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December 19th, 2017, 14:48
This is going back 30 years. I was living with my partner. I knew he was having sex with a female friend, but wtf, she's a woman, so no threat. Then I discovered he was seeing another guy - a different story altogether. He actually had the nerve to shag this guy in my bed, while I was hosting a female friend from Denmark. Enough already. I moved out, to a small flat of my own. A very lonely time. As I said, 30 years, and some songs just bring me right back there.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 16:27
You need to get laid ! Perhaps you should go away somewhere for your upcoming birthday, ever thought of that perhaps ?? :)

December 19th, 2017, 16:37
It hadn't occurred to me NIrish. I used to enjoy the Isle of Man, or should I go for the prostitutes of Pattaya: 'Decisions,decisions.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 19:34
Yes, I heard that there's a lot of action to be had up Douglas's back entry - hell they dont call it the Isle of MAN for no reason you know ! PLus I hear Pattaya is all played out, so yes, better just stick to 5 days in Peel and Port Erin, do be sure to write up a good trip report for that now won't you ! :)

Ha now that I remember I actually DID get a message on Grindr or one of the Apps last year from a really lovely wee cute Asian guy who had for some unknown unlucky reason found himself (stuck) working in Douglas ( I'm guessing in his farang BF's restaurant from the way he talked) and the poor guy was bored out of his mind and was gagging for some action, hell I WAS almost thinking of popping over for a weekend just to give him some respite care. See, just like the Thai boys always say, I've SUCH a good heart and am and such a kind and considerate soul, I really should get a medal or something for that. don'tch ya think !. :)

December 19th, 2017, 20:32
NIrish, your humanitarian spirit is an inspiration to us all.

December 19th, 2017, 21:59
Thank christ!!!
When I noticed the heading of this thread I immediately thought 'oh god not yet another angst-laden, whip-my-backside, neurotic sob story from bloody Khon Khaen written in (bad) Canadianese'.

But no ... instead a delicious account of Joe getting royally fucked over. Man oh man, music to my ears!

December 19th, 2017, 22:41
Smiles, always happy to brighten up your life.

December 20th, 2017, 00:33
I'm always amused when gay guys break up because one or both are fucking outside the relationship. Comical really. Men are programmed to fuck around and one of the advantages of being outside the usual norms and conventions of straight society is the freedom to do so without impacting the relationship adversely, in my case it enhances it.
People...don't confuse sex with love.
I've been with my partner forever..we are both sluts..met at a sex party..we both fuck around a lot..3somes are the norm...we use our love of meaningless sex as a strong bonding agent.
Why do some gay guys insist on acting hetero??? All my gay friends have strayed, even the married ones who pledged undying love to one another..they have all strayed...its simply not natural for a man to stick to one lover.
My motto is to fuck as much as I can before I end up like joe/arsenal/scotty...old & ugly with a dick that doesnt work..

December 20th, 2017, 04:11
latin, my dick still works, just now I pissed myself. All warm and fuzzy

December 20th, 2017, 07:01
latin, my dick still works, just now I pissed myself. All warm and fuzzyKeep your water sports fantasies to yourself please!

December 20th, 2017, 14:48
...at least his dick works...may be as ugly as the night...no need for a mask at a halloween party...but the dick works...what about yours???