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View Full Version : To clarify for you Smileykins.

January 25th, 2018, 20:12
To clarify for you Smileykins. The hat trick you scored was not for derailing a pleasant and enjoyable thread, although you did do that so well done to you. It was for insulting another member. Now, I realise that as a former owner you think you should be allowed to just drop in anywhere you choose and post anything you like about anyone at all but it's not your house anymore so perhaps you could wipe your feet before you come in. Slim chance I know.

January 25th, 2018, 20:42
To clarify for you Smileykins. The hat trick you scored was not for derailing a pleasant and enjoyable thread, although you did do that so well done to you. It was for insulting another member.

Correct (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/member.php?744-Smiles&tab=infractions#infractions-content)


January 25th, 2018, 21:21
The post below is entirely the opinion of Arsenal the poster and not the moderator, nor have I discussed this with anyone else.

And Smiles, since we're on the subject precisely because you want to bring it up in every single post I'll tell you something else. Who are the losers in the fallout from this. Me, well no because my popularity here could hardly be any lower and it is of zero importance. You, well no because 3 or 6 points is of equal zero importance because it's not a driving license or anything real. Moses, well no because he's simply got much bigger fish to fry. No, the losers are those members who lose no opportunity to charge en masse at Moses or the mods whenever anything like this happens. To date I believe there have been four of these shitfests and it's always the same members who do the charging. You, rather slyly slid away quietly when the going got savage I noticed,.

So at some point one of two things will probably happen. * Either Moses will tire of those same members screaming the same things again and again every time any little thing happens and he will simply delete them.* In fact, if he got a few of his friends round and a good bottle of Russian vodka they could probably turn deleting the screamers into a fun but non-lethal game of Russian Roulette. Or he will tire of the whole fucking place and notice that all it does is cost money and that the benefits to Siam Roads could just as easily be served on other sites and shuts the thing down. So the losers will either be the screamers or everyone. So again I say to you, you pitched up in one of the nicest threads we've had for ages and took a bitter and spiteful shit just to please yourself so again I say well done.

*Anyone here want to seriously claim they wouldn't tire of it?*

I repeat, The post above is entirely the opinion of the poster Arsenal and not the mod and I have not discussed this matter with anyone else.

January 25th, 2018, 21:46
To clarify for you Smileykins. The hat trick you scored was not for derailing a pleasant and enjoyable thread, although you did do that so well done to you. It was for insulting another member. Now, I realise that as a former owner you think you should be allowed to just drop in anywhere you choose and post anything you like about anyone at all but it's not your house anymore so perhaps you could wipe your feet before you come in. Slim chance I know.

Correct (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/member.php?744-Smiles&tab=infractions#infractions-content)


The topic is 'travel and accommodation'....so

Both wildly OFF TOPIC, and discussing the business in public of a member which should only be done privately between forum management and that member, as well as discussing moderating decisions in public is disgraceful, hypocritical and so both moses and arsenal should be awarded 3 points for each misdemeanour by one of the other mods so that's 9 points each IMHO.

But since it is so far off topic already I don't have any compunction in continuing that by saying even with some of the childish nonsense and cringe worthy posts by members of the moderating 'team' recently, arsenal has somehow managed to set a new low in using his 'position' to take petty personal revenge on a member. I thought this type of infantile, petty revenge had ended at SGT the day previous owners surfcrest and Neal, who engaged in it frequently during their tenure, left. This, as well as some other recent pronouncements by mods is embarrassing and has turned parts of this once excellent forum in to a circus....and that's a pity as so many of us use it for touching base with things Thai when not in Thailand, and it's clearly putting off many current and previous contributors from taking the time to post relevant, interesting and useful information in favour of the forum being swamped by flooders and smart arse goons dragging their drivel and 'banter' from one thread to the other compounded by inconsistent, whim based moderation.......

At one stage not long ago in the past I only needed to log on here to find out the bulk of what I wanted to know about gay Thailand, now one needs to visit Gaybutt and gay Thailand to get the full picture. Gay Thailand has consistently offered up good 'to the point' posts without multiple thread-fucks recently, and that's what SGT was always known for and excelled at in the past. Disappointing and sad state of affairs at SGT nowadays. I would never stop posting and reading here, but I have found less enthusiasm to make contributions here on the same regular basis as I used to. I know there are many others out there with that same sentiment.

January 25th, 2018, 22:06
So Newalaan if you don't like it now and you didn't like it under Surfcrest and you didn't like it under Neal, when exactly was it that it was "once great"?

January 25th, 2018, 22:54
The post above from Arsenal ... i.e. the one in which he claims is purely personal rather than wrapped in Moderator's clothe ... is nothing but bullshit from first to last word.

It's apparent that you (Arsenal) are the one who's thin skin is all-encompassing, not mine. Where you dreamed up a scenario that I am declaring myself immune to getting spanked because I was once an owner of Sawatdee is in the same sophomoric league as your bullshit.
My main point regarding this crap is that divvering up 'demerit points' for ludicrous reasons is so childish, so kindergarten, and so ridiculous that I find even the very thought of running a message board such as this one by hanging demerit points above members' heads to be at best Trumpian, and at worst Orwellian ... with a smidgen of stupidity thrown in.

Frankly, this board as it is today, i.e. run by three moderators and one Administrator who seem to have gone rogue with power, may as well pack it in for good because the way it's being run now is simply a farce. The writing on the wall started with Christian's philosophy that he could enter a member's posts at whim and edit the content, even though it was something as mundane as a spelling mistake. And now ... the deluge of over wrought and blatant power tripping.

So Arsenal et al, you can now shove my membership up your ass. I have no desire to be part of what is turning into a much worse disaster than it was under Neal (That Cunt).

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2018, 23:26
Smiles I would have thought that you like a lot of the rest of us here just now post IN SPITE of the Owner / the mods - they are their general car crash power trip is just to be ignored / pitied in my opinion until such times as they wise up / sell the board / pass over to the next life or whatever or until said poopy points ( as they're a load of shit) simply rack up and then I'm auto banned, either and whichever comes first is just fine with me and I thought you should be the same as it's shame to let their dumbness succeed in doing what Neal the Cunt couldn't do - which was totally wreck the board.

Oh and Arsenal in you "here's what can happen" views above one of the likely views that you omitted was the very thing that happened with long term members telling you / Moses to stick their membership - and THAT IS a loose for BOTH parties as far aqs I can see - whether you both agree with that fact or not.

PS Moses - your infraction points just delivered - I couldn't give a fuck - knock yourself out.

January 26th, 2018, 00:28
Call their bluff as I have done - make it clear that if they suspend you then fine - but you won't be back.

I was disappointed that Sglad and Frequent sold themselves out by returning - I certainly wouldn't have.

Dunno why Christian lends his credibility to these shenanigans

Nirish guy
January 26th, 2018, 00:50
As I've said above I post here as I have for many years for fun and IN SPITE of the current round of owner / mod nonsense - they can boot me off anytime they wish - no big deal, meanwhile I'll continue to post as I always have - but i'll be damned if they'll change how or what I post - Neal couldn't achieve that so they most certainly wont. And as you said I'm AMAZED at the Mod's supporting Moses idiocy - but hey, up to them / him - as I've said in the bigger scheme of life it's no odds to me.

January 26th, 2018, 01:29
PS Moses - your infraction points just delivered - I couldn't give a fuck - knock yourself out.


Nirish guy
January 26th, 2018, 01:33
Great, glad we understand each other - you don't give a fuck about wrecking your board - and I don't give a fuck about you as you go about doing it !! Glad we got that clear.

January 26th, 2018, 04:01

Just don't forget about these words tomorrow, please....

January 26th, 2018, 05:00
Any creditability this board once had has long been lost it's decline excelerated when Surf left and with the rediculous appointment of the 3 stooges added by Joe's flooding and Aresenal's unfounded feeling of self importance I hardley post anymore and this shall be my last.

January 26th, 2018, 05:39
So Newalaan if you don't like it now and you didn't like it under Surfcrest and you didn't like it under Neal, when exactly was it that it was "once great"?

Arsenal, please don't misquote me or put words in my mouth. I never said anywhere I 'didn't like' SGT under surfcrest or Neal, or indeed 'now'. I didn't visit SGT forum to interact with either of these owners, I visited to interact with other members, what I specifically said was they used their position as owners/mods to exact petty revenge on members who criticised, commented on or disagreed with them. The plainly ridiculous, infantile treatment of smiles stinks and hints at a return to that ugly petty personal side of Neal and surfcrest's unfortunate tenures.

Under the ownership of smiles and then spike was when the SGT forum was clearly and consistently at it's best IMHO. Many here also forget that even in the first part of Neal's finally destructive ownership very little changed at SGT from smiles and spike's time for a while. So in your words 'once great' (as in edgy, unique, interesting, varied and most enjoyable) would be during smiles, spike's and 1/3rd of Neal's time.

January 26th, 2018, 06:30
One issue I have with this. You're quite obviously selectively enforcing the rules, and singling out Smiles. If you're going to put some retarded rules and points system in place, then it needs to be applied equally across the membership, and I'd say that should include the mods as well, as the current three mods aren't exactly known to be the most cordial of individuals.

For one of dozens of examples, every few days I'm telling a447 what an asshole and worthless piece of shit I think he is, and I don't have any points. If we're going to do this retarded points system, then Moses should have a bunch of points too. He insults members all the time.

Either enforce the rules equally, or better yet, don't enforce them at all. Don't cherry pick though.

January 26th, 2018, 09:16
Stop whining Matt. We all know the rules are applied selectively, without any transparency, by a bunch of clueless, incompetent tyrants. However, that's the risk of a privately owned Forum

January 26th, 2018, 09:52
Anyone of you is free to start up his own forum and as it would be a gay owned business you would also be free to advertise it here and then you can ALL have exactly the message board you ALL want. Exactly what it is that you ALL want I must confess to having no idea about. It is not clear.

January 26th, 2018, 09:59
I have to suggest that even if it was clear it would make no difference - so... kinda moot really

January 26th, 2018, 10:04
It's 4.00am in Scotland right now. Can't you sleep?

January 26th, 2018, 10:19
No - I'm having difficulty adjusting to sharing a bed every night with someone who kicks, elbows and nudges me every 10 minutes, and generally flails about like a spider caught in a very slippy bath!


January 26th, 2018, 10:30
Perhaps you should let him try and get some sleep!


January 26th, 2018, 10:34
Haha. Well I can't speak for Vietnamese boys but Thais are the same. Chinese boys are the best to sleep with, slumbering as they do in a gentle soporific doze and with skin so soft it's like silk and yet happy to snuggle at any time. Even the straight ones I've slept with.

January 26th, 2018, 11:14
No - I'm having difficulty adjusting to sharing a bed every night with someone who kicks, elbows and nudges me every 10 minutes, and generally flails about like a spider caught in a very slippy bath!

:DYou're sleeping with arsenal? Surely he farts as well?

January 26th, 2018, 11:21
Anyone of you is free to start up his own forum and as it would be a gay owned business you would also be free to advertise it here and then you can ALL have exactly the message board you ALL want. Exactly what it is that you ALL want I must confess to having no idea about. It is not clear.You've missed the fairly obvious point (no surprises there, missing the point is pretty much your speciality) that many posters assert that until you came along they pretty much had the Board they wanted. The alternatives are obvious - and the simpler of the two is that you and your fellow clowns fuck off

January 26th, 2018, 14:40

January 26th, 2018, 15:25
Well Frequent, what 'they' wanted not that long ago was you banned for good for your perrenial posting habits, Latin too for that matter so it seems that what 'they' want has a certain fluidity about it.

January 26th, 2018, 15:45
No arsenal, what the membership wnats it pretty obvious. The current rules page seems as though I'm entering a 55 year business contract. Instead it should simply read:

1.) No crossing lese majeste laws.
2.) No child porn, or talking about how / where to have sex with kids.
3.) One account per-individual.

That's about it. You guys trying to "clamp down" on us as members would be funny if it wasn't so fucken stupid.

January 26th, 2018, 16:05
Well Frequent, what 'they' wanted not that long ago was you banned for good for your perrenial posting habits, Latin too for that matter so it seems that what 'they' want has a certain fluidity about it.You, bobsaigon and your OCD chum do not constitute a "them" worth worrying about

Nirish guy
January 26th, 2018, 16:59

Just don't forget about these words tomorrow, please....

How could I forget- as you fuck things up each and every day just a little bit more here it seems - so you're always continually reminding us of that...... To have most of your posters posting about you, your Mods and your silly little points schemes instead of them posting about all things Gay and Thailand etc should really tell you how far YOU have driven the board away from it's main purpose - but you of course are too arrogant to see that so yes, I'll take your "advises" and just try to remember not to give a fuck more. Thanks.

January 26th, 2018, 18:08
The calls to do something about you Matt have rung long and loud from many members. We have ignored them all, cos you're still ere.

Brad the Impala
January 26th, 2018, 20:40
I think that this is the most unpleasant thread that I've ever read on any of the Gay Thailand forums.

There have been more incendiary threads, there have been worse insults, language and abuse, but for sheer malevolence to contributors, taking it's tone from the title, this one surely wins the award.

January 26th, 2018, 21:12
How could I forget- as you fuck things up each and every day just a little bit more here it seems - so you're always continually reminding us of that...... To have most of your posters posting about you, your Mods and your silly little points schemes instead of them posting about all things Gay and Thailand etc should really tell you how far YOU have driven the board away from it's main purpose - but you of course are too arrogant to see that so yes, I'll take your "advises" and just try to remember not to give a fuck more. Thanks.

so you are here again? wow... so short in memory? you already promised it yesterday "not to give a fuck more", do you forgot? and today again are talking about "not to give a fuck more"... how much is your "more"? is it "anymore"? or you are talking about "more, more and more"? :)))))))))))))))

January 26th, 2018, 21:48
Brad wrote.
"I think that this is the most unpleasant thread that I've ever read on any of the Gay Thailand forums.

There have been more incendiary threads, there have been worse insults, language and abuse, but for sheer malevolence to contributors, taking it's tone from the title, this one surely wins the award."

Malevolent it certainly is. Smiles destroys a thread and throws shit at both Matt and Christian. He gets a tiny rebuke. That should have been that, but no. He bitches like hell and the pack smell some free raw meat and so dive in to gorge. I call it free because they all know that the chances of Moses chucking them out are so small as to be almost non existence. This is not because of their fabulous contribution to the board which is largely self indulgent but because unlike both GB and GT the owners (Neal, Surfcrest and now Moses) here have banned members as an absolutely last resort and clearly this is a policy that is continuing. And if any one is in any doubt about not caring whether they can post or not they just need to take a look at Frequent and the rage he still feels after serving a months suspension when all his little comments went unpublished.

Nirish guy
January 26th, 2018, 22:23
so you are here again? wow... so short in memory? you already promised it yesterday "not to give a fuck more", do you forgot?

No it appears your poor english is letting you down again as actually what I said was "you don't give a fuck about wrecking your board - and I don't give a fuck about you as you go about doing it !" - Big difference.

January 26th, 2018, 22:27
No it appears your poor english is letting you down again as actually what I said was "you don't give a fuck about wrecking your board - and I don't give a fuck about you as you go about doing it !" - Big difference.

Nirish, here in Russia exists popular modern proverb "Я три дня бежала за вами, чтобы рассказать как вы мне безразличны". Translation by Google: "I ran for you for three days to tell you how indifferent you are to me".

Maybe it is time for you to stop run for me to to tell me everyday about your indifference?

January 26th, 2018, 23:53
The calls to do something about you Matt have rung long and loud from many members. We have ignored them all, cos you're still ere.

Then give it a try, and ban me. I haven't done anything worth banning. The only thing I've done that would be worthy of a ban is constantly calling a447 out for the prick that he is, and sorry, but it's not my fault he's an asshole.

That's all I've done though. Oh, and I guess I swear too much.

Nirish guy
January 27th, 2018, 02:04
Maybe it is time for you to stop run for me to to tell me everyday about your indifference?

Maybe it's time for you and by default some of your Mods to start running your board better and stop having lines of your regular posters queuing up to tell you you're overstepping the mark as the board owner and are in fact crippling and stifling the board rather than encouraging it to grow and develop....just a thought.

But here's a compromise for you ( as I'm a reasonable guy) - I'll knock off breaking your balls if and when you guys knock off talking down to grown adults about bans and points and robots and all the usual nonsense when in general we're all just here for a bit of a laugh and some fun anyway and really dont need to hear that.......ok, we have a deal ? Why am i guessing not somehow ......

January 27th, 2018, 02:17
Maybe it's time for you and by default some of your Mods to start running your board better and stop having lines of your regular posters queuing up to tell you you're overstepping the mark as the board owner and are in fact crippling and stifling the board rather than encouraging it to grow and develop....just a thought.

But here's a compromise for you ( as I'm a reasonable guy) - I'll knock off breaking your balls if and when you guys knock off talking down to grown adults about bans and points and robots and all the usual nonsense when in general we're all just here for a bit of a laugh and some fun anyway and really dont need to hear that.......ok, we have a deal ? Why am i guessing not somehow ......

I'm not looking for compromise. I'm watching 5 numbers: "total members", "active members", "visits daily", "pages per visit", "time on site". While numbers are growing I'm on right path.

your board


regular posters

not all regular posters are equally useful, some are useless, and some are completely harmful to the forum

January 27th, 2018, 03:49
Is this forum "swirling the drain" ?

January 27th, 2018, 05:27
Here's a suggestion for a statistical exercise Moses.

Now that you've dismissed some (un-named) regular posters as "useless" and/or "harmful" - why don't you look at the threads these maligned individuals have created or substantially contributed to and see how many views those threads have attracted and how many "likes" the useless and harmful posters have attracted.

You might be surprised to find that those you deem useless and harmful are actually the ones who are generating those positive statistics you are boasting of.

Alternatively you may come to a different conclusion but either way that little exercise might be a better use of your time than (seemingly) spending it deliberately thinking up new ways of pissing off an increasing number of people every day?

January 27th, 2018, 06:13
Here's a suggestion for a statistical exercise Moses.

Now that you've dismissed some (un-named) regular posters as "useless" and/or "harmful" - why don't you look at the threads these maligned individuals have created or substantially contributed to and see how many views those threads have attracted and how many "likes" the useless and harmful posters have attracted.

You might be surprised to find that those you deem useless and harmful are actually the ones who are generating those positive statistics you are boasting of.

Alternatively you may come to a different conclusion but either way that little exercise might be a better use of your time than (seemingly) spending it deliberately thinking up new ways of pissing off an increasing number of people every day?

You're missing the point of the Internet. Web site owners have no interest in quality, only quantity (of visitors)

January 27th, 2018, 06:13
Matt. "Done nothing wrong" Do you mean apart from destroying every single thread you get involved in due to your childish nonsense that no one believes?

January 27th, 2018, 06:14
Matt. "Done nothing wrong" Do you mean apart from destroying every single thread you get involved in due to your childish nonsense that no one believes?Looked in the mirror recently?

January 27th, 2018, 06:47
Matt. For example your absurd post on the arrival card thread elicits the expected response. It came from Frequent but could just have easily come from anyone. No doubt you'll go back and argue with him and others will join the fray. So don't tell me you've done nothing wrong. You do nothing but.

Mirror mirror on the wall who's the biggest troll of all?

January 27th, 2018, 06:53
Matt. "Done nothing wrong" Do you mean apart from destroying every single thread you get involved in due to your childish nonsense that no one believes?

I'll take partial blame, but not full blame. Lots of times it's just old grumpy men going off the rails simply for the sake of bitching and complaining. I remember one thread I simply confirmed it was indeed cold in Thailand, nothing more, and it devolved into a 3 page bitch fest about me.

And sorry if you don't like it, but everything I've posted is indeed true. I'm 36, Canadian, software developer, not rich, not poor, have a BF, am blind, etc.

January 27th, 2018, 07:13
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the biggest troll of all?Since you're the one looking in the mirror arsenal I think we all know the answer to that question

January 27th, 2018, 07:20
Thank you frequent. I wasn't aware the membership had collectively elected you as their spokesman. It;s good to know.

January 27th, 2018, 07:27
Thank you frequent. I wasn't aware the membership had collectively elected you as their spokesman. It;s good to know.Add that to your many, many items of complete, total and utter ignorance

January 27th, 2018, 07:35
Well of course, anyone would be considered ignorant compared to you. The Delphic Oracle of wisdom and knowledge, the Gandalph of Gayboardland,the Soloman of sodomy. We genuflect at your precious teachings.

January 27th, 2018, 07:41
Well of course, anyone would be considered ignorant compared to you. The Delphic Oracle of wisdom and knowledge, the Gandalph of Gayboardland,the Soloman of sodomy. We genuflect at your precious teachings.Since you and your OCD chum committed lese majeste against Queen Elizabeth by banning me for a month, all of the above does not even need to be said

January 27th, 2018, 08:54
You should inform The Palace.

January 27th, 2018, 09:00
Betty already knows my views

January 27th, 2018, 13:56
You're missing the point of the Internet. Web site owners have no interest in quality, only quantity (of visitors)

In that case they'd be overlooking the fact that something must attract those visitors to visit the website and (even more significantly) to return or register.

January 30th, 2018, 14:17
So Newalaan if you don't like it now and you didn't like it under Surfcrest and you didn't like it under Neal, when exactly was it that it was "once great"?

Let's not forget, Mr. Happy was once Alaan from 2007 to 2012 and then newalaan from 2010 to 2012 and now this third incarnation, newalaan2...because quitting and coming back is what great members like newalaan2 do when they're happy.


January 30th, 2018, 15:02
Here we go......

January 30th, 2018, 16:08
Let's not forget, Mr. Happy was once Alaan from 2007 to 2012 and then newalaan from 2010 to 2012 and now this third incarnation, newalaan2...because quitting and coming back is what great members like newalaan2 do when they're happy.


You are a liar! I have never 'quit' SGT or any forum anywhere in my life. You are also a fool because despite your access to information you clearly are unable to process it. I have been perfectly happy (as you rightly note above) throughout my continuous time at SGT as I've always enjoyed interaction with the members here. 2/3's of neal's time and the whole of your ownership, disastrous as they were, due to the interesting and edgy forum which SGT had been best known for finally being totally ruined by you, even though probably contributing much less..........I still made time to post and read here. It was my forum long before you and your ego turned up, you were but a 'blip' in the forum's history as far as I am concerned.

Facts you were unable to process.....facts of course being something you have always paid little heed to. Alaan was changed because during Spikes ownership there were problems with myself (and other members) being unable to access certain parts of the board like using quote facility, PMs etc, at the time I was informed the only way to 'get round it' was to re-register under another handle. Newalaan to newalaan2 happened under Neal's ownership when finally near the end he 'suspended' newalaan because I didn't reply quick enough to one of his PM's and he was miffed. I had already decided not to make any further contact with him via email by that time and so simply set up another handle to find out what was going on and reply to the original PM, he then complained I had two handles even though I couldn't use one and he decided to cancel the newalaan one.

January 30th, 2018, 19:54
Newalaan2. Without Surfcrest and his money you would not be able to call him a liar. As without Moses and his. How is it that I, who attracts strong emotions from so many members can manage to not get into constant spats with the owners and yet a few of you do so with every single proprietor? The poodle pack remains the same no matter who pays the bills. I wonder why?

January 30th, 2018, 20:27
I'm quite tolerant to bites targeted to me - I have thick skin. But I'm less tolerant to bites targeted to person who saved this forum for users for many years, who paid for their pleasure to communicate here.

newalaan2 got 1 month to be free from forum for to think about his last post.

January 30th, 2018, 20:42
And also dealt with Neal and took revenge on him on behalf of those whom he terrorised. A bit of respect and gratitude should be the order of the day.

January 30th, 2018, 22:39
You are also a fool because despite your access to information you clearly are unable to process it.

Facts you were unable to process.....facts of course being something you have always paid little heed to. Alaan was changed because during Spikes ownership there were problems with myself (and other members) being unable to access certain parts of the board like using quote facility, PMs etc, at the time I was informed the only way to 'get round it' was to re-register under another handle. Newalaan to newalaan2 happened under Neal's ownership when finally near the end he 'suspended' newalaan because I didn't reply quick enough to one of his PM's and he was miffed. I had already decided not to make any further contact with him via email by that time and so simply set up another handle to find out what was going on and reply to the original PM, he then complained I had two handles even though I couldn't use one and he decided to cancel the newalaan one.

No Mr. Happy, you and I both know this is not so. Your incredibly happy disposition has been your "M.O." since the beginning, yelling at and calling a "liar" anyone that doesn't agree with your pathetic views. You have zero examples of this disastrous period of ownership or and specificly related to you personally. You come across as some "entitled bitch" that thinks she can tell an owner how to run their business and jump up and down if they don't listen or take heed. I always thought you were a woman pretending to be a gay man until some members claimed they met you.


January 31st, 2018, 05:27
...because quitting and coming back is what great members like newalaan2 do when they're happy.Apposite

January 31st, 2018, 08:06
I always thought you were a woman pretending to be a gay man until some members claimed they met you.

How uncanny. People have said the same of a747 and even those who've met her say they're still not sure!!

January 31st, 2018, 09:03

She's not that big !!

January 31st, 2018, 09:05
Wanna bet??

My fuck-buddies will say otherwise, I'm sure!

Or should I call them "sodomates", sglad?


January 31st, 2018, 09:25
Wanna bet??Since there's no way of proving this, it's an empty boast - somewhat like Trump's riposte to those who mention his small hands

January 31st, 2018, 13:46

I must remember to make those smiley faces a bit bigger!

January 31st, 2018, 14:49
.... but my joke was about obesity, not dick size


February 23rd, 2018, 02:05
Nice Boys has a full stage of exactly my type and I've been in there sometimes when there have been ten of my previous offs standing there.. Bir runs the best go go bar Pattaya has to offer in my opinion and at least two of her boys are model quality in looks and all are excellent in the room. .

Hope they look better than this "model"!

February 23rd, 2018, 02:43
Since our esteemed moderator can apparently vouch for the sexual prowess of every boy in Nice Boys ("all are good in the room" he says) - do you perchance have a video of the above featured cutie rogering Arsenal to within an inch of his life?

With sound would be an added bonus!

February 23rd, 2018, 03:02
unfortunately this video doesn't feature Arsenal being rogered... But this guys teeth certainly get their comeuppance!

February 23rd, 2018, 03:31
Following this report I am going to take a 5/6 week full hiatus from posting here.Given it up for Lent?

February 23rd, 2018, 14:45
Well I don't know about you but I'm missing him already, so I thought I'd contribute this lest we forget him altogether:


February 23rd, 2018, 19:50
Not only is criticism not tolerated these days, it seems satire is also off limits.

So sad, as The Donald would say