View Full Version : Fun with hotel staff

January 28th, 2018, 15:29
During my travels in the middle east and the maghreb countries I had several encounters with hotel staff with many happy endings.
I remember when I entered a small hotel in a Tunisian town, quite late a night. It was still hot outside and I had no water. So the receptionist send me to my room and promised to send someone with a bottle of water. Half an hour later someone knocked. I opened the door, just wearing my briefs, and I saw a slim tunisian boy with a bottle of water. He stayed a while, sitting on my bed...seemed to be the cook of the hotel. He had to leave but promised to come back in half an hour. So he did and it was obvious that he was hot and ready. The rest is easy to guess.
Later on I had an Egyptian waiter, who insisted to bring me new towels in my hotelroom in Luxor, a incredibly sexy plummer fixing more than the bathtub in Jordan, a cute kissing bell boy in Cairo, a young and hot filipino cleaner in Dubai...

Did someone have hotel-staff experiences in Thailand?

Write down your stories!

January 28th, 2018, 15:51
I had an offer in Luxor, Egpyt and another (less surprisingly) in Bali . I lacked the confidence to accept them. Mai pen rai.

January 28th, 2018, 16:05
... a incredibly sexy plummer ...

Was this 70yrs ago?

Was he a struggling actor trying to get a break?

Was his name Christopher?

This could be huge

January 28th, 2018, 17:15
Almost. When I was in Pattani, I checked in, went to my room, had a shower, and then it knocked at the door. It was the receptionist (a bit too old and too fat for my taste) bringing me a bottle of water. When he came in and closed the door behind him, I had already an idea what was going to happen (because not long before a friend told me about a cruise he took, and room doors have to stay open when staff is in the room). He complimented me on my fair skin, asked if he can touch, and worked his way down. As soon as I had collected enough data to make sure I'm not imagining this, and it is what I think, I told him that in principle yes, but he is not my type, whereupon he left. Unfortunately I didn't see him again the following day to ask where I could could go to have such encounters with someone younger and slimmer.

I have overnighted in 49 provinces in Thailand, in total more than 100 different hotels, and this is the only story in a normal hotel I can tell.

In Chiang Mai in that gay bar and hotel (name escapes me, changed owner and name a few years ago?) near Kad Suan Kaew, I had receptionist coming to my room with similar intentions, but nothing came out of it.

January 28th, 2018, 17:47
Too interesting for words

January 28th, 2018, 18:04
One of the breakfast waiters @ the Angel Hotel in Cardiff and one of the garden bar staff @ the Lotus Hotel in Chiang Mai.

In both cases an unexpected knock at the hotel bedroom door - the latter (given the location) not quite such a surprise as the former

January 28th, 2018, 18:18
while not actually hotel staff do pizza delivery boys count? I ^H^H my friend has a few porno DVDs on this theme


January 28th, 2018, 18:30
And don't forget pool cleaners!

January 28th, 2018, 20:17
While I will skip how many were accepted, here is list of offers I got at past 12 years:

- Men's resort, Siem Reap
- Golden Banana, Siem Reap
- Glitz, Bangkok
- Wall Street Inn, Bangkok
- Ambiance, Pattaya

- Long Beach garden hotel, Pattaya
- Men's resort, Siem Reap

- DD Inn, Pattaya
- Sansuk, Pattaya
- 2 x Bondy, Pattaya

Other staff:
- night watcher, BB House, Pattaya
- cleaner, Long Beach garden hotel, Pattaya
- barmen, Long Beach garden hotel, Pattaya

January 28th, 2018, 23:27
<Mega-sarcastic comment deleted in the interests of peace and harmony>


January 29th, 2018, 00:06
(1) Room cleaning boy, Monte Carlo Hotel (long gone, I think), Patong, Phuket
(2) Room service boy, Cozy Beach Hotel, Pattaya

January 29th, 2018, 01:51
<Mega-sarcastic comment deleted in the interests of peace and harmony>


why you call it mega-sarcastic?

Your "Must have been your wonderful personality" doesn't touch me - I have very thick skin. Also I have more truly explanation - even now I'm just in the middle of my 5th decade, 12 years ago I was just slightly above 40.

January 29th, 2018, 03:44
My experiences with hotel staff are limited to fantasies, so far.

I've always been keen to have a cute bell boy, but no luck so far. In particular, the Hotels with particularly memorable cute staff were in Siem Reap, Pakse, Saigon & Mandalay, although several others would make the cut.

I'm not sure what effect CCTV has, but if hotels have policies to stop staff entertaining guests, having CCTV cameras in the corridors can hardly be helpful.

January 29th, 2018, 05:27
even now I'm just in the middle of my 5th decade, 12 years ago I was just slightly above 40.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you are in your 6th decade!

January 29th, 2018, 05:54
Sorry to disappoint you, but you are in your 6th decade!I keep telling him he needs to dust off that old ESL course

January 29th, 2018, 08:38
I have overnighted in 49 provinces in Thailand, in total more than 100 different hotels, and this is the only story in a normal hotel I can tell.
These hotels are in the 300-500 THB price range. There is no bellboy, no daily cleaning, no pool attendant who could come to my room.

January 29th, 2018, 12:55
An interesting topic, if I may say so, Bert. The subject matter will, I am sure, encourage quite a lot of participation from the members.

To be honest, I have not seen many staff in the hotels I have stayed at in Thailand that I would happily invite to my room for a little rumpy-pumpy session. I vaguely remember being attracted to a receptionist in the now closed Lavender Lanna Hotel in Chiang Mai. But I think he was more interested in securing a rich sugar-daddy than a quickie in the room with a customer. Well, not being rich, I could not satisfy him in that respect. I believe he was very popular and always seemed to attract the attention of my fellow guests. I wonder if he ever found what he was looking for.

At my old condo in Bangkok we have had several stunning bell-boys over the years and one in particular springs to mind. I really couldn’t keep my eyes off him. On several occasions, as part of his duties, he would help bring my suitcases, or more often than not, my groceries to my room. I would always tip him well and try and chat freely with him, but nothing ever happened. Firstly, I was concerned that I might over step the line and embarrass him or myself or, secondly, bring an unwanted complaint from the management. So I played it safe and left it up to him to make the first move.

Much to my disappointment, he did not stay long at the condo. When I asked one of the other bell-boys what had happened to him, I was told that he had left because he thought he would have made more money, but didn’t. Blimey! I would have gladly supplemented his income if he had been prepared to spend a couple of hours a week with me. But nothing about him led me to believe that selling himself for a little extra income was what he was looking for. And, as I have already said, I did not want to wrongly interpret his friendliness, as I once did with a poolside waiter in Hua Hin, the story of which I am now about to relate.

This episode happened, around 10 years ago, at an upmarket hotel in the seaside resort of Hua Hin, not a hotel I could afford to stay at, but one where I would regularly have a reasonably priced lunch. Then afterwards, lie by the pool, read a book, order a drink, have a catnap, or watch the gloriously athletic and very sexy personal trainers lead the aqua-aerobics classes.

The poolside waiters, all of whom were very handsome, got to know me pretty well and would stop to chat most days I visited the pool. Surely they must have guessed I was gay, given the attention I used to give them. One waiter in particular got very friendly and would sometimes give me a leg massage. Crikey! Be very careful, I thought to myself, the massage was just too pleasurable. I am not sure if this was part of his employment contract, or if I was receiving special favours. I erred on the side of caution and did not do, or say anything that could have either led to an embarrassing situation or a complaint from the hotel management.

Then one day, this same waiter, who had the most marvellously hairy legs and who, I would say was in his mid-twenties, told me of his financial difficulties. He was married and his wife had recently given birth to a daughter. And they were struggling with the school fees for another child. But I really could do no more than listen sympathetically and give him a generous tip on the days that he served me.

Sometime later he asked if he could work “overtime” for me to make some extra money. Oh-my! This really was the stuff of fantasies. Most of us have heard of, or have personal experience of straight married guys, moonlighting in go-go or host bars to earn a bit of extra money. So it is not at all uncommon for a straight married guy to seek to supplement his income by engaging in sex with a gay man. In fact, such a tale was related by Chai Pinit in his book, Bangkok Boy, in which he recounts the days he serviced gay men, while being married with children. I thought therefore my luck was in, I would get the boy of my dreams and he would earn easy money to help support his wife and family.

We arranged to meet at my house one day that week. I was very excited and looked forward to an hour or so of passion – well, at least on my part. My waiter turned up on time, but what was this? There was a woman on the back of his motorbike! Had he brought his wife with him? Ooooh . . . I could see my fantasy quickly slipping away. I welcomed them both to my house and enquired if the lady was his wife. No, she wasn’t, she was a colleague who worked at the hotel. WTF? “Oh, how interesting”, I may have said, trying hard not to show my disappointment.

My memory of what happened next is pretty hazy, due to the passage of time. I think I showed them around the house, garden and pool. My waiter asked if I had already eaten. I had not, so he volunteered to drive to the next soi and get us all dinner. I gave him the money to do so.

We ate our meal, chatted and a part of me thought, well at least he is here, that was something. But another part of me was deeply disappointed. I cannot remember how it ended, but it was most awkward and I waved them goodbye, thinking I probably should have known it was too good to be true when he first offered to call round.

The next day at the hotel he engaged me in conversation by the pool. I think I might have said I was surprised he brought his female colleague with him the previous day. I am sure he said that she wanted to see my house as much as he did. But he wanted to see me again. What? Perhaps all was not lost then.

Another meeting at my house was arranged. Surely this time he would earn the overtime he had mentioned he was seeking from me. To cut a long story short, we did talk, or rather I talked about firstly, really liking him and then about the possibility of having sex with him as a means of him earning some, hopefully regular, cash. Oh-my-God! Somehow I had got it seriously wrong. I had let my fantasies get the better of me. I had totally misread all the signals, but they seemed very clear at the time. No, he was not interested in having sex; he was a married man with children, he said. All of which I knew. What he said he wanted to do was cleaning or taking care of the house for me. Aaaaaaggghh!

Well, I am sure many of you have heard of fifty shades of grey, well I turned fifty shades of red! Talk about embarrassment. It was totally cringe worthy and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Oh! How awkward! I had to quickly end the meeting and send him on his way, then go lock myself away never to see the light of day again. The waiter, no longer ‘my’ waiter, said he could not stay long, he had football practice to attend and asked me for some money. I carefully and quickly thought about his request and, just to end the situation, I handed him 500 Baht, more than a day’s pay for him.

Good God, I hope he never told his poolside colleagues about my request. That thought was just too awful to contemplate. Just in case he did, I never returned to his hotel, I was too ashamed of myself.

So the lesson I have learned from my Hua Hin hotel experience, is to never assume that a non go-go/host bar boy is interested in having sex with me unless I receive an embossed invitation in copperplate writing to that effect. Lol! Hence my fence sitting in the first part of my story about the cute bell-boy at my old condo. But I live in hope that one day I shall be half as lucky as our dear administrator, Moses.

January 29th, 2018, 13:03
Jellybean, a great story, well told.

January 29th, 2018, 13:46
Sorry to disappoint you, but you are in your 6th decade!

correct :) thank you :)

January 29th, 2018, 15:49
A delightful story, Jellybean, thanks for taking the trouble to write it. Your reference to the personal trainer's 'most marvellously hairy legs' told me at once, however, that I would have been most unlikely to fancy him. Thank goodness we all have different tastes. One reason I am so attracted to Thai young men is that generally speaking they are blessedly lacking in that department (ie hairiness, not legs). I am reminded of an incident from way back in the mists of my own past.

Some time in the early 1980s I made my first trip to Piccadilly Circus with carnal intentions specifically in mind. I'd heard that the 'meat rack' near the Regent Palace hotel was a good place to pick up trade. Well, I wandered round the block a few times and if there were any rent boys present (can't remember now) they weren't to my liking. After a while I wandered a little way along Regent Street and saw a very handsome guy staring into a shop window. I watched him from a distance for about five minutes and he didn't move away. Surely he's waiting to be picked up? I thought. Doesn't want to be associated with the riff-raff by the meat rack. Hmm, he really is very handsome. So I plucked up my courage and approached him. Trying to sound like a nonchalant seasoned campaigner I asked him in the time-honoured words, 'Do you want some business?' Slowly he turned from whatever had been gripping his attention in the window and eyed me up and down. I'd have to admit that it was the look of someone who, say, had just found a cockroach in his soup. I have a clear recollection of the words he uttered, 'Fuck off, geezer, will you.' And yes, after a muttered apology, that's exactly what I did, so traumatised that it was an age before I ventured back to Piccadilly. Looking back, I've always thought I was lucky he didn't punch my lights out. At least in Thailand you can pretty well rest assured that even a rejection would usually be accompanied by a smile.

January 29th, 2018, 16:51
Although I've lusted after many hotel employees - the guy who made up my room at the Intercontinental hotel in Singapore, and the handsome hunk working at reception at the Lotus Hotel in Chiang Mai come quickly to mind.

I thought I was in with a chance with the guy at the Lotus, as he saw me bringing a guy back from Adams Apple every night. I was hoping he would suggest getting in on the action and thereby earning some extra pocket money.

I would have jumped at the chance because he was even more attractive than my regular offs from AA.

Alas, like all the other hotel guys I've had the hots for over the years, it was not to be.

I live in hope.

January 29th, 2018, 18:10
Thanks joe552 and snotface for your kind comments. But be careful chaps, it may have escaped your attention, but I have been excommunicated by arsenal for serial topic derailing. You are not supposed to fraternise with me. Members are instructed to put me on ignore (See his full post #17 on the WTF in Jomtein Complex topic, part of which is quoted below).

Mr Jellybean is currently serving two lifetime or longer bans, one for topicmorphing and another for ignoring the first lifetime or longer ban. Therefore all members are ordered to completely ignore him . . .

I have already received "two life time bans, if not longer" and now the punishment has been ratcheted up a level. I really cannot help it, since I have returned from the wilderness, I have done nothing but rule break. Between us, I blame françois; I believe he has peached on me to the beaks*.

Now listen up, tomorrow I am going on a mini-adventure with ChristianPFC to see a naval museum, here in Bangkok. I am hoping we shall also see some delightfully cute Thai sailors in tighty-whities that show their glorious buttocks off to maximum advantage. But I suspect Christian has received secret orders from the Master Moderator (you all know who) to ‘disappear me’. So if you hear nothing further from me, you’ll all know who to blame.

Crikey! I have gone way off topic, yet again. I fear I shall also incur the wrath of Bert, the OP as well as the beaks.

Right, back to the post from snotface which I enjoyed reading and was glad to read did not end badly. Yes, I was very lucky with my poolside waiter. At no point did I fear he would strike out and duff me over for coming on to him. But let’s face it, he was the one who gave me a leg massage and who invited himself round to see a fa-ràng, who anyone with an iota of intelligence could see was a randy old queen! Lol!

But, snotface, your post reminded me of the time I was walking to an Underground Station, in North London, with a young gay friend and I happened to look at a very handsome guy who was walking in the opposite direction. Luckily, a metal railing separated us. He stopped to look at me and shouted out, “What the fuck are you looking at?” with as much menace as he could muster. Cripes! Time to beat a hasty retreat, I said to my friend. I don’t think a westerner would receive this sort of reaction from a straight Asian guy in Thailand, unless, of course, any member knows otherwise.

And snotface, members with good memories of my posts over the years (I don’t include Smiles in this category, sorry Smiles Lol!) will recall I am very partial to Asian boys with a hairy ass. And hairy legs are usually a good indication of the delights of a hairy ass that lurk hidden under their pants. Mmmmm . . .

Which takes me neatly on to the last time I visited Winner Bar in Sunee Plaza. I think it was in March 2017.

That was when I was told by one of our esteemed Pattaya residents that there was a little chap working in the bar with hairy legs. And so there was, and a quick fumble in his jungle confirmed he was just my type. I took him back to my hotel – see, I don’t make a habit of using short-time rooms – and had a very enjoyable time with him. Sadly though, his tinee-weenie never rose to the occasion, but I was satisfied nevertheless. I paid him slightly over the asking rate, mainly because he had truly fulfilled his brief. But, as he was leaving, he surprised me by giving me lots of hugs as if he had just had the most fantastic time. At his instigation, we even exchanged Line ID names. He wanted to see me again, but I was returning to Bangkok the next day. He continued to message me, send photos and ask when he could see me gain. I wonder if he still employed at Winner Bar. So snotface, if you know of, or encounter any hairy legged boys which are not to your taste, I shall be in Sodom-by-the-Sea this week, so be a sport and send them in my direction, there’s a good chap. :D

*Beak = moderator

January 29th, 2018, 19:20
In defense of all service workers....

I remember back when I was 19 I worked the graveyard shift at a convenience store while going to college. One night at about 3 am a handsome man walked in and asked to see a Playboy magazine.

We kept them behind the counter so I handed him one and he stood at the counter thumbing through it. At one point he laid a $20 bill on the counter and continued reading. He had laid the money very close to his crotch and I couldn't help but notice he had a raging hard on....

I was obviously young and stupid because he eventually stormed out of the store with his $20 and no magazines. In the morning I told the manager about this man and all he said was, "Oh, why doesn't that happen to me?"

I was still lost and then the manager told me, "He was going to pay you for a BJ!"

Sadly, that opportunity never came by again!

January 30th, 2018, 05:00
So snotface, if you know of, or encounter any hairy legged boys which are not to your taste, I shall be in Sodom-by-the-Sea this week, so be a sport and send them in my direction, there’s a good chap. :D

Not sure if Snotface has been there but Cupidol go go in Boyztown was hairy leg central when i visited last month. I mentioned to my friend that they should shave the boys legs to make them more appealing but obviously there are customers lusting for the hairy legged and hairy ass go go boys. Plenty there to choose from.

No bell boys etc have entered my love nest but the skinny and very handsome maintenance guy at my condo is hopefully going to check my plumbing soon.

January 30th, 2018, 19:33
Ohh yes forgot to talk about the pool boys, always in for a chat. I payed for using the pool of a hotel in morocco (I stayed in a flat). On entering the pool area I was greeted by an enthousiast and friendly pool boy with a fit and slim body. Only two guests were having a sun bath, so I took a place in the comfort zone of the pool boy, and started a chat.
While talking with me, he rearranged his jewels now and then, giving me a quick and discreet flash. It was obvious that he was in the mood.
I asked if I could change clothes behind the little building near the pool (I had no room in the hotel). He told me to follow him and there seemed to be a staircase leading to the filtersystem and technical stuff under the pool. Nobody was there. I started changing my clothes to change into my swim suit and he stood there, with a raging hard-on in his briefs. Of course it came down quickly... Five minutes later I was sitting a the pool, with a big smile on my face.

January 31st, 2018, 02:00
I can fully understand that one of the sackable misdemeaners of an hotel worker would be to have sex with a customer.
It's unprofessioal and risky given the present climate of 'rape' culture whereby a woman can seduce a man, have regrets next morning or a year later when her husband finds out and report the incident as 'rape'.
But in the liberated gay world it's par for the course.
Ain't we lucky?

January 31st, 2018, 06:05
I can fully understand that one of the sackable misdemeaners of an hotel worker would be to have sex with a customer.In Thailand?

January 31st, 2018, 06:08
A delightful story, Jellybean, thanks for taking the trouble to write it. Your reference to the personal trainer's 'most marvellously hairy legs' told me at once, however, that I would have been most unlikely to fancy him. Thank goodness we all have different tastes. One reason I am so attracted to Thai young men is that generally speaking they are blessedly lacking in that department (ie hairiness, not legs). I am reminded of an incident from way back in the mists of my own past.

Some time in the early 1980s I made my first trip to Piccadilly Circus with carnal intentions specifically in mind. I'd heard that the 'meat rack' near the Regent Palace hotel was a good place to pick up trade. Well, I wandered round the block a few times and if there were any rent boys present (can't remember now) they weren't to my liking. After a while I wandered a little way along Regent Street and saw a very handsome guy staring into a shop window. I watched him from a distance for about five minutes and he didn't move away. Surely he's waiting to be picked up? I thought. Doesn't want to be associated with the riff-raff by the meat rack. Hmm, he really is very handsome. So I plucked up my courage and approached him. Trying to sound like a nonchalant seasoned campaigner I asked him in the time-honoured words, 'Do you want some business?' Slowly he turned from whatever had been gripping his attention in the window and eyed me up and down. I'd have to admit that it was the look of someone who, say, had just found a cockroach in his soup. I have a clear recollection of the words he uttered, 'Fuck off, geezer, will you.' And yes, after a muttered apology, that's exactly what I did, so traumatised that it was an age before I ventured back to Piccadilly. Looking back, I've always thought I was lucky he didn't punch my lights out. At least in Thailand you can pretty well rest assured that even a rejection would usually be accompanied by a smile.

A most entertaining story, Snotface.

The meat rack has all but disappeared - it's flame extinguished;the BBQ over, but it was a well-known "grill" in the sixties and seventies. Near the meat rack was a hotel called the Regent Palace (excellent carvery) where many a gay chap entertained his "take-away", without the bat of an eyelid from staff!

The whole areas was a veritable hunting ground in the sixties and seventies for those whose hunting has, in some cases, in previous years, eh, come back to haunt them!!

January 31st, 2018, 12:52
Thank you Bert --- there are my m**********n fantasies for tonight.

January 31st, 2018, 13:00
As soon as I had collected enough data to make sure I'm not imagining this, and it is what I think.

Ye gods ----- Excel database?

January 31st, 2018, 18:30
I can fully understand that one of the sackable misdemeaners of an hotel worker would be to have sex with a customer.

In Thailand?

in Thailand it seems to be mostly public officials and teachers having it off with underage underlings but at least you don't get sacked - there seems to be an infinite supply of inactive posts to transfer people to until the publicity storm passes and things can return to normal


February 1st, 2018, 02:45
in Thailand it seems to be mostly public officials and teachers having it off with underage underlings but at least you don't get sacked - there seems to be an infinite supply of inactive posts to transfer people to until the publicity storm passes and things can return to normalYou've left monks off your list. A Thai friend of mine who has lived in the West has told me that the scandals of the Catholic Church are nothing compared to what goes on in Thailand

February 1st, 2018, 04:27
Must be a Buddhist thing - last week we visited the Western world's largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery which (amazingly) is in Scotland, just outside Lockerbie. Very impressive building and it gobsmacked me that this could exist in Scotland. Of course, like much of Scotland there were no Scottish people there - everybody living and working there (in the shop etc) was English

Anyway the point is that whilst searching for details prior to our visit, there were media reports from around 2001 of sexual abuse

"The case under police investigation follows accusations first made in April by an 18-year-old who claims he was sexually abused by one of the centre's most senior monks. He has also alleged that some of those in charge turned a blind eye to drug use, sexual affairs, theft and deception"

Brad the Impala
February 1st, 2018, 05:21
Later on I had an Egyptian waiter, who insisted to bring me new towels in my hotelroom in Luxor!

I wonder if it was the same one who provided me with room service in Luxor. The Winter Palace, very dark skinned, about twenty/twenty five years ago. He insisted on being fucked from behind in the bathroom and in front of the mirror, so he could watch proceedings from the mirror's perspective. Ring any bells?

I stayed at a hotel in Tunisia where the swimming pool manager was pimping out both the lifeguards. He usually preferred it if you took them individually as otherwise he was rather left with his hands full, but exceptions were made on occasion as hands full suited me too. I don't think any guests drowned while the lifeguards were otherwise occupied. I was staying there for a month, and it became a most convenient arrangement. I arranged to have a room at the end of the corridor, and they would come up and down via the fire escape.

Another hotel in Tunisia had a handsome young porter in a red fez and traditional outfit, who would arrive at my room for fun by the door, but depart through the window to avoid anyone seeing him leave. My room was on the ground floor fortunately.

There was a waiter at the White Swan in Alnwick(North of England) who let his inhibitions fall away after a very good party and joined me in my room.

A handsome young barman at a hotel in Morocco when I was a callow and ill prepared youth, who came to my room after the bar closed, and devoid of any normal lubricant used shaving cream to fuck me.

I fear there are more, but those are all that come to mind at the moment.

February 1st, 2018, 06:48
In March of 1972, barely out of my teens and in between jobs, I set off to travel in southern Europe. It was cold and unpleasant so I hunkered down at a small cheap hotel in Corfu to await better weather.

The hotel lobby, just big enough for a desk and a couple of sofas, served as a gathering place in the evenings for the handful of guests. And the night manager, who was slim, eighteen, and as a cute as a teen mag cover boy. To my despair, he spoke not a word of English.

So, I'd sit there, next to this old Brit and ask the boy something like "Are you still in school?". The Brit would pass this on in Italian to an elderly Greek who would relay it to the kid. It seemed that commentary was added with each step along the way. Finally I'd get a response via the Brit and try to think of something else to say. It wouldn't take long for me to get frustrated and begin to go up to my room, but the kid would then turn on his cassette player, drop in his mix of pop tunes, and bop around to funky American Motown.

That pretty, uninhibited boy, excited by the up-tempo gospel-inspired foreign R&B, jiving around the room, sharing his joyful youth.

After a few days of this I could take it no longer. I rented a scooter and fantasized that during the day he'd drive me around the island, show me the sights while I hugged him from behind. But I never got up the nerve to ask.

The day before I went on to Athens I found myself talking to a pal of his who spoke passable English. He asked me who I was and so forth, then said "Do you sleep alone?". I stuttered but managed to say No.

"Why?", he asked, as if such a thing was incomprehensible. I just said quietly that there was only one person that I'd want to join me in bed and it was his friend. Kindly, and a bit sadly, he told me I should have just said so. "This is Greece, that is what we do here".

So I kicked myself in the ass all the way to Athens, Istanbul, all the way back to the States and to this very day.

NB: The kid's favorite song was The Cornelius Brothers And Sister Rose, "Treat Her Like A Woman".

February 1st, 2018, 13:18
Almost 30 years ago, during my first and only trip to Chiang Mai, I stayed at Coffee Boi [or was it Coffee Boy?] a delightful gay hotel/bar on the outskirts of the city. The owner was a gay Thai man that spoke good English. He was very friendly with the guests, and even tried to come-on to me. [He was not my type.]

The hotel was in a walled compound, with gardens and a pond, and included several cottages that guests could rent. The prices were not very expensive, as I recall, and the fees included a great breakfast. The place had about 20 employees, including hotel staff, waiters, etc. Most were strikingly good looking and available. In fact, one night a very attractive guy on the staff joined me and an off for a threesome. As I recall, he never requested any payment [but I was quite young, hot, and in shape in those days...]

I have never been back to Chiang Mai since then, and I understand that Coffee Boy has long closed. Those were the days of the gay paradise in Thailand.....

February 1st, 2018, 13:23
I remember visiting Coffee Boy (I was staying at the Lotus) and I remember 2 things in particular:

Firstly it was very very clean which was a positive but from memory it was a long way out (or did it just seem so?) and 3 of us went and there was only one boy.

February 1st, 2018, 13:36
I remember visiting Coffee Boy (I was staying at the Lotus) and I remember 2 things in particular:

Firstly it was very very clean which was a positive but from memory it was a long way out (or did it just seem so?) and 3 of us went and there was only one boy.

As I recall Coffee Boy from 30 years ago:

--Yes, it was quite far out from town, perhaps a 20 minute taxi ride. But all the taxi drivers seemed to know where it was. The owner seemed to have several cars, and would provide rides into town or to the airport . As I recall, the owner did NOT charge for such services, although I tipped the drivers.

--The place did have a small bar, where customers sat on cushions and could order great coffee. The bar usually only had a couple guys to off. The really attractive guys seemed to work in the hotel and at the lodge, NOT in the bar, although some guys did both. The hotel staff had a range of ethnicities, including some Chinese guys, some guys from the hill tribes, some Muslim guys from southern Thailand, and one very attractive guy of mixed Thai-Black background.

OHHHHHHHHH--what pleasant memories.

February 1st, 2018, 16:15
in Thailand it seems to be mostly public officials and teachers having it off with underage underlings but at least you don't get sacked - there seems to be an infinite supply of inactive posts to transfer people to until the publicity storm passes and things can return to normal
I'm not judging staff/guest hanky panky in terms of law or morality-only in terms of it's being bad for business.
It crosses a professional line therefore a sacking would be expected.
It could give rise to issues of theft, alleged assault etc which would be bad for the hotel's reputation etc.
But then there are some out there who would claim it's GOOD for business.

February 1st, 2018, 23:45
I'm not judging staff/guest hanky panky in terms of law or morality-only in terms of it's being bad for business.
It crosses a professional line therefore a sacking would be expected.
It could give rise to issues of theft, alleged assault etc which would be bad for the hotel's reputation etc.
But then there are some out there who would claim it's GOOD for business.

If I were running a hotel, the professional line (or reputation) would not be relevant. No one is going to write about all the staff being available to **** on Trip Advisor. It would be discrete.

Where the risks really lie are in staff not doing the work they are supposed to do and the risk of police raids, with accusations of running a brothel. Which I suppose is illegal in Thailand & various other countries. Smoothing that over could be expensive.

February 2nd, 2018, 00:22
...accusations of running a brothel. Which I suppose is illegal in Thailand....

May as well close down almost every bar then


February 2nd, 2018, 08:31
I have traveled throughout India numerous times and I always had straight friends with me. As much as I loved touring India the lack of sex was a real drawback. Finally, on my last trip I went by myself but used the same private tour guide/car that I had used for all my other trips.

On the last trip I told him I would let him put together the itinerary and all I expected was to see India off the beaten path and that I reserved the right to change the itinerary at anytime. We stopped at one town and were scheduled to spend the night at a hotel that was very nice but quite "spartan" (It was clean and that means a lot in India). The young man who carried my bags to my room was the absolutely most handsome young man I had ever seen in India and he was about 18. He was all shoulders and legs, dark skin, and a beautiful smile (no hair!).

Obviously they didn't see many, if any, Americans and he was making sure that my room was up to standards. I had been in India over two weeks by this time and I don't know what came over me but I made my intentions known and it was obvious that "no" was not an option.

Well, to say he was shocked would be an understatement but he was even better looking naked.

As he left the room I tipped him and then I thought, "OMG, what have you just done?" I thought for sure that I would shortly be kicked out of the hotel and who knows what else. Yeah, I thought, "How am I going to explain this to my guide?"

I left the hotel and went walking around the town and temples and eventually made my way back to the hotel for supper in the small dining room. Talk about feeling like a criminal....

I then went back to my room and shortly there after there was a knock at the door and my heart jumped as I couldn't help but believe that I had been busted! When I opened the door there was the young man and he had gone home and changed clothes and he wanted to know if we could visit.

I placed a call to my guide and told him that we were going to spend the next three days right where we were. That young man spent the next three nights with me and took me around town....I will add that he may have been shocked and caught by surprise that first time but he was one quick learner.....


February 2nd, 2018, 10:22
It's the pervasive body odour that puts me off every time I'm there. Nothing beats the tang of the ripe armpit as the waiter places your food on the table

Brad the Impala
February 2nd, 2018, 14:51
I will add that he may have been shocked and caught by surprise that first time but he was one quick learner.....

What a lovely story. The freedom of unplanned travel that allowed you to extend your stay and your experience. So many stories of regrets, eg "I was leaving the next day, so never............."

Did you stay in touch?

February 2nd, 2018, 18:35
...Nothing beats the tang of the ripe armpit as the waiter places your food on the table

The good news is that you can buy it (cleverly disguised) in a can


February 2nd, 2018, 19:48
Brad, don't we always make promises to keep in touch? Aren't we all romantics at heart? Those first few letters are written in a fury of the afterglow of lust.....and then slowly time and reality intercede......

February 2nd, 2018, 20:18
On my first trip to India I also spent a week in Nepal and I was hooked after that. So I always included a week or so in Nepal onto my trips to India and or Thailand. On these trips to Nepal I always included a few days in Pokhara where I stayed at the Fishtail Lodge.

It is a beautiful lodge, surrounded by water with the majestic Himalayan mountains right there.

I always traveled with straight friends or I took a bar boy with me from Bangkok except for my last visit to Nepal: That one I traveled alone. After spending a day trekking I would spend the evening getting drunk and stoned....such an enjoyable time!

Fishtail Lodge had four boys working there who assisted guests and or acted as waiters and they were four of the cutest and smallest guys you have ever seen. Oh, and they were always so serious and professional in everything they did. It took a lot of work to get them to crack a smile but I was determined.

On my last trip I was the only guest they (the Lodge has expanded over the years) had and the owner informed me that he had to travel to Kathmandu but that the staff was prepared to make my stay enjoyable. So, that afternoon after my daily trek through the mountains I arrived back at the Lodge, ordered my beer, fired up the bong and sat in the garden just enjoying the view.

It was a lovely experience. Well, I couldn't help but flirt and laugh and joke with the staff. They were definitely less guarded without the owner on site and I decided to try my luck....

I did convince one boy to visit my room and good thing I didn't expect much. Nepalese sure don't have much to work with and it didn't take much to finish that challenge off pretty quick. That boy returned to the dining room and before I knew it there was a knock at my door and there was another boy with a beer. Well, I took him on and the results were the same. After he left there was a third and fourth knock at my door and the results were the same.

The next day everyone was prim and proper at breakfast and the day continued as always....

That evening the boys threw care to the wind and I ordered a case of beer and we sat around drinking and getting high and once again we visited my room one at a time.....

Then the following day the owner returned and our routine returned to normal. There are some beautiful guys in Nepal but it will never be a gay mecca no matter how hard they try!

February 3rd, 2018, 01:07
A few years ago I was staying on Bali for a few days and took up a hotel offer of a free massage. It was available in a room next to the swimming pool and I envisaged a pleasant time with a bronzed Balinese boy but it turned out to be a very pregnant woman who could barely move and who gasped and groaned as she worked. Her back was obviously very painful and the whole experience was not very successful.

I returned to my room and discovered that the TV didn’t work so I called reception and they said they would send someone but several hours later no one had come and I took a shower as I planned to go out for the evening. Then there was a knock on the door and, dressed only in my towel, I opened it and a very attractive young man dressed in the hotel uniform of dark trousers and a blue patterned shirt said he’d come to fix the TV.

He worked for some time while I sat on the bed and watched him and we chatted and he found out I was on my own. Eventually he got the TV working and I stood up to thank him. He stood still looking straight into my eyes for just a bit longer than seemed necessary and then he reached forward and pulled my towel off. He must have been very confident that I was not going to object and I suppose he must have realised my interest.

We had some fairly gentle sex that was only marred by his obsession not to get his immaculately brushed hair messed up. He was also very particular about his trousers and shirt which had to be carefully folded as he undressed.

He was on duty so couldn’t stay long but said he would return later and we could go out together. So I waited and he eventually came back and he took me on the back of his motorcycle to a local bar. The roads were rough and unlit and it was a terrifying ride. The bar was very quiet and I saw nothing to suggest it was gay in any way and we soon returned to the hotel and he stayed the night but still obsessed about his hair. I had to leave early the next morning and he had to work so we said goodbye. It was in the early days of email and he said he’d email me from an Internet Café so I gave him my address but I never heard anything from him.

His name was “Ketut” which means he was the fourth child as children are named according to the order of their birth on Bali. I’ve still got his photo and the note he gave me with his full name written on it. When I returned to the UK I related the events to my sister-in-law who would then tease me about my encounter with a guy she insisted on calling "Ketchup".

February 3rd, 2018, 21:21
You've left monks off your list. A Thai friend of mine who has lived in the West has told me that the scandals of the Catholic Church are nothing compared to what goes on in Thailand


February 4th, 2018, 15:06
Not really hotel fun but travel fun in Bali.
During an evening walk I got completely lost in de streets around Kuta beach. I got a bit tired and was looking for some transport.
Suddenly there was a tall, slim Indonesian guy waiting on his motorbike. He was dressed with an orange safety jacket and jeans, smiled and offered me a ride.
I estimated it would still be a walk of 4-5 km to my hotel so I took him.
I had real special intentions with the driver, but after two minutes driver he took my hand and placed it between his legs. No comment.
I got very brave then...removed my hand and went from the back under his jacket and shirt, touching his naked chest. Slowly going down, into his jeans and even better in his underwear, to discover a nice hard cock. No comment from the young driver.
During the ride he did not say a word but he joyfully let me play with his cock and balls. I had to stop when we arrived in the more crowded streets, but I enjoyed the 10 minutes driving. I tipped him well and left him with a big smile.

February 4th, 2018, 15:32
Not really hotel fun but travel fun in Bali.
During an evening walk I got completely lost in de streets around Kuta beach. I got a bit tired and was looking for some transport.
Suddenly there was a tall, slim Indonesian guy waiting on his motorbike. He was dressed with an orange safety jacket and jeans, smiled and offered me a ride.
I estimated it would still be a walk of 4-5 km to my hotel so I took him.
I had real special intentions with the driver, but after two minutes driver he took my hand and placed it between his legs. No comment.
I got very brave then...removed my hand and went from the back under his jacket and shirt, touching his naked chest. Slowly going down, into his jeans and even better in his underwear, to discover a nice hard cock. No comment from the young driver.
During the ride he did not say a word but he joyfully let me play with his cock and balls. I had to stop when we arrived in the more crowded streets, but I enjoyed the 10 minutes driving. I tipped him well and left him with a big smile.

Hmm...this seems a little dangerous to do while riding on a motorcyle.

February 4th, 2018, 17:29
........and a wasted opportunity at the end of the journey

March 3rd, 2018, 17:14
Yes...I know. Still a nice and hot memory! :-)

March 9th, 2018, 14:24
I saw several very handsome waiters and bell boys at the two hotels I stayed in during my January visit to Bangkok.

I should have made some efforts to get to know them better.....But what would be a good approach?

March 9th, 2018, 14:36
I saw several very handsome waiters and bell boys at the two hotels I stayed in during my January visit to Bangkok. I should have made some efforts to get to know them better.....But what would be a good approach?I find 1000 baht note held prominently in my hand is as good an approach as any

March 11th, 2018, 23:04
Hmm.. not sure if this would work...just a 1000 baht note?
Thais are mostly shy...

March 12th, 2018, 03:54
Hmm.. not sure if this would work...just a 1000 baht note? Thais are mostly shy...Always works for me