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View Full Version : Why is boygeenyus such a bitter person?

July 23rd, 2006, 05:04
any ideas about it?

July 23rd, 2006, 06:29
thats a good question.Maybe he comes from a large family with many brothers and sisters and he never lived up to their standards.Or maybe he is very smart but felt he didnt recieve the proper credit,hence his name.Born with one testicle?Who knows for sure,but one thing Im sure of he will post something annoying in response.His posts keep adding up until you ask yourself the title of this thread.

July 23rd, 2006, 10:21
That will teach me to actually read a topic heading more closely. I was about to post that you were incredibly rude, I thought you had said 'why is my boyfriend such a bitter person'. Reading more carfeully, now I see it is about Boygeenyus and I can honestly say you are not being rude at all, just hitting the nail on the head. As for the reasoning behind his actions, I find some of his posts are thoughtful and well argued but he does slide into Mr Angry mode on occassion, don't we all. Of course, he cannot respond to my post because he has me on ignore, or so he has indicated in the past.

July 23rd, 2006, 11:14
I don't know why either, but there will be a reason for it. But he definitely is a very bitter and angry person.

But have you noticed this? A number of long-term resident gay farang in Thailand who post to this board are very bitter people. Hedda, Hommerturn and some others. What, if anything, is this telling us? Does it mean that living in Thailand for a long period of time does this to a gay foreigner, that the 'gay-paradise' is only vacation deep? Or does it mean that Thailand somehow attracts this type of queer? Maybe they are basically failures in their own countries, and living in Thailand at least gives them some sense of status that they would not have back home? (The Oxford educated Etonian Colonel now living in a council flat in Crewe). But I bet you that these bitter gay men, if they were happy people with healthy relationships and lives back in their own countries, they wouldn't be living in Thailand.

July 23rd, 2006, 11:56
could be like ONE unnamed on this board of reputedly short stature

why is your avatar so damn cute?

July 23rd, 2006, 12:45
My very own thread on SF! Now I know I've REALLY made it!

And, Fatman, for the record: I do not have you on ignore. I have never, ever had ANYONE on ignore. Words don't hurt me.

July 23rd, 2006, 13:57
Same as asking why he is gay: Born that way. I have came to the realization that very few assholes become asses but are rather born asses.

I went to my 20 year high school reunion and discovered that those who were assholes when they were 10 years old became assholes as adults.

July 23rd, 2006, 14:10
Island Fever?

July 23rd, 2006, 14:18
Welcome to the board, Sirius. Why don't you tell us something about yourself?

July 23rd, 2006, 14:48
I think boygenyus may be pulling our legs sometimes and I'm not so sure being in Pattaya long time makes one bitter rather the reverse.

Of the many posters on here I've encountered including LMTU, TeePee, Monty etc they don't have a wicked bone in their bodies which also includes the only one brave enough, like moi, to use his own name John Botting.

I'm sure Fatman is a delightful fellow and someone called Aunty is bound to be a lovely chap ..( but then I was brought up by a maiden Aunt who was marvellous though barking mad and gave me creme de menthe and those Sobraine cocktail cigarettes at age 10 and ocassionally a loan of her hoop skirts..so I'm biased )

I almost always agree with Hedda although I'm not sure if I've met him..he is very mysterious.

Homitern can riposte with some very witty one-liners and isn't nearly as irascible as that frightful old ( The) Colonel who he reminds me of and who admitted himself he was a "bald fat old c**t".

Dame Sanitree Na Parkin could have become "bitter and twisted" due to my rivalling beauty but chose rather to flee Bangkok.

Edith is a bit twisted..( who wouldn't be after being kidnapped by Gypsies as a child and who upon realising their dreadful mistake..paid a childless couple to take the vile brat of their hands ) but she still remains fairly civil if not provoked.

Bucknaway remains alway cheerful (despite being the only person left in the US who is a G.Bush supporter) but then he doesn't visit often and can't be dragged out of the steambaths in Bangkok when he does but always files a positive report.

There are many others far too many to mention who reside in Pattaya are happy and gay all the time ,although I think our esteemed moverator Smiles has become slightly irritable lately because he isn't in Pattaya and should come here on holiday immediately.

Same same here Trongpai : "I went to my 20 year high school reunion and discovered that those who were assholes when they were 10 years old became assholes as adults." and I found all the ones I fancied turned out to be either fags or flight attendants.

July 23rd, 2006, 17:36
Well I'd defer to you in that Pearl. You've spent a lot more time there than I have and know a great deal more people. Maybe it's just a few who are disaffected and bitter, much as you find anywhere else? Who knows.

Oh by the way does Edith still have that limp?

July 23rd, 2006, 19:19
Well I'd defer to you in that Pearl. You've spent a lot more time there than I have and know a great deal more people. Maybe it's just a few who are disaffected and bitter, much as you find anywhere else? Who knows.

Oh by the way does Edith still have that limp?

I think you'll find they prefer to be called limpanese, and yes Edith does still have her faithful retainer/housekeeper.


Edith visits an elderly friend (Pearl) one day. As he sits on the couch he notices a large bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. "Mind if I have a few" he asks." No, not at all" Pearl replied.

They chat for an hour and as Edith stands to leave, he realizes that instead of eating just a few peanuts, he emptied most of the bowl.

"I'm terribly sorry for eating all your peanuts, I really just meant to eat a few."

"Oh that's all right" Pearl says. "Ever since I lost my teeth all I can do is suck the chocolate off them."

July 24th, 2006, 04:01
Both boygeenyus and I are residents of Bangkok, so I doubt Pattaya has had much of a corrupting effect on him. However I note that both Aunty and boygeenyus are of roughly the same age, while Young Master Cedric is a mere stripling. I put their general petulance and intolerance down to immaturity. All of them may improve with age. However I'd hardly describe boygeenyus as "bitter"

As to Pearl's comment about onself and remembrance of things past, we regularly rotate the script writers and the particularly acerbic one recently retired

July 24th, 2006, 05:23
" ... There are many others far too many to mention who reside in Pattaya are happy and gay all the time ,although I think our esteemed moderator Smiles has become slightly irritable lately because he isn't in Pattaya and should come here on holiday immediately ... "
Ms Pearl ... I'm NOT the Moderator (haven't been for many a moon), and I'm NOT fucking irritable (haven't been for years)!!! :spiderman:

And ~ for the record ~ I like everyone on this Board, as long as they know, and stay, in their places.

__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

But, as a wussy pussycat, I will venture that I think Boygeenyus is (sometimes) kinda knowledgeable (though hardly in the Thaiquila/genius category), and (sometimes) kinda nasty.
I like it best when he combines the two into a frothing and roiling dialectic, segueing smoothly between nasty-&-knowledgeable with gleeful pen and cutting swipe ... and I do venture that that is probably his well-honed & Hollywood self-image.

Always remember . . . Boygeenyus has said (recently, and in these very words): " .... I dislike everyone on this Board ... " and it is his crusade to (1) let them know it, and (2) educate them in The Truth (no matter the subject). Does that sound familiar?

Grudgingly, I often enjoy his posts.

Cheers ...

July 24th, 2006, 07:58
I can tell you with certainty, boyArse is not bitter at all, a very sensitive likeable butch Billy. Ok perhaps just a bit twisted, but it is the weather at the moment that can take all the blame, it is just too hot for most ex-pats. Maybe he was teased at school, maybe he was a gorgeous fiery red head. Children can be so charming but also such dullards.

"I thanks god". A little quote from my house keeper, that I live in the hills. The gentle ocean breeze through the green jungle trees, is a life saver and keeps me in good spirits.
Also being young I have harnessed my youthful energies to redirect one of the mountain streams into the garden and through a deep cooooooool stone pond. Here I swim naked about ten times a day, free as a "pish".

July 27th, 2006, 20:41
...members of this Forum are all "scum" because they are sex tourists - see the thread on the closure of Freeman's disco in Gay Thailand - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 2&start=17 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8662&start=17)

July 27th, 2006, 20:56
I said no such thing, you silly old fool. But if you can walk the streets of Pattaya and not mutter "scum" under your breath, you're a stronger man (or a more tolerant one) than I. Those are the people I'm talking about. I have no idea whether or not the members of this board are among them (but I suspect some -- not all -- of them are).

July 28th, 2006, 09:17
Boyarse? What are you doing in Pattaya? Surly you are not just there to mutter scum under your breath. Me thinks you protest too much?

Is it not the kind that have the deepest most horrible of secretes, hidden in some backroom, confined behind the water closet in a rusty tank, chained to the gas pipe?

July 28th, 2006, 09:43
But if you can walk the streets of Pattaya and not mutter "scum" under your breathI do have some standards. I have never been to Pattaya, for example

Boyarse? What are you doing in Pattaya? Surly you are not just there to mutter scum under your breath. Me thinks you protest too much? Is it not the kind that have the deepest most horrible of secretes, hidden in some backroom, confined behind the water closet in a rusty tank, chained to the gas pipe?Closet drug addict? Nicotine, of course