View Full Version : Hearing Aids

January 25th, 2018, 11:41
I feel old! I got my hearing aids yesterday (I was told I don't need one for the final front ear!). I was told to slowly build up the time I use them, so I watched TV for an hour. They certainly made a difference. My family had been telling me for a few years I had some hearing loss. I'm glad I finally got it sorted.

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2018, 15:21
Welcome to the club Joe, I got mine about a year ago now. At first felt odd as fuck, both re the hearing through them and wearing them "out" - and actually I'm still selective where I wear them and judge that mainly on need and vanity. Actually the one thing I had to get over was OTHER peoples reaction as I quickly worked out where I found them of use or not and wore them accordingly just i.e in busy crowded places or in restaurants or meetings etc where I didn't want to miss key words just perhaps.

But I've noticed when sipping them ( or one even just ) in that other people either take pity, or start to ask "so when did you become deaf" and talk to me like I'm (even more) stupid than normal. However I quickly explain that I'm no where NEAR deaf, they just help with clarity and means I dont have to concentrate as much etc - BUT I've realised may as well talk to the wall as the second one goes in to the world "I'm deaf" - so fuck it, I just go with that now and let them think what they want as I'm too lazy to struggle in some situations anymore.

I also find them very useful when at the theatre etc as I CAN now hear the actors again which is a nice change from 50% NOT ! Also another thing I've now noticed is that it's NOT always ME and some people are terrible fucking mumblers and are either too lazy to too useless to enunciate their words clearly - and THEY I find are usually the ones who bang on with the "awww bless, I've every sympathy for people who need those things" when in reality half times its their bloody lazy or ridiculously quiet speaking tone that causes the need in the first place !

However I have gained more advantage than not when I choose to pop them in so stick with its and you'll find your own level I'm sure too - and the first thing to do is bin that ridiculously over sized case they no doubt gave you with them and get yourself something like in the (random) link below ( £3.95? on eBay) then you can just easily keep them in your pocket at all times and pop them in when most needed and you can also keep spare batteries etc in there too so you're not caught out when out and about.

Best of luck - in a few weeks / months you'll look back and wonder how you managed for so long without them and you won't gave a fuck what anyone thinks anymore.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hearing-Aid-Case-Round-Zip-Storage-Hard-Carry-Case-Holder-Heavy-Duty-Best/172975553386?hash=item2846257b6a:m:mx1ReAqdldSGCG2 5_Mu5CSA


January 25th, 2018, 17:26
Thanks NIrish, yes I was told it would take a while to get used to them. I'm not in any rush. Btw, mine look very different to those in the picture.

Nirish guy
January 25th, 2018, 23:31
lol they're not hearing aids, just a random pic from the net of I assume music headphones, it was the case I was referring to which is the same for both things - as per the case in the link I'd attached too.

January 26th, 2018, 02:45
Oh right, silly me. Wore them for 3 hours today - never heard my breathing before; filling the kettle; flushing the toilet. And the traffic outside.

January 28th, 2018, 16:13
In other words, normal life

C'mon the Hearing Aids


January 28th, 2018, 18:49
I always thought hearing AIDS was the result of unprotected aural sex or the indiscriminate sharing of used headphones


Nirish guy
January 29th, 2018, 07:15
Hearing AIDS, No, thats just more usually caused by listening to too many arseholes apparently !

January 29th, 2018, 18:48
just wondering Joe - is your last name Richards?



February 2nd, 2018, 05:34
What I do notice, as the years pass by, is that background noise is increasingly a problem when someone is trying to talk to me.