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View Full Version : True character...

December 8th, 2017, 18:06
Let's see if we can turn this into an actual thread, instead of a bitchfest. Yes, it's going to include a personal story...

Leo's mom is back in the hospital, and she's been in and out for months now. He's heading out tomorrow morning to go see her, and be with the family. During discourse today, I learned a new little fact I didn't know about before. I guess a while ago, Leo dipped into his savings, bought some gold, gave it to his mother while she was in the hospital, and said it was from me. The meaning behind it being, "don't worry mom, I'll be ok. I have a great husband who takes good care of me, so much so that he bought you this gold". I didn't even know he did it until today when another hospital emergency came up.

Gotta say, I lucked out finally for once in my life. That's true and noble character if I ever seen it.

Any other stories similar to share? Would love to hear more...

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2017, 21:31
Yeah so of course you thought "shit awww how touching" and in view of your receent Bitcoin investments rocketing you immediately then refunded him the cost of that gold so that he wasn't out of pocket and to show both him and his mum that you ARE in deed the lovely guy that he's presenting to his mother - didn't you ??

December 8th, 2017, 21:39
Gee, a cynical reply on SGT. Who would have though.

Or maybe he's just a good hearted guy who appreciates the fact I take care of him, and more importantly, wanted to not worry his dieing mother, and wanted to ensure her that he'll be ok if she passes on.

December 8th, 2017, 21:49

December 9th, 2017, 02:00
...or maybe Leo is a smart cookie...by letting mum and by extension the rest of the family tribe know that its your cash and not his, by implying he has none, he's cash is safe from their grasping hands. Most Thais find it difficult to say no to family. He can hide behind you, the tight fisted farang.
But then maybe Im wrong and I apologise as I would hate to add to anyones pain as this does involve a sick mum.

December 9th, 2017, 02:10
...or maybe Leo is a smart cookie...by letting mum and by extension the rest of the family tribe know that its your cash and not his, by implying he has none, he's cash is safe from their grasping hands. Most Thais find it difficult to say no to family. He can hide behind you, the tight fisted farang.
But then maybe Im wrong and I apologise as I would hate to add to anyones pain as this does involve a sick mum.

yYeah, sick mom. 3am here, and he's off in a taxi right now. Apparently, her situation rapidly worsened.

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 03:36
yYeah, sick mom. 3am here, and he's off in a taxi right now. Apparently, her situation rapidly worsened.

Hope his mum is ok, notice you still didn't answer the question though.....

December 9th, 2017, 03:48
What question? Whether or not Leo is fucking me over for a quick financial reward of a few thousand baht? I'm not even going to dignify that, hence why I didn't answer.

December 9th, 2017, 03:52
... and I apologise as I would hate to add to anyones pain as this does involve a sick mum.Well quite, but I did know a bar boy once who made quite a killing out of seeking money from various mug punters for "blood transfusions" for his otherwise healthy father

December 9th, 2017, 04:34
matty u got it all wrong, looking at the message trail until kind hearted frequent jumped in at the end no one accused leo of scamming u.

December 9th, 2017, 06:29
Every time one of these threads starts I see Matt as the Road Runner pursued by a succession of Wily Coyotes. And not the dancing variety. Mr Arsenal recommends the Acme Catch-a-Mattic. Just $99.99.

December 9th, 2017, 09:24
Let's see if we can turn this into an actual thread, instead of a bitchfest. Yes, it's going to include a personal story...

Leo's mom is back in the hospital, and she's been in and out for months now. He's heading out tomorrow morning to go see her, and be with the family. During discourse today, I learned a new little fact I didn't know about before. I guess a while ago, Leo dipped into his savings, bought some gold, gave it to his mother while she was in the hospital, and said it was from me. The meaning behind it being, "don't worry mom, I'll be ok. I have a great husband who takes good care of me, so much so that he bought you this gold". I didn't even know he did it until today when another hospital emergency came up.

Gotta say, I lucked out finally for once in my life. That's true and noble character if I ever seen it.

Any other stories similar to share? Would love to hear more...

Nice story.
I say that in a non cynical way.

December 9th, 2017, 10:46
matty u got it all wrong, looking at the message trail until kind hearted frequent jumped in at the end no one accused leo of scamming u.

Maybe I got it wrong. What was the question? No, the family knows exactly how much Leo has in his bank account, especially since the majority of it came from his older brother. He's a head monk, and apparently Buddhism works quite a bit like Christianity, meaning the head monks get to be really rich. Same as ministers out West get to buy really nice houses because God appreciates the work they do, type of thing. I guess Buddhism works in the same way.

Anyway, this sucks, and there's nothing I can do. He got to the hospital in time, and she remembers who he is, but I guess that's about it. Now I'm just stuck sitting here like a blind idiot, worrying like crazy, waiting for that impending call to let me know she's passed on. And there's nothing I can do.... he knows I love him, and I'm here for him. That's all I can do.

December 9th, 2017, 14:23
I hope she recovers soon. It would be too bad if Leo could not return to enable you to meet Joe.

December 9th, 2017, 15:20
I hope she recovers soon. It would be too bad if Leo could not return to enable you to meet Joe.

Are you serious?

Whatever, now's not the time.

From the sounds of things, she'll be cremated in about a week, so don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to meet Joe.

What an asshole...

December 9th, 2017, 15:26
Fuck, and here I was hoping for a decent thread. I was hoping folks like Smiles would chime in, and give some experiences of how Pot stepped up to the plate and astonished him in a way he didn't expect, and so on.

But this is SGT, so of courese not...

December 9th, 2017, 16:21
From the sounds of things, she'll be cremated in about a week, so don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to meet Joe.


Has she died then?

December 9th, 2017, 16:33
Fucking hope so if they're cremating her

December 9th, 2017, 16:49
Has she died then?

I have no idea. All I get is little snippets of info via e-mail, and hopefully a phone call on Line later today. I do know she's laying in a hospital bed crying because it hurts every where. That's all I know right now.

December 9th, 2017, 16:58
Shit - having seen the woeful (lack of) standards of Vietnamese public hospitals (when bf's mum was in) I shudder to think of the conditions in Laos (or wherever) that she is suffering in

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 17:04
What question? Whether or not Leo is fucking me over for a quick financial reward of a few thousand baht? I'm not even going to dignify that, hence why I didn't answer.

No, the"so you did I trust immediately then refunded him the cost of that gold so that he wasn't out of pocket" - didn't you ?

That was the question.

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 17:07
Every time one of these threads starts I see Matt as the Road Runner pursued by a succession of Wily Coyotes. And not the dancing variety. Mr Arsenal recommends the Acme Catch-a-Mattic. Just $99.99.

Pursued - I just asked a simple albeit cynical question ( and cynical as I am when it comes to most of my dealings with Thai's etc these days not just "leo" per se)- and a question that I would have asked anyone else in exactly the same situation. Whether or not Matt decides to answer is his own business thereafter.

I actually would be more of the thinking that Matt, what with him being as well of as he undoubtedly must be just now, should perhaps have taken note that if Leo felt it appropriate to bring gold to his mother on her death bed "from Matt" then Matt perhaps should have been on the ball re that there from conversations they no doubt have about such cultural differences saying that that that might be required meaning he could have then supplied it if he chose to - hence my question. Or Matt might have thought, fuck that, no way am I'm buying / sending gold to the family "from me" for ANY reason. Again hence my question.

And no matter what the answer to me any a valid question either way about the differences of life and culture life when living with an Asian guy and as I said always Matt's decision to answer or not. Personally I dont see it as a big issue, he either bought it or he let Leo crack on and get it himself and say it was from him., as to buying a person gold on their death bed, cant say I've ever heard of that before so also happy to learn about new parts of Thai / Lao culture of course.

December 9th, 2017, 17:26
NIrish, while Matt is entirely capable of defending himself, I feel your pursuit of this question at this time is somewhat insensitive.

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 17:33
As you can see Joe from the timeline of posts when I posted my question there was no talk whatsoever of Leo's mother dying or being on her death bed, merely that Leo was going to visit his mum the next day in hospital etc. The rest has developed since in a few hours and I've said at least twice he should only answer if he chooses to. Likewise my post above is in answer to Arsenals post re persuing etc.

If Matt's boyfriends mother is on her death bed, from which i hope she recovers from quickly of course, then I'm sure that he's much more important things to be doing there than reading the board anyway. Baring in mind that his OP in this thread was nothing whatsoever to do with death etc that but more just a general post about "do other people have nice stories of things they know they're BF does" etc - so not exactly doom and gloom at that point. So, sorry if you think what you do, I dont share your view re my previous post.

December 9th, 2017, 17:38
I think you're quite entitled to ask the question - I'm simply commenting on the timing, given what Matt has told us.

Since there is nothing he can do about that situation, perhaps he's using the Board to distract himself until he hears some definite news?

December 9th, 2017, 18:28
Why did you not go with him ? He is your partner is he not ? Unbelieveable, you let him go alone. Never mind the bollocks gold story, if you are his boyfriend, you would be there right next to him.

Here you were judging me for having someone on the go, but rest assured, if my boyfriend's mother (or father) was on the brink of dying, I would not drag my feet, and go to Lao with him, even from the Netherlands, no questions asked. Come logical.

December 9th, 2017, 18:36
justaguy, surely you're familiar with Matt's immigration status in Thailand?

December 9th, 2017, 18:39
justaguy, surely you're familiar with Matt's immigration status in Thailand?

Not really, I think he once claimed to be illegally in Thailand, but of course that would pose a problem for his intended trip to Lao whenever he decides to move to Lao.

Some of what he posts I take with a grain of salt.

December 9th, 2017, 20:43
justaguy, surely you're familiar with Matt's immigration status in Thailand?

Which is why (IMHO) he was extremely foolish to post his pic on this message board - there can't be too many youngish white blind farang with Laotian BF and assorted canines living in KK.

Let's just say that Sherlock Holmes would not be required - even the BIB could work that one out

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 22:58
Lucky for Matt that Neal isn’t still with us or the immigration police would already have been notified, photograph forwarded and them being half way through breaking Matts door down to arrest him by now !

Brad the Impala
December 9th, 2017, 23:49
Why did you not go with him ? He is your partner is he not ? Unbelieveable, you let him go alone. Never mind the bollocks gold story, if you are his boyfriend, you would be there right next to him.

This is a very crass post.

December 10th, 2017, 02:48
Why did you not go with him ? He is your partner is he not ? Unbelieveable, you let him go alone. Never mind the bollocks gold story, if you are his boyfriend, you would be there right next to him.

Here you were judging me for having someone on the go, but rest assured, if my boyfriend's mother (or father) was on the brink of dying, I would not drag my feet, and go to Lao with him, even from the Netherlands, no questions asked. Come logical.

You think I didn't immediately offer to go when he was initially leaving? You think I didn't offer to go multiple times yesterday? And she's even in Thailand at the moment. In Mukaharadeen, or whatever that city is called that's on the border with Laos.

I've been told to stay put though, which is understandable. There's lots of family there, this is a family affair, and I'm not currently part of that family. I've never met any member of that family yet, so me being there would be more of a distraction than anything.

He knows it's a simple e-mail or phone call, and I'm in a taxi, and will be there in a few hours. Besides, decision hasn't been made yet, but come tomorrow / later today she's probably either getting moved to KK Ram hospital, or going back to the village to die, because the current doctors can't figure out what's wrong with her.

December 10th, 2017, 13:29
Mukaharadeen, or whatever that city is called that's on the border with Laos.It's 'Mukdahan' ya twat. And it's a Province as well as a city. Try consulting a map before jumping in. Oops ... I forgot ... right.

Lao music from Mukdahan:


December 10th, 2017, 14:32
I did look at a map, but it was all black for some reason.

Stupid map...

December 11th, 2017, 01:43
Matt. Just curious. If you can't see to read a map, how do you see to read posts on this board?

December 11th, 2017, 02:07
Matt. Just curious. If you can't see to read a map, how do you see to read posts on this board?

Orca screen reader for LINUX. :) My computer talks to me.

It's annoying, but it works. The most annoying part is when visiting a new site, you have to play around and try to figure out how it's formatted. For example, I know all posts on SGT are enclosed in "blockquote" HTML tags, so I just hit Q to move down to the next post, or Shift+Q to move up.

To make this reply, I just pressed E for the next entry field, and my screen reader said "rich text editor entry field". I then pushed Insert+A and my screen reader said "focus mode", meaning it's ok to type. Now I push Insert+A again, will get "browse mode", and I push B for next push button and my screen reader will say "post quick reply push button", to which I just hit enter.

Annoying, but it works, and you get used to it. :)

I probably look pretty funny though. I just sitting here in bed, with a couple pillows behind me. Have a USB keyboard on my lap and headphones on, while my laptop is about 2 feet to the side of me. I just sit here and stare into the void as I type / listen away. You know those little bumps on the F and J keys? Yeah, those are pretty important for folk like me.