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View Full Version : Liaisons Dangereuses

December 3rd, 2017, 03:25
So, Ronan and I are meeting on Monday to plan for our night out in Pattaya. The usual logistics apply, sleeping bags, a tent, a primus stove, water bottles, KY jelly (for him), If you can think of something we might forget (no matter how obvious it might seem), please post a reminder. We can't think of everything. And to be honest, colmx is useless in the planning phase,

Nirish guy
December 3rd, 2017, 03:54
Ah HELLO - I don’t believe you mentioned packing any alcohol !!? My god, call yourselves Irish men. Shame on you both !

December 3rd, 2017, 03:59
Ah jaysus, NIrish, surely (don't keep calling me surely) even you as a Northerner, mentioning alcohol is like saying we're going to breathe every day. Goes without saying. Colmx hasn't had much of a hand in the planning, but he's agreed to supply the Tequila.

Nirish guy
December 5th, 2017, 07:25
Well it's just because of my own strong born again christian stance against alcohol that I dont take it but I just presumed you would and hence why I thought it important to ensure you'd remembered. Me I'll be in my local church praying for your alcohol soaked souls whilst you sin your soul to excess there in sin city. ( god I can't even type that without the jealously shining through it seems ! :-(

December 5th, 2017, 07:30
See my post on logistics. Keep praying for me. One day I hope to be cured.

Nirish guy
December 5th, 2017, 07:43
yes I'll pray for your redemption to Saint Brendan - the patron saint of Irish cream liqueurs