View Full Version : The end of civilisation as we know it?

March 12th, 2018, 05:49
In another blow to traditional English values, the National Trust has been found out suggesting that cream should go onto a scone before jam, and not afterwards http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-43363435

I hope arsenal in particular will be waving the flag he displays so proudly as his avatar in protest at this outrageous slur

March 12th, 2018, 06:28
Of course I wouldn't want to upset Arsenal - but just in case he's tempted to wave the butcher's apron in defence of Cream Teas he might consider that there is a thriving Independence movement in Cornwall who would not welcome it and might tell him where to shove his flagpole

March 12th, 2018, 06:31
I wouldn't want to upset Arsenal but in case he's tempted to wave the butcher's apron in defence of Cream Teas he might consider that there is a thriving Independence movement in Cornwall who would not welcome his flag waving and might tell him where to shove it.I'm sure the Duchess of Cornwall might oblige there

March 12th, 2018, 06:35
Well I recall Prince Charles (whilst married to Diana I believe) had an intercepted telephone conversation with declaring that he wanted to be her tampon - so I guess she's up for anything.

Here are some (100% genuine) extracts from the recording that was made:

Charles: Anyway you know that's the sort of thing one has to beware of. And
sort of feel one's way along with - if you know what I mean.

Camilla: Mmmm. You're awfully good feeling your way along.

Charles: Oh Stop! I want to feel my way along you, all over you and up and
down you and in and out...

Camilla: Oh!

Charles: Particularly in and out!..........

Charles: Oh. God. I'll just live inside your trousers or something. It would be
much easier!

Camilla: (laughing) "what are you going to turn into, a pair of knickers?

Both laugh

Camilla: Oh, You're your'e going to come back as a pair of knickers.

Charles: Or, God forbid a Tampax. Just my luck! (Laughs)......

Camilla: Oh, perhaps you could come back as a box.

Charles: What sort of box?

Camilla: A box of Tampax, so you could just keep going.

Charles: That's true.

Camilla: Repeating yourself...(Laughing) Oh, darling I just want you now.

Charles: Do You?

Camilla: Mmmmm

Charles: So do I! ......

Camilla: Bye, Press the button.

Charles: Going to press the tit.

Camilla: All right darling, I wish you were pressing mine.

Charles: God, I wish I was, Harder and harder.

Camilla: Oh, darling.

Charles: Night.

Camilla: Night.

Charles: Love you.

Camilla: (Yawning) Love you. Press the tit......

Makes one just want to wave one's Union Jack and sing Rule Britannia, doesn't it

March 12th, 2018, 08:08
The National Trust should probably be re-branded the National Distrust; it was only last year that our PM, (Mother) Theresa May criticised them for dropping the word Easter from the annual Easter Egg Hunt http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-39487307

Makes one just want to wave one's Union Jack and sing Rule Britannia, doesn't itUnfortunately the royal trend of marrying one's mistress continues unabated there - like father, like sons. The latest is even marrying an actress - hasn't he heard of Nell Gwyn?

March 12th, 2018, 18:34
Is Nell Gwyn an ancestor of Fred Gwynne - he was awfully good in The Munsters

March 13th, 2018, 20:45
after waffling on about the jam/cream v's cream/jam storm in a teacup, the article ends with "there are worse atrocities in the world" - the author had obviously just heard someone from the USA try to order a scone!

and personally being a fan of the humble jam sandwich I find it much more logical when tackling a scone to always add the dairy before the fruit and definitely find the US concept of peanut butter and jelly totally unacceptable on a sandwich or a scone!


March 15th, 2018, 07:09
... I find it much more logical when tackling a scone to always add the dairy before the fruit..

That's the essence of the whole Cornish Cream Tea debate - does the cream go on the jam or the jam go on the cream?

PS: It's the former