View Full Version : Kind of reflects some of the comments in this site

February 3rd, 2018, 19:27
I don't understand Brexit and maybe never will. But this article kind of opens my eye:


I like what was said between May and Merkel:

"In a recent private meeting between May and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the two leaders reportedly found themselves in a tragicomic conversational loop (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/angela-merkel-theresa-may-brexit-demands-press-briefing-davos-eu-talks-a8183436.html). May kept telling Merkel: “Make me an offer.” To which Merkel would reply: “But you’re leaving – we don’t have to make you an offer. Come on, what do you want?” To which May would retort: “Make me an offer.”

Kind of reflects some of the negotiations we do in LOS with those annoying "up to you"

February 4th, 2018, 03:10
The Guardian is well-known as an anti-Brexit newspaper so you're not going to get an objective view of Brexit (if any such thing exists) in its pages

February 10th, 2018, 07:24
Damnation. I have to agree with Frequent. In fact The Guardian has a default position of irritating and after 30 minutes of reading it one can feel a touch grumpy without quite knowing why. I think my posts have the same effect on a few members here. Don't they Frequent?

February 10th, 2018, 07:30
The Guardian has a default position of irritating ... More an attitude of moral outrage. See my comments in response to a post from goji about how much I enjoy such outbursts of hypocrisy

Brad the Impala
February 12th, 2018, 14:32
The Guardian is well-known as an anti-Brexit newspaper so you're not going to get an objective view of Brexit (if any such thing exists) in its pages

You could also say that The Guardian informs it's readers objectively of the damage being caused by this most gratuitous act of national self harm.

February 15th, 2018, 02:10
...me thinks the British, especially the English have had enough of being dictated to by the Germans via their mouthpiece in Brussels...the breakup will be paindul but in the long run the UK will prosper.