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January 10th, 2018, 20:08
This drives me mad. I’ve travelled widely all over the world and spent a lot of time in Egypt which is the origin of the term “Gippy Tummy” (Egyptian Tummy) and I’ve been fine. I’ve been to Mexico and avoided “Montezuma’s Revenge”. I’ve travelled in South America and been fine. Only in India did I get food poisoning. Then there’s Thailand…

…Every time I visit I’m ill within a matter of days. Forget Street Food that would lay me up for a week. I’m so careful but it always seems to happen. My Thai boyfriend is baffled but likes to blame chocolate which he regards as evil. Useless to point out that it doesn’t effect me in the UK and I don’t think the occasional KitKat from the 7-11 does me any harm.

I’m already under weight for my height but I actually lose weight during each visit to Thailand. As I spend two months a year in Thailand it takes the rest of the time to put the weight back on again.

I am a vegetarian so probably eat more fruit and salads than many but I follow all the rules about washing etc.

Any tips?

January 10th, 2018, 20:17
Same here. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water until you are sick of it!

Nirish guy
January 10th, 2018, 20:56
Unless of course it's the water that's causing the problem in the first place perhaps ! I "assume" you're not drinking it out of the tap etc ?

January 10th, 2018, 21:08
Unless of course it's the water that's causing the problem in the first place perhaps ! I "assume" you're not drinking it out of the tap etc ?

Yes bottled water only. I've even tried different brands in case that makes any difference and I don't use the bottled water that the hotel provides either.

January 10th, 2018, 21:27
In olde London the local water pump killed thousands.
The cheap beer saved thousands.
Try a few steaks, KFC, sea bass, Prawns, a few beers, a gin or two, Samsong Rum, Yaa dong you know all the usual stuff that doesn't make us all sick and under-weight.

January 11th, 2018, 14:34
As I find eating meat physically repellent your remedy is worse than the affliction. As for being underweight I should have made it clear that it’s more aesthetic than medical as my BMI is just within the normal range.

My less charitable friends call me “skinny”, I prefer “slim”. It's only in Thailand that I have a problem as I'm very fit otherwise.

January 11th, 2018, 14:43
As I find eating meat physically repellent ...Do you wet the bed as well?

January 11th, 2018, 14:49
Do you wet the bed as well?

I've no idea what that's meant to mean but I assume it's an attempt at humour. It's typical of the sort of stupid remark that seems all too common on this forum and is the reason I stopped visiting before and is the reason I will now do so again. I know you won't miss me as you are so obviously too stupid and self obsessed to care.

January 11th, 2018, 16:27
As I find eating meat physically repellent your remedy is worse than the affliction. As for being underweight I should have made it clear that it’s more aesthetic than medical as my BMI is just within the normal range.

My less charitable friends call me “skinny”, I prefer “slim”. It's only in Thailand that I have a problem as I'm very fit otherwise.
If you find meat repellant that's ok.
I used the word 'try' deliberately because sometimes we miss out on a range of food for the want of trying.
Give seafood a try as it's abundant and inexpensive in Thailand.
Humans have always been omnivorous not exclusively vegetarian.
Our guts have evolved to deal with a great variety of foodstuff so have faith in that.
It works for most of us most of the time.
Best of luck.

January 11th, 2018, 19:41
If you find meat repellant that's ok.I'm guessing he has some imaginary "ethical" issue about consuming dead animals. Considering he seems to have no ethical problem sodomising Third World youths, you'd have to wonder at the consistency of his ethical standards

January 11th, 2018, 22:26
OK I over reacted and got in a strop. Just for the record I was raised a vegetarian and I don’t try and persuade others to be the same and I don’t get all moral about it. I just don’t like to or want to eat meat. It never did my father any harm who lived healthily well into his 90s.

However, I’ve never understood why some people are so intolerant of the idea. In some places I’ve travelled such people would find themselves in the minority. In some parts of India suggesting that someone might like to eat a steak and a KFC would not go down at all well.

I’ll stick to reading posts on the main Forum in future and won’t revisit this thread. Asking for sensible advice was obviously expecting too much.

January 11th, 2018, 22:46
Do you wet the bed as well?
This comment is quite mild actually as comments go.
Yes, I think it might be best to withdraw from the field for a while.

Nirish guy
January 11th, 2018, 23:24
Actually I think you both were arseholes to the guy - he posted a perfectly reasonable post about getting sick when travelling and you both launched on him. Frequent, you just because that's just how you get your kicks of course.

He doesn't have to justify he choices to anyone and if he choses not to eat meat for "whatever" reason then that's his choice and it's no one else's business and as he says and as is well documented choosing to be vegetarian has no negative effect on your heath and I also doubt it has anything to do with him getting ill particularily when on holiday perhaps either.

As he said is it a bit of wonder people chose not to post here sometimes.......Thankfully he's already decided that two posters just being pure mean wont stop him thankfully.

January 12th, 2018, 01:03
As he said is it a bit of wonder people chose not to post here sometimes.......Thankfully he's already decided that two posters just being pure mean wont stop him thankfully.

Agreed. It's pretty pointless trying to raise serious topics here, since there are a handful of trolls who bugger it up for everyone else. I'll send my comments by PM.

January 14th, 2018, 01:48
I've no idea what that's meant to mean but I assume it's an attempt at humour. It's typical of the sort of stupid remark that seems all too common on this forum and is the reason I stopped visiting before and is the reason I will now do so again. I know you won't miss me as you are so obviously too stupid and self obsessed to care.

Could it be a problem with ice? I never have ice in any of my drinks, as I have seen some of the enclosures where bags of ice are filled to be delivered to bars etc and it entails enormous slabs of ice that are sitting on concrete being smashed up by guys clambering around it.

I once had dreadful food poisoning in Tunisia in the seventies and it was traced to the watermelon which, more often than not, was served to hotel guests after the meal. The kitchen staff were running the water melon under the kitchen tap before serving it to make it more appealing!!

January 14th, 2018, 06:03
Could it be a problem with ice? I never have ice in any of my drinks, as I have seen some of the enclosures where bags of ice are filled to be delivered to bars etc and it entails enormous slabs of ice that are sitting on concrete being smashed up by guys clambering around it.

I once had dreadful food poisoning in Tunisia in the seventies and it was traced to the watermelon which, more often than not, was served to hotel guests after the meal. The kitchen staff were running the water melon under the kitchen tap before serving it to make it more appealing!!

I think ice is fine but I'd never trust a salad prepared in a Thai kitchen. Having said that, I eat chopped fruit from the local fruit vendors every day with no ill effect. Interestingly many now wear plastic gloves

January 14th, 2018, 06:45
I never worry about ice which is the 'safe' shape.
Not sure how to describe it.

But I am wary of any ice which seems to be crushed ice.

January 14th, 2018, 07:16
I used to buy the pre-packed fruit on the beach in Jomtien until I found the location where they chop up the mangos etc.
It was a board covered in old newspaper speckled with bird droppings under a tree around soi 8 on Jomtien Beach.

January 14th, 2018, 07:23
... on the beach in JomtienThe old Spartacus acronym AYOR springs to mind

January 14th, 2018, 17:35
In the first years, I certainly got stomach problems in Thailand far more often than in Europe (in Thailand more than once per year, in Europe three times in 30 years). I could never track any of these cases back to a certain food or restaurant. But now I can eat streetfood and drink tap water everywhere in SEAsia without problems.

Nirish guy
January 14th, 2018, 18:24
...... and drink tap water everywhere in SEAsia without problems.

But is that wise Christian as surely it's not so much about you perhaps building up a resistance to certain germs in the water perhaps ( which can happen of course) but more that there are such a wide variety and number of possible different germs that could be in the tap water there at any time that's the issue. I'm maybe wrong but I dont recall seeing many Thai's drinking the tap water with abandon ?? ( or I I wrong there ??) I certainly brush my teeth with the tap water there but I wouldn't like to be sitting down and drinking pint glasses full of the stuff everyday ( if that's what you're suggesting you do ??)

January 16th, 2018, 10:48
Yes, that's what I do.

"I dont recall seeing many Thai's drinking the tap water with abandon ?? ( or I I wrong there ??)"
They don't. Even the poorest spend their little money on bottled water.

I once saw a dog drinking out of a sewer. If the dog can without getting sick, I can too!
(Figuratively. I don't drink from sewer, but tap water is fine.)

January 16th, 2018, 12:41
Eat local yogurt. Not imports, but locally made.

I have been doing this all over the world and was a great bit of advice from my mother who is also very well traveled.
The concept is, yogurts are full of good bacteria, but local bacteria. It will allow your body to adjust.

You can get them at MaxValu. I assume 7-11 and Family Mart's also.

January 16th, 2018, 12:44
But is that wise Christian as surely it's not so much about you perhaps building up a resistance to certain germs in the water perhaps ( which can happen of course) but more that there are such a wide variety and number of possible different germs that could be in the tap water there at any time that's the issue. I'm maybe wrong but I dont recall seeing many Thai's drinking the tap water with abandon ?? ( or I I wrong there ??) I certainly brush my teeth with the tap water there but I wouldn't like to be sitting down and drinking pint glasses full of the stuff everyday ( if that's what you're suggesting you do ??)

It's not the germs in the water you need to worry about. There are far more harmful things in Bangkok's drinking water that have seeped into old broken pipes from the surrounding area. Bangkoks water is perfectly drinkable at source, but old pipes make it very dangerous when it gets to some places in the city.

I used to use tap water for coffee in Bangkok, assuming boiling it was fine. After speaking at length with a Thai friend and him showing me info on this stuff, I quickly stopped!

All streets and condo have the water filter machines where you can get 1.5 liters of water for 1 Baht. Nobody in Thailand is really priced out of that. Stay safe!

January 17th, 2018, 02:27
Along a similar line to the yoghurt theme samebb, my first few trips I got sick, but on my latest one I took probiotic tablets. These ones specifically - https://www.healthpost.co.nz/ethical-nutrients-inner-health-on-the-go-enihgo-g.html - but there are many brands / varieties available. Not sure if it was just a coincidence, but I didn't get sick that trip, so will continue to take them on future trips.

January 17th, 2018, 03:42
I once saw a dog drinking out of a sewer. If the dog can without getting sick, I can too!
(Figuratively. I don't drink from sewer, but tap water is fine.)

Of all the laws of science, Darwin's Law is by far my favorite.

One thing I've learned from traveling over the years is to pay more attention to my hands, with respect to getting sick.In a hot and humid environment like Thailand, I am forever wiping sweat from my eyes, my nose and mouth and even my ears...when a big drop rolls into the ear canal. I'm using handrails, handles in the BTS / MRT, door handles, dirty baht...so many surfaces shared by other folks who may or may not wash their hands. Using a hand sanitizer and frequently washing the hands thoroughly with soap has worked well in Thailand, other tropical countries and here through flu season, if that helps any.


Nirish guy
January 17th, 2018, 04:24
I once saw a dog drinking out of a sewer. If the dog can without getting sick, I can too!

Dogs also of course have been known to eat their own shit to it is believed obtain missing nutrients so can we assume then Christian that by your measure you'd be ok doing THAT then too ? Actually dont bother answering that as with you one really couldn't be sure of the probably reply perhaps !

January 17th, 2018, 05:17
Of all the laws of science, Darwin's Law is by far my favorite.

One thing I've learned from traveling over the years is to pay more attention to my hands, with respect to getting sick.In a hot and humid environment like Thailand, I am forever wiping sweat from my eyes, my nose and mouth and even my ears...when a big drop rolls into the ear canal. I'm using handrails, handles in the BTS / MRT, door handles, dirty baht...so many surfaces shared by other folks who may or may not wash their hands. Using a hand sanitizer and frequently washing the hands thoroughly with soap has worked well in Thailand, other tropical countries and here through flu season, if that helps any.

Hand washing is half the battle...an ounce of prevention better than a ton of cure.
Thais are wise; they Wai and rarely shake hands.

January 17th, 2018, 10:10
Hand washing is half the battle...an ounce of prevention better than a ton of cure.
Thais are wise; they Wai and rarely shake hands.
That’s got nothing to do with personal hygiene and everything to do with the traditional lack of physical contact between the sexes. It wasn’t that long ago even in Bangkok for a far more common sight of same sex handholding and arms around shoulders than it is today

January 17th, 2018, 10:56
One thing I've learned from traveling over the years is to pay more attention to my hands, with respect to getting sick.In a hot and humid environment like Thailand, I am forever wiping sweat from my eyes, my nose and mouth and even my ears...when a big drop rolls into the ear canal. I'm using handrails, handles in the BTS / MRT, door handles, dirty baht...so many surfaces shared by other folks who may or may not wash their hands. Using a hand sanitizer and frequently washing the hands thoroughly with soap has worked well in Thailand, other tropical countries and here through flu season, if that helps any.Modern medicine points to the overly hygenic, especially parents, as being the major cause of afflictions such as asthma and their increasing prevalence. The only time I ever wash my hands after urinating is when I'm using a public lavatory and there are guys around cruising. Washing my hands merely helps to divert attention or fill in time, but it has nothing to do with hygiene. In saunas, beats and other places where casual and anonymous sex takes place - I'm thinking a447's favourite place, the Golden Cock for example - no-one washes their cock let alone their hands between bouts of activity. After have a shit - certainly. Otherwise - nah

January 17th, 2018, 14:06
Dogs also of course have been known to eat their own shit to it is believed obtain missing nutrients so can we assume then Christian that by your measure you'd be ok doing THAT then too ? Actually dont bother answering that as with you one really couldn't be sure of the probably reply perhaps !

It woudn't suprise me. Shit munchers be shit munchers haha.

January 17th, 2018, 15:47
I've no idea what that's meant to mean but I assume it's an attempt at humour. It's typical of the sort of stupid remark that seems all too common on this forum and is the reason I stopped visiting before and is the reason I will now do so again. I know you won't miss me as you are so obviously too stupid and self obsessed to care.

You are right, Chuai-Duai, there are always some smart assess who enjoy disrupting a thread for the their own amusement. If the mods had some balls they would ban them or, at least, remove their remarks.

January 17th, 2018, 16:24
Modern medicine points to the overly hygenic, especially parents, as being the major cause of afflictions such as asthma and their increasing prevalence. The only time I ever wash my hands after urinating is when I'm using a public lavatory and there are guys around cruising. Washing my hands merely helps to divert attention or fill in time, but it has nothing to do with hygiene. In saunas, beats and other places where casual and anonymous sex takes place - I'm thinking a447's favourite place, the Golden Cock for example - no-one washes their cock let alone their hands between bouts of activity. After have a shit - certainly. Otherwise - nah
The straight guys arrive in the bar after an afternoon romp with their go-go bar girlfriends, their cocks dripping with pussy-juice, expecting US to lick them clean.

January 20th, 2018, 14:00
With the references to shit-eating and cocks dripping with pussy-juice, it's good to see that the customary high standards in posting are being maintained


January 25th, 2018, 14:35
Here's an interesting article on a similar problem....


January 28th, 2018, 22:52
Yes, that's what I do.

"I dont recall seeing many Thai's drinking the tap water with abandon ?? ( or I I wrong there ??)"
They don't. Even the poorest spend their little money on bottled water.

I once saw a dog drinking out of a sewer. If the dog can without getting sick, I can too!
(Figuratively. I don't drink from sewer, but tap water is fine.)

Reminds me of Jasper Carrott's tale in his autobiography "Sweet and Sour Labrador", of when his very posh girlfriend took him to meet Mama and Papa.
He drove to her parents' place in his fish and chip van. Mother was extremely 'upmarket' and they had the token labrador dog bounding around the house. While they were all sitting in the 'drawing room' after lunch, the labrador suddenly sat on its arse in front of the fire, turned its neck one hundred and eighty degrees, dived between its hind legs and and began to lick its balls. There was a deathly hush while the young Jasper, his upper-crust bird, her regal mum and rich dad sat watching this display of canine exhibitionism. The silence was excruciating so for something to say Jasper, still looking at the dog, said, "It must be wonderful to be able to do that."
As quick as a flash the mother turned to him and said, "I daresay if you give it biscuit it might let you!"