View Full Version : I left my harp

December 20th, 2017, 13:34
I left my harp in Sanpan disco. Anyone for karaoke?

December 20th, 2017, 14:18
OK, I had to look it up. Hadn't a clue about the San Pan Disco. And Antti Sarpila & Opera Big Band ???? I've led a very sheltered musical life. Almost exclusively the classics. Once I said I liked classical music and a very young lady, confusing classic with classical, said, "Oh, like the Beatles?"

But in addition to classical, I've become a fan of Blue Grass banjo music (Sleepy Man Banjo) and Presley Barker's flat pick guitar pieces. And Luca Sestak (Boogie Woogie piano). All very talented young musicians.

December 20th, 2017, 15:18
I'm with you on the blue-grass banjo!

Billy Connolly is a talented banjo player, as, I think, is Chevy Chase.

I'll google Luca and Presley.

December 20th, 2017, 15:44
Billy Connolly is a talented banjo player, as, I think, is Chevy Chase.

Perhaps you're thinking about Steve Martin, rather than Chevy Chase.

Got Billy Connolly on Youtube, and is really is multi-talented.

December 20th, 2017, 15:58
Yes, Bob. You're right,

I knew it was some American comedian.

Nirish guy
December 20th, 2017, 16:58
Dont worry Joe I got it :--)


December 20th, 2017, 17:41
NIrish, knew there was at least one intelligent poster hanging around these parts.

December 20th, 2017, 18:03
OK, I had to look it up. Hadn't a clue about the San Pan Disco.

I had to look it up too and I ended up with all these links to bad jokes pages - two examples:

Yorkshireman takes his cat to the vet's:
"Can you take a look at my cat please?" he says
"Is it a Tom" says the vet
"No it's in this box" says the Yorkshireman.

Did you hear about the guy who reached for a bottle of liquid Viagra but accidentally picked up the Tipp-Ex by mistake?
He woke up in the morning with a huge correction.
