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View Full Version : Any problems with incoming international calls?

March 1st, 2018, 21:50
Has anyone else been experiencing issues with incoming international calls lately? In the past this would sometimes happens, I'm assuming due to network congestion, but it was a fairly rare occurence. When someone from North America or Europe tries to call, they just get a busy signal, or a Thai operator in a voice recorded message.

This would happen once in a while before, but it's been extremely bad the last few weeks. I'm getting complaints from my mother, other family, clients, etc. It's like a relief when they can finally get through to me. And it's not just my phone, as I have two phones myself, plus my family also has Leo's phone#, and they get the same result regardless of which of the three numbers they try.

Has any of our other expat members been experiencing the same?

March 1st, 2018, 22:19

March 2nd, 2018, 03:52
It's all going to be fixed in Thailand 4.0 (http://thaiembdc.org/thailand-4-0-2/) (yes Matt that IS a hyperlink)

March 2nd, 2018, 05:11
Has anyone else been experiencing issues with incoming international calls lately? In the past this would sometimes happens, I'm assuming due to network congestion, but it was a fairly rare occurence. On a telephone? How quaint! With so many VoIP options available today including FaceTime, Skype, What’sApp, LINE etc, all of which are free to use, I never use a telephone anymore.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:00
... I never use a telephone anymore.

After all, what would be the point - you know every fucking thing already don't you?

March 2nd, 2018, 06:01
On a telephone? How quaint! With so many VoIP options available today including FaceTime, Skype, What’sApp, LINE etc, all of which are free to use, I never use a telephone anymore.

Well, be glad you're not blind.

Can't really use Skype as it doesn't work via voice commands on either, iPhone or Samsung. Then it doesn't work on my laptop with a screen reader at all, except via Pdigin integration, but even with that it doesn't support voice calls at all, either sending or receiving. I can do text chats on Skype with my laptop, but trying to keep up with say three quickly scrolling IM chats via audio simply doesn't work. I miss things, which frustrates my clients, etc.

I can't use Line as again, simply doesn't work with voice commands. I can receive calls on Line, but that's simply because I know where the answer button is.

I can send and receive text messages on WhatsApp though via Siri with voice commands, so that's nice. Can't make calls on WhatApp via voice though. Besides, I'm not going to ask my clients to ask me to WhatsApp, as that's just stupid. However, comes in hand for staying in touch with Leo when he's back in Laos.

March 2nd, 2018, 06:04
Have you thought of abandoning the Forum?

March 2nd, 2018, 11:43
From various writings within various posts over the years I always got the feeling that your family hated you ... or at least that they ignore you as much as they possibly can.
I don't blame them for that: in fact I thoughly understand it.
So why even bother phoning?

March 2nd, 2018, 11:43
I can receive calls on Line, but that's simply because I know where the answer button is.

Indeed! And your OP was about receiving incoming calls, not about running simultaneous IM chats. Picking up an incoming call on FaceTime, Skype or What’sApp is just as easy. I can do it with my eyes closed....

March 2nd, 2018, 11:46
" ... I can do it with my eyes closed...."
:D:)) Good one!

March 2nd, 2018, 12:15
From various writings within various posts over the years I always got the feeling that your family hated you ... or at least that they ignore you as much as they possibly can.
I don't blame them for that: in fact I thoughly understand it.
So why even bother phoning?It's the Russian mafia, talking to him about their Bitcoin wallets