View Full Version : WTF in Jomtien Complex

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March 9th, 2020, 04:56
Sadly most of the boys we love from SE true love can not be fulfilled because Geographic distance and cultural differences . Appreciate you share this interesting experience with us.

March 9th, 2020, 11:18
Zebedee did you ever think of bringing him to live with you in Australia?

March 9th, 2020, 16:42
Zebedee did you ever think of bringing him to live with you in Australia?

No Ninodf1, that would never have worked for either of us. At the time I was working in remote areas of WA on rosters depending on the contract e.g 3 weeks on and 1 week off or 3 weeks on 2 weeks off and variations, hence my regular visits to Bali. Also it was a pretty rough and ready work environment ,certainly an out gay guy wouldn't last too long,this was about 20 years ago! So I had to be careful. He was from a small village,in fact his job as a waiter when I met him was his first job since leaving school,Bali to him was like Bangkok to a guy from Udon Thani. He only went to Bali to "make his fortune" , it took a lot of persuasion from me to get him to leave that job and travel with me. Obviously I had to compensate him for that,it wasn't much he was paid a pittance anyway. I actually spoiled him financially, not intentionally but I didn't realise at the time what the average wage was in Indonesia , so to him I was giving him a fortune, to me it was very little. My work meant I was saving all my salary...nowhere to spend it while working!
If I worked on a regular job in Perth or another city,my salary would drop sharply, and my living costs would soar,so you get hooked on the money after a while.
In addition I was in my late 30's and he was 19, he had no english, or life experience outside his village, the culture shock of living in Australia ...even had I been able to get him a visa...would have been too much.Apart from all that, I simply did not want him to change, he was so easy going and agreeable as well as being stunning looking, I guess I didn't want anyone to take him from me. He belonged with his own people and family, but it broke my heart when I lost him.

March 9th, 2020, 17:19
"Culture shock"...yes, that's the nub of the problem. P wanted me to sell-up and live in rural Kamphaeng Phaet. Then his idea was to come here to London. We talked and talked and considered the options, including the financial ones. And we still live thousands of miles apart and sometimes, like today, talking to him on LINE makes me tearful.
However, we were right to continue to live our own, very different lives, him with his extended family and temple, me with my political work and cultural life in London. Not to mention Chelsea Football Club.
When we are in Thailand, we share our lives; here we would be under the same roof- mainly- but our respective interests wouldn't mesh.

I love him as he is and I don't want him to become an anglicised (and rather lonely) Thai; and there's no way that i am willing at my age to adopt a new culture.