View Full Version : Significant other

December 3rd, 2017, 01:56
Apart from you current partner, boyfriend, husband, significant other, etc., what was your favourite boy like? And how long did it last? Did I mention Si Saket? Think I must have.

December 3rd, 2017, 02:42
Had a few favourites, but will never forget the first time I went to Thailand, and the very first Thai boy that I managed to get into bed .
I couldn't take my eyes off him , as he lay on the bed, with his beautiful bronze body contrasting with the white sheets ..
Been totally hooked ever since ..Lol

December 3rd, 2017, 02:52
Absolutely remember that moment (not the one with you and your friend). I was staying at Welcome Plaza Hotel and my friend and I offed boys from BBB (very different back then). I just sat opposite him in the armchair, having a beer, and looking at him. Couldn't believe my luck.

December 3rd, 2017, 02:54
Absolutely remember that moment (not the one with you and your friend). I was staying at Welcome Plaza Hotel and my friend and I offed boys from BBB (very different back then). I just sat opposite him in the armchair, having a beer, and looking at him. Couldn't believe my luck.


December 3rd, 2017, 02:56
Ok maybe luck is the wrong word. But it was my first time, and I was amazed. I really enjoyed his company.

December 3rd, 2017, 03:16
Absolutely remember that moment (not the one with you and your friend). I was staying at Welcome Plaza Hotel and my friend and I offed boys from BBB (very different back then). I just sat opposite him in the armchair, having a beer, and looking at him. Couldn't believe my luck.What you are describing, Joe, is merely lust. Perhaps that's all you do mean when you refer to a "favourite"?

December 3rd, 2017, 04:04
Perhaps. But did other guys have a first experience that lasted beyond a couple of days or weeks? That's really what I was asking about.

For instance, Smiles has described his first contact with Suphot. It's that kind of thing I'm asking about.

December 3rd, 2017, 05:51
Perhaps. But did other guys have a first experience that lasted beyond a couple of days or weeks? That's really what I was asking about.

For instance, Smiles has described his first contact with Suphot. It's that kind of thing I'm asking about.

Depends how high or low your threshold of boredom is. Sex is for fun and pleasure, and boys are fungible

December 3rd, 2017, 07:23
Thanks for the new word frequent.

December 3rd, 2017, 10:34
Oliver uses the word 'fungible' quite often . . . always in some context regarding Palestinians. Go figure.

December 3rd, 2017, 11:06
Well Kim lasted 3.5 years, and is the reason I ended up in Khon Kaen. Does that count?

December 3rd, 2017, 13:03
Eh, no. Just joshing Matt. Glad to see your hand is better. I told you that wanking was the best exercise.

Remind us again of how Kim got you to Khon Kaen? Is that where he's from?

December 3rd, 2017, 13:22
Yeah, his village is about 50km from Khon Kaen. That, and at the end of our Pattaya days his ex-roommate wanted to murder him and was calling 40+ times/day, so we decided best to get out of Pattaya.

Thanks, my hand is better now. Still definitely no jerking off with that hand though. Still painful, but not as bad. Should be all fixed up in a few more days. :) Still don't have any knuckles, but I'm sure they'll come back any day. :)

December 3rd, 2017, 13:45
... at the end of our Pattaya days his ex-roommate wanted to murder him ...In hindsight, would that not have been for the best?

December 3rd, 2017, 13:46
Oh, and I guess you wanted the initial meeting, right? Kim was just at a go-go bar in Sunnee, although can't remember the name. The doormen were telling me a show was about to start, so thought I'd check it out. I ended up at the very corner seat, and on the same corner of the bar was this cute Asian guy who wouldn't stop nodding at me.

I wasn't really looking for an off, but figured "why not? not like I have any plans", so called him over. The mamasan asked if I wanted to off him, and again I said, "yeah, surer, why not?". Then the show startd, and the mamasan asked if he could put clotes on because he was cold, which obviously I said "of course!" to.

I didn't speak a word of Thai then, and he didn't speak a word of English. Not even "where are you from?" or anything, which told me he was new to the scene. Got him back to my studio apartment at Mosaik, told him to help himself to the frdge, while I took care of a couple work e-mails.

I was hoping he'd settle in and make himself comfortable, but nope. He just at at the edge of the bed watching TV, slowly sipping his beer, constantly glancing over at me as if to say, "can we just get this done already?". So I went over, sat beside me, he pulled me down onto my back, and went to work. Within 10 seconds with the use of his tongue he had me giggling like a school girl, and gave me an amazing sexual experience.

Few weeks later I was back in Pattaya, walking around to get some "khao man gai" at 2am, and bumped into him and his freinds. We ended up at karoke that night, and the rest is history.


Leo was simple, and just met on Grindr. Chatted daily for about 8 months before we actually met in person. I remember the first time he came here, he was gone in about a week, because he thought I hated him. Didn't hate him at all, was just angry because he wasn't helping around the house. I'm not a maid. I don't care if you make a mess, but help clean it up. If you're staying here, house chores are 50/50. Didn't take him long to learn that, and he's awesome now.

December 3rd, 2017, 13:52
Thanks Matt, beginning to remember some of your early posts about Kim. As for Leo, glad you've trained him up in the housekeeping department. A real bugbear of mine - no, your towel doesn't end up on the floor when you've had your shower.

Btw, I can't believe you'd off a boy, have him sit in your room while you do work emails? What were you thinking?

December 3rd, 2017, 14:12
t. A real bugbear of mine - no, your towel doesn't end up on the floor when you've had your shower.
Btw, I can't believe you'd off a boy, have him sit in your room while you do work emails? What were you thinking?

I always did that. Wanted them to make themselves comfortable, get to know my vibe to know I'm a good person, etc. Sometimes it worked, and other times it didn't.

you have to admit, being a hooker must be pretty scary, constantly confined in private rooms with total strangers like that. I always liked to go out of my way to let them know I'm not going to harm them, and they don't need to worry.

December 3rd, 2017, 16:42
You're right Matt, but no towels on the floor. It's simple.

December 3rd, 2017, 21:02
This boy (Thoy), for about 5 years:

I know from the last time I posted his pic that at least one other guy on SGT knew him. Met in Gentleman Club late 1999 or 2000's.
Later from Star Boys, Funny Boys,magazine covers (obv) and Findig shoe shop!

He went off to Russia with a farang about 2006/7 (saw some pics of him in Russia on his Facebook). Have heard or seen nothing since.


December 13th, 2017, 10:57
I never made it past what I call the "enamoured" stage. Then either I have to drop the boy for character flaws (usually asking for money) or the boy drops me for character flaws (not giving him money).

The maximum time I stayed together with a boy was 5 days in Feb 2011 (then I had a flight to Europe), and about one week in early 2014 (after that week it became clear to me that the boy is not so much into me sexually, he just needed a room in Bangkok and appreciated the few 100 THB I give him now and then).

December 13th, 2017, 12:13
I never made it past what I call the "enamoured" stage. Then either I have to drop the boy for character flaws (usually asking for money) or the boy drops me for character flaws (not giving him money).

The maximum time I stayed together with a boy was 5 days in Feb 2011 (then I had a flight to Europe), and about one week in early 2014 (after that week it became clear to me that the boy is not so much into me sexually, he just needed a room in Bangkok and appreciated the few 100 THB I give him now and then).

As readers of your blog know only too well. I was particularly amused by your realisation, after all these years, that Thai boys prefer their customers clean-shaven