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December 16th, 2017, 00:58
Don't lie. I'm not an idiot, and I will catch out in it if you try to lie to me, so don't try.

That was always my mom's biggest thing too, which I guess is where I get it from. When we made a mistake, it wasn't a big deal. Bug make a mistake and try to lie about it, then the problem is 10 times worst.

Apparently, I've adopted her philosophy. Don't lie to me. I might be blind, but I'm not stupid, and I will know about it.

December 16th, 2017, 01:10
I especially like it when their story keeps changing, then they get pissed off at me for calling them out as a liar.


Me: So you were at u-Bar until 3am with friends, then took a taxi home?
Hime: Yeah
Me: U-Bar closes at 2am.
Him: Ohhh, we bought some wine from 7/11 and drink that.
Me: Ummm, no. 7/11 doesn't sell alcohol after midnight.
Him: No, not 7/11 a small shop.
Me: You can't buy wine in in Khon Kaen at 2am. You can only buy wine at places like 7/11, Tesco, Tops, etc. Small shops don't have wine.
Him: Well, I don't know, but we had wine.
Me: Ok, up to you.

Geez, liars piss me off... He especially squirmed when I asked if he wanted to take a taxi to Tukom and try to buy some wine from the 7/11 there.

December 16th, 2017, 01:29
I love stories of marital bliss. So inspiring.

December 16th, 2017, 02:24
Another example. He left this morning at around 9am, it's now 3:30am, and I can still hear him up and about wandering around the house.

I'm sure he'll tell me tomorrow he didn't have a nap yesterday...

December 16th, 2017, 02:58
Jesus christ, what an ass. He's knows I'm angry, so sure enough, shows up in my bedroom with this video on his phone:


How can I get angry at someone like that? He knows I can't.

December 16th, 2017, 03:34
I love stories of marital bliss. So inspiring.I assumed Billy Graham had turned his hand to writing television scripts for Days of our lives - paid for in Bitcoin of course

I'm not an idiot.Could this be the subject of a poll?

December 16th, 2017, 05:07
... Geez, liars piss me off ...
I don't believe you are blind, so . . .

December 16th, 2017, 06:15
...self hate...terrible thing...

December 16th, 2017, 07:28
I don't believe you are blind, so . . .Now, now Smiles. A friend in Khon Kaen wrote to me recently. A excerpt from his email:

"Tap, tap, tap ... a young Western man with a white stick came slowly along the pavement. What did I see in his hand? A tin can with a sign saying "Can you help me? Bitcoin only please"

Draw your own conclusions

December 16th, 2017, 11:23
I don't believe you are blind, so . . .

You can believe whatever you want. I'm quite confident I can't see worth a shit.

December 16th, 2017, 11:46
Friends, all will be revealed in about 4 weeks time. I will post my findings from KK on 16 January, and we can put this to bed, once and for all.

December 16th, 2017, 12:32
And don't worry, you can't fake being blind. Do you have any idea how retarded a sighted person would look trying to fake that they're blind?

Oh, and I just hired one of my nephews. Not the one who's visiting me, but his younger brother. That should really piss my sister-in-law off. Jesus, I wish life would calm down on me a little...

December 16th, 2017, 12:37
Friends, all will be revealed in about 4 weeks time. I will post my findings from KK on 16 January, and we can put this to bed, once
and for all.
Mr. Joe I won't be in Thailand for your birthday party-I told you that when you kindly issued your invitation...
BUT I will await your account of the Green Bar party with bated breath
and I will await the final Epiphany of Kon Khaen when you meet our blind friend there.
All you doubting Thomas' out there be prepared to have the scales removed from your eyes and be men enough to apologise as I have already done.

December 16th, 2017, 13:02
I will make a brief report on the birthday sometime on the 10th, and the Khon Kaen adventure on the 16th. I don't usually write a trip report (I don't do much that's terribly interesting) but will try this time.

December 16th, 2017, 13:31
And don't worry, you can't fake being blind. Do you have any idea how retarded a sighted person would look trying to fake that they're blind?

Yes. Your photo showed a guy staring off blankly into the distance, trying his hardest to look blind.

Which is very interesting, because you told us previously that nobody can tell you are blind because you look "normal", as the damage is to the inside of your eyes, not external. Yet in that photo, you looked anything but normal.

I fear you could easily fool Joe.

December 16th, 2017, 13:38
I think I object to that a447. What makes you think I'm easily fooled (at least by a farang - with Thai boys, perhaps)? I think over the course of an evening, having drinks and dinner, I should be able to be sure, to be sure. (sorry, that's a bit of Irish coming out).

December 16th, 2017, 13:48
See, told you a447 was going to find a way to slither his way out of an apology. He's just simply an asshole like that.

Of course I look normal. My optic nerve is damaged, not my eyes.

What do you think? All blind people wander around with googly eyes, or their eyes sewn shut, or?

December 16th, 2017, 13:50
I think I object to that a447. What makes you think I'm easily fooled....a447 is easily fooled so he thinks it's true of everyone

December 16th, 2017, 14:26
Of course I look normal. My optic nerve is damaged, not my eyes.

Are you saying you look normal in that photo?

That you look like a sighted person?

December 16th, 2017, 14:27
Would you like to answer my question, a447?

December 16th, 2017, 14:32
Would you like to answer my question, a447?

Yes, I would.

I didn't because I don't want to offend you.

December 16th, 2017, 14:49
Are you saying you look normal in that photo?

That you look like a sighted person?

See, this is you being an asshole again.

Yes, I know I look normal in that photo. I have people around to tell me that.

My turn for a question. Are you ever going to grow up, or are you always going to be an immature asshole?

Brad the Impala
December 16th, 2017, 15:08
a447 backsliding again, and trying to make it all about Matt's condition rather than his existence, which he now denies ever questioning, despite spending years hounding him round the board trying to pick apart his posts.

I'm not denying matt is real. I have never questioned his "actual existence", as you say

That's not correct. You have done exactly that quite recently.

I think "matt" has known for a long time that members no longer believe him. He is the creation of someone here - someone bored shitless and with too much time on his hands.

You don't think calling someone "the creation of someone here" is questioning his existence?

It's certainly true that around May, when surfcrest was starting different threads accusing me of God knows what, finally leading to his decision to ban of me, that he was supported by Brad the impala and Matt. They took turns posting the same shit, backed each other up, post after post, and threw "likes" at each other at every turn. It was hilarious.

No prizes for figuring out that we are not talking about 3 separate entities here.

So who are you accusing of not being a separate entity here and thereby questioning his "actual existence"?

Above questions originally asked a week ago, without response.

December 16th, 2017, 15:13
Is Matt sight-challenged or not? The debate continues, placing an enormous burden on Joe to prove or disprove the claim.

At this point, I really am not concerned about Matt’s medical condition. He has provided us with years of entertaining, if not credible, posts and no doubt will continue to do so.

What disturbs me is his plan to manage the lives of three unsuspecting Lao citizens. The management of his own life so far does not foretell a promising future for these intercultural relationships.

Yes, we can now believe that the KK Tales are authored by a real person, blind or sighted, but are we then expected to apologise for being unable to believe in a series of bizarre, eccentric, extraordinary, outlandish happenings? No, I don’t think that is incumbent on anyone.

I look forward to future KK and Vientiane Tales from Matt. I am sure they will be just as credible, or incredible, and always entertaining. IMHO.


Irrelevant: I am reminded of the famous blind Indian author, Ved Mehta, who lost his sight at the age of four due to cerebrospinal meningitis. I very much enjoyed reading his work and was pleased to meet his son at a dinner party in Riyadh long ago. I don’t have any literary anecdote to provide. I just have a very clear recollection of the outline of his member beneath his trousers. Quite impressive.

December 16th, 2017, 15:20
As has been pointed out over and over again, nobody knows who anybody really is on this "anonymous " board.

We can only judge from what members post. And if they are indeed different people, then they are so joined at the hip that given the lack of an original thought, they may as well be the same person. They are nothing but clones.

Matt's persona is not real.

Please "argue with yourself in cyberspace."

December 16th, 2017, 15:28
a447, please feel free to offend me - my skin is thicker that you appear to think.

Do you really believe that, having had dinner and drinks with someone, I wouldn't be able to tell if they were blind or not?

December 16th, 2017, 15:31
Friends, all will be revealed in about 4 weeks time. I will post my findings from KK on 16 January, and we can put this to bed, once and for all.

It will never happen

December 16th, 2017, 15:36
a447, please feel free to offend me - my skin is thicker that you appear to think.

Do you really believe that, having had dinner and drinks with someone, I wouldn't be able to tell if they were blind or not?

A PM I received from you suggests that your skin is not as thick as you think.

If matt says he doesn't look like a blind person, how are you going to tell?

December 16th, 2017, 15:36
We shall see, neddy, we shall see.

December 16th, 2017, 15:40
Have you ever had any interaction with a blind person? Apart from my grandmother, I was at college with a blind woman. You think I couldn't tell, although her eyes looked 'normal'?

I don't know which PM you're referring to. Feel free to post it, if you wish.

Brad the Impala
December 16th, 2017, 16:24

December 16th, 2017, 16:46
I don't know which PM you're referring to. Feel free to post it, if you wish.

Check your inbox, November 2.

December 16th, 2017, 17:43
I see 2 message, one from christian and one from Moses, both about the same incident. Which are you referring to?

It's a simple question - what makes you think I wouldn't be able to tell if Matt is blind or not, after a couple of hours in his company?

Let me help by getting you started: I don't believe that Joe will be able to tell if Matt is blind or not because....

Reference to my own PMs is a sideshow. Just answer the question.

Re: PMs - I see one from you to me dated 1st November. I don't see that I replied. Is that the one you're referring to? If so,, where does it say I don't feel as thick skinned as sometimes think?

Brad the Impala
December 16th, 2017, 18:02
Joe, he doesn't answer simple questions, see above, although he's keen enough on having his own answered!

Happy to cast aspersions and when challenged tries to cloud the issue, attack the questioner, anything but acknowledge that he might have overstepped the mark, or plain got it wrong.

Just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole.

December 16th, 2017, 18:23
Ok, Joe. If you insist.

Let me help by getting you started: I don't believe that Joe will be able to tell if Matt is blind or not because...

at times you come across as being rather confused.

For example,

1. You opened two threads on the same topic, if I recall. You also posted the same comments twice.

2. You thought arsenal had deleted your video, but he hadn't. It was Christian.

3. You said you hadn't been informed that your post had been deleted when clearly you had:

Last edited by christianpfc; December 12th, 2017 at 16:03. Reason: link removed on request of joe552

4. You couldn't find your own photo you had posted, but I found it in around 30 seconds.

5. You said you never intended to actually go to KK - you were only joking. But now you're going.

6. You had a post dealing with a taboo topic deleted, but then proceeded to make two similar posts later. You took offence at my suggestion that maybe you were under the influence when you posted what you did, and you replied thus:

"Who the fuck do you think you accusing me of being drunk when I post. And so what, if I am."

You later told us that you sometimes do post when you have had too much to drink. (BTW, I thought it better to say you were posting whilst drunk, rather than something else. I was trying to be polite.)

I could go on.....

Matt has already fooled you. He tells us he doesn't look blind, yet posted a photo of himself showing someone who does look blind.

December 16th, 2017, 18:33
And that all proves what, exactly? I sometimes post when I'm drunk? True. I don't always remember which thread I've posted on? True. I can't really be arsed taking the time to track down those dastardly threads or posts? True.

I'm still waiting for an answer to, in my mind, a very simple question. Why do you think I won't be able to tell if Matt is blind after I spend a couple of hours in his company?

December 16th, 2017, 18:40
Because he tells us he doesn't look blind!!!

So if he doesn't look blind, how are you going to tell?

Ask him?

Just take his word for it?


If you can't tell me, then let's just drop the subject. We are going around in circles.

I hope you enjoy your trip to KK.

December 16th, 2017, 19:19
Indeed, let's drop it. 'Cos I care so much what you think.

December 16th, 2017, 19:30
Joe wrote.
"True. I can't really be arsed taking the time to track down those dastardly threads or posts? True."


December 16th, 2017, 20:12
Because he tells us he doesn't look blind!!!

So if he doesn't look blind, how are you going to tell?

Ask him?

Just take his word for it?


If you can't tell me, then let's just drop the subject. We are going around in circles.

I hope you enjoy your trip to KK.

Wow, you're actually going to do it, aren't you? After Joe goes out of his way and comes all the way to Khon Kaen, confirms both Leo and myself are real, and confirms I'm blind, you're going to say I must have faked being blind, aren't you?

That's truly astonishing.

Well, my job is done. I have way too much on my plate to worry about this anymore. I either wanted an apology, or you to shine for the asshole I know you to be. You just went and proved yourself to be a total jackass in front of the rest of the SGT membership. Good job.

He's going to know I'm blind, you idiot. I'm pretty good at being blind, but not good enough to fake being a sighted person. Same as a sighted person can't fake being blind.

December 16th, 2017, 20:33
Same as a sighted person can't fake being blind.

Your contrived photo disproves that.

December 16th, 2017, 20:44
That's a photo. Joe will probably be with me for half a day in multiple establishments. From picking him up at the hotel, to going to a restaurant, to going for some after dinner drinks, etc.

I promise, he's going to know I'm blind.

I have to ask, do you not strive to be a better person in life? Or are you just content being a pompous and petty asshole, and good enough for you?

December 16th, 2017, 20:51
I'll even let Joe see the scar in the front right of my head just above my optic nerve if he asks. How's that?

December 16th, 2017, 20:57
No need for scars Matt - I'm quite squeamish.

December 16th, 2017, 21:19
I'll even let Joe see the scar in the front right of my head just above my optic nerve if he asks. How's that?

Now, that's funny!

Joe, if you're not laughing, you're missing the joke.

Ok, enough!

December 16th, 2017, 21:24
Now, that's funny!

Joe, if you're not laughing, you're missing the joke.

Ok, enough!

No, actually you're just continuing to make yourself look like a jackass. You're doing my job for me, so thanks!

Yes, I have a small scar on my head. I fell, it soaked up two towels worth of blood, and caused lesions in my right optic nerve. I have the scar to prove it. It's just a small one, but that's all it took.

That photo Brad posted is of an old man with big man boobs digging a hole, right? Keep going a447. You should hit China any time.

December 16th, 2017, 21:50
Matt, not even the Chinese deserve that!!

December 17th, 2017, 02:43
Matt, getting back to your OP. Did you ever find out where Leo was for the hour he said he was drinking wine from 7/11?

December 17th, 2017, 02:55
Joe, he doesn't answer simple questions, see above, although he's keen enough on having his own answered!

Happy to cast aspersions and when challenged tries to cloud the issue, attack the questioner, anything but acknowledge that he might have overstepped the mark, or plain got it wrong.

Just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole.As I keep saying, the hallmarks of someone with OCD

December 17th, 2017, 02:57
I'll even let Joe see the scar in the front right of my head just above my optic nerve if he asks. How's that?I fully expect Joe to post a photograph that he took himself of said scar. Although, mind you, the way this thread is going I fully expect a447 to accuse Matt and Joe to be creations of the same person, so Joe's photo will have no value

December 17th, 2017, 03:23
Let's just save everyone some time here. Matt and I are the creation of Brad, who has never been near Khon Kaen. Neither Matt nor I are sure he's ever been to Thailand. Hope that clarifies things.

December 17th, 2017, 05:07
Matt, getting back to your OP. Did you ever find out where Leo was for the hour he said he was drinking wine from 7/11?

I guess I'm just taking a "nam sam saa" approach to this due to his mother being in the ICU, and we'll hopefully chalk it up as a lesson learned. If you don't know, "nam sam saa" I don't know the direct translation, but basically means "sorry to hear it" / "I feel bad for you" type of thing.

I really wish he'd just come clean, but he's decided it's best to keep a secret from me, and it really pisses me off. What am I supposed to do though?

On one hand, I know he made a mistake, lied about it, and is keeping a secret from me. I know this. He even dropped to his knees when I called him out about the bar closing time. The dogs even know something was up, because they were very adamant about staying with me in my bedroom a few days ago, because Leo felt guilty as hell. On the plus side, I think my house is clean as a whistle now, because he was cleaning like crazy due to guilt.

On the other hand, this is the first time I've caught him out in a lie in 16 months. I'd also be dead if it wasn't for him, and he's the one who's been taking care of me every day since I went blind. Whether I like it or not, I owe him my life.

Plus there is so much going on, and we have so many plans for the future together, I guess I will just "nam sam saa" this one, and continue moving forward. He's a horrible liar, so I will eventually find out what happened, although it may take say 6 months, but I will know.

Just chalk it up to a lesson learned, and he knows he better not do it again. No, he's not allowed. He'll fuck up everything if he does it again. Everything from our move to Vientiane, my business, his mother in the ICU who I need to pickup the bill for, those kids in the village who we want to adopt, my one nephew who plans to meet us in Vientiane, and the list goes on. He's just not allowed to do this again.

His mother is still in the ICU, so he gets some leeway with me. He knows not to do it again though.

December 17th, 2017, 05:33
matty boy...relax...at least u know he's just another regular paid for house boy...there to serve your needs..as long as u pay...u can relax now...no need to pretend that he loves or likes u...as long as u pay..he will "love" u...

December 17th, 2017, 05:42
Nope, quite confident he just loves me, and made a mistake he doesn't want me to know about.

December 17th, 2017, 05:43
Nope, quite confident he just loves me, and made a mistake he doesn't want me to know about.What a relief - a happy ending

December 17th, 2017, 05:44
A good approach Matt. Hopefully, a lesson learned.

December 17th, 2017, 15:36
This sucks...

Now I feel bad about getting angry at him. I know he made a mistake, and I know he's keeping a secret from me, and I know I have every right to be angry at him, but that conversation can wait for another day.

He's going to lose his mother. Spinal tap didn't work, and she was discharged from ICU this morning, because the doctors can't figure out what's wrong. His whole world is changing, and I can feel his pain. I'm doing my best, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

December 17th, 2017, 15:47
Wish I had some magic words, but I don't. I just feel sad for him.

December 17th, 2017, 16:12
I seriously don't know what I'm supposed to do. There's no rule book for this.

Do I just let him grieve and be sad, and let him close himself off to the world, which I think he's currently doing? Or do I brush him off, try to make him strong, tell him to buck up, and continue moving forward in life?

I really don't know...

December 17th, 2017, 16:18
I seriously don't know what I'm supposed to do. There's no rule book for this.

Do I just let him grieve and be sad, and let him close himself off to the world, which I think he's currently doing? Or do I brush him off, try to make him strong, tell him to buck up, and continue moving forward in life?

I really don't know...

Oh dear. Where did the happy ending go?

December 17th, 2017, 16:27
I would let him grieve and be sad. That to me is a natural reaction to the situation. Just be kind and gentle, which I'm sure you are.

December 17th, 2017, 16:31
And the rest of you - if you can't or don't want to say something kind, why not just shut the fuck up.

December 17th, 2017, 16:33
And the rest of you - if you can't or don't want to say something kind, why not just shut the fuck up.He's a needy millenial

December 17th, 2017, 16:46
I would let him grieve and be sad. That to me is a natural reaction to the situation. Just be kind and gentle, which I'm sure you are.

I don't know right now. For example, and I VERY highly doubt he'd ever do this, because I know him better than that, but what happens if he decides meth is a good pain killer?

I think if anything, I'll push him to move forward in life.

December 17th, 2017, 16:54
Well, obviously you know him, and I only know him from what you've said here, so it's your call.

December 17th, 2017, 16:56
That's why he gave me this video:


That wasn't for me, but for himself.

December 17th, 2017, 17:01
I just think it's a bit early in the process - his mother hasn't actually died yet, and you want him to move on? Anyway, we had this conversation before, so you know how I feel. Thinking of you both.

Nirish guy
December 17th, 2017, 17:54
And the rest of you - if you can't or don't want to say something kind, why not just shut the fuck up.

Did you not notice I already had in this case - which is quite amazing considering the level of vomit inducing unnecessary drama and neurotic nonsense as posted by Matt above.

December 17th, 2017, 22:54
Might be neurotic, but it's not drama. It's just life.

December 18th, 2017, 01:05
I don't know why, but:


December 18th, 2017, 04:55
I don't know why, but:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHnTeyMAf80What a ghastly mishmash of maudlin cliche and eye-rolling psycho-babble. Who takes that seriously?
Your phrase " ... I don't know why ... " sums you up in spades buster.
You know, I never thought of you like that up to about 2 years ago, but right now ~ these years on ~ you're simply hopeless. I'm just surprised you can get yourself out of bed every day.

" ... He left this morning at around 9am, it's now 3:30am, and I can still hear him up and about wandering around the house."
And you hate liars? Do you hate your love? And paranoia ... don't forget about that.

December 18th, 2017, 08:40
maybe like mad dogs and englishmen he's been out and about in the noon day sun

December 18th, 2017, 09:29
That's why he gave me this video:


That wasn't for me, but for himself.
"Inspiring: Change the World by Making Your Bed - by Admiral William McRaven"
I first thought this is a joke, but the good Admiral seems to be serious about making your bed every morning.

I haven't made my bed in years (10? 15?), maybe that's the reasons why I became unemployed and have little success with Thai boys?


The current, and usual, state of ChristianPFC's bed. No wonder nobody wants to hire me or sleep with me! (On top is my "national toilet paper depository", in a handy location for wiping off cum after wanking.)

December 18th, 2017, 09:35
I actually found it inspiring - not inspiring enough to make a huge change to my life, though. But I get his point. A succession of small tasks completed during the day, amount to a successful day, with lots done.

December 18th, 2017, 10:34
Well, both of us are just doing what we can to stay strong at the moment, and small videos like that and songs are helping...

December 18th, 2017, 10:53
christian, I think it might be easier to make your bed if it wasn't hanging on the wall :D

December 18th, 2017, 11:20
Might be neurotic, but it's not drama. It's just life.To misquote Star Trek - "It's life, Jim, just not as we know it"

I first thought this is a joke, but the good Admiral seems to be serious about making your bed every morning. Good god, what does he think the servants are for? I can't remember the last time I made my own bed

December 18th, 2017, 12:11
And you guys call me crazy. You should see him at the moment. He's beyond elated, and even doing things like play wrestling with me. I know it's just a facade, but still....

December 18th, 2017, 12:42
...The current, and usual, state of ChristianPFC's bed...

On the plus side, one only has to look at your headboard to see you had a successful night collecting toilet rolls from round the bars!


December 18th, 2017, 14:35
Christian, the reason why you "have little success with Thai boys" might be because they walk into your bedroom, see all the toilet rolls lined up on the bedhead and think:

"What the fuck does he expect me to do to earn my money??"

December 18th, 2017, 15:18
a447...for a change that was a real good one. Burn...christian...

December 18th, 2017, 15:44
a447 Nail. Head. Hit.

December 18th, 2017, 18:31
What? I'm trying to visualize this. So Christian has a bed that folds up against the wall during the day, and a bunch of rolls of tiolet paper he store from various hotels lined up on the head stand?

Am I getting this right?

December 18th, 2017, 20:31
Not quite. The photo that christian posted is at an odd angle. It just looks as if his bed is hanging on the wall like some mad sculpture. There are a number of toilet rolls visible next to the bed, none of them new.

December 18th, 2017, 20:52
Thanks Joe.

I guess they transferred to a hospital in Udon today, and she survived the trip, so that's good I guess. I don't know why they don't heed my advice and take her to either KK Ram or even Bangkok, because I've offered to pick up the bill for either, and the doctors are far better at both.

I was finally allowed to help today though, so that was somewhat nice. I am still pissed that the money was sent directly to the older sister and I didn't get to pay the hospital directly though. That was a sizable chunk of money, and 100% of it better go towards medical bills.

Looks like we may be staying in KK for an extra month or two before the Vientiane move.

Nirish guy
December 18th, 2017, 22:21
I am still pissed that the money was sent directly to the older sister and I didn't get to pay the hospital directly though. That was a sizable chunk of money, and 100% of it better go towards medical bills. ...........Looks like we may be staying in KK for an extra month or two before the Vientiane move.

Your posts are beginning to look more troll like by the day, one would almost think click bait for those of us who call you on them. Good luck, I hope you paid plently to the sister - as you know what they say about fools and their money being easily parted. Right there you go, now you can reply and keep that thread of gold running a little more now - and be sure to throw in the adopting the children and the surogate idea a few times more just to keep those plates spinning now too won't you.

And very subtle throwing in the "looks like we might be staying an extra month or two" - very handy - just as well your horrible homophobic landlord that you were telling us all about for so long and who wanted you out SO badly has all of a sudden decided to be a saint and accede to your every wish as to when YOU will decide to leave there in the end then after all eh.

Hell I'd move now if I were you, I mean you can't leave those poor children living there in those conditions any longer than absolutely necessary can you ? And surely you're not intending to smuggle THEM over the border ( not to mention yourself) when the time comes ! ? Although I guess as your Bitcoin has rocketed in value so much of late you'll now be able to bribe your way out of just about any situation so, all good there then, see, life always has a silver lining eh.

December 18th, 2017, 22:23
Don't use the word "eh". That's reserved for Canadians.

December 19th, 2017, 01:12
Matt, is that really the best response you can come up with to NIrish's well-argued post? You sure don't believe in doing yourself any favours regarding your credibility here. You can't drop a sentence like "we may have to stay in KK for another month or two" and not expand on it. FFS you have enough to say about everything else. So why the delay this time?

Look, I've reached a point where I believe that you are who you say you are (I wouldn't waste the time and money going to KK otherwise). But you sure don't make it easy. A short explanation about this latest delay might be appropriate.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 01:53
You sure don't believe in doing yourself any favours regarding your credibility here.

What credibility is that ? As on any given day solely based on Matts posts he ranges in my mind at least somewhere between a total troll / fake / bullshitter / click baiter to the other end of the spectrum of just being a total moron with zero grasp on reality, either in his own made up play world here in SGF or god forbid if his stories are true, where he's then being played like a violin by Leo from Lao and family - personally Im hoping for his sake it's NOT the last one as as much as his stories are ridiculous sometimes I'd still hate to see anyone get taken for a ride ( perhaps except all of us by him of course -but hey at least that's just innocent entertainment and no one gets hurt.

December 19th, 2017, 01:58
" ... But you sure don't make it easy ... ". . . especially when the topic is labeled "I hate liars". Eh?

December 19th, 2017, 02:45
Sometimes,I just shake my head. Look, I've booked a couple of nights at a decent hotel in KK, recommended by Matt, my old flame from Si Saket is joining me (hopefully), so at worst, from my point of view, I never meet Matt, 'cos he doesn't exist in the persona he portrays here, but I get to see a new place. I'd normally spend the money going to Koh Chang or Koh Samet for a couple of days break from Pattaya. So this year it will be KK.

The anti-Matt contingent here are vocal, and sometimes make me think twice about my plan. But it's made now and I'll stick to it. I'd really like to see some support from people who think I'm not completely wasting my time and money.

December 19th, 2017, 03:30
I support ya going, Joe, even if npbody else does.....

December 19th, 2017, 04:09
I know you hate this phrase Joe, but up to you. I'm here, I'm real, Leo is real, and you're welcome to come by for a dinner and some drinks if you want. Also, everything I've been posting is 100% real as well.

I don't know what the next month will bring, but I would expect you can expect a stressed out host, and not so much a gratious one. Still a good guy, just stressed.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 04:10
And indeed I have no opinion on whether you should go or not, I think as it's "just another trip" and will ge you out of BKK for a while then why not, nothing really to loose either way. KK isn't anything exciting or special but as long as you're going for a random side trip that you'd be taking to somewhere anyway then why not, but if you're going with the sole reason of meeting Matt then that's only a decision you should or can make as it's your money and time being spent, no one else's so as they say in Thailand "up to you" and no one else really.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 04:20
Stressed about WHAT exactly Matt - you LOVE the drama !

Your life sounds no more or less stressful that any of the rest of ours I would imagine, we've all got relatives who are sick and or dying at some point, we all have love dramas that play out every now and then but you seem to thrive on making the least wee thing into a MASSIVE woe is me drama.

So what, your younger BF went out and got fucked or fucked someone else - it's Thailand, get used to it as it's going to happen a lot more in the years ahead I'm guessing - the fact that he doesn't like blowing YOU or getting fucked by you maybe just means that he just doesn't like blowing YOU or getting fucked by you - and if so then welcome to being his provider rather than his REAL lover, reality hurts EH.

Maybe that's the trouble with filling your own head full of all your "turns out I'm good at this love stuff" nonsense - maybe you're not as good as you think you are at it and maybe he simply doesn't GIVE a fuck as you're only a means to an end for him and his family and THAT just might be the cold reality and you sir are being played like a violin?

And that doesn't mean you can't be happy and have a laugh with him in life, just as long as you are clear about your and his role, but to think it's all 24/7 Mills and Boon true love and red roses whilst he's out making "mistakes" with other guys as you send money to his sister for his Mama who is sick etc......well, as I said fools and their money are easily parted in that case.

And sorry if the above sounds harsh but IF what you've been telling us IS all true then can I suggest that you're heading for nothing but another few years of shit, pain and hassles as there's just about nothing you say about your life there that sounds sensible, logical or gives the impression that things are going to end well for you - or actually that you're even happy in life there - OR if you think I'm wrong and things ARE just pure rosey between you both then I stand by my first comment - so what are you whinging about "Stress' for then - fuck me it's just life, get on with it man and stop crying doom and gloom and drama every hands turn for dear sake. More bloody drama than a Shakespearean play ffs.

December 19th, 2017, 04:21
Matt, is that really the best response you can come up with to NIrish's well-argued post? You sure don't believe in doing yourself any favours regarding your credibility here. You can't drop a sentence like "we may have to stay in KK for another month or two" and not expand on it. FFS you have enough to say about everything else. So why the delay this time?

Look, I've reached a point where I believe that you are who you say you are (I wouldn't waste the time and money going to KK otherwise). But you sure don't make it easy. A short explanation about this latest delay might be appropriate.

Yeah, I mean I spent in excess of 200,000 baht yesterday in an effort to save Leo's mom's life. That was our Vientiane money, so yep, we might have have to stay in KK for an extra month or two. I don't think that will happen, and we should be gone by Feb 5th still, but we'll see.

December 19th, 2017, 04:26
@NIrish -- And maybe you just have no fucken clue what you're talking about. Could be that too.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 04:30
Yeah, I mean I spent in excess of 200,000 baht yesterday in an effort to save Leo's mom's life. That was our Vientiane money, so yep, we might have have to stay in KK for an extra month or two. I don't think that will happen, and we should be gone by Feb 5th still, but we'll see.

Sure that's only a mere drop in the ocean to you now based on how much your existing Bitcoin has ROCKETED even in the last month if nothing else ! Hell you were "comfortable" a few months back now so already that confortable MUST have turned into nicely WELL OFF now as bitcoin has surged - so, 200,000 - a mere drop in the ocean to you I'm sure and certainly not enough to scupper your plans to flee Thailand I would have thought ......no ?

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 04:30
@NIrish -- And maybe you just have no fucken clue what you're talking about. Could be that too.

Now THATS the first sensible thing you've said in AGES !

Mind you as I'm not the one who just alleged that he sent 200,000 baht to the sister of a guy who he believes is out fucking around behind his back I'm guessing I'm safe enough taking a wild guess or two there perhaps.

December 19th, 2017, 04:51
Keep going NIrish. As I've stated earlier, I don't have the time or patience for idiots any more.

December 19th, 2017, 04:51
NIrish, fuck you, you make too much sense and now I'm even more confused. Bottom line is I'm going to KK. Hopefully with my ex from Si Saket. If I meet Matt, so be it. If I don't I'll have a couple of days with the love of my life,

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 04:57
Aye as you seem to manage all that perfectly well on your own without having to bother with any others it seems.......

December 19th, 2017, 04:59
Don't worry Joe, I'll be here. And a chance longer than I'd like now.

NIrish can fuck off. No time for people like that any more.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 05:03
Aww I'm all hurt. Feeling quite down about that actually, maybe you could send me 100,000 baht to cheer me up again, I would send you the receipt from the health spa I'd be going to to do that, but no, just you send me the money, sure why would you ever ask for a receipt for payments like that EH, bit like payments direct to hospitals accounts offices, who needs them, just more hassle, better just to dispatch a few Bitcoin here and there to strangers and be done with it, makes for an easier life EH.

And enjoy your trip Joe, whilst KK isn't a "holiday resort" kinda town it's still somewhere different and fine for a side trip so I'm sure you'll enjoy it either way no matter how things pan out.

December 19th, 2017, 05:09
What a fucken idiot....

Watch out Westerners, Asians are coming to get you....

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 06:17
What a fucken idiot....

Says the man who's currently 200,000 baht down and counting :-)

December 19th, 2017, 07:10
Hey Joe;

On the off chance that you end up in KK alone, there is a new gay spa that recently opened here. It is located on Soi Bankok 14. You can tell a taxi that it is near Northeastern University - or you can use Uber. Just type in that address. The specific address, I believe, is 404/64 Soi Bankok 14. Name is Aspara Spa. 1500 Baht all inclusive fee - Loads of young guys on offer, as this is a university town after all. Just thought I would throw that info out there since you might be here a few days. Cheers -

December 19th, 2017, 09:55
I noticed that the picture of my bed was turned 90 degree counterclockwise, but hoped members would manage.
It seems I expected too much, so here again in correct orientation:


Not my bed:


December 19th, 2017, 10:30
NIrish, fuck you, you make too much sense and now I'm even more confused. Bottom line is I'm going to KK. Hopefully with my ex from Si Saket. If I meet Matt, so be it. If I don't I'll have a couple of days with the love of my life,

Please do go to KK and meet Matt; the forum wants to know if he exists or not.
The only obstacle would be Mom dying and Leo would return for the funeral. Since Matt states he can only meet you at a restaurant, and not his home, then you trip would be in vain.
And if the love of your life does not go with you, you would be shit out of luck.:heart:

December 19th, 2017, 10:35
No Francois. Most of us here don't give a toss except for the hope it might put an end to the see-saw Matt and Joe show that spreads its mind numbingly dull tentacles all over the board.

December 19th, 2017, 10:58
NIrish, I'm now treating this as an opportunity to get out of the Pattay bubble. To remind myself why I love Thailand apart from the boys. My last few trips, I haven't bothered leaving Pattaya, and more specifically, the same 2 or 3 bars every day. It's a chance for me to rediscover a bit of my sense of adventure, and the stress and joy of dealing with the practicalities of travelling in a foreign country. So it's become less about Matt, and more about me. Even if Kwan doesn't come with me, I'll enjoy the experience.

December 19th, 2017, 11:03
I commented earlier that Matt is just a needy millennial. I was reminded of that when reading about Serena Williams broadcasting (sorry, "reaching out") to her social media followers about the difficulties of dealing with her teething baby http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/serena-williams-advice-teething-baby_us_5a37a6ebe4b01d429cca6d05

I've always assumed children are a self-inflicted wound, so I have no sympathy whatsoever

December 19th, 2017, 11:04
Even if Kwan doesn't come with me, I'll enjoy the experience.Are you sure that's how it's spelt?

No time for people like that any more.But all the time in the world to post inane crap here

December 19th, 2017, 11:24
Sorry frequent, you've lost me - how is what spelled/spelt?

December 19th, 2017, 11:35
Sorry frequent, you've lost me - how is what spelled/spelt?Kwan

December 19th, 2017, 11:53
I hate this...

He continues to be erratic, and I don't know what to do. All I can do is continue to be here to love him, and let the chips fall where they may I guess. I don't know...

December 19th, 2017, 12:04
Frequent, that's how I've always spelled it and he never said different. How else could it be spelled? Honest question.

Matt, you can stop now. Posts like this are meaningless. You have my email, and I'm always ready to chat, but you're now just being self-indulgent. It's tiresome.

December 19th, 2017, 12:26
Then ignore my posts, Joe.

I've never done this before. I don't know what I'm doing.

And leo has quite obviously never done this before either, because he currently has no idea of how to make heads or tails of the world. I want to help, but I don't know what to do.

December 19th, 2017, 12:37
So what are you expecting to get from posting here? None of us know you or Leo. I'd be reluctant to offer advice to my best friend, whom I've known for 20 years, in a similar situation. I don't know what you expect any of us to say that will help the situation. Just get on and deal with it, on a daily basis. Those of us who are sympathetic to your situation have no answers. Others who have a different view are hardly likely to offer any useful advice.

December 19th, 2017, 12:40
I'm expecting myself to blow off some steam, that's it.

I'm a blind idiot sitting in a bedroom, so there's only so much I can do, and I feel a little helpless at the moment.

December 19th, 2017, 13:17
Let me get this straight. You're confused about how to handle the situation with Leo and his dying mother. That's understandable. I wouldn't know what to do or say, either. You've been living in Thailand for 8 years, and in KK for at least 2. You don't have a farang friend "on the ground" that you can go have a beer with, or who can come visit you for a beer and a chat? Why not?

Instead, you choose to come on here and post about your life in a way I could never do (unless I'm really drunk). You leave yourself open to hostile comments. Why? If it were me, I'd have stopped visiting the board ages ago.

You confuse me.

December 19th, 2017, 13:34
Joe, what the fuck are you talking about? You posted about the gas man coming to visit you...

December 19th, 2017, 13:43
You don't have a farang friend "on the ground" that you can go have a beer with, or who can come visit you for a beer and a chat? Why not?You have to understand The Saga of Matt. There were many self-righteous posts some years ago about Matt's distaste for fellow Westerners, and how he enjoyed chatting to the local barber in Thai. This was in his "Kim" phase before he realised he was just another walking ATM like the rest of us. Mind you there are other posters who've boasted about avoiding Westerners while they're in Thailand - and if you encountered the various psychopaths, prim maiden aunts and people-haters who form about 50% of the Forum's membership if you were out and about perhaps you would too

December 19th, 2017, 13:47
Joe, what the fuck are you talking about? You posted about the gas man coming to visit you...

Matt, I know you're blind, but couldn't you hear that was a fucking joke?

Just to be clear - a guy came around and serviced my gas boiler. He actually lives in the same flats complex as I do, is mid 20s, and for a redhead, is not unattractive. Nothing untoward transpired.

December 19th, 2017, 13:53
You've been living in Thailand for 8 years, and in KK for at least 2. You don't have a farang friend "on the ground" that you can go have a beer with, or who can come visit you for a beer and a chat? Why not?

My view, which is certainly flawed by the fact that I have never met the man, and which he most likely would not agree with, is that the number of bizarre posts over the years would have been much fewer if he had had a friend or two, native speakers of English, with whom he could meet, converse and elicit their opinions. But he has never mentioned any farang friend, has relied solely on his own not always perfect resources, and has apparently not spoken at length with anyone except his Thai or Lao associates for the past eight years (!). It might even have been helpful if he had had the benefit of email or chat contact with friendly, supportive people who have also been engaged in cross cultural relationships. But there is no mention of that in any of his posts. As Joe implied, SGT is the last place where one should seek advice about personal matters.

December 19th, 2017, 13:53
Nothing untoward transpired.Couldn't you have made something up to titillate us? If you need some ideas for soft-core porn you have only to read a447's trip reports

December 19th, 2017, 14:13
sorry frequent, I will next time.

bob, you are absolutely spot on. I don't understand the absence of farang contact. I'm only over for a couple of weeks at a time, but I do need an occasional proper conversation, not pidgin English.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 16:15
I'm a blind idiot sitting in a bedroom..

Well at least we know that for once 33.3 % of one of your statements is definitely true ( that would be the idiot part btw just in case you're confused about that Matt). Now away and feel sorry for yourself and put on your best woe is me routine over absolutely FUCK ALL a little bit more there, it's ever so entertaining on a dull December morning.

December 19th, 2017, 16:27
Matt a simple question requiring a simple answer. Do you have any farang friends in KK? If not, why not? There's at least one other guy on the board (sorry I've forgotten your name) and he seems like a nice guy.

December 19th, 2017, 16:40
[QUOTE=joe552;233581 There's at least one other guy on the board (sorry I've forgotten your name) and he seems like a nice guy.[/QUOTE]

Joe, see post #107 of this thread, by kkjason, and he does indeed seem like a nice guy.

December 19th, 2017, 16:55
Matt a simple question requiring a simple answer. Do you have any farang friends in KK? If not, why not? There's at least one other guy on the board (sorry I've forgotten your name) and he seems like a nice guy.

No. At least nobody I can trust, and put shit on their shoulders.

I have Leo, and the weekly call from my mother, and my dogs. That's it. It's not like I can just go out to the "farang ghetto" by Tukcom by myself any more to meet new people, so I'm stuck here with my computer and screen reader.

I don't know about KKJason. Either we already know each other very well, or he just doesn't like me, because he didn't answer my PM. I do know one gay farang in KK though. We used to hang out every day until his BF returned to him.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 17:03
I don't know about KKJason. Either we already know each other very well, or he just doesn't like me....

You say that as if one thing precludes the other, I wouldn’t be so sure.

December 19th, 2017, 17:13
If I do know him, then he's the one who dropped our friendship when his bBF returned to him, not me. We still get along just fine though. I know where his drinking hole is where he goes every night at 5pm. He's a good guy, and can't say anything bad about him. We used to hang out every day for a long period though, because we just lived down the street together, and he was going through rough times at the time.

If I don't know him, then he just doesn't like me from my posts.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 17:25
Perhaps it's both of the above.

December 19th, 2017, 17:37
And perhaps you're just being a typical idiot again.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 17:48
What you rule out even the possibility !? My such arrogance from one so young ! Not a bit of wonder Leo's choosing to "stay out late".

December 19th, 2017, 17:52
He's allowed to be crazy right now. Same as he bought some white wine tonight. That's a first...

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 17:57
I thought you clearly said that NO, he WASN"T allowed !? See here in lies the problem, the poor guy doesn't know WHERE he stands with you, one minute you tell him you're poor, then you tell him you're well off thanks to Bitcoin, then you tell him that NO he can't go fuck other guys that he's not allowed, then you say it's ok that he's "crazy" right now.....poor guy doesn't know what he's at, better that you set some clear boundaries and give him a few definite lines not to cross, he's young, young people need boundaries defined for them otherwise they don't know where the lines are. See, so this is basically all YOUR fault for not being clear with the poor guy, he's all over the place tying to work to your rules and there you keep moving the goalposts on him, I'm beginning to feel for the poor confused guy I really am.

I think if you'd any decency you would at least allow him a few casual fucks say once or twice a month just to help him get the stress out of his system, anything less than that is just mean.

December 19th, 2017, 17:58
Difficult to imagine that any sane normal person would choose to meet either Matt or Joe so it's likely their only option is each other.

December 19th, 2017, 18:23
I thought you clearly said that NO, he WASN"T allowed !? See here in lies the problem, the poor guy doesn't know WHERE he stands with you, one minute you tell him you're poor, then you tell him you're well off thanks to Bitcoin, then you tell him that NO he can't go fuck other guys that he's not allowed, then you say it's ok that he's "crazy" right now.....poor guy doesn't know what he's at, better that you set some clear boundaries and give him a few definite lines not to cross, he's young, young people need boundaries defined for them otherwise they don't know where the lines are. See, so this is basically all YOUR fault for not being clear with the poor guy, he's all over the place tying to work to your rules and there you keep moving the goalposts on him, I'm beginning to feel for the poor confused guy I really am.

I think if you'd any decency you would at least allow him a few casual fucks say once or twice a month just to help him get the stress out of his system, anything less than that is just mean.

No, he knows what the rules are. Don't lie, and don't have sex with other people. That's it, and aside from that, he can do whatever the hell he wants, and I'll be here to support him in it.

I have to follow those same rules too.

And he's the one who keeps changing the goal posts, not me. He's doing it in a very good way, and to make our life stronger. Notice how I'm not backing down from your bullshit that you're posting? Yeah, there's a reason for that, and it's him...

December 19th, 2017, 18:33
And he's not young. He's 23.

Nirish guy
December 19th, 2017, 19:22
No, he knows what the rules are. Don't lie, and don't have sex with other people. And he's the one who keeps changing the goal posts, not me. He's doing it in a very good way, and to make our life stronger.

So, he's broken the first two rules already then - ok. And he's fucking you and your life around to make your life stronger then ( while he's out fucking other guys and you're staying home - yep, ok then, I can see how that would work - or NOT - but hey he MUST have lead a good past life to have found as big an IDIOT as you in this life.

Although I do feel for the poor guy as on one hand he's maybe torn between killing his own personal golden goose that lays golden eggs for him personally and has gooten him out of the drudgery of village life, where he now can live in a nice house and STILL go out a get laid occassionally, then also torn by not doing what his family might be asking him to do which is to pluck that golden goose for all it's worth NOW before it's too late and before he REALLY catches on and kicks him out as they of course aren't stupid either and must be aware just how much Bitcoin has risen this last month or three and so probably have a fair idea what you're worth - dead or alive - as they say in the movies.

What was it you were saying about "watch out the Asians are coming to get you", hmmm maybe it's YOU who might be better be looking over his shoulder (methaphorically speaking I suppose) if and when you DO ever make to to their quaint village - but as I'm guessing that's a sure enough bet NEVER to happen I guess you'll have no worries there then after all.

So on a positive note, if all the Leo is lying to you about is fucking other guys, then just remove that silly rule, that most asians see as nonsense anyway, and hey presto, he'll have no furether reason to lie to you about that - or will your precious ego not allow even the possibiity of such a thing ?? As come on, you dont like anal, he doesn't like blowing you, lets face it he's 23, he needs to get laid well by SOMEONE ffs and so it's only a matter of time before he does - either with your blessing and he comes home again afterwards to you - or NOT and eventually he just fucks off with someone else - you're choice really as it's you making these silly rules to start with apparently.

December 19th, 2017, 22:22
But ... I love it when Nirish "Goes Kerouac". :eek: So Irish, yet so French Canadian.

December 19th, 2017, 22:39
Is it that long ago we were dealing with Leo's late puberty and hair growing in unexpected places.

December 20th, 2017, 00:09
yeah matty...life sucks...not only are u as blind as a bat (yeah right..) but now the love of your life, your support system, your reason for living is out and about giving his arse out to anyone that wants it..and you have to pay all the bills...and u get nothing...nada...zero...in return...hehehehe..fool

December 20th, 2017, 01:35
And he's not young. He's 23.Almost on the pension

December 20th, 2017, 01:46
I was running a business that I started with just an idea, and had 5 full time employees when I was 20.

He's not young.

Hell, just a little while ago in world history, 14 year olds were being uniformed and sent into war.

EDIT: Actually, what am I talking about? 14 year olds are soldiers in war zones all over the world right now.

December 20th, 2017, 06:59
I was running a business that I started with just an idea, and had 5 full time employees when I was 20.And now look at you - washed up and broke, an illegal immigrant in the backblocks of a Third World country

14 year olds are soldiers in war zones all over the world right now.But not old enough to fuck?

December 20th, 2017, 07:15
I'm not broke at the moment. Not rich, but not broke.

Give me 6 months.

December 20th, 2017, 07:32
Joe, see post #107 of this thread, by kkjason, and he does indeed seem like a nice guy.

Thank you. I would hope I am a nice guy, as this world has enough dicks in it already. It's kind of funny how we ended up in Khon Kaen. We were living in Bangkok and had decided that we would indeed make a go at this living together thing. We narrowed our choices down to Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. There are too many white people in Chiang Mai, so we ruled that out. We loved Bangkok and there are a great many working professional Westerners there to keep my sanity. But, alas, we decided that we would like to try the more laid back atmosphere in Khon Kaen. Neither of us had even been here before. Within a week we were in love with the place.

We both have a good healthy mix of straight and gay friends. We are very good friends with two other couples in the area. We regularly go out and interact with others. This is how you maintain a healthy relationship, I think. We both have a set of friends, and we have a group of friends together. In addition, we bought a house and have adapted well to life here. I hope to be a positive contributor to this board, even if I do go periods without checking in. If anyone ever has a question about this part of the country, I would be happy to provide my insight - just as I enjoy reading the input of others from different places in Thailand.

Cheers -

December 20th, 2017, 07:51
I weep at Latins cruelty towards his fellow fantasist.

December 20th, 2017, 08:51
To be noted: Both kkjason and snotface have a number of likes far exceeding their number of posts. Well done, gentlemen. :)

December 20th, 2017, 09:56
kkjason, apologies for forgetting your name earlier. You may not have heard, because it's rarely been mentioned, that I will be in KK on 15 and 16 January. Just don't tell Matt - it's meant to be a surprise. Anyway, since I won't be meeting him (because he doesn't exist, apparently) I'd like to invite you to have a beer or dinner on the evening of the 16th (Tuesday). I'm staying at Charonchit House.

December 20th, 2017, 10:17
Oh, so you did choose my reccomendation of hotel? Cool, it's easy for Leo and myself to get to. It's about a 5 minute walk from Fairy Plaza, so no problem.

December 20th, 2017, 11:13
Yes Matt, looks like a nice place and a good price. See you there in a couple of weeks.

December 20th, 2017, 12:00
Yeah, it's a good hotel, and good value for the money.


December 20th, 2017, 12:06
See you there in a couple of weeks.But will he see you?

December 20th, 2017, 12:16
Now, now, Smiles, play nice.

December 20th, 2017, 12:43
It's about a 5 minute walk from Fairy Plaza. Of course I had to look that up and indeed there is a mall in Khon Kaen by that name, patronised by both gay and straight customers. I had hoped it would turn out to be exclusively gay.

Imagine a mall just for the LGBT community. What items would we find on the menu at a gay McDonald's or Pizza Hut? Or, KFC (which might produce many interesting interpretations at a gay mall).

December 20th, 2017, 13:04
Well bob, with KFC it's obviously chicken (a reference to very young men).

Apparently, latin doesn't do fast food. He expects the full 3 hours. As for me, after the first 5 minutes, how do you entertain the boy? I just send him on his way.

December 20th, 2017, 13:31
Do you think Matt's post are putting off other members from posting? I don't see why they should. Lots of room on the board.

December 20th, 2017, 14:24
Do you think Matt's post are putting off other members from posting?

I don't think Matt's posts are putting off other members from posting. What some members, both old and new, might find off-putting is the number of critical posts that Matt receives, or the intensive scrutiny of his inconsistencies.

December 20th, 2017, 19:38
Do you think Matt's post are putting off other members from posting? I don't see why they should. Lots of room on the board.

Yep, I do. That's why I'm going quiet. I can't even confirm it's cold in Thailand without a personal shitfest about me erupting, so this is obviously quite stupid.

I don't want to hurt the board, so I'll exit.

December 20th, 2017, 21:57
I don't want to hurt the board, so I'll exit.

I wonder why the words 'Frank Sinatra' and 'retirement' popped into my head as I read that. :rolleyes:

December 20th, 2017, 22:05
Not the same Snotty. Ol' Blue Eyes' comebacks were fueled by popular demand.

December 21st, 2017, 07:43
kkjason, apologies for forgetting your name earlier. You may not have heard, because it's rarely been mentioned, that I will be in KK on 15 and 16 January. Just don't tell Matt - it's meant to be a surprise. Anyway, since I won't be meeting him (because he doesn't exist, apparently) I'd like to invite you to have a beer or dinner on the evening of the 16th (Tuesday). I'm staying at Charonchit House.

Sounds good to me - My idea of an evening meal is, however, beer, so drinks it might be. Just send me a message closer to time and we'll see if we can work something out - Safe travels -

December 21st, 2017, 08:32
@KKJason -- Since you don't reply to my PMs, do we know each other? Are you who I think you are?

If so, a) can I pay you back finally? I've been trying, but you don't let me. And b) can I buy you and your BF a free dinner at a nice restaurant on the 23rd? It's on me.

If so, can

December 21st, 2017, 09:13
Hey Matt;

I am not a forum expert by any stretch of the imagination - of this or any forum for that matter. I do not do private messages - so am not sure where to even look. I'm sure I'll see you around town if you are out and about - we frequent most places - going out 3 or 4 nights a week, and having nice evenings at home the others. Cheers -

December 21st, 2017, 09:56
Oh, if you frequent most places, then I don't know you.

Anyway, if you and your BF want a free dinner, show up to Pomodoro on the 23rd at 7pm. It's Leo's borthday, and want to give him a good day.