".

No mention of boys, which was I thought one of the original prerequisites. On re-reading the OP I realise his question was more general. However, I would prefer one dedicated to the pink triangle.

April 4th, 2018, 12:39
However, I would prefer one dedicated to the pink triangle.

One with a sauna downstairs, perhaps?

April 4th, 2018, 15:18
As usual with this forum, ask a sensible question and receive foolish answers!

Smiles posted this: I think that would be an "is".
I was in Chiang Mai in January and asked a friend who has lived there for 10 years whether dear Geezer was still of this world and living happily in that retirement home. Answer was an encouraging "yes".

Smiles your friend is wrong! Geezer returned to Pattaya to live with his ex-Thai bf and family about a month ago. He looks and sounds the same but did update his wardrobe a bit.
And he is enjoying life here in Sin City.

April 4th, 2018, 15:53
As usual with this forum, ask a sensible question and receive foolish answers!

In what sense is Smiles' answer "foolish"? He asked in January and received a hearsay answer. A "month" ago (let's be generous and say "late February") the subject of Smiles' query and hearsay answer returned to Pattaya. Are you just being "Mary, Mary, quite contrary" francois?

April 4th, 2018, 15:57
One with a sauna downstairs, perhaps?

Not sure I'd want my fellow guests going down.

April 4th, 2018, 16:23
Geezer returned to Pattaya to live with his ex-Thai bf and family about a month ago. He looks and sounds the same but did update his wardrobe a bit. And he is enjoying life here in Sin City.

Good to hear that. Can't imagine anything more depressing than living in a retirement village amongst other elderly people. Of course it's quite another matter if daily medical care is needed.

April 4th, 2018, 17:50
Actually, I was going to mention in my reply at post #7 that Geezer, one of our long established members, had found a retirement home up in Chiang Mai and I started searching for the name of the retirement home on the forum, but after several minutes I gave up. Then I noticed that the OP had specifically asked for a long-term care facility for farang seniors in Bangkok. See below:

. . . I am interested to know are there any long-term care facility for farang seniors in Bangkok? . . .

So I did not waste any further time and, as indicated in my post, I thought DaveyJonesLocker and bobsaigon2 had already provided reasonable replies to the original question.

And, as a point of interest, I happened to meet Geezer during my visit to Pattaya last month and was aware that he had moved from Chiang Mai to Pattaya, but I was not sure if I should reveal this information without his consent.

I must admit, it was a real pleasure meeting him. I had thoroughly enjoyed reading his posts over the years. In fact, I recalled speaking to him over the telephone, back in 2011, when he very helpfully gave me advice on the issue of the Garmin SAT/NAV device in response to a topic I had created seeking the advice of forum members.

April 4th, 2018, 18:03
In what sense is Smiles' answer "foolish"? He asked in January and received a hearsay answer. A "month" ago (let's be generous and say "late February") the subject of Smiles' query and hearsay answer returned to Pattaya. Are you just being "Mary, Mary, quite contrary" francois?

My apologies to one and all if my post was misunderstood.

The first sentence was not directed at Smiles, but rather to those who continue to provide foolish answers to serious questions.

The remainder of the post was in response to Smiles post about Geezer.

My mistake for not clearly separating the two comments. Francois not Mary, Mary...5555

April 4th, 2018, 20:18
My apologies to one and all if my post was misunderstood.

I didn't misunderstand it.

Come on, francois, I was merely trying to lighten up an otherwise depressing topic - one many do not want to think about.

I think you should lighten up a bit, too.

April 4th, 2018, 23:31
a447, I understand, but telling people the following:

Yet if I ever got to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable I'd probably appreciate him taking things into his own hands and throwing me out the window!

I really doubt that you or anyone would want to be thrown out the window! Or for that matter, taking your own life. Easy to say, hard to do especially when old and frail. So if you want to do yourself in, now is the time! 5555

Nonetheless, the OP asked a serious question and fliplant replies don't help much when someone is thinking of their future.

April 5th, 2018, 01:22
I really doubt that you or anyone would want to be thrown out the window! Or for that matter, taking your own life.

J'étais facétieux!

Nonetheless, the OP asked a serious question and fliplant replies don't help much when someone is thinking of their future.

Point taken.

April 5th, 2018, 01:27
There is no way I would think about going into a nursing home in what is basically a third -world country.

When the time comes perhaps I'll grab one of my regulars, take him back to Australia and have him take care of me.

Then he gets everything when I kick the bucket.

Win, win situation!

1 A nursing home in Thailand should cost less than the west & it wouldn't surprise me if the service would be better.

2 Some of the Thai hospitals have a very good reputation, although obviously those costs have to be paid somehow, whereas many of us expect free care in our home countries. [In the case of the UK, there is no sign of the political will to reform the Soviet structure of our healtcare system, despite the queues resembling those seen in Eastern Europe pre 1989. So I'm not convinced our healthcare system will maintain any kind of advantage. Many other western countries have a larger element of competition, so no worries there.]

So I think an open mind to Thai nursing homes is best.

Also, any of us planning to have a Thai boy care for them AND ensuring he stands to make a financial gain from our death needs to be aware of the incentives that this creates. Most people will be of good character, so nothing to worry about with them.

April 5th, 2018, 06:13
Goji wrote.
"1 A nursing home in Thailand should cost less than the west & it wouldn't surprise me if the service would be better."

It would surprise me if it wasn't.

April 5th, 2018, 07:14
Goji wrote.
"1 A nursing home in Thailand should cost less than the west & it wouldn't surprise me if the service would be better."

It would surprise me if it wasn't.

The nursing home, by itself, maybe. You then have to factor in the cost of medication, especially if it's non-generic. A diabetic friend of mine who takes long-lasting insulin ("Lantus") has costed this at roughly 100 baht a day if supplied in Thailand - and that's only one of his medications. He can get a six-months supply in his subsidised health system at home at 100 baht for the entire six months.

April 5th, 2018, 07:20
In the case of the UK, there is no sign of the political will to reform the Soviet structure of our healtcare system, despite the queues resembling those seen in Eastern Europe pre 1989. So I'm not convinced our healthcare system will maintain any kind of advantage. Many other western countries have a larger element of competition, so no worries there.

In Scotland we do the NHS much better, so your comments are only about your experience of the NHS in England - http://www.thenational.scot/news/15829539.Our_NHS_is_better_than_England___s_____bu t_what_about_others_/

Last year's disappointing result in the Courts about euthanasia means we have numbers of people who would prefer to be dead cluttering up the hospital system.

April 5th, 2018, 08:04
He can get a six-months supply in his subsidised health system at home at 100 baht for the entire six months.

Sounds like Australia. Pensioners get all their medications at $6 a pop, injecting needles for the insulin are free (he would pay in Thailand) and blood sugar testing strips are heavily subsidised.

mr giggles
April 5th, 2018, 12:39
I suggest you try the UK where there are many maximum-security twilight homes for the permanently bewildered.

The one I have a future booking in is : "Dun-Raven"

April 5th, 2018, 12:42
Goji wrote.
"1 A nursing home in Thailand should cost less than the west & it wouldn't surprise me if the service would be better."

It would surprise me if it wasn't.

Geezer reported that the care at Dok Kaew Gardens was quite good. If interested you may send him a PM on gaybuttonthai.com for further info on his experience. But no boyz!

April 5th, 2018, 12:58
Thanks Francois but when my time comes I shall move into the Sleaze An Up retirement village. I hear the meatloaf is excellent..

April 5th, 2018, 13:53
I guess the cheapest way to get a head job in such places would be to lube up the vacuum cleaner. That thought sprang to mind as arsenal's avatar reminds me of nothing quite so much as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.

April 5th, 2018, 16:24
I know most of the readers here are active enough and well taken care by boys from boystown and beyond. Nevertheless I am interested to know are there any long-term care facility for farang seniors in Bangkok? Or usually they will rely on hiring private nurses and domestic maids while living in the comfort of their own home? Please enlighten me

Dimsumbear, if you are truly interested in info on long-term care facilities, I suggest you post your concerns on gaybuttonthai.com; gaythailand.com; or thaivisa.com.
At least you will some intelligent responses unlike this forum which thrives on nothing but childish humor.

April 5th, 2018, 16:29
Thanks Francois but when my time comes I shall move into the Sleaze An Up retirement village. I hear the meatloaf is excellent..

Another not-so-intelligent post by someone who considers himself a moderator! :devilsh:

April 5th, 2018, 17:47
Thank you Francois the Jean-Paul Sartre of Sawatdee Network.

April 5th, 2018, 18:03
I guess the cheapest way to get a head job in such places would be to lube up the vacuum cleaner. That thought sprang to mind as arsenal's avatar reminds me of nothing quite so much as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.

Ah, so you think arsenal's avatar looks like a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman, DaveyJonesLocker? My image of a door-to-door salesman is an Arthur Daley type (as played by the British actor, George Cole) wearing a Trilby hat, a cheap ill-fitting suit and smoking a Castella Panatella cigar. Not someone wearing a Bowler hat.


For me, arsenal's avatar reminds me of a slimmed down version of Hector the tax inspector cartoon character, which was used to advertise self assessment by the Inland Revenue (as it was then called) in the UK. Incidentally, it was much disliked by its staff. But at least he wore a Bowler Hat, so there is a greater connection to the avatar used by arsenal.


Now, the possibilities for selecting an avatar for yourself look quite interesting, DaveyJonesLocker. From a casual perusal of the Internet, there would appear to be quite a wide selection. As a new member of the forum, I highly recommend the use of an avatar. You may however have noticed some of the old lags stubbornly refuse to think of one which adequately represents their forum name. Between you and me, they are known as the refuseniks. And you wouldn’t want to be one of them, would you?

Ah, but I seem to have wandered way off topic and to avoid further incurring the wrath of françois who seems not to have noticed that the OP's question has currently been answered to the best of our knowledge, I had better quickly return to the topic in hand.

Having given the matter of a retirement home some further thought, I think when the time comes for me to enter a retirement home; I'll make arrangements to move north of the UK border. I was surprised to find that the care of the elderly is free in Scotland and paid for by the general taxpayer. So a no-brainer really.

At least the staff and my fellow inmates will speak English, the television, which I'll be plonked down in front of all day, will be in English and the newspapers will be in English. And the only downside that I can think of, apart from the weather, is that instead of meatloaf on a Thursday night, I'll be served haggis, neeps and tatties.

Oh what joy! I can hardly wait.


April 5th, 2018, 20:04
Thank you Francois the Jean-Paul Sartre of Sawatdee Network.

I was thinking more of Jean-Luc Picard boldly going where no man usually goes

and rendering the morbidity of this thread redundant - dif-tor heh smusma


April 5th, 2018, 20:08
At least the staff and my fellow inmates will speak English, the television, which I'll be plonked down in front of all day, will be in English and the newspapers will be in English. And the only downside that I can think of, apart from the weather, is that instead of meatloaf on a Thursday night, I'll be served haggis, neeps and tatties.


They speak English in Scotland?

April 5th, 2018, 20:40
incurring the wrath of françois who seems not to have noticed that the OP's question has currently been answered to the best of our knowledge,...

That's a point that always seems to be lost on francois.

There are only so many ways to answer a question before it quickly runs out of steam.

April 5th, 2018, 20:42
They speak English in Scotland?

God forgive me françois, but in my original draft post, I actually inserted “[sic]” after I said:

At least the staff and my fellow inmates will speak English

Then I had second thoughts, believing it would be too offensive to our Scottish readers. So I am happy that it was you and not me who made the offensive comment.


April 5th, 2018, 21:31
Francois is French and the French are very particular. If you think he's irritated by jokes in a thread about nursing care just try serving him red wine with Sole Veronique and you'll see the mother of all Gallic fury.. Haha.

April 5th, 2018, 23:20
That's a point that always seems to be lost on francois.

There are only so many ways to answer a question before it quickly runs out of steam.

Meaning, that any answer, however frivolous, is better than no answer? But again, on this forum anything goes especially by our moderators (exception of Christian) who seem to have zero idea of the duties of a real moderator.

April 6th, 2018, 00:55
Another not-so-intelligent post by someone who considers himself a moderator! :devilsh:

Francois. Arsenal is NOT a moderator. He resigned (?) the day after Scottish Guy was driven off this board. I say “resigned”as no reason was given.

Go to the Holding Room,a.k.a. Hiding Room,and read post number 34 on the Moderators thread to see his post.

For Scottys departure post go to The Feedback Forum (another hiding place) and read from post 11 onwards in the Useless Crap thread.

Who is our new Mod???

Nirish guy
April 6th, 2018, 01:57
For Scottys departure post go to The Feedback Forum (another hiding place) and read from post 11 onwards in the Useless Crap thread.

Who is our new Mod???

Do we REALLY need one as we seemingly have two already - plus Moses seems to be doing most of the moving posts around to suit himself anyway so yet another Mod is probably the LAST thing this board needs just now as it recovers from Arsenals worst efforts.

And as for SG "departing" perhaps I'm reading his post incorrectly but I read it more as a question to Moses i.e "CAN my posts be deleted" ( i.e not 'will you" but more of a "can you?" question ) where it seems he was then told "no they can't / won't be moved " and to that then it seems he replied with something along the lines of "well bugger that then but from now on I intend to post a LOT less IF at all.

So to me that was a "I'm not posting much anymore unless I chose to or something changes or you pair wise the hell up basically". Perhaps as our unesteemed ex-Mod HAS now hung up his Mod's wand SG will reconsider, personally I hope so, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he continued to say "bollocks to the lot of it" as a long standing member here after his treatment here and I think he'd be well within his rights.

No doubt the management will disagree with that both about that and re my post in general - but hey no surprises there then eh !

SG's ( abridged) but exact words ( for the record and for fear I be accused of misquoting him) were -
"I sent Moses a PM yesterday .... asking if I could be deleted from this forum and all my posts removed. ........ I was told it's not policy. So, since I cannot be deleted I'm afraid you will just have to put up with my existing posts in perpetuity - but as for any new posts, they will be very few and far between indeed - if at all"

To me that's fairly clear, he hasn't quit, he's just merely lost the will to live with the current managements direction - a common enough feeling these days it seems - no matter what they seem or want to believe.

Now, before we get too off track how we'd better return to the thread in hand perhaps and or move this portion of thread to elsewhere ( as it will be moved shortly anyway no doubt)

April 6th, 2018, 03:01
Meaning, that any answer, however frivolous, is better than no answer? But again, on this forum anything goes especially by our moderators (exception of Christian) who seem to have zero idea of the duties of a real moderator.

That's a bit rich from someone who posted an off-topic comment; viz,

They speak English in Scotland?

If that is not "frivolous," what is?

Should the "real moderator" delete your comment in line with his "duties"?

Quel hypocrite!

April 6th, 2018, 05:42
Ah, so you think arsenal's avatar looks like a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman, DaveyJonesLocker? My image of a door-to-door salesman is an Arthur Daley type (as played by the British actor, George Cole) wearing a Trilby hat, a cheap ill-fitting suit and smoking a Castella Panatella cigar. Not someone wearing a Bowler hat.

You are, of course, absolutely correct Jelly, old bean. arsenal as Arfur Daley is much more appropriate.

April 6th, 2018, 05:51
Meaning, that any answer, however frivolous, is better than no answer? But again, on this forum anything goes especially by our moderators (exception of Christian) who seem to have zero idea of the duties of a real moderator.

Obviously you have absolutely no idea how a Forum like this works from an owner's perspective. It's all about "hits" which persuade the advertisers that this is a popular site. New content is what leads to "hits". The more hits, the higher the popularity, the greater the potential revenue. Relevance is irrelevant. Any answer, however frivolous, is definitely better than no answer from an owner's perspective. Therefore, from the moderators' perspective - who are there to carry out the policies of the owner as well as (in arsenal's case) conducting their own vendettas - anything goes (acid rain excepted).

April 6th, 2018, 07:40
They speak English in Scotland?

Possibly even more than English is spoken in France - which is quite widely in my experience, certainly in Paris. The thing that I find most amusing about Brexit (and there's a lot to find amusing about Brexit) is that the lingua franca of the EU is now English, even when representatives of continental states are speaking to each other. I doubt that will change when the UK departs the EU.

April 6th, 2018, 08:10
l resigned as moderator before Scottish Guy left. Latin, frequent and Scottish Guy were all trolls and all have gone. Job done.

April 6th, 2018, 08:27
Latin, frequent and Scottish Guy were all trolls and all have gone. Job done.

So reassuring to know that they're gone permanently and will never be back.

April 6th, 2018, 08:30
If only Davy, if only. But we know different don't we. Ssshhh.

April 6th, 2018, 10:55
Thanks for clarification, gerefan. I was under impression that Arsenal, a447 and Christian PFC were the mods. Maybe were is the word!

April 6th, 2018, 11:00
That's a bit rich from someone who posted an off-topic comment; viz,

If that is not "frivolous," what is?

Should the "real moderator" delete your comment in line with his "duties"?

Quel hypocrite!

Sorry, I thought they spoke Scottish in Scotland. My mistake.

April 6th, 2018, 13:52
Sorry, I thought they spoke Scottish in Scotland. My mistake.

I looked it up for you francois. According to Wikipedia only 1.1% of the population of Scotland speak Gaelic (or Scottish if you prefer). But according to your own high standards this thread has - courtesy of you, it seems - veered off-topic and is now a train wreck.

April 11th, 2018, 16:21
In ageing Thailand, developers race to supply locals and elderly expats


April 11th, 2018, 18:46
If only we had a moderator that would close this thread, so far off topic.

April 11th, 2018, 19:01
Actually wombat, the post by bobsaigon is on topic.

April 11th, 2018, 19:14
If only we had a moderator that would close this thread, so far off topic.

Oh, I believe you have been uncharacteristically unfair with your above comment, lonelywombat. As françois correctly pointed out, bobsaigon2 made an on topic post at #62, the post immediately preceding yours.

And, as far as the moderators are concerned, well one has resigned, one has gone AWOL and the other appears to be living an unabashed, hedonistic lifestyle in Myanmar, with young Burmese boys queuing in their droves, as they wait to be admitted to his hotel bedroom. So don’t be expecting him to concern himself with the forum any day soon, as he has far more important duties to attend to.


April 11th, 2018, 21:20
FYI lonelywombat:


No need to close the thread.

April 12th, 2018, 05:43
No mention of boys, which was I thought one of the original prerequisites. On re-reading the OP I realise his question was more general. However, I would prefer one dedicated to the pink triangle.

All bathrooms have hot and cold running boys.

April 12th, 2018, 06:56
Dragging this thread kicking and screaming back to the OP's question ...

Reuters has published a story about developers catering to elderly Thais and ex-pats in what sounds like a retirement village on "the edge" of Bangkok. I think I'd want to know what will happen to my (I'm guessing) 4 million baht asset (the housing itself) once I die, but it definitely sounds interesting: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-ageing/in-ageing-thailand-developers-race-to-supply-locals-and-elderly-expats-idUSKBN1HH3KI

April 12th, 2018, 07:21
Yet if I ever got to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable I'd probably appreciate him taking things into his own hands and throwing me out the window!

What a lovely thought to wake up to. Thanks, a447! :)

mr giggles
April 15th, 2018, 13:14
I was actually thinking about being cared for in my own home, not in a nursing home. And, putting a clause in the will stating that I had to die in bed. Of course, the bed would be firmly bolted to the floor. That should put an end to any concerns about having to quickly learn how to fly.

Yet if I ever got to the point of becoming a drooling vegetable I'd probably appreciate him taking things into his own hands and throwing me out the window!

Maybe even before.. hopefully.!

April 15th, 2018, 14:14
If you'd like a447, I'd be happy to mail you some Nabatrol.

April 15th, 2018, 14:24
If you'd like a447, I'd be happy to mail you some Nabatrol.


April 15th, 2018, 14:53
Nabatrol. Nice wordplay Matt.

April 15th, 2018, 16:06

No need for that. A good dose of matt's posts would have the same effect.

And it would be quicker!

April 16th, 2018, 01:19
Nabatrol. Nice wordplay Matt.

Wordplay? On a blind mans computer...whatever next!