View Full Version : A few of my favourite gay Asian films ...

December 31st, 2017, 15:40
I love Asian movies. They can often be weird (exacerbated by wonky, head-shaking subtitles) but that's often what makes me gravitate to them. They can be slow, even lanquid, and full of a 'style' which is quite understandable to their nationality, but makes westerners vaguely uncomfortable.

Thailand can be an awfully hot place at times, especially during the April ~ September heat waves: a perfect environment to turn on the aircon and watch some movies, undisturbed by a boyfriend who loves making money, thus loves working, thus outta my hair for hours at a time. :))

Here are four Asian gay films which you might find enjoyable. I've put two of them in this post, and two more in the following post ... (for some reason one has a limit of 2 YouTube videos per post. I don't get that really, but not a big deal).

My choices are numbered from 'Best Film' to 'Not Best Film' ... but out of a large crowd of gay Asian movies these four stand out for me.

"No Regret" (1) South Korea, English subs (but not the greatest)

'No Regret' is a movie which took awhile to appreciate. I watched it first a few years ago, liked it but not loved. But there was something about it which made me come back to it a number of times. It just seemed to get better on each viewing (and I hardly ever watch a movie more than once).
This is a movie, not of 'boys', but of 'men' ... the 2 main characters are late 20's/early30's. The main character is immensely handsome as well as being in just about every shot. Smokely sexy, yet quietly inward-looking, he makes this film what it is.
(The ending is a bit over the top, the only part I could live without.)


"No Touching at all" (2) Japanese, English Subs

Another day, another angst-full Japanese gay man.
This movie is just plain sweet: the angst character is as shy as it gets, whilst his boss at work hasn't a shy bone in his body. This one takes it's time but the first kiss goes a long way. I loved both of the main characters in different ways ... so far away from each other's innerness that it may well seem an impossible match, and for a long time it is.
Some nice touching moments here, in spite of the title.


December 31st, 2017, 16:00
"Junjou Pure Heart" (3) Japanese, English Subs

It's difficult to watch this movie without liking it ... it's that compelling. Tokyo Salary Men are everywhere (in Tokyo!) but gay Salary Men are careful. But these two guys find each other in the crowd because they sat staring at each other back in public school. But each went his own way for a time, then circled back to catch some love in this hard world.
The shorter guy is a smart cookie and doesn't have the inner turmoil of the taller guy ... who can be, it must be said, and asshole at times.
This is, once again, a sweet film, and is a great bus ride.


"Feel Good to Say Goodbye" (4) Thailand, English Subs

Thai gay movies are more often than not loaded down with young gorgeous school boys in white shirts and blue shorts. And this one is no exception. Its a long film, most of which is in the middle (in the past), but booked-marked on either end (the here and now). The main reason I liked this film is that the two boys really seem to have a great liking of each other. It shows in many ways and lets you in to the story.
"Feel Good to Say Goodbye' is not nearly as well-made as the other movies here. It's not very sophisticated at all, but that is pretty much a given when it comes to Thai movies in general. But I liked this one anyway ... so give it a chance.
The few sex scenes are actually quite sensual, the beginning story and the ending story are not schmaltzy, yet compelling in the Thai Way.


December 31st, 2017, 16:39
Smiles, that sounds like a great way to spend a couple of hours. In my case, I'll crank up the heating and watch the movies over the next few days. Thanks for posting.

December 31st, 2017, 19:42
One that made a great impact on me at the time was the 1998 Chinese gay movie Bishonen: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishonen_(film)

January 2nd, 2018, 07:43
Not much of a Korean fan but I have to admit this was a great movie:


January 2nd, 2018, 08:19
Thanks for that Tao, I haven't seen that one.

January 2nd, 2018, 08:48
Just doing my part to add a little variety to the forum...

January 12th, 2018, 08:32
This post got me hooked on watching these gay Asian movies... anyway a good one if you haven't seen it... Fathers (2016)

January 12th, 2018, 17:53
more a Thai story than a gay one, though there is a gay romance: was release here I think as "My Hero" but internationally was called "How to win at checkers (every time)"


(trailer only)


(maybe full movie?)


January 12th, 2018, 22:03
Here is a filipino gay movie that I liked (it comes in four parts):








January 12th, 2018, 22:41
part 4


January 12th, 2018, 23:32
Sorry about that...here is part 4


Brad the Impala
January 13th, 2018, 04:34
If I may add an ungay and independent Thai movie to the list worth watching. I have enjoyed the work of Apichatpong Weerasethakul. His films are often languorous, moody, and have been described as visual poems. Syndromes and A Century is one of the best examples of his work, and If you can slow your pace to that of the film your patience will reap rewards. It's an adult Thai film.


An interview with the director. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/apr/12/apichatpong-weerasethakul-cemetery-of-splendour-thailand-interview

January 13th, 2018, 18:36
well if we are going to start adding "ungay and independent Thai movie[s]" my favourite has always been the cult classic Tears of the Black Tiger or Fah Talai Jone from 2000 directed by Wisit Sasanatieng as a tribute to the Thai tom yung goong westerns of the 30's and 40's - lurid violence, lurid colouration, stilted acting, stilted plotlines but such a Thai story of poor boy meets rich girl, goodies v's badies etc



I picked up a licensed DVD in Bangkok but I am sure it is on youtube or elsewhere or the DVD was I think released internationally


January 14th, 2018, 11:42
Wow! Love this one (Korean/ Night Flight) Rape seen was awesome (is that bad??)... hahaha. Thanks for sharing

January 14th, 2018, 11:43
Naw let's keep it Asian / gay related please. Sad ones are a plus.

January 14th, 2018, 19:54
Naw let's keep it Asian / gay related please. Sad ones are a plus.

for Asian/Gay films "sad" still seems to be an essential element for the genre - give the societies and the directors another 10 or 20 years and they may grow beyond that


January 14th, 2018, 23:24
I like it