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December 6th, 2017, 23:21
The Cafe Royale show bar closed tonight with signs on the windows ...only in Thai... wtf?

Some say closed until January. Cannot confirm.

Hotel appears open.

December 6th, 2017, 23:26
Tonight (Wed) is the third consecutive night that it has been closed.

December 7th, 2017, 01:22
All gone to Jomtien as previously suspected??

December 7th, 2017, 11:05
This is not a good sign for Boyztown. I hope someone can make a go of this place. It's a prime location so perhaps the rent was extortionate.

December 7th, 2017, 14:48
I'm not a fan of the show bar (or any bar that doesn't have doors) but it would be very sad if Cafe Royal closed. I have happy memories of it in the late 90s when the staff wore pink shirts and white shorts....some were very cute. After many changes (and bereavements), it seemed to be doing OK a few years ago when the guy who used to run Oscar's (David) was manager.
I agree with arsenal; Boyztown needs the totemic venues like Cafe Royal to survive. I wonder if the hotel rooms were too affected by noise from below to be popular? A couple of years back, I looked at its rooms to assist a friend planning his stay. They had improved enormously since when I stayed there. The prices were acceptable, too.

Nirish guy
December 7th, 2017, 15:05
You'd never know what's going on there as ever time I / my friends talk to David ? the owner ( byw you DO mean the Thai guy with big muscles there do you ? as I wasn't aware his name was david but of course that means nothing Pattaya ?) but every time I /my mate talk with him we get different stories about either him owning the bar or at least being the front facing owner of the bar for his farang business partner - or something else depending what day it is.

We then tend to get a different story / sob story about how he's either doing really well or has "lost everything", or how he was scammed out of the bar by another Thai ( the REAL bar owner ?) who basically foreclosed on him RENTING not owning the bar ? as his farang business partner had stopped paying him and / or had screwed him over in some another huge business deal and that he's either a millionaire or broke - mind you he lives in a nice apartment and drives a nice car and isn't short of a baht or two it seems still !

So either that or that he's giving all that bar up and opening a new bar for himself in Jomtien "shortly" and getting out of boystown altogether - so perhaps the latter has finally come true at last ?

Either way there's nothing every straight forward in the stories you hear from him and on a personal level once you've "been" with him if you then move on ( as you do) you get bombarded with " I seen you in boystown and you not come to my bar, I KNOW you dont like me and not want to meet me" messages trying to guilt trip you into either going to the bar or for another meet - and that's not just to me, he has played the same "game" with my friend also separately to me, not knowing we're both aware of the messages he sends to each of us.

Personally I'm at the stage now of either just ignoring him completely or when we meet face to face ( now when I'm with my friend and he's twigged the two of us ARE friends) that I simply nod and dont disagree with him re the not liking thing as he's got a point there as I I can't be doing with all that needy guilt trip game playing he TRIES to do so well, it maybe works on other farang ( such as my mate who DOES fall for it and replies every time !) but definitely not on me.

December 7th, 2017, 15:27
I believe Oliver is referring to (English) David K - one half of the Dolly Sisters - who has run a few bars in Sunee and BT, most notably Oscars. He is currently managing Panorama I think. You undoubtedly know him, NIrish.

I think LCR was a bit of a poisoned chalice even by the time David took it on - much of the problem being the rooms were about 30-40 years out of date and as you'll remember some were even sold off or rented off or whatever the deal was, to Copa.

Not that he was in charge of the accomodation side of the business as the American guy ran that (and that was another problem I think - having 2 different managers), but if the accommodation is right it brings customers into the restaurant and bar.

I think David was left to flog a bit of a dying horse, which is a bit of a pity because I have a lot of time for him - he's a really nice guy.

As to what happened after that, what with the buy out and the re-naming etc I'm not so familiar as I lost interest when they substantially closed the restaurant. After a night out in BT we always used to end up in the restaurant for a late night meal with whichever lads we had picked up on our travels.

Fond memories also of entertainment from Toi and El Duo - but then I've never been in Thailand as you know so I'm probably making it all up!

Nirish guy
December 7th, 2017, 15:34
Ahh ok - sorry to be clear then I'm talking about the body builder Thai guy who (claims/ claimed ) to be the owner / manager of both Oscars and then LCR too ( I presume when the Oscars management took it over)

December 7th, 2017, 15:42
OK I didn't know Oscars had changed hands from the Aussie guy who was still there the last time I was in - he did say to me he had a potential buyer but not who it was. Also didn't realise that that buyer then went on to buy/rent LCR

Nirish guy
December 7th, 2017, 15:56
Ahh yes I do know David, nice guy as you say BUT many years ago he / the hotel tried to stiff me on a hotel phone bill. To be fair I HAD used the phone to place quite a few business calls but hadn’t checked their ( ridiculous) in room call costs so when the bill came it was something daft like 5000 or something for ten per minute billed calls ( or something like that - long time ago now). So I went down and discussed it with him to say look I don’t mind over paying but you’re taking the piss at those rates so let’s do a deal and move on - but no, please pay every baht was the answer, so I paid in full but pointing out that I’d never stay again and I never have.

Meanwhile re the bars and ownerships etc I am of course only repeating what I was told by that Thai “owner” ( manager / front man) and what I had witnessed with my own eyes re him starting / managing one bar ( the first oscars) and then his moving across all three bars with some of his staff and dancers etc (mainly) following - as to whether it’s all true as to who owns or owned what I have NO idea of course as TIT so I’m sure most farang, myself included, I / we would be the last people to know the actual truth and facts behind Thai bar ownership / licensing / rental agreements anyway.

December 8th, 2017, 00:48
Sorry to hear about the phone bill experience.

The advent of mobile phones must have really kicked all hotels hard in the balls - because they used to make a mint out of phone calls.

Maybe someone will post about telephone charges at the Tarntawan and if they've gone up or down and if so, by what percentage.

A table of charges and a list of specimen calls would be especially helpful.

We can only hope. :p

December 8th, 2017, 00:51
The muscle guy is called Beam
I think you are confusing the Oscars bit... he first had Castro in the premises that was originally Amor and is now Cupidol
Around the time that Castro swapped over to the old Copa/Throb/Cockpit premises, he left and setup New Cafe Royale showbar

December 8th, 2017, 00:52
Now you're just being naughty, SG.

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2017, 00:56
The muscle guy is called Beam
I think you are confusing the Oscars bit... he first had Castro in the premises that was originally Amor and is now Cupidol
Around the time that Castro swapped over to the old Copa/Throb/Cockpit premises, he left and setup New Cafe Royale showbar

Yes sorry Colmx, you are absolutely right, it got to the stage of being hard to keep up with all the changes for a while there!

So, HAS he now closed up shop and moved to open a bar in Jomtien perhaps or is he still in boys town perhaps ( or gone altogether even maybe as everything always seemed very fluid with him) ?

December 8th, 2017, 01:08
Well I have to take my hat off to you guys for remembering guys' names from years ago. When I wake up with a boy in the bed, I really struggle to remember his name.

December 8th, 2017, 09:16
So, HAS he now closed up shop and moved to open a bar in Jomtien perhaps or is he still in boys town perhaps ( or gone altogether even maybe as everything always seemed very fluid with him) ?

Beam has closed Cafe Royale (not sure if it is permanent) at Boyztown and opened the M2M show bar at Jomtiem Complex. He was at the M2M bar last night, greeting and chatting with customers.

December 8th, 2017, 12:20
Well I have to take my hat off to you guys for remembering guys' names from years ago. When I wake up with a boy in the bed, I really struggle to remember his name.Most Thai boys have a monosyllabic nickname. I think I fucked the entire alphabet over the course of a couple of months - A, B ... J ... T and so on

Nirish guy
December 8th, 2017, 16:07
Beam has closed Cafe Royale (not sure if it is permanent) at Boyztown and opened the M2M show bar at Jomtiem Complex. He was at the M2M bar last night, greeting and chatting with customers.

So is that M&M bar "his" bar then, i.e he's the owner, or maybe just perhaps manager - or just "working there" I wonder ??

Edit - I just read your other post elsewhere re a farang welcoming people on opening night so I guess that would imply "owner on paper" / manager perhaps.

December 8th, 2017, 16:29
Most Thai boys have a monosyllabic nickname. I think I fucked the entire alphabet over the course of a couple of months - A, B ... J ... T and so on

Would that be the English alphabet or the Thai alphabet?

December 8th, 2017, 17:58
No, it's true. They don't seem to have a legal middle name here, but they do all get a nickname upon birth.

It doesn't say "loe" or "Kim" or "Earn" or "nun" or "oat", or whatever on their birth certificate or driver's license, but that's how they're known by everyone. At the same time, they don't seem to ever have a middle name, like we do in the West.

December 8th, 2017, 22:08
At the same time, they don't seem to ever have a middle name, like we do in the West.

I don't have a middle name so am I Thai ?

December 8th, 2017, 22:30
French people don't get a middle name? Well, learn something new every day. :)

December 8th, 2017, 23:22
I have 3 names - 2 given at baptism, the other at confirmation. Joseph Stephen Michael

December 8th, 2017, 23:31
So is that M&M bar "his" bar then, i.e he's the owner, or maybe just perhaps manager - or just "working there" I wonder ??

Edit - I just read your other post elsewhere re a farang welcoming people on opening night so I guess that would imply "owner on paper" / manager perhaps.

It looked to me like there is a sponsor and it is often the case that a Thai partner holds the licence for the bar and deals with the the staff etc

December 9th, 2017, 00:20
I have 3 names - 2 given at baptism, the other at confirmation. Joseph Stephen Michael

I'm not religious, but 3 Saints if I'm not mistaken.

Lucky for you your mother didn't throw Philomena into the mix!!

December 9th, 2017, 00:33
It was usual back then to only name children after saints. More variety in first names now. I was known as Philomena back in my stripper days.

December 9th, 2017, 01:35
It doesn't say "loe" or "Kim" or "Earn" or "nun" or "oat", or whatever on their birth certificate
I have noticed that gogo and coyote boys often also have a "stage name"
e.g. they are known as Ton in the bar to colleagues, mamasan and customers, but are known as Ice to close friends and family

December 9th, 2017, 02:07
No, it's true. They don't seem to have a legal middle name here, but they do all get a nickname upon birth.

It doesn't say "loe" or "Kim" or "Earn" or "nun" or "oat", or whatever on their birth certificate or driver's license, but that's how they're known by everyone. At the same time, they don't seem to ever have a middle name, like we do in the West.

From what I heard, the official first names and family names in Thailand are fairly unique, so there is no need for middle names. For older generations I have the impression that nicknames and first names are related or even the same. Sometimes when they arrive in a new social circle, friends will call them by a new nickname.

Nirish guy
December 9th, 2017, 03:34
Reminds me of the old joke about the Indian child who asked his father how he was named and the father replied "All indian children after named after the first thing the father sees as the baby is born my son, now, why is it you ask two dogs fucking?" :-)

December 9th, 2017, 03:47
From what I heard, the official first names and family names in Thailand are fairly uniqueAbout 50% of the guys seem to end in "pong" but maybe that's a generational thing too - or possibly I select "pongs" in what I imagined was a completely random process of lining up a fuck

December 9th, 2017, 03:55
It was usual back then to only name children after saints. More variety in first names now. I was known as Philomena back in my stripper days.Surely Sexburga (http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=5826) would have been more apposite?

December 9th, 2017, 07:14
I've been told that apart from having "stage names" the guys also have other nicknames given to them by their friends and family.

It's a bonding mechanism.

If, for example, you join a football team in Australia, the first thing your team mates do is come up with a nickname. I was told this by a former star football player I once met at a party. His nickname was "the rat". He said he had earned a reputation as a womaniser whilst working is way up through the junior leagues. He was into women like a rat up a drainpipe.

December 9th, 2017, 16:32
...He was into women like a rat up a drainpipe.

I just ate!!

Highly apposite metaphor though.

December 9th, 2017, 19:13
I've been told that apart from having "stage names" the guys also have other nicknames given to them by their friends and family.

It's a bonding mechanism.

If, for example, you join a football team in Australia, the first thing your team mates do is come up with a nickname. I was told this by a former star football player I once met at a party. His nickname was "the rat". He said he had earned a reputation as a womaniser whilst working is way up through the junior leagues. He was into women like a rat up a drainpipe.

Drainpipe? I seem to recall that it was once called a vagina.

December 9th, 2017, 19:20
Smells the same.

(So I've heard)

December 10th, 2017, 13:20
Is Cafe Royal open or closed?

December 10th, 2017, 14:16
Bar closed, hotel believed to be open.

December 10th, 2017, 14:46
I've checked some of the booking agencies (Agoda etc) and they aren't taking reservations.

December 10th, 2017, 15:01
The hotel is open. It appeared to be serving breakfast this morning.

At night the restaurant and showbar are both closed, for a week already.

One lad I know vaguely was my waiter for dinner eight nights ago, and was last night dancing gogo!

December 11th, 2017, 00:26
I've checked some of the booking agencies (Agoda etc) and they aren't taking reservations.

You’re right, I tried a few and they all said “no availability”, well in to next year.

It’s serious if they are refusing bookings on the eve of “High Season”.

I get the feeling they are collecting the money from current bookings and when that dries up the parasites will move in.

December 28th, 2017, 06:07
Had saved an emailed confirmation of my last trips reservation (weird souvenir huh?) so I thought I would reply directly to Nai at the hotel.
Almost two days later I got :

"Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

Le Cafe Royale (info@lecaferoyale.com)
Your message couldn't be delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, querying the Domain Name System (DNS) for the recipient's domain location information failed."

They were the first and only hotel I had stayed at since my first trip in 1997. Well one time they were overbooked for my overstay and had to settle for a night at the Ambiance.

December 28th, 2017, 06:35
At the link: http://www.newcaferoyal-pattaya.com/

"Sorry we are closed"
(nothing else on the page at that above link)

January 13th, 2018, 07:53
I know Nai purchased/manages a (girlie)bar on walking street- maybe he can shed some light on this if someone happens to run into him...

What does the hotel look like on the outside- deserted?

January 13th, 2018, 19:43
Bar and restaurant closed and in darkness. Hotel open, believed to be honouring bookings.

January 14th, 2018, 14:57
What does the hotel look like on the outside- deserted?


The photo was taken on Saturday night 13th January. Castro was also closed last night, apparently someone was becoming a monk so they closed on one of the busiest nights of the week but they will be open again tonight. The soi was quite dark, hopefully no more closures or it will be getting like Sunee Plaza where i saw a guy walking around with a torch on Friday night.

January 14th, 2018, 16:02
I suspect the rents make running a successful business there very difficult.

January 14th, 2018, 19:35
So who owns the property then - is it the shadowy Mr S (who seemed to own half of BT at one time) or is he dead now?

January 15th, 2018, 08:51
I suspect the rents make running a successful business there very difficult.

even without overpriced farang managers salaries to pay...
(Nai and Noom were worth even more than whatever they were paid)