View Full Version : News and current affairs

December 18th, 2017, 13:18
As I get older (I'm nearly 62, you know) I find I care less and less about the daily news and current affairs. Brexit bores me to tears, and there's at least 18 months more of it to come. Because I wake up so early, I read the news sites and mainly British and Irish newspapers, but that's really just to pass the time.

How about you? Are you as much of a newshound as you always were?

December 18th, 2017, 13:30
I'm a huge news hound now. Don't have a choice, because I can't really watch TV shows or movies any more. I get to watch news, stand up comedy, late night comedy, documentaries, and that's about it for entertainment / media for me.

I know pretty much every last detail of the Trump Presidency, and probably far more than I should.

December 18th, 2017, 13:36
To be honest Matt, I try to avoid reading anything to do with Trump.

December 18th, 2017, 13:46
Matt, just as a matter of interest, are audio books available in English in Thailand?

Also, can I remind you of the question I asked about the font size in my emails. Thanks

December 18th, 2017, 14:38
They have the internet in Thailand, so every thing is available. Personally, I just use Youtube, listen to the news, late night comedy, etc.

Sorry, but no idea about your font problem, as I haven't used Windows in about 5 years. My best guess is go to Control Panel->Accessibility menu, as you may have accidentally turned large fonts on.

December 18th, 2017, 14:39
thanks I'll try that

December 18th, 2017, 20:10
To be honest Matt, I try to avoid reading anything to do with Trump.Good heavens, what do you do for light entertainment?

December 18th, 2017, 20:27
Read the posts on here, of course.

December 19th, 2017, 03:12
I'm a huge news hound now. Don't have a choice, because I can't really watch TV shows or movies any more. I get to watch news, stand up comedy, late night comedy, documentaries, and that's about it for entertainment / media for me.
I know pretty much every last detail of the Trump Presidency, and probably far more than I should.
Cndmatt, given the above admission, have you ever given some thought to the notion that you are probably boring your boyfriend to death?

Thais (and I'm sure for Lao's as well) love to have fun. It's in the genes. Do you go with him to a Thai/morlum music joint? To karaoke once in awhile? Take him fishing? Invite his friends over for food and booze? Go to the night market? Dance with him in the living room? Khon Khaen has a big Tawan Daeng dance barn ... been there?
Tell us more about what fun you are.

PS ... there are six times within your short paragraph above that you mention "I" or "ME". Zero regarding "HIM".