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July 20th, 2006, 19:02
Is it just me or does anyone else see that Bush's comments on stem cell research could equally be equated to the war in Iraq or the bombing of Lebanon by Israel:

'It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect ... (to) support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding benefits (*) for others'

* in this case medical benefits

Doesn't the taking of innocent human life in Iraq and the the bombing of civilians in Lebanon also cross a moral boundary?

July 21st, 2006, 00:17
No. Next question?

July 21st, 2006, 01:37
Doesn't the taking of innocent human life in Iraq and the the bombing of civilians in Lebanon also cross a moral boundary?

It not only crosses it, Fatman41, it pisses on it along the way while thumbing its nose at the rest of the world. The Shrub is just another Western theocratic bully, making the US the Cops of the World in the name of what he views as "best" from within his little bubble.

His "War on Terror" is impossible to win... especially when the "enemy" is any one person who has a need to make or use a bomb somewhere. I deplore the violence individuals and groups are using in the middle east to make their point, but we have NO business deciding what form of government another country chooses to have.

Better The Shrub should declare war on auto manufacturers who make the disgraceful gas guzzlers half the size of a city bus... i.e. two-thirds of the vehicles on the roads in California, anyway.

Oops, gotta go... it sounds like it might be time for a Xanex! Anyway, I agree with you.

July 21st, 2006, 02:45
bush is a charlatan. He doesn't really believe that fundy stuff. He just follows along to please his political base.

July 21st, 2006, 06:16
That just makes him all the more dangerous. Catering to groups that advocate religious control over the US on so many different levels is a BIG mistake. Besides, religious zealots who don't think the way he wants is precisely the war he's raping America for already. I guess he can't see the forest for the trees.

The closer we get to the fundies running the schools and public offices, the closer People Like Us are to being burned at the stake, if you'll pardon my over-reacting JUST a little here.

I apologize... I *know* better than to discuss religion and politics, especially when they're intermingled! I'll hush up now.