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April 1st, 2018, 18:09
Gents, there is this translate App you can download to your phone's called "SayHi".

You just speak to your phone and it will translate your English language to Thai (or which other languages you choose), then it will speak the chosen language out for your guest to hear.

Happy hunting!

April 2nd, 2018, 08:58
Gents, there is this translate App you can download to your phone's called "SayHi".

You just speak to your phone and it will translate your English language to Thai (or which other languages you choose), then it will speak the chosen language out for your guest to hear.

Happy hunting!

I have just tried this app using Thai and it seems to work well. The translation and diction are good.

April 2nd, 2018, 11:20
Wow! I just tried it with Japanese and it was perfect!

I'd be interested if anyone has tried it with Thai.

April 2nd, 2018, 13:56
I have just tried this app using Thai and it seems to work well.

I'd be interested if anyone has tried it with Thai.

It seems that early retirement impairs one’s comprehension skills too.

April 2nd, 2018, 14:20
Wow! I just tried it with Japanese and it was perfect!

I'd be interested if anyone has tried it with Thai.

Maybe you could use it with the twinks on your next visit to Golden Cock since you say you can't understand them?

April 2nd, 2018, 16:43
It seems that early retirement impairs one’s comprehension skills too.

Blacktouch wrote:

You just speak to your phone and it will translate your English language to Thai (or which other languages you choose), then it will speak the chosen language out for your guest to hear.

Nowhere in his post did he mention

a) that he had used the English to Thai translation

b) that he could vouch for its accuracy

C) that he spoke Thai.

They could, indeed, all be correct but neither you not I know that.

You are reading something into his post which may or may not be there.

I could also use the app to translate from English to Thai, but how would I know if the translation is accurate if I didn't know Thai?

If I knew Thai, I wouldn't need to use a translation app.

So I think it is you whose comprehension of impaired.

April 2nd, 2018, 19:35
Maybe you could use it with the twinks on your next visit to Golden Cock since you say you can't understand them?

personally I can't understand why anyone would go to Golden Cock - but that is a different problem :)


April 2nd, 2018, 19:45
So I think it is you whose comprehension of impaired.

quoting from Blacktouch's post helps MiniMee's case rather than yours as he had quoted from Yraen's post immediately before yours saying it worked well with Thai!


April 2nd, 2018, 20:56
quoting from Blacktouch's post helps MiniMee's case rather than yours as he had quoted from Yraen's post immediately before yours saying it worked well with Thai!


Of course, you are correct. I completely missed Yraen's post.

My first instinct was to claim my post was an April Fools joke, given that I never know what day it is.

But I guess that won't wash, huh?


So I offer my humble apologies to Mini-mee. I got it wrong.

April 2nd, 2018, 22:02
Apology accepted.

Have you thought of taking up Sudoku? My Aunty says it works wonders for her dementia.

April 2nd, 2018, 22:24
So who will be the first to try the App on their Thai guests?

Please report back to us. And I am pleased it works for those who tried it.

April 2nd, 2018, 22:39
Here's a little story, very loosely connected with this thread, but I think it's funny so who cares. An English friend of mine told me that he was once having sex with a Thai boy, a bottom, who kept shouting out 'Fuck me hard'. My friend did his best to oblige but, not being in the first flush of youth, began to find it more and more of an effort. Soon the sweat was pouring off him. Still the boy called out 'Fuck me hard'. Managing to climax just in time to prevent a cardiac arrest, my friend was lying back on the bed in recovery mode when the boy turned to face him and innocently asked what 'hard' meant. It turned out that he was just repeating what he had heard on a porno movie. Now if he'd had this translate app he could have saved himself a possibly (or possibly not) unwelcome pummelling. There, relevance to this thread duly established!

April 2nd, 2018, 22:45
Here's a little story, very loosely connected with this thread, but I think it's funny so who cares. An English friend of mine told me that he was once having sex with a Thai boy, a bottom, who kept shouting out 'Fuck me hard'. My friend did his best to oblige but, not being in the first flush of youth, began to find it more and more of an effort. Soon the sweat was pouring off him. Still the boy called out 'Fuck me hard'. Managing to climax just in time to prevent a cardiac arrest, my friend was lying back on the bed in recovery mode when the boy turned to face him and innocently asked what 'hard' meant. It turned out that he was just repeating what he had heard on a porno movie. Now if he'd had this translate app he could have saved himself a possibly (or possibly not) unwelcome pummelling. There, relevance to this thread duly established!

Excellent! Shows that watching porn is good and educational.

April 2nd, 2018, 22:50
This App works well with the hardest language in the world to learn - Mandarin (Chinese).

So I'm guessing it should work well with any other languages?

April 3rd, 2018, 00:51
Have you thought of taking up Sudoku? My Aunty says it works wonders for her dementia.

No. I speak, read and write 5 languages - 3 fluently - so no need for sudoku!

And I'm surprised that you have an aunty who is still alive.

April 3rd, 2018, 00:55
So who will be the first to try the App on their Thai guests?

Please report back to us. And I am pleased it works for those who tried it.

I tried it out with my friend this afternoon and he thought it was fantastic.

April 3rd, 2018, 02:29
I tried it out with my friend this afternoon and he thought it was fantastic.

Excellent. Everybody enjoy!

April 3rd, 2018, 20:16
a Thai friend of mine was recently on a business trip in Japan, after days of boring meetings he went out and picked up some entertainment for the evening, all during the act she kept shouting "Machigatta ana, Machigatta ana" which he assumed must be a comment on his skill and proficiency. The next day the Japanese manager took the Thai guy out for a round of golf and when the manager shot a great hole in one the Thai guy, wanting to show off his language skills, patted the manager on the back and said "Machigatta ana" - the manager looked at him confused and said "What do you mean wrong hole?"

again if he'd had this translate app he could have saved himself considerable embarrassment and again relevance to this thread duly established!


April 4th, 2018, 09:34
Thanks for posting this Blacktouch. I just downloaded it and tried it with Mandarin Chinese. So far the basics are spot on. Hope that is the case for Thai also.

April 4th, 2018, 12:31
When I typed "Can I fuck you?" (as you do) the Japanese translation came out as "Can I have sexual intercourse with you." For "fuck" it used the medical term "seiko."

So a little is lost in translation, but at least I'd be able to get my message across loud and clear!

April 4th, 2018, 15:25
When I typed "Can I fuck you?" (as you do) the Japanese translation came out as "Can I have sexual intercourse with you." For "fuck" it used the medical term "seiko."

So a little is lost in translation, but at least I'd be able to get my message across loud and clear!

Are you saying that this app gives a verbal/audible response as suggested by "loud and clear"?

April 4th, 2018, 16:03
When I typed "Can I fuck you?" (as you do) the Japanese translation came out as "Can I have sexual intercourse with you." For "fuck" it used the medical term "seiko."

So a little is lost in translation, but at least I'd be able to get my message across loud and clear!When you typed in "Can I fuck you" in Japanese, how did it come out in English?

April 4th, 2018, 18:26
An excellent question. I would have expected no less.


It came out as "I want to bang you."

But more commonly they would say "Can I sleep with you" and not be so direct.

April 4th, 2018, 18:27

Are you saying that this app gives a verbal/audible response as suggested by "loud and clear"?

Yes, you can hear it spoken.

April 12th, 2018, 22:22
personally I can't understand why anyone would go to Golden Cock - but that is a different problem :)

bkkguyMY first Bar in Thailand and my first Thai experience were in Golden Cock decades ago when a Norwegian owned it. Yes, it has changed many times over the years but while adjusting to the new time zone it's being open in the early afternoon was a draw and now- well, now a visit now and then is pure nostalgia. I assume there are others who feel the same

April 13th, 2018, 01:27
Same thing for me in 1998, Golden Cock the first bar I went to in Thailand, probably around 3 p.m. the first day I was in Bangkok. The routine then was to choose a boy to go upstairs with you for a massage. Two flights up a dark stairway, Thai style "shower", no hot water. But I didn't care as it was my first time to be entangled with a smooth, perfect Asian body. Some good memories of that place.

April 13th, 2018, 03:42
Same experience for me in 1996, I had landed in Bangkok in the morning and could not wait until the evening to meet a boy.
With the help of the latest "Men of Thailand" guide, I went to GC in the afternoon as I could not wait until the night.
I remember a quite dirty place - although I am not fussy - and found that the thai boys I had met in Geneva were much better.
Since this day I did not visit GC Bar more than two or three times.