View Full Version : Latest information about Soi Twilight in Bangkok

March 30th, 2018, 15:59
What is the latest information about when Soi Twight will be closed? By when will the bars and other venues have to close? Which bars have found new locations and will continue their business?

I, for one, will certainly miss the place. I have visited the soi at least several times during each of my many visits to Bangkok. I have enjoyed having a drink and watching the crowds in the early evening. I have also had many great offs from bars on the soi, particularly Dream Boys.

March 30th, 2018, 16:59
There’s not much information on this forum about developments in ‘Soi Twilight’, werner. But there is a 5 page topic over on Gaybutton Thai forum entitled, Soi Twilight to be Demolished in June/July for Redevelopment?

See the link below, which I hope works.


The idiom, make hay while the sun shines is, I believe, particularly apposite.

March 31st, 2018, 05:18
I could not care less if they shut the whole area down. The owners have gotten too greedy and abuse us as customers.

March 31st, 2018, 07:20
I could not care less if they shut the whole area down. The owners have gotten too greedy and abuse us as customers.Isn't that what capitalism is about? Charge the maximum price you believe the market will bear? Or do you believe that owners of gay businesses should be running them as some kind of charity?

March 31st, 2018, 11:14
Certainly not as a Charity.
But with reasonable prices and some appreciation for our patronage.
Do not think that is asking too much.
Of course we can always vote with our feet. And open our wallets at some other bar.
Koon kit teung pom mai??

March 31st, 2018, 11:28
"reasonable" is relative.

And as for any "appreciation", I doubt they take that into consideration as they know that the vast majority of visitors won't be back again.

Voting with your feet only works if there are no other feet. Unfortunately, there are more than enough Chinese feet to keep the business going. Well, Dreamboys, at least.

If the other bars in the soi had any business sense they'd look at Dreamboys' prices and go a lot lower. Instead, they try to match the prices but do not offer the quality show or the sheer number of boys that Dreamboys does. Their prices do not reflect what they offer.

It will be interesting to see what happens if and when the bars have to move elsewhere. Will the Chinese be willing to move from a well-known and open gay area like Soi Twilight and wander down dark sois in Silom looking for a gay bar?

March 31st, 2018, 13:18
I don't visit the bars on soi Twilight, the shows...so boring and uncomfortable with Chinese straight tourists all over the shows...cannot stand it...

April 2nd, 2018, 23:15
Voting with your feet. I just turn on my Blued and Jack’d and run my own show in the comfort of my humble room

April 3rd, 2018, 03:16
Isn't that what capitalism is about? Charge the maximum price you believe the market will bear? Or do you believe that owners of gay businesses should be running them as some kind of charity?

Far too many gay establishments charge way too much. This is what we call the "Pink Pound".

The owners say/think "they are gay, and have disposable income, so let's rip them off". But we gay people are so silly, we still surport these businesses, even though they charge us more than a straight business will charge it's customers.

April 3rd, 2018, 03:24
Voting with your feet. I just turn on my Blued and Jack’d and run my own show in the comfort of my humble room

I agree. If I walk in to a go go bar, if the drinks prices are way OTT, I just have one drink and leave.

If the prices are reasonable, then I stay and have more drinks. So I guess it makes good business sense to charge a reasonable price (without doing yourself in) and you are likely to make more money because customers are staying and buying more drinks. Just like Winner Go Go Bar in Pattaya. Their prices are very reasonable, hence the reason it's always busy and customers stay and buy more than one drink.

April 3rd, 2018, 07:26
Let's face it, in some bars most customers are tourists, there for a one-off experience, so charging them as much as you possibly can makes perfect sense as they won't be coming back anyway.

April 3rd, 2018, 07:39
Which is the same reason for never eating in a restaurant which has “tourist menu” signs outside.
They know you arent coming back and serve any old crap.

April 3rd, 2018, 08:33
Perhaps they could introduce two-tier pricing - a lower price for locals and a higher price for tourists? In the gogo bars you could have a membership card, maybe call it a "Frequent Fucker" card, that would get you lower-priced drinks, bar fines etc.?

April 3rd, 2018, 08:50
My understanding is that only the businesses on the left hand side of the soi are affected by the hotel development. Apparently buildings on right hand side will remain. Whether the the businesses on the right hand side can survive in a one sided soi with a big construction site opposite is a different question.

April 3rd, 2018, 12:16
Maybe the new Hotel will have rooms opening directly on to the Soi!!
They can charge a Premium, like 3 times rate for other rooms...
Capitalism at Work!!!

April 3rd, 2018, 12:20
Let's face it, in some bars most customers are tourists, there for a one-off experience, so charging them as much as you possibly can makes perfect sense as they won't be coming back anyway.

I think that's the business model of Dreamboys. The owner knows that those tour groups are a one-off and won't be returning. So he makes hay while the sun shines.

And that's exactly what I'd be doing if I owned the bar.

April 3rd, 2018, 16:04
"... In the gogo bars you could have a membership card, maybe call it a "Frequent Fucker Card "... "
That is hilarious in so many number of ways.

April 3rd, 2018, 19:21
Perhaps they could introduce two-tier pricing - a lower price for locals and a higher price for tourists?

what a great business plan - it's a wonder the national parks and other tourist attractions haven't thought of it already

My understanding is that only the businesses on the left hand side of the soi are affected by the hotel development. Apparently buildings on right hand side will remain. Whether the the businesses on the right hand side can survive in a one sided soi with a big construction site opposite is a different question.

the owners on the right haven't sold out YET but they are rumoured to be threatening to put rents up thus making survival even more unlikely!


April 4th, 2018, 10:05
what a great business plan - it's a wonder the national parks and other tourist attractions haven't thought of it alreadyIt's not copyright, they're welcome to use it if they wish. It's called "market segmentation".

April 4th, 2018, 10:06
That is hilarious in so many number of ways.Too kind.

April 4th, 2018, 12:36
Frequent fucker cards already exist.

I have one from the Otot-otot sauna in KL. It allows me discounted entrance.

April 4th, 2018, 19:47
It's not copyright, they're welcome to use it if they wish. It's called "market segmentation".

sorry I must have left off the <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags, or else you have somehow missed the myriad discussions in Postbag, ThaiVisa and just about every other forum about Thailand's notorious double pricing at national parks and other tourist attractions and on the gay forums re Dream Boys et al pricing!

Frequent fucker cards already exist. I have one from the Otot-otot sauna in KL. It allows me discounted entrance.

rear entrance I assume


April 5th, 2018, 04:40
sorry I must have left off the <sarcasm></sarcasm> tags, or else you have somehow missed the myriad discussions in Postbag, ThaiVisa and just about every other forum about Thailand's notorious double pricing at national parks and other tourist attractions and on the gay forums re Dream Boys et al pricing!

That certainly is one possibility.

April 5th, 2018, 07:18
Well now, bkkguy. In the context of posters whining about being overcharged I thought it was obvious that daveyjoneslocker's "solution" post was a joke from start to finish. Since you are now labouring the point, especially in light of Davey's latest response, maybe the joke is now on you?

April 26th, 2018, 08:55
Dreamboys staff meeting 25 April 2018: They will not be moving from Soi Twilight for another year or so.

April 26th, 2018, 11:32
So, there you have it.

If Dreamboys stays open, probably the other bars on that side of the soi will also continue to operate.

April 27th, 2018, 00:12
I wonder when we will hear news what will happen after that year has passed. You would guess the bar owners need to start making plans now already. They should already have ideas what they will do in 2019 when the complete Soi closes. But you read nothing about it. Or after next year 50% of gay Bangkok has disappeared from the map?

April 27th, 2018, 02:22
I somehow don't think that forward-thinking is one of the Thais' strengths.

April 27th, 2018, 03:11
I will miss soi twilight...have had many good nights there.

April 27th, 2018, 03:27
I heard from someone associated with the BBB Inn that the renovation is scheduled for around 18 months to 2 years from now and will only affect the left side as you walk down from Suriwongse. I have no clue if the one side can survie alone. But, I interpret the news from the Dreamboys staff meeting slightly differently - when I was in business if I told staff the move won't happen for qbout it year it would mean that I am planning, negotiating, funding the move so that I could accomplish it smoothly. Such an announcement to me means they are planning.

April 27th, 2018, 20:53
Only citizens qualify for senior citizen's bus pass in KL.

April 27th, 2018, 21:02
I somehow don't think that forward-thinking is one of the Thais' strengths.

An unfair and insulting blanket statement purporting to describe 69 million people.

April 28th, 2018, 16:10
I deliberately wrote "somehow".

Please try to read comments more carefully before you jump in.

Perhaps it was a little too subtle for you.

And as for "insulting" statements, I think you do a pretty good job yourself, as your latest infraction shows.

A bit hypocritical, don't you think?

April 28th, 2018, 16:43
... I think you do a pretty good job yourself, as your latest infraction shows...

Hang on - isn't that "discussing a moderating decision in public"?

Asking for a friend.


April 28th, 2018, 16:53
No. The infraction is visible - the lightening bolt at the bottom of the post changes to red to inform others an infraction has been issued.

Sometimes a comment is made to that effect at the bottom of the post.