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View Full Version : Awesome! Rainy season is here!

February 22nd, 2018, 05:24
Absolutely beautiful. It's been raining on and off quite hard for about the past 12 hours, at least up here.

I love the years when rainy season starts this early. There's been a few years where rainy season didn't kick in until April / May, and those years are total hell, because you end up with months of weather in the 40s with blue sky and no clouds. As long as it rains every few days, then good to go.

Only thing I don't like about the rainy season nowadays is I can't see the creepy crawlies now while walking down the street. I have that. Well, that and Leo constantly rushing over to turn off my cell phones every time he hears a bit of thunder. Keep trying to explain to him that we're inside and the phones aren't even plugged in, so really doesn't matter. As for the laptops, I keep showing him the circuit breaker, but it all falls on deaf ears. :)

February 22nd, 2018, 05:59
Life with Leo sounds awfully old fashioned and quaint. I imagine you both sitting in old arm chairs with antimacassars discussing whether the thunder is sufficiently close to trip the circuit beakers. You say it all falls on deaf ears and I suspect Leo says it all comes from blind eyes.

February 22nd, 2018, 07:09
Huh? All I meant was I don't have to sweat my ass off for the next two months this year, because thankfully, rainy season started early again.

February 22nd, 2018, 11:49
Huh? All I meant was I don't have to sweat my ass off for the next two months this year, because thankfully, rainy season started early again.You code out of your sweaty ass do you? Or is that the new management consulting business? The move to Laos has been postponed as you propose continuing as an illegal immigrant for the moment?