View Full Version : Sorry, what did you say?

December 11th, 2017, 18:43
I'm off now to get tested for a hearing aid. I said, I'M OFF NOW......

Report back this evening

December 11th, 2017, 19:49
A hearing aid?

Have you only ONE ear, or is one ear older than the other and thus has more age-related deafness?

Failing the above criteria or some trauma particular to one ear, you're going to need TWO!!


December 11th, 2017, 20:01
This is actually a question that comes up often. Would you rather be blind or deaf?

That's a tough one. What would you prefer, joe?

December 11th, 2017, 22:33
Matt, I'm not totally deaf - more hard of hearing - in that I struggle to hear conversation in certain situations, like background music, or 2 or 3 conversation going on at the same time. My brother's daughters are notorious for this. When I'm out there, there are at least 3 conversations going on at the same time, and I can't tune in to any of them. To answer your question directly, personally I would prefer to lose my hearing than my sight.

SG, you forgot the final front ear!

So yes, I need to have a hearing aid in both ears. Won't get them till the end of January, after my trip. I don't see it as a big deal, it will just make life easier when I'm out.