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View Full Version : In case of emergency

July 19th, 2006, 08:22
One of the issues that faces retiring ex-pats in Thailand is the right to die. It doesn't exist. Doctors can be prosecuted for murder if they turn off life-support systems, even at the patient's request. Herman Goering had his cynadide capsule and I've got mine. My fear is that I won't be in any fit state to use it. My concerns arise out of the latest Hurricane Katrina stories - the natural disaster made worse by the Bushites. Patients who couldn't be moved could have been left to die - but apparently weren't. A dcotor and two nurses have been indicted for murder - death by lethal injection - but I guess if someone had found out beforehand, the patients could instead have faced death by legal injunction.

http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/18/us/18 ... r=homepage (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/18/us/18cnd-orleans.html?hp&ex=1153281600&en=fe902583cbf01178&ei=5094&partner=homepage)

As an insurance adjuster of old, I have an interest in these things

July 19th, 2006, 09:57
Don't worry, dear. If you want to die, just reveal your true identity here. I'm sure that there will be many willing to help you along your way...